IJIS Extent:
14,305,537 km2 (14 March, 2014)
(2014 maximum to-date)
Five years from 2004-2013 had seen their maximum on or before this date. Five others, including four of the past five, had not.
Up 5,029 km2 from previous day.
Up 101,409 km2 over past seven days (daily average: 14,487 km2)
Up 280,165 km2 for the month of March (daily average: 20,012 km2)
294,550 km2 below 2000s average for this date.
94,215 km2 below 2010s average for this date.
266,244 km2 below 2012 value for this date.
Fifth lowest for the date (behind 2006, 2011, 2007, and 2005).
Fourth lowest March-to-date average on record (behind 2011, 2006, and 2007).
CT area:
13,278,053 km2 (14 March, 2014)
2014 maximum to-date
NOTE: The four-day increase of 390,744 km2 is by a significant margin the largest ever recorded in the month of March. In fact, only one similar increase has ever even been measured in the month of February, and that was in the first week of the month in 1997.)
(NOTE: data for 0.1891 (11 Mar) is missing)
Up 118,711 km2 from previous day
Up 220,372 km2 over past seven days (daily average: 31,482 km2)
Up 233,626 km2 for the month of March (daily average: 16,688 km2)
363,276 km2 below 2000s average for this date.
147,177 km2 below 2010s average for this date.
242,011 km2 below 2012 value for this date.
Fourth lowest for the date (behind 2011, 2007, and 2006)
Second lowest March-to-date average on record (behind 2011).