I'll respond and see if you can see my point of view on what Freeman Dyson is doing.
There is categoric evidence that CO2 is causing warming of the planet. Warming to a point which is destroying the liveable habitat for humans at the level of population we have today.
OK he agrees that CO2 is causing warming. Great. Then he starts to split hairs with things we don't know.
OK Clouds. It was a big issue till the scientists wrapped it into the models. But, the net effect of clouds is more warming. Not less. So clouds are out.
OK the dust. Perhaps important, but to the scale of 200 years of pumping out atmospheric warming gasses at an ever increasing rate? If you go to realclimate they will tell you it is not a significant factor. Locally, maybe, but globally? No.
Chemistry and biology of fields, farms and forests.
So Fields. Land use and field changes gain a net increase of CO2. Known but not fully quantified
Farms. Animal husbandry has increased methane emissions greatly, increasing CO2. Known but not fully quantified
Forests. Deforestation and the fires which have resulted from the land burn off have simultaneously reduced the annual CO2 absorption and created a one time boost to CO2 in the atmosphere. Known but not fully quantified.
I note he does not mention Oceans, ocean acidification and Ocean saturation point of CO2. This is another unknown. But it is a massive unknown which could massively increase the CO2 balance in the atmosphere should the Oceans stop absorbing CO2. As is being observed in local areas. Missing this unknown is cherry picking to make a point.
If you put this all together, what you see is that Dyson is creating a supposed "doubt" about factors which can only make human emissions and climate change worse.
That is a political position, not a scientific position. OK if he wants to know, to the last dot and comma, what the actual situation is in terms of warming and cooling, then get in the lab, shut up and work it out. When he comes back with categoric figures which define what the mitigation of any of these factors are (if any), then come back and state them. In short, the burning of billions of tonnes of fossil fuels annually is a greater impact than any he has mentioned.
Now he says that scientists are harsh with him. OK then let's analyse this at a logical level. I stated that greenhouse gas emissions from humans is
Warming to a point which is destroying the liveable habitat for humans at the level of population we have today
Let's look at that. The population continues to grow. Only our machines allow us to keep up with that growth and produce food which we can transport around the world to keep people alive.
Yet; those very machines which produce and transport the food are impacting the climate and making it harder to grow that food.
There is only one possible outcome of this. Eventually we won't be able to grow enough food for everyone no matter how many machines we use and the more machines we try to use the less likely the habitat of the planet will produce the food we need. It's a losing game.
Then again, it's not a game. The stark reality, the stark terror, is that, eventually, we won't be able to feed people. Then they will begin to go hungry. Then they will start moving across our artificial border lines to places where they may be able to get food. Then the wars will begin.
What this all means is that anyone who splits hairs, in order to cause doubt, which will stop action to curb more CO2 production, which will allow more warming and more destruction of our liveable habitat.
Is a mass murderer.
You think that's a bold statement. Think it through.
Now you tell me. If you think someone is a mass murderer, would you be polite to their opinions? Would you be nice and gentlemanly? Or would you, from time to time, blow up and call them for what they are?
Think about it.