I bet you do, sir.
To remind, the whole gig started when someone said: "precise is an imprecise term". I merely developed this phraze to illustrate that IF and WHEN precise is NOT precise, - then term "imprecise" itself loses its usual meaning as well.
Also, IRT RaenorShine: oh, here we go, the KEY doubt. I knew it'd get to it. See, some people think that "not A" - is "anything" except "A"; others (incluing quite many scientists, especially mathematicians, engineers and programmers) - think that "not A" - is "everything" except "A". I am one of the latter bunch.
And i have this to say to the former bunch: the term "contains" has its own, well known, mathematical equivalent (operand), and it's not "!" (i.e., it's other than negation operation). The symbol is: ∋ (or ∈, depends on which side of the equation which thing is). Funny thing,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_symbols does mention set theory in the details about this symbol.
It's probably the same symbol you've used in your post, RaenorShine. If so, then i completely agree with your post, and am (and, was - above!) just saying the same thing.
So, whenever you use word "contains", you gotta use this symbol, indeed - because it's different. Of course, there is a relation between "!" and "∋" - namely, the former is just one of (potentially infinite) possible sets expressed purely with the help of the latter. But still, to me, those are two mighty different logics, and i guess, the main reason i deny the use of "!" in the "anything except" sense (and advocate the "everything except" sense) - is because "anything except" one lacks definity. It's a loose thing. Allows for (potentially infinite) number of solutions, and potentially infinite amount of anything, - is not a thing human mind can easily operate with. I prefer single solutions, and precise logics.
Only then precise is precise, and not imprecise.