No - things are much more difficult/complex/colored in subtle shades of gray on this side of the ocean and I would not be surprised to read 3 different opposing opinions against every single of my points here soon. And I probably could agree to 2 of them and could still argue against all 3 from an other point of view - things are complicated and dynamic.
Very true and I understand completely. I would very strongly disagree with your assessment of Greece and I am one of those who think that the primary country responsible for the big problems in the EU and what is happening in Greece, Spain and Italy is Germany. I am well aware that Germans in general think what you said above.
Also some poeple here consider the Greek & Spain crisis a bursting bubble and typical problem you have to face if you get back to normal consumption - just do not buy more than you can afford. In principle that crisis is considered a cure and not a problem.
And to me this is an outrageous interpretation of the facts. And this
Not as a teacher like in Southern Europe but as a new neighbour to rely on.
is an example of the extreme arrogance (this is not meant to be pointed at you personally but of German opinion in general) of power over the weak as is typified by statements made by Americans all the time. A country that has material responsibility for the problems in another holds the opinion that the weaker one just needs to be taught the proper way to conduct itself (or it needs to be 'civilized' as they openly said in colonial times).
In the EU Germany is the main predator in my (and a lot of other's opinions) and the Southern countries are defacto colonies of Germany. The stripping of national assets and privatization forced upon the Greeks primarily at the behest of Germany is the exact colonial austerity function I was describing. Germans preaching to the Greeks is exactly like the US preaching to many other countries. Just like Americans Germans run their economy with the sole goal of maximizing their wealth and take advantage of weaker states at every opportunity.
On Ukraine it is clear that the overthrow of the elected government was orchestrated by the western powers (primarily the US). German press reports provide solid evidence that the shooting of protestors and the police was done by the opposition not the elected government. This was a coup. It was orchestrated for strategic and financial reasons. Germans are not comfortable with this attempt to strip resources as they have very strong financial ties to Russia via their businesses and risk losing those assets if the situation gets out of hand. The US is not concerned all that much about German investments as ours in Russia are not as extensive. England is very dependent on Russian money invested through their financial district and see threats as well.
Whether a country 'likes' what is going on is almost always directly related to whether it is going to make money or lose money. The German economy is likely to get hurt with the Ukraine situation and the US will likely end up owning a bunch of valuable assets purchased at a deep discount. In Greece austerity makes the Germans money but the austerity will impoverish the Greeks for at least a generation. The most rapid improvement to the Greek economy would be withdrawal from the EU, dropping the Euro and going back to the drachma, and default on the loans. They should have done this long ago.
As to you not thinking that other countries will become more like the US I think the evidence on that is not in agreement with you. German economic actions with other countries is predatory just like the US's is, you push austerity on others to your benefit and to their cost just like we do. But the general thesis I made is clearly not proven even though there is good evidence to support it. I point it out to get others to think about it. We will see what happens as time goes forward.
But I return to one of my main points which states that as constraints on the global system get tighter and affording the costs of maintaining industrial civilization becomes more problematic and human nature will assert itself and people will look to taking care of themselves first as is the norm. Thus putting the stake in global efforts to deal with AGW. We will see I guess.
So, yes it is a complicated situation. Interesting discussion.