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Author Topic: Funding climate change denial  (Read 4307 times)


  • Nilas ice
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Funding climate change denial
« on: December 24, 2013, 06:17:58 PM »
Interesting new study on who is paying the climate change deniers.  Past exposures have changed how these people do business.

A new study conducted by Drexel University environmental sociologist Robert J. Brulle, PhD, exposes the organizational underpinnings and funding behind the powerful climate change countermovement. This study marks the first peer-reviewed, comprehensive analysis ever conducted of the sources of funding that maintain the denial effort.

Not that previous work by Greenpeace was not sound, but this does count as academic research.

Key findings include:

Conservative foundations have bank-rolled denial. The largest and most consistent funders of organizations orchestrating climate change denial are a number of well-known conservative foundations, such as the Searle Freedom Trust, the John William Pope Foundation, the Howard Charitable Foundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation. These foundations promote ultra-free-market ideas in many realms.

Koch and ExxonMobil have recently pulled back from publicly visible funding. From 2003 to 2007, the Koch Affiliated Foundations and the ExxonMobil Foundation were heavily involved in funding climate-change denial organizations. But since 2008, they are no longer making publicly traceable contributions.

Funding has shifted to pass through untraceable sources. Coinciding with the decline in traceable funding, the amount of funding given to denial organizations by the Donors Trust has risen dramatically. Donors Trust is a donor-directed foundation whose funders cannot be traced. This one foundation now provides about 25% of all traceable foundation funding used by organizations engaged in promoting systematic denial of climate change.

Most funding for denial efforts is untraceable. Despite extensive data compilation and analyses, only a fraction of the hundreds of millions in contributions to climate change denying organizations can be specifically accounted for from public records. Approximately 75% of the income of these organizations comes from unidentifiable sources...

Great chart follows the above quote.
We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

How is it conceivable that all our technological progress - our very civilization - is like the axe in the hand of the pathological criminal? Albert Einstein


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2013, 08:22:27 PM »
Most funding for denial efforts is untraceable.   Approximately 75% of the income of these organizations comes from unidentifiable sources...

"unidentifiable and untraceable" - Allow me to fantasize

There has to be reasons why donors do NOT want their names connected to the denial movement,  other than a fear of a boycott of their product(s) or a tax write-off for donating to a non-profit, what could some of them be?

Because they know, down deep in their heart, AGW is occurring but do not want harm profits in the present or to a couple of few generations of heirs - successors into the future.

Becoming a future assassination target of a fanatic for causing loss of - - - - - - - when a climate catastrophe occurs? ( could help JimD's population problem )

Do not wish to be "associated" with what eventually turns out to be lies and bad propaganda?

Why do they feel it's necessary to disguise beliefs?




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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 01:37:57 PM »


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 05:05:41 PM »

Thanks.  Great read.
We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

How is it conceivable that all our technological progress - our very civilization - is like the axe in the hand of the pathological criminal? Albert Einstein


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2013, 07:14:43 PM »
Well not just climate change denial, but that too,
When we get to a point where there is a universally accepted answer as to why people will not use use their real name on message boards and forums, then we may begin to understand being anonymous.
Many answers - opinions. Same difference?


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2023, 09:00:04 PM »
This thread was started and forgotten in 2013. Perhaps ut needs reviving with a revised name - simply Climate Change Denial

Funders pay for crap as illustrated in this post from skeptical science.....
The escalator rises again
Posted on 1 February 2023 by Ken Rice
One of the most effective, and successful, graphics developed by Skeptical Science is the escalator.  The escalator shows how global surface temperature anomalies vary with time, and illustrates how "contrarians" tend to cherry-pick short time intervals so as to argue that there has been no recent warming, while "realists" recognise that even though there can be short-term variability, the long-term trend clearly indicates the reality of global warming.

A prominent example of the former was the one-time repetitious claim that it hadn't warmed since 1998, a year when there was a very strong El Nino. This claim persisted for quite some time, before - unsurprisingly - being dropped when it became clear that warming hadn't paused. However, this hasn't stopped others from making similar claims about more recent time periods, including, in 2019, a claim that we had just entered a cooling period.  The escalator is a really nice way to illustrate the problem with such nonsense.

