Update for the week to November 15th
The current 5 day mean is on 9,986,520km
2 while the 1 day extent is at 10,125,420km
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -539,540km
2, an increase from -483,320km
2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +576,080km
2, a decrease from +688,450km
2 last week. We're currently 9th lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was +58.4k/day, compared to the long term average of +66.4k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of +74.5k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is +64.0k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being +88.4k/day.
The increase so far this November is the 14th largest on record. For the largest total extent gain, an increase of at least 115.7k/day is required, while the smallest gain requires less than 4.8k/day and an average gain requires 62.2k/day.