(I wasn't sure which forum this fit in, please move it if you think it would fit better elsewhere)
As I was reading more of the latest news about the IPCC reports and the state of the permafrost etc. I suddenly wondered whether Russia, which seems to be dragging its feet on climate change commitments, might have actually decided it would benefit from climate change.
They have a huge area of land which suffers bitterly cold temperatures and extreme conditions for large chunks of the year, if not all of it, they have a huge amount of permafrost land, and they have their arctic coast. If global warming meant mush mor of their immense land area could become more productive for farming or forestry, more hospitable to live in or develop industry, and a huge coastline and an entire untouched ocean opened up to them in the arctic, would this not benefit Russia massively?
I know Russia has suffered severe droughts in recent years which was attributed to some degree to global warming, and can expect to experience more as global warming increases, but maybe they have done the maths, or taken a gamble, and decided that the benefits of a mostly ice free arctic and reclaimed permafrost will outweigh the occasional drought, particularly if they have an even larger area of arable land opened up.
Obviously too much global warming would probably devastate them, so I'm sure they wouldn't be going full throttle, but a couple of degrees may be to their benefit. They may be willing to let the temperatures go a little bit higher before they start to apply the brakes.
The same could go for canada too.
My thoughts here are obviously not founded in scientific research, just my own musings, I was hoping someone here might have seen something or have something to contribute regarding whether a couple of degrees warming would actually be beneficial for Russia, and actually in their interest. Opening up their permafrost and the arctic could make Russia an even bigger global contender than it already is, with vast crop yields and huge resources just as the rest of the world starts to need them even more...
Any thoughts or info on this?