However, our escalator is now slightly dated. The original version went up until 2011, while the current version ends in 2015.  We also noticed that Robert Rohde had updated the escalator and produced a staircase of denial.  This motivated us to update our escalator, which we present below.

Source for data used in the graphic: Global mean monthly temperature anomalies, relative to the 1850-1900 mean, from Berkeley Earth.

This gif is a saver. Copy attached
"I wasn't expecting that quite so soon" kiwichick16
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"And that's all I'm going to say about that". Forrest Gump
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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2023, 12:18:12 PM »
An unholy alliance has developed between climate science denialists and ant-vaxxers. Its existence  has emerged from an unlikely source - a traffic reduction scheme in Oxford, England.

And of course, money from Exxon-Mobil, the Koch Institute et al is invloved.
Revealed: The Science Denial Network Behind Oxford’s ‘Climate Lockdown’ Backlash
A traffic filter scheme in Oxfordshire has been “weaponised” by the anti-climate lobby, according to disinformation expert Jennie King.
ByAdam Barnett, Michaela Herrmann and Christopher DeaneonFeb 16, 2023 @ 02:32 PST
The “grassroots” backlash to a traffic reduction scheme in Oxfordshire is being boosted by an international network of established climate and Covid science deniers and amplified by right-wing media, DeSmog can report.

The group ‘Not Our Future’ made headlines last month by putting leaflets through Oxfordshire residents’ letterboxes calling them “guinea pigs” in the UK’s first “climate lockdown”. This was a reference to a conspiracy theory about a government plan to curb people’s freedoms.

False claims about the Oxfordshire County Council scheme to cut traffic and pollution went viral online, with one tweet by climate sceptic author Jordan Peterson being viewed 7.5 million times. The claims, which have seen local councillors receive death threats, have been fact-checked and debunked as misleading, and the council has described them as “harmful to public debate”.

Not Our Future’s director David Fleming, an anti-Covid lockdown and vaccine activist, presents his campaign as a people-powered movement opposed to a coming “authoritarian future” imposed by what he calls “The Blob”.

However, DeSmog can report that the group was conceived by Fleming years before the pandemic or the Oxfordshire scheme, and is backed by a network of high-profile climate deniers and conspiracy theorists based in the UK, Canada, the United States and Australia.

It is also the latest sign of a growing alliance between opponents of climate action and anti-Covid vaccine conspiracy theorists. Not Our Future’s founding signatories include Kathy Gyngell, a trustee of Tufton Street think tank the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), the UK’s main climate science denial group.

Gyngell’s website TCW hosted an anti-vaccine event in London last week with climate denial author James Delingpole, anti-vax MP Andrew Bridgen, and 90s pop group Right Said Fred, the public face of Not Our Future.

Experts say fears generated by the Covid pandemic are being exploited to oppose green policies.

“Until 2020, fear-mongering about so-called ‘green tyranny’ had little to point towards, and often felt like an abstract, even lame Boogeyman,” said Jennie King, head of climate research and policy at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) think tank.

“The pandemic was a moment of genuine trauma for millions of people,” she said. “That trauma has been weaponised by the anti-climate lobby, who now condemn any public policy as an ‘infringement on civil liberties’ and draw direct comparisons with Covid.”

Trouble in Oxford

Oxfordshire County Council is trialling a traffic filter scheme which requires permits on six roads for cars – but not buses, vans, taxis, heavy goods vehicles or motorbikes – to cut traffic and pollution. Parts of Oxford already have a low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) scheme in place.

In December, posts on social media falsely conflated the proposed traffic filter with a separate scheme for 15-minute cities – the idea that people should be able to reach amenities close to their homes – and labelled it a “climate lockdown”.

The subject was raised in parliament for the first time last week by Conservative MP Nick Fletcher, who called 15-minute cities an “international socialist concept”. There was also a segment on the topic on last night’s episode of BBC Newsnight.

