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Author Topic: Water Resource Management  (Read 7813 times)


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #50 on: May 21, 2024, 09:45:36 AM »
East Coast has a giant offshore freshwater aquifer—how did it get there?
For water-stressed cities, undersea aquifers could be a submerged solution.

Freshwater is perhaps the world’s most essential resource, but climate change is enhancing its scarcity. An unexpected source may have the potential to provide some relief: offshore aquifers, giant undersea bodies of rock or sediment that hold and transport freshwater. But researchers don’t know how the water gets there, a question that needs to be resolved if we want to understand how to manage the water stored in them.

For decades, scientists have known about an aquifer off the US East Coast. It stretches from Martha’s Vineyard to New Jersey and holds almost as much water as two Lake Ontarios. Research presented at the American Geophysical Union conference in December attempted to explain where the water came from—a key step in finding out where other undersea aquifers lie hidden around the world.

As we discover and study more of them, offshore aquifers might become an unlikely resource for drinking water. Learning the water’s source can tell us if these freshwater reserves rebuild slowly over time or are a one-time-only emergency supply.
Reconstructing history

When ice sheets sat along the East Coast and the sea level was significantly lower than it is today, the coastline was around 100 kilometers further out to sea. Over time, freshwater filled small pockets in the open, sandy ground. Then, 10,000 years ago, the planet warmed, and sea levels rose, trapping the freshwater in the giant Continental Shelf Aquifer. But how that water came to be on the continental shelf in the first place is a mystery.

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology paleo-hydrogeologist Mark Person has been studying the aquifer since 1991. In the past three decades, he said, scientists’ understanding of the aquifer’s size, volume, and age has massively expanded. But they haven’t yet nailed down the water’s source, which could reveal where other submerged aquifers are hiding—if we learn the conditions that filled this one, we could look for other locations that had similar conditions.

“We can’t reenact Earth history,” Person said. Without the ability to conduct controlled experiments, scientists often resort to modeling to determine how geological structures formed millions of years ago. “It’s sort of like forensic workers looking at a crime scene,” he said.

Person developed three two-dimensional models of the offshore aquifer using seismic data and sediment and water samples from boreholes drilled onshore. Two models involved ice sheets melting; one did not.

Then, to corroborate the models, Person turned to isotopes—atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Water mostly contains Oxygen-16, a lighter form of oxygen with two fewer neutrons than Oxygen-18.

Throughout the last million years, a cycle of planetary warming and cooling occurred every 100,000 years. During warming, the lighter 16O in the oceans evaporated into the atmosphere at a higher rate than the heavier 18O. During cooling, that lighter oxygen came down as snow, forming ice sheets with lower levels of 18O and leaving behind oceans with higher levels of 18O.

To determine if ice sheets played a role in forming the Continental Shelf Aquifer, Person explained, you have to look for water that is depleted in 18O—a sure sign that it came from ice sheets melting at their base. Person’s team used existing global isotope records from the shells of deep-ocean-dwelling animals near the aquifer. (The shells contain carbonate, an ion that includes oxygen pulled from the water).

Person then incorporated methods developed by a Columbia graduate student in 2019 that involve using electromagnetic imaging to finely map undersea aquifers. Since saltwater is more electrically conductive than freshwater, the boundaries between the two kinds of water are clear when electromagnetic pulses are sent through the seafloor: saltwater conducts the signal well, and freshwater doesn’t. What results looks sort of like a heat map, showing regions where fresh and saltwater are concentrated.

Person compared the electromagnetic and isotope data with his models to see which historical scenarios (ice or no ice) were statistically likely to form an aquifer that matched all the data. His results, which are in the review stage with the Geological Society of America Bulletin, suggest it's very likely that ice sheets played a role in forming the aquifer.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty,” Person said, but “it’s the best thing we have going.”


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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2024, 08:19:00 PM »
'Gray Infrastructure' Can't Meet Future Water Storage Needs, Study Finds

A new study maps how energy and food systems depend on stored water to generate hydropower and feed irrigation. Dams and reservoirs won't be able to meet the demand in coming decades.

As demand for food and energy grows, water will only become more precious. A new Stanford-led study provides a first-of-its-kind global overview of the role dams and reservoirs play in providing water storage, revealing so-called gray infrastructure won't be enough to meet future demands for hydropower and agricultural irrigation.

The analysis, published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, underscores the necessity of exploring demand- and supply-side alternatives, such as other renewable energy sources and nature-based approaches for water storage.

... The researchers used machine learning to quantify the multipurpose roles of the world's 6,000 largest dams and reservoirs. The analysis revealed that dammed reservoirs globally store about 1,000 times the volume of California's largest man-made lake, Shasta Lake. Of that, less than 5% reaches irrigated crops.

The dams analyzed provide 505 gigawatts of hydropower, 40% of current total global hydropower capacity, according to the study. Worldwide, about 3,700 dams have been identified for potential development. If all of them were constructed, they could provide about 60% more energy and about 40% more stored water for irrigation, according to the study.

The study forecasts the global need for stored irrigation water will grow by about 70%—enough to cover an area the size of California under nearly two feet of water.

Despite this potential, the analysis shows that deficits persist in some countries and regions. The projections highlight that even with the construction of several thousand new dams, there won't be nearly enough hydropower and stored irrigation water to meet energy and irrigation needs in India, central Europe, and several Asia-Pacific nations.

Those needs will be considerable: The study projects global demand for hydropower will grow approximately 35% between now and 2050, while the global need for stored irrigation water will grow by about 70%—enough to cover an area the size of California under nearly two feet of water.

As demands for irrigation and hydropower grow, gaps between sectoral needs and what dams can provide will widen. As both hydropower and irrigation often rely on the same dammed reservoirs, the risk for conflicts between these sectors increases as well.

"Our study by no means advocates for building more dams," said Schmitt