To me, there are two realities in which to respond to the information of Dahr Jamail’s article. One has to do with general, the other with personal providence. On the general providence, I’ve read some of your posts being very activist (wili?), others holding a science based distance (crandles?).
On the topic of Jamail’s piece, my feeling is that it doesn’t make any difference what he’s writing or not. More important than what he’s writing vainly is what he’s actually doing…
There are two notions I’ve picked up through my life that support that feeling.
On the one hand, what I’ve seen and learned from our biosphere is that most processes can be described as ‘buffering trajectories’.
On the other hand, for myself and probably my fellow mankind is that ‘delusion’ does the same sort of thing in the conscious mind. Looking back, the message within the “Club of Rome”-report could have initiated the right response at a time when BAU-economy had enough versatility to support a transition to a carbon neutral community. Forty years lost and 3 billion people gained, with a hampering world economy because BAU has run into it’s predicted limits, I’m afraid there’s an even stronger tendency to retreat into the delusion.
As we post our laments, all signs point at the buffers in our biosphere failing. For the scientifically correct; I’ve not the training nor the intellect to prove that. At the same time, I think science will never be able to prove, the maze of interconnection is to intricate.
That leaves me with what I can do within personal providence. I could make my beloved ones very unhappy trying to change the delusion. I won’t. They’re doing what’s within their personal competence. But I did join a green political party. I don’t expect much of politics in general. That’s why I restrict myself to the local activities and do not aspire an official post. I enjoy the friendship within our green community and try to support community resilience within our neighbourhoods while BAU arrangements progressively fade.
The logical part of my mind knows all effort is useless, we’ve already crossed the line. But the heart still believes in compassion and artistic solace, even though it’s painful to witness what’s lost.