Not Our Future
The backlash spilled out into the real world with Not Our Future’s leaflet campaign in Oxford in January. The group was registered as a limited company in August 2022 by Fleming, who has a background in marketing for Formula One racing.

In 2020, Fleming founded Covid-19 Assembly, a Covid denial group which was dissolved as a limited company in April 2022, without having published any accounts, according to openDemocracy.

While Fleming is best known for his Covid activism, DeSmog can reveal that he claims his first motivation for setting up the campaign was his opposition to the UK’s climate policies.

In an interview last month, Fleming said: “I first came up with this idea three, four years ago because of climate. Theresa May had signed us up to Net Zero, and the public just didn’t know anything. I didn’t know how to start it then, whereas Covid gave me that opportunity to step up.”

He said the purpose of the campaign was to promote “the great reset”, a right-wing conspiracy theory about a global plot by sinister forces to impose their will on the world. It distorts a real sustainability initiative launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020 in response to the Covid pandemic. 

However, Not Our Future conceals this agenda. “We’re not talking about ‘the great reset’, that kind of thing, you know, up front”, Fleming said in the interview. “We just want people to say, ‘Yeah, we want a better future. We don’t want that thing that’s coming towards us, that’s been foisted on us’. It’s basically a common ground that anyone can identify with and go from there.”

In the interview, Fleming also promoted the bogus Climategate scandal of 2009, which he said showed climate scientists were “colluding and manipulating data” and “creating a hoax” – a claim contradicted by multiple enquiries.

This anti-climate message permeates Not Our Future’s propaganda. The group’s website lists what it calls “de-industrialisation caused by the NetZero energy crisis” among the areas where “governments around the world are laying the tracks for a bleak and authoritarian future”.

The website’s reference to “The Blob” may refer to the so-called “green blob”, an old term of abuse for environmental groups.

The group’s leaflets also reject climate science, claiming the world is in an “ice age” and that “the climate is changing as it always does” in a “natural cycle”, and that “achieving Net Zero by 2050 will destroy our way of life”.

Fleming Responds
Not Our Future’s website and social media posts say it plans to spread its message across the country, and Fleming has suggested people lobby their MPs to support its aims. 

When contacted by DeSmog, Fleming rejected the notion that he was hiding his real politics. “I am not disguising anything. I’m trying to be 100 percent open and truthful about everything,” he said.

Fleming said the WEF’s plans were “laid out in public” and accused DeSmog of being funded by “billionaires”.

He defended his views on climate change and Covid, claiming he studied “environmental science” and health.

“I understand the scientific method and have enough grounding in public health and the atmosphere to understand what scientists and doctors on both sides are saying to make my own mind up,” he said.

On his foreign supporters, Fleming said “Not Our Future isn’t just a UK project”, and when asked about his funding, he said: “I don’t have to disclose anything to you. However, 95 percent of money spent so far has come directly from me.”

Tufton Street and Climate Deniers
Not Our Future’s website lists its “founding signatories”, many of whom have links to climate science denial or conspiracy theory politics.

Kathy Gyngell is a trustee of the GWPF, the Tufton Street think tank whose campaign arm Net Zero Watch has called for “a new fleet of coal-fired power plants” and the “complete” phaseout of wind and solar power.

Gyngell is also editor of TCW, formerly The Conservative Woman, a website which regularly publishes climate science denial and Covid misinformation.

TCW hosted an anti-vaccine event in South London on February 10 featuring Andrew Bridgen MP, who was suspended from the Conservative Party last month for likening Covid vaccines to the Holocaust.

Gyngell did not respond when contacted for comment.

Other signatories include veteran climate denier James Delingpole – who was also at the TCW panel – and actor Laurence Fox, head of the Reclaim Party, which has campaigned against low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) schemes. Reclaim representative Lois Perry runs CAR26, a climate denial pressure group.

Another founding signatory is Vernon Coleman, author of a self-published book called A Bigger Problem than Climate Change: The End of Oil, who calls climate change a “malicious, dangerous myth” and refers on his blog to “the global warming hoax which is going to destroy us”.

