It will take the loss of virtually 'everything' before people will (reluctantly) change.
There is plenty of evidence of this.
The known effects of various harmful lifestyle habits (such as smoking or heavy drinking) do not dissuade people who are addicted to these habits. Information does help dissuade those who do NOT have an addiction (but not in all cases).
Addicted people simply don't care enough about their own future to quit (or anybody else's), so they continue. The 'excuse' is 'my addiction' (sometimes called a disease). The impetus to quit (change) only comes upon catastrophe - the loss of everything (health in this case and the onset of disease such as cancer).
Information did not stop people from experimenting with cigarettes. More information did not make millions quit. This only works on the non-addicted and not with 100% success.
Humans are addicted to the energy intensive lifestyle. Coal, oil, cheap energy, cheap transportation, cheap food. They're not going to 'quit' any of this voluntarily. Only catastrophe, the loss of virtually 'everything' would make them quit - make them finally realize they have a life-debilitating disease.
There are many other examples with similar outcomes. The use of carcinogenic chemicals, poisons and toxins continued until it killed lots and lots of people (and in some cases, still continues to this day). The 'addiction' as it were, is profits. If you're not dead, but getting rich off of this 'habit', you'll continue unless you are forced to stop by the courts.
This would be the only non-disease 'quit' available now to human-kind, but even this won't work. A court-ordered, government enforced 'stop this shit right now' sort of thing (burning fossil fuels for example). Except this won't ever happen and could not be enforced anyway, lacking public support and the inability to enforce. We'd simply go on doing it anyway (plenty of proof of this too, such as the extinction of elephants, tigers and rhino's despite 'enforcement' efforts and laws).
So the horrible truth is we aren't going to stop, we're addicted. There is nothing out there to stop us except collapse. Even a 'disease' won't stop us (polluted atmosphere / planet / soil / water, etc.) - all which I note are happening everywhere and yet we won't stop. We are factually addicted, because the very fabric of our civilization / society and way of life is intimately supported by this addiction. We are not willing to reduce or risk any loss of any part of it. We're very angry when it's even marginally threatened.
Economically speaking, this is all very true. Only on the individual level ("going Green for example") could we reduce our addiction, but this will not ever be enough. As long as industry, business, government and civilization itself remains addicted - we're screwed, even if we know it will kill us all.
And that is what is happening. We ARE screwed, there really is no doubt about this at all.
It would "take" the loss of everything - some gigantic, cataclysmic event to get us to stop. But even then - what would we do? We'd rebuild and bring BACK the very thing(s) that were killing us all. We'd rebuild cities, roads, power plants, industry, business, military - virtually ALL of it if we still could.
It's what we do in disasters now - even when it goes beyond common sense and reason to rebuild in those locations or for the reasons we once had. You'd think we'd learn - but clearly we are not and are not even capable of change.
Even with the loss of electricity by some magical means would not get us to "quit" our addiction. We'd adapt to energy consumption in some other form - still contributing massive levels of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. We'd still pollute, rape, pillage and destroy the Earth in the process of 'living'. Our addiction will be our destruction.
If you go deeper, you'll find that civilizations such as ours never lasted. It's actually factually hopeless to think or presume we could. Various authors have written about this, including myself.
Future humanity (if there be any, quite doubtful) will be either similar to tribal, primitive cultures (past or present) or a tiny group of 'survivors' still addicted. If they somehow manage to survive and flourish - they'll screw it all up again, no doubt about this at all.
I rather doubt we're going to make it at all, far too many collapsing dominoes now toppling over. The Earth has never been in this position with the dubious 'contributions' we've made, which is far, far more then just climate change / effects.
Read The World Without Us and The Collapse of Complex Societies for background information on what is happening, why and likely to happen next. Our legacy will be the toxic environment left behind - lasting millions of years after we're gone.
Your uncle is going to enjoy his cigar(s) as long as they are available. Nothing is going to change that. It's simply not in us to "stop" and rebuild ourselves and what we are. We're very destructive, arrogant, indifferent and self-absorbed. Our civilization / society reflects this. The Earth pays for it all, but now we've screwed the pooch and taken too much.
A society of Takers cannot exist forever and shouldn't.