Speaking of Exxon....
I am NOT a "technical analyst" (although I did get a degree from Trump University
). But this is WHY I bet my friend on Exxon....."$60 before $90".....and I made the bet when the stock price was $83 and change.
I throw up the chart of XOM because Exxon is a "big fish" in the oil and gas industry....although it has been lagging its peers over the past year or two. And also....because "technically" it is at an important inflection point. It has already broken
DOWN from one long term trend line....and I believe it is going to break down again (although
NOTHING is certain in the market).
We'll see how this plays out. I am more of a
LONG TERM FUNDAMENTAL GUY....that also keeps an eye on technical, and when
THEY BOTH ALIGN....then I pay close attention.
Right now....I am bearish on the intermediate term of oil because of "the Frackers" (no relation to "The Fockers"
). And long term....I am
DOES move below the $75ish area it could "revist" an old support area of the mid to high $50's. And that is why I bet $60 before $90. But
FUNDAMENTALLY....I think XOM could move
MUCH LOWER over the coming few years...and you can see why I think that the $35 area is achievable....or in a worse (not
WORSE) case scenario....the $20 area is possible. That is
TOO FAR in the future to really have any grasp on....and we'll have to see how the fundamentals of fracking
AND EV's play out over the coming year or two.
But there are a
LOT of long term holders of oil and gas
IN GENERAL....that could be very disappointed in coming years
IF I AM RIGHT.Keep in mind....I could
STILL BE WRONG....and we could see $90 before $60. But fundamentally...I just don't see it. Note however
....."The Market can remain irrational, a lot longer than you can remain solvent."
At the end of the day....it is about OTHER buyers and sellers....and what THEY think.