Why do I think a planned collapse is better?
Both unplanned and planned collapses will certainly have what might be described as horrors but an unplanned collapse will result in far more violence than an engineered one.
When I speak of collapse, I am not talking about the collapse of our biosphere. I am talking about the intentional collapse of the economic system that is at the root of our "growth" problem. As I have said before, the industrial revolution was the single most critical component that contributed to exponential growth and humanities dilemma.
(See chart below which I have posted several times on this website.) Any planned collapse will need to take into account the impact of essentially unplugging capitalism, quickly and permanently. This would involve understanding how to continue the effective workings of things crucial to humanity (food production and distribution, water use, housing, clothing and energy use in a drastically less consumer driven culture). Continuing these essential activities will need to take place in the complete absence of the profit motive.
When you look at it this way, it becomes clear that any nation like Sudan, Bolivia, Central African Republic or any of the more than 100 other nations which are peripheral to the system of capitalism cannot possibly be the impetus behind the planned collapse. The collapse must originate at the very heart of capitalism, the U.S., Europe and, to a lesser extent, South America and emerging Asian economic powers. Why must it originate here? It is the demand of frivolous consumerism that is driving us to disaster.
So how do we engineer this collapse? First, let's be clear. There is absolutely no way that we can expect this collapse to originate from the very institutions whose existence is dependent on the system. Our institutions, political (the modern nation state), social, and economic (corporations) are absolutely committed to the continued existence of the system which is their "raison d'être". This is why corporations and politicians who depend on corporations cannot effectively address any of the environmental disasters that are occurring across the planet. Fracking, I am sorry to say, will not go away as long as the system is operational. Profit motives will always provide the incentive to supply what is being demanded by human beings. This realization can be disheartening to those of us
(there are millions, hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions) who are frightened by the disaster looming in front of us.
There is, however, a simple and powerful way to trigger this collapse and it can only originate from fully developed, mature economies. While it cannot originate at the top, it absolutely can and must originate at the bottom. This bottom driven collapse is not dependent on any of our current institutions but resides in the hands of every person living in the developed world, underutilized and/or unrecognized and powerful beyond measure. The system of capitalism is, at its core, the manifestation of an unbelievably simple concept, supply and demand. Every institution in the western world is organized to deliver what people demand of it. Corporations are very rational institutions and this profit driven rationality drives their efforts to supply what is demanded.
Do you want to short circuit the rapidly approaching disaster? Change everything you do as a consumer. Everything! Consume only those things that are at the core of human existence (housing, food, water, clothing and, most importantly, socializing) and do these things in a manner that absolutely minimizes your environmental footprint. Sorry, no meat in your diet. Oh! Cars are a thing of the past. All "wants" must go away. Only needs are to be satisfied. We must eliminate anything purchased that is a "convenience". Our "throw away" society must be thrown away. Each of us can start doing this tomorrow.
Oh! But such a thing would tank the economy! Duhhhhhhhhhh!
This is the whole damn point! But if I do this, my life will become very difficult. Riding mass transit, walking, biking, getting rid of all of the labor saving gadgets in my home will be absolutely and unbelievably inconvenient!
Well, then, let's just call it an.............
Inconvenient Truth