We've had deaths here in MN from West Nile (it showed up about ten years ago, iirc), so I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up in Utah (or Idaho, for that matter).
Bligh, did you intend to add a further comment to that quoted piece? In any case, those are different collapses--the rate of degrowth needed at this point may indeed look something like collapse, but it would ideally be a managed, relatively humane collapse of the human capitalist economy.
The other collapses are of the living world and the systems that support it--very different level.
Hey Wili
Yea...I did. That was kinda embarrassing. It was two in morning my cats were going nuts and woke me up, the snow kept them from getting out of their cat door. So while I was waiting for them to finish up and come back inside I decided to look around here and my foggy brain did dot complete my thoughts.
What I was looking at was possible solutions to a de-growth or slow down or forced emission reductions. Wili, I've lived at near zero emissions for years -ok, I was out sailing but still, I generated enough electricity, harvested 60% of my food from the Ocean, recycled all fresh water (filtered and used it for decending purposes) 20% of my food was locally grown and the following 20% was purchased via normal channels. I burned 35bls of propane per year for cooking and maybe 15 gallons of diesel per year. I had a rain catch system that provided 100% of my fresh water needs. Now....Within a crowded society most of that doesn't work. Some of does. Over the last several years I've reduced my carbon footprint by at least 25%. Not out of some noble idea to save the Earth just practical economics and some hatred for the ff industry that is destroying my Oceans.
Some of the things I did were...
Series 400 Argon windows, re insulated... twice(inside then outside). Researched and purchased the most energy efficient appliances. Two 50 watt solar panels, charging 2 8D GlassMatt Batteries for low voltage applications. (You'ed be surprised how many there are) Very Very frugal utilizing central heat/ac. LED lighting & low-voltage lighting. Ultra Low emission, high mileage vehicle, I understand that's still a ICE engine but right now it's the best available. Power strips everywhere, I do not use A/C for idling purposes. I understand most folks cannot do these things for a variety of reasons.
Since there does not seem a political will to change BAU, nor is there a corporate consensus.
The scientific community, I believe is doing what they can. The public communication about GW is nearly nonexistent. The denier machine is very well oiled and effective.
I somewhat believe that there is a legal solution that would start things down the correct path.
I'm not a constitutional lawyer but I believe Hansen is on to something, although his law suit is now in the appeals court. There are provisions within the constitution that suggest each generation shall leave the land in a usable condition for the next generation. Since Hansen started this process their have been changes, although subtle, they are there. Exxon among others have begun hiding there financial pathways to the deniers campaign. Exxon has started in earnest, an advertising blitz (here in the North East anywho) expounding the energy value within a gallon of gas. Several large FF companies have changed their PR campaigns. This is just what I've noticed, I'm sure there is more.
Until there is some cataclysmic event political solutions will not work. Forced reductions in emissions, which I'm all for, will not happen.
Economic solutions are even less believable, within today's greed driven system.
So whats left? Legal or civil resistance.