Signatory Robin Monotti, a filmmaker, tweeted in December that “The CO2 causing #ClimateChange narrative is a hoax”, and shared the “World Climate Declaration”, an open letter denying basic climate science organised by the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL), a lobby group backed by fossil fuel interests.

Another signatory is prominent Australian climate denial tweeter Peter Clack, who praises carbon dioxide in his Twitter bio. Earlier this month he posted: “Powerful globalists like the World Economic Forum in league with the United Nations are about to seize control of the majority of the world by stealth. Climate is just a distraction.”

Signatory Del Bigtree, an U.S. filmmaker and founder of the Informed Consent Action Network, an anti-vaccine group, has repeatedly promoted the idea of “climate lockdowns”.

Not Our Future’s website bears a statement that reads: “The Founding Signatories have no role in the running of the organisation or campaign apart from their endorsement and support.”

Anti-Climate Amplifiers
The idea that Oxfordshire’s traffic filter scheme is a “climate lockdown” was amplified by a familiar list of climate denial influencers.

These include Steve Milloy, a Fox News contributor and director at the Heartland Institute, which has received funding from ExxonMobil. In December Milloy tweeted: “Oxford (UK) to introduce first climate lockdown”.

As mentioned above, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who has become a leading spreader of climate science denial, spread the false Oxfordshire “climate lockdown” claim to his 3.8 million followers, in a tweet viewed 7.5 million times.

Peterson has promoted several well-known climate deniers through his YouTube channel in the past two months, including Judith Curry, Alex Epstein, and Richard Lindzen.

GB News Support
Several of Not Our Future’s backers are linked to GB News, the climate sceptic TV channel whose owners, Dubai-based investment firm Legatum Group, run a think tank, Legatum Institute, which has received donations from the American Koch Industries oil dynasty.

The channel also has a record of broadcasting misinformation about Covid vaccines. Presenter Mark Steyn parted ways with GB News last week amid two Ofcom investigations into claims made on his show.

Not Our Future is fronted by Richard and Fred Fairbrass of the pop group Right Said Fred, who frequently appear on GB News and have expressed anti-Covid vaccine views.

A spokesperson for Right Said Fred told DeSmog that the brothers were aware of Fleming’s views, and said that the TCW panel they spoke on last week was not an anti-vaccine event. When asked if they agreed with Fleming that climate change is a hoax, they said “the issue of climate change is still being debated”.

Three GB News presenters – Neil Oliver, Calvin Robinson, and Laurence Fox — are founding signatories of Not Our Future.  Oliver promoted the false Oxfordshire “climate lockdown” story on GB News alongside CAR26 director Lois Perry. Oliver was recently criticised by Jewish groups for promoting conspiracy theories with antisemitic roots.

Fox recently interviewed Oliver on GB News about the “government narrative” on Covid vaccines and how broadcasting regulator OfCom has “stifled debate”. A tweet promoting the segment read: “We don’t want 15 minute cities, we don’t want net zero, we don’t want digital IDs, we just want to be left alone.”

Social media user turned political commentator June Slater, who has appeared on GB News to say that climate change is not an “emergency” but rather a “strategy”, has also promoted the idea that Covid travel restrictions were “mission creep” designed to prepare the public for “climate lockdown”.
"I wasn't expecting that quite so soon" kiwichick16
"Para a Causa do Povo a Luta Continua!"
"And that's all I'm going to say about that". Forrest Gump
"Damn, I wanted to see what happened next" (Epitaph)


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2023, 05:17:52 PM »
The WeatherNation network, tied to a conservative U.S. platform, doesn’t talk about climate change
Meteorologists at WeatherNation have raised concerns about Real America’s Voice, the conservative channel with which it shares an owner
The two television studios are separated by a wall with a sliding-glass door.

In one, Colorado-based meteorologists track snowstorms, hurricanes and day-to-day conditions around-the-clock for viewers of WeatherNation, a channel airing forecasts on smart TVs and streaming devices.

