IJIS extent:
13,700,6302 (February 14, 2014)
Up 69,792 km2 from previous day (largest one-day increase since January 25)
Up 33,787 km2 over past seven days (daily average: 4,827 km2)
Up 83,928 km2 for the month-to-date (daily average: 5,995 km2)
723,265 km2 below 2000s average for this date.
254,858 km2 below 2010s average for this date.
298,363 km2 below 2012 value for this date.
Lowest ever for the date (Fourth consecutive day, and sixth day this year, in first place)
Seventh consecutive day, and 23rd this year, among the lowest three years on record
CT area:
12,532,3502 (February 14, 2014)
Down 8,617 km2 from previous day
Down 73,653 km2 over past seven days (daily average: -10,522 km2)
Up 51,304 km2 for the month-to-date (daily average: 3,665 km2)
868,034 km2 below 2000s average for this date.
327,092 km2 below 2010s average for this date.
200,455 km2 below 2012 value for this date.
Lowest ever for the date (second consecutive day, and third day this year, in first place)
Twelfth consecutive day, and 14th this year, among the lowest three years on record