Many recent internet articles have referenced the Chen & Tung (2014) paper (about the possibility that the absorption of heat by the Atlantic Ocean, is primarily responsible for the global warming hiatus) while stating that the world should have about another 15-years of suppressed rates of global warming [see: Chen, X. & Tung, K.-K., (2014), "Varying planetary heat sink led to global-warming slowdown and acceleration", Science, Vol. 345, no. 6199, pp. 897-903, DOI: 10.1126/science.1254937]. This is premised on the assumptions that the AMO has about a 70-year period (so 35-year of heat and 35-years of cooling) and that the 35-year cooling period peaked in 2006, which could leave about 10-years of further cooling, assuming the AMO cycle is the dominate natural oscillation affecting mean global surface warming.
Nevertheless, many prominent scientists (who I agree with) indicate that they believe that the Chen & Tung (2014) conclusions are too simplistic, and that the larger story certainly includes interactions between the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Southern Oceans (not to mention aerosols, bio-cycles and numerous other feedback mechanisms). Indeed, the first linked internet article writes:
Extract: "There is some heat going into the Atlantic, writes Kevin Trenberth, a researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, in an email. But Trenberth—who was not involved in the current study—disagrees with how it's getting there.
Trenberth argues that processes in the Pacific Ocean drive changes in the North Atlantic current. The same basic mechanism that may drive heat into the Pacific—intense trade winds that pile up warm water in the western Pacific—has large ripple effects on the atmosphere.
Those ripples influence jet streams, or currents of air flowing through the atmosphere, across the U.S., and over the North Atlantic Ocean. And those atmospheric currents can drive changes in ocean currents." the second linked article writes:
Extract: "Richard Alley, a geoscientist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, says the study is interesting — “but whether it’s a completely different story or part of the same story is something I think is still coming out.”
Alley welcomes the focus on the Atlantic, however. “Those of us who work in palaeoclimate have for a very long time had an idea that the Atlantic matters,” he says. “The evidence from the ice ages is that there were huge North Atlantic changes that show up in climate records all over the world.”" Kim et al (2014) indicates that before 2040 CMIP5 models indicate that the amplitude of the ENSO phases will increase, indicating that when the El Nino events return for the next 25-years they are likely to be stronger than previously experienced leading to more abrupt climate change [see: Seon Tae Kim, Wenju Cai, Fei-Fei Jin, Agus Santoso, Lixin Wu, Eric Guilyardi & Soon-Il An, (2014), "Response of El Niño sea surface temperature variability to greenhouse warming", Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2326].
Furthermore, McGregor et al (2014) illustrate the interaction between the Pacific, and Atlantic, Oceans [see: McGregor, S., A. Timmermann, M. F. Stuecker, M. H. England, M. Merrifield, F.-F. Jin and Y. Chikamoto, (2014), "Recent Walker circulation strengthening and Pacific cooling amplified by Atlantic warming", Nature Climate Change; doi:10.1038/nclimate2330].
Also, Praetorius & Mix (2014) provide paleo-evidence of the importance of the synchronization of the North Pacific, and the North Atlantic, Oceans on Artic amplification: Summer K. Praetorius, Alan C. Mix, (2014), "Synchronization of North Pacific and Greenland climates preceded abrupt deglacial warming", Science 25 July 2014: Vol. 345 no. 6195 pp. 444-448 DOI: 10.1126/science.1252000
Also the importance of the Pacific Ocean is indicated in: Nicola Maher, Alexander Sen Gupta and Matthew H. England, (2014), "Drivers of decadal hiatus periods in the 20th and 21st Centuries", Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060527.
Also, for the important influence of the Indian see: Turney, C. S.M. and Jones, R. T. (2010), Does the Agulhas Current amplify global temperatures during super-interglacials?. J. Quaternary Sci., 25: 839–843. doi: 10.1002/jqs.1423.
Also, the importance of the surface melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet is discussed in: Xu Zhang, Gerrit Lohmann, Gregor Knorr & Conor Purcell, (2014), "Abrupt glacial climate shifts controlled by ice sheet changes", Nature, doi:10.1038/nature13592.
Furthermore, the linked Msadek et al (2014) reference confirms that as we return to a warm phase of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and similarly the warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) within the next 10-years, that Arctic Sea Ice area will reduce:
Rym Msadek, T. L. Delworth, A. Rosati, W. Anderson, G. A. Vecchi, Y.-S. Chang, K. Dixon, R. G. Gudgel, W. Stern, A. Wittenberg, X. Yang, F. Zeng, R. Zhang, and S. Zhang, (2014), "Predicting a decadal shift in North Atlantic climate variability using the GFDL forecast system", Journal of Climate. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00476.1. "Decadal prediction experiments were conducted as part of CMIP5 using the GFDL-CM2.1 forecast system. The abrupt warming of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) that was observed in the mid 1990s is considered as a case study to evaluate our forecast capabilities and better understand the reasons for the observed changes. Initializing the CM2.1 coupled system produces high skill in retrospectively predicting the mid-90s shift, which is not captured by the uninitialized forecasts. All the hindcasts initialized in the early 90s show a warming of the SPG, however, only the ensemble mean hindcasts initialized in 1995 and 1996 are able to reproduce the observed abrupt warming and the associated decrease and contraction of the SPG. Examination of the physical mechanisms responsible for the successful retrospective predictions indicates that initializing the ocean is key to predict the mid 90s warming. The successful initialized forecasts show an increased Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and North Atlantic current transport, which drive an increased advection of warm saline subtropical waters northward, leading to a westward shift of the subpolar front and subsequently a warming and spin down of the SPG. Significant seasonal climate impacts are predicted as the SPG warms, including a reduced sea-ice concentration over the Arctic, an enhanced warming over central US during summer and fall, and a northward shift of the mean ITCZ. These climate anomalies are similar to those observed during a warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, which is encouraging for future predictions of North Atlantic climate."