The other broadcasts shows on the conservative network Real America’s Voice, one of few remaining news platforms where false election fraud claims and other conspiracies get airtime. It airs Stephen K. Bannon’s show “War Room” even after YouTube, Spotify and other platforms withdrew access for the former adviser to President Donald Trump.

The two networks’ shared ownership has alarmed some meteorologists, who say that WeatherNation is helping to legitimize the extreme viewpoints aired on Real America’s Voice, occasionally sharing its forecasts on the political network; at times the networks feature the same advertisers. These critics also argue that in its own coverage, WeatherNation fosters climate change skepticism by shunning any mention of the established links between human-driven climate warming and the disasters the channel covers, thus discouraging viewers from considering the consequences of climate change.

And the networks’ relationship has cost WeatherNation at least one advertiser. Weather programming is typically considered a safe and lucrative path to reaching consumers, but BMW of America told The Post it would no longer advertise on the network “in light of the connection to Real America’s Voice.” …
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2023, 02:43:28 PM »
'Infecting Minds': US Book Sent to Teachers Seeks to Sow Climate Doubt

From crops to corals, a book circulated by a controversial US think tank is riddled with misleading claims about established climate science, in what campaigners slam as a bid to "infect" young minds.

The free-market Heartland Institute drew outrage from campaigners and educators, but applause from climate skeptics, when it sent the book to more than 8,000 American school teachers this year "to present facts" it said were ignored or distorted by pundits and the media.

"Climate at a Glance for Teachers and Students," factchecked by AFP, follows another mass book-mailing in 2017, and reflects a push to sow skepticism about scientific evidence for the human-driven crisis threatening the planet.

"It is outrageous that such propaganda was sent out... with the goal of infecting the minds of children," Susan Joy Hassol, director of the nonprofit group Climate Communication, told AFP.

The glossy, 80-page book appears like a legitimate reference, complete with datasets, graphs and footnotes citing mainstream sources including government and international agencies.

But scientists told AFP it is packed with misleading claims, including sections that imply higher carbon dioxide levels and warming are positive for crops and coral reefs, decrease in snow has been negligible, sea-level rise is not accelerating and heatwaves have become less severe.

AFP's full fact-check is published at:

The book's publication follows a surge in climate denialism in the United States since July 2022, when President Joe Biden secured support for a major climate spending bill.

The think tank's opaque funding has long prompted suspicion among campaigners that it is working in the interest of the fossil fuel industry.

The Heartland Institute, founded in 1984, does not disclose its major backers but said that once, in 2012, it received funding for research from the charity arm of the fossil fuel behemoth Koch Industries.

It has kept secret, information about the 8,000 recipients of the book. When AFP asked for names, Burnett said he had "nothing to do with the mailing" and passed the request over to Heartland's communications director, who did not respond.

"I would bet it's strategically distributed in certain congressional districts of states where they're trying to provide cover for certain politicians to continue to deny or deceive or delay on climate change," said Kate Cell, senior climate campaign manager at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

At least five schools in Wyoming received copies, according to the Cowboy State Daily newspaper. It quoted Heartland's president as saying that they had received "hate mail" from a teacher who dismissed the book as "science fiction."

... "I am hoping to use some of their graphs to show my students how not to put together data in support of your scientific explanation," Jeffrey Grant, an Illinois-based science teacher, told AFP.
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2024, 07:46:23 AM »
 "It's a big Club. And you ain't in it!" George Carlin

The Atlas Network supports:

Ukraine Freedom Fund
Ukraine is defending the possibility of a free society while Russia brazenly attacks its citizens. Atlas Network’s Ukrainian partners will play a crucial role in the future of the country. Donate today to our Ukraine Freedom Fund to support our partners' critical work.

Atlas Network is a non-profit organization that aims to give all individuals the right to economic and personal freedom through its global network of think tanks.

A global network for global impact.
Today, Atlas Network partners with over 500 think tanks worldwide to drive change in ideas, culture, and policy; remove barriers to opportunities; and empower individuals to live a life of choice.

