In Reply # 414 of the Jakobshavn thread in the Greenland folder, A-team presents a detailed list of paleo-events that would leave signatures in the layers of the GIS, together with the depths that this signature events can be identified in the various GIS ice cores indicated on his list. This list of events is also relevant to the AIS and prior comparisons have been made between the signatures in ice cores from both the GIS and the AIS, see the first attached image. However, the Antarctic ice core record goes back further in time than the Greenland ice core record, as best exemplified by the WAIS Divide Ice Core program, and the second attached images shows the location of the WAIS Divide ice core (together with the Byrd, and Siple Dome, ice cores). The WAIS Divide location was selected due to good snowfall, a relatively flat bedmap, minimal surface melting, and as horizontal ice flow has made minimal disruption to the local internal ice structure (see my last post about T. Hughes insights about ice flow from divides to sheet flow to stream flow). Furthermore, the WAIS Divide location is relatively close to the critical ASE marine glaciers. The third attached image shows an October 12 2012 IceBridge radar image (the fourth attached image shows the flight path) from the Thwaites Gateway (where the ice is too thin to support the Thermal Convection postulated by T. Hughes, and thus the bottom bed topology [indicated by the red line] dominates [note the purple line shows the firn line, and intermediate striations may be dust, or ash]). While interpolating between boreholes and radar image of the ice structure is beyond my skill level, nevertheless the WAIS Divide ice core provides other valuable insights. However, due to the value of the WAIS Divide Ice Core, that analysis of the core is going slowly, but the following link leads to recent associated publications (including the two listed below) that provide insight about other signature events including worldwide volcanic eruptions and comparisons with other ice core findings:, M., McConnell, J.R., Toohey, M., Curran, M., Das, S.B., Edwards, R., Isaksson, E., Kawamura, K., Kipfstuhl, S., Kruger, K., Layman, L., Maselli, O., Motizuki, Y., Motoyama, H., Pasteris, D.R. and Severi, M. (2014), "Insights from Antarctica on volcanic forcing during the Common Era" Nature Climate Change, p. 1 – 5, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2293
Fudge, T.J., Waddington, E.D., Conway, H., Lundin, J.M.D. and Taylor, K. (2014), "Interpolation methods for Antarctic ice-core timescales: application to Byrd, Siple Dome and Law Dome ice cores", Climate of the Past, 10, p. 1195 – 1209, doi: 10.5194/cp-10-1195-2014
Furthermore, the following linked reference provides new findings from the WAIS Divide and the EDML ice cores, Antarctica, and indicates that the atmospheric methane record in Antarctica is much different than that for Greenland, indicating a local source of methane (such as marine methane hydrates around the Southern Ocean basin):, M., Vinther, B.M., Sigl, M., McConnell, J., Svensson, A.M. and Wegner, A. (2014)
Development and comparison of layer-counted chronologies from the WAIS Divide and EDML ice cores, Antarctica, over the last glacial transition (10-15 ka BP) EGU General Assembly 2014, held 27 April - 02 May 2014 in Vienna, Austria, id. EGU2014-12193-1
Also, the following partial summary about ice drilling for the WAIS Divide program (from the following website) discusses how the GHG record from the ice core indicates the risk of abrupt local climate change:"Innovations in Ice Drilling Enable Abrupt Climate Change Discoveries
A revolutionary drilling system leads to the retrieval of additional ice for evidence of abrupt climate change from the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Deep within ice sheets in the polar regions is an archive of evidence about the climate of the past. Ice cores drilled in the past have yielded amazing scientific discoveries, for example that climate can change abruptly in less than ten years, and that the CO2 in the atmosphere now is higher than evidenced from the last 800,000 years. At the WAIS Divide site, a cold area of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where the abundant snowfall rarely melts, the ice contains many tens of thousands of years of annual information about past climate. At specific depths in the ice sheet, including from times of abrupt climate change in the past, scientists are investigating past greenhouse gas records and other evidence from the ice that will help to understand why and how abrupt changes occur. …"
Lastly, I would like to note that the borehole information from Lake El'gygytgyn in Russia has comparable timescales as that from the WAIS Divide ice core program, and as indicated in the following linked article, the researchers have compared findings from the two different hemispheres and they have found indications that paleo - Polar Amplification has been greater than previously recognized raising the likelihood that Earth System Sensitivity is likely greater than previously recognized:
Brigham-Grette, Julie; Melles, Martin; Minyuk, Pavel, et al., (2013) "Millennial scale change from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia: Did we step or leap out of the Warm Pliocene into the Pleistocene?" Lake El’gygytgyn region of Russia seems to have been considerably warmer during MIS 11c [the Holsteinian peak] than it was during MIS 5e [the Eemian peak]. This is despite the fact that summer solar radiation was less intense (though the season was longer) and greenhouse gas concentrations were similar. The researchers of sediment in the lake write, “Consequently, the distinctly higher observed [temperature and precipitation] at MIS 11c cannot readily be explained by the local summer orbital forcing or GHG concentrations alone, and suggest that other processes and feedbacks contributed to the extraordinary warmth at this interglacial, and the relatively muted response to the strongest forcing at MIS 5e.” The Arctic is especially sensitive to climate changes (through the loss of reflective snow and ice, for example), and what happens there affects the rest of the planet as well. Figuring out which feedbacks could account for the warm temperatures during MIS 11c could be useful. Seeing how climate responds to many different situations helps researchers obtain a deeper understanding of the climate system. And therein lies the value in climate records from disparate regions. As the researchers put it, “The observed response of the region’s climate and terrestrial ecosystems to a range of interglacial forcing provides a challenge for modeling and important constraints on climate sensitivity and polar amplification.”