This is kind of cool. I am not sure how they intend to control content. They probably will restrict who can provide content fairly rigorously.
I find it interesting because I am part of a group that is working to accelerate the roll out of "local wiki Chicago". wiki is an effort that started in California and is being adopted across the world by various communities. The idea is to create learning communities through the sharing of local knowledge. Content contribution is wide open and the intent is to allow the communities to decide how local wiki is used, as in what content categories are developed. This will be driven by the interests of those in the community. Our group has met for the past three months to form ideas around general roll out and specific knowledge areas we would like to see grow.
We did not talk about this in our potluck meeting Sunday but a category that would track local climate impacts of AGW would be real cool.
The non profit has just released a new beta version of software which facilitates links within the various local wiki sites.