    The Atlas Network vision is of a free, prosperous, and peaceful world where the principles of individual liberty, property rights, limited government, and free markets are secured by the rule of law.

    The Atlas Network's Smart Bets program is a highly competitive, invite-only opportunity that recognizes organizations that “punch above their weight” ........ with
    - The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is building a liberty-minded environmental movement that provides young people with an alternative to the top-down, big-government mindset that has dominated the mainstream climate space for so long.
    - The Badger Institute’s experts seek to be the leaders in statewide policy debates by expanding and building a new, loyal, and engaged audience, .......
    - Free the People Foundation is launching a new portfolio of entertaining content that broadens the reach of its message.
    - The “Open for Business in Kurdistan” project will transform the new business start-up environment in Iraq’s Kurdistan region.
    - Instituto OMG (Dominican Republic) proposes establishing the foundations to increase and strengthen the competitiveness of the Dominican Republic, turning it into a true investment and business hub.

    Institute for Market Economics Sofia, Bulgaria
    Bikalpa, an Alternative Biratnagar, Nepal
    Students For Liberty Belarus Minsk, Belarus
    Liberty Sparks Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    Centre for Development and Enterprises—Great Lakes Bujumbura, Burundi
    Fundacion Eléutera San Pedro Sula, Honduras
    CEDICE Libertad Caracas, Venezuela

    Atlas Network was founded in 1981 in San Francisco (as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation) by Antony Fisher, a British entrepreneur who was influenced by economist F.A. Hayek and his book, The Road to Serfdom.
    Extreme right wing conservatives and Neoliberals including Margaret Thatcher, F. A. Hayek, and Milton Friedman, all friends of Fisher, formally endorsed the organization.

    Atlas Network include think tanks such as the Institute of Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom; the Cato Institute, Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Manhattan Institute, Pacific Research Institute, and Acton Institute in the United States; the Fraser Institute and MacDonald-Laurier Institute in Canada; and the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) in Australia; and the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union.

    ABC What is the Atlas Network?
    Broadcast Mon 30 Oct 2023

    Silencing the Voice: the fossil-fuelled Atlas Network’s Campaign against Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australia

One of many Koch Industries supported Climate Denial Front Groups

    The Atlas Network formerly the Atlas Economic Research Foundation,
    ... has cosponsored Heartland Institute events dedicated to the proposition that climate change is not a crisis and has supported organizations such as the John Locke Foundation that have attacked efforts by state elected officials working on climate solutions with the Center for Climate Strategies.

    The Atlas Network is closely linked with the State Policy Network and the International Policy Network.
    State Policy Network is a Koch Network-affiliated “free-market” organization uniting 64 state-based member think tanks.

    The group aims to promote PRO-OLIGARCHY CORPORATE FREE-MARKET BILLIONAIRE GLOBALIST NEOLIBERAL economic policies across the world.

    The Atlas Network: How corporate powers collude to shape public opinion and government policies

    What links Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and Donald Trump? The shadowy network behind their policies
The Atlas Network’s dark-money junktanks are behind neoliberal policies around the world. And you may find its leaders on a resignation honours list near you

    A crash programme of massive cuts; demolishing public services; privatising public assets; centralising political power; sacking civil servants; sweeping away constraints on corporations and oligarchs; destroying regulations that protect workers, vulnerable people and the living world; supporting landlords against tenants; criminalising peaceful protest; restricting the right to strike. Anything ring a bell?
It's wealth, constantly seeking more wealth, to better seek still more wealth. Building wealth off of destruction. That's what's consuming the world. And is driving humans crazy at the same time.


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2024, 03:20:04 PM »
Climate Change Deniers Make Up Nearly a Quarter of US Congress

US politics is an outlier bastion of climate denial with nearly one in four members of Congress dismissing the reality of climate change, even as alarm has grown among the American public over dangerous global heating, an analysis has found.

A total of 123 elected federal representatives – 100 in the House of Representatives and 23 US senators – deny the existence of human-caused climate change, all of them Republicans, according to a recent study of statements made by current members.

The report defined climate deniers as those who say that the climate crisis is not real or not primarily caused by humans, or claim that climate science is not settled, that extreme weather is not caused by global warming or that planet-warming pollution is beneficial.

Climate-denying lawmakers have received a combined $52m in lifetime campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry, the report also found.

The research shows that the American public, perhaps uniquely among people in developed countries, is represented disproportionately by climate deniers. Although 23% of the entire US Congress is composed of those who dismiss the climate crisis, polls show the proportion of Americans who share this view is significantly smaller, by as much as half.

Even as a quarter of US lawmakers deny the climate crisis, the American public has been moving significantly in the other direction. Fewer than one in five people in the US reject the findings of climate science, according to various studies, with long-running polling by Yale University showing that those they class as “dismissive” stand at just 11%.

While this slice of the American public opinion has remained largely unchanged in recent years, a much larger, growing cohort is worried about the climate crisis following a string of record hot years and a parade of wildfires, storms and other climate-fueled events. More than half of Americans are now “alarmed” or “concerned” about climate change, the Yale surveys find.

“The amount of people at each end of the spectrum – alarmed and dismissive – were essentially tied back in 2013 but today there are three alarmed people for every one dismissive, so there’s been a fundamental shift in how people see climate change in the US,” said Anthony Leiserowitz, an expert in climate public opinion at Yale.

Though the portion of lawmakers who deny the climate crisis is stunning, it has been steadily declining in recent years. Just five years ago, 150 lawmakers denied the crisis. But many elected officials who don’t deny the crisis still use anti-climate rhetoric and work to thwart greenhouse gas curbing policies

... People don’t want to talk about climate change because they think half of the country doesn’t believe in it. There’s a culture of silence – climate has joined sex, religion and politics as the topics not to bring up at the Thanksgiving table.”

Political polarization and the prevalence of “safe” congressional seats, which encourage candidates to hew to more extreme views in order to secure key party primary contests, have helped entrench this imbalance, Leiserowitz said, along with a flood of donations from the fossil fuel industry
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2024, 02:36:14 PM »
They are not buddying up to the voters. This is just for some big donors.

Þetta minnismerki er til vitnis um að við vitum hvað er að gerast og hvað þarf að gera. Aðeins þú veist hvort við gerðum eitthvað.


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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2024, 02:57:31 PM »
They are not buddying up to the voters. This is just for some big donors.
I looked it up to get the latest numbers. They're dropping, but an incredible 38% of Americans still don't believe that the world is older than 10,000 years. So how would you make them believe in man made climate change when they believe God controls everything?

According to the latest Gallup poll, 38% of Americans hold a strict creationist view, believing that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years1. This is a slight decrease from previous years. Additionally, 57% of Americans accept the scientific consensus that humans evolved from less advanced forms of life over millions of years1.

Understand this, and you'll understand America and the world a whole lot better.
Keep 'em stupid, and they'll die for you.


  • Young ice
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Re: Funding climate change denial
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2024, 10:25:57 PM »
Oil firms and dark money fund push by Republican states to block climate laws

Association of attorneys general has received millions from Koch Industries, fossil fuel lobby and fund linked to billionaire Leonard Leo

A powerful group that boasts 28 Republican attorneys general, including many who have sided with oil and gas firms to block states seeking compensation for weather disasters caused by climate change, has raked in millions of dollars from fossil fuel giants and a dark money fund tied to Federalist Society co-chair, Leonard Leo.

The Republican Attorneys General Association (Raga) has roped in about $5.8m from oil and gas giants and their allied lobbying groups since Joe Biden was elected president in 2020, campaign finance records show.

Further, Raga has received a whopping $18.8m from the Leo-linked Concord Fund since 2014 when the dark money non-profit first registered with the IRS, according to the liberal-leaning Center for Media and Democracy.

During the first half of 2024, the Concord Fund was the largest donor to Raga, plowing $2m into the group’s coffers. The Concord Fund, formerly called the Judicial Crisis Network, spent millions of dollars supporting Donald Trump’s three conservative supreme court nominees and is led by Leo’s longtime close associate Carrie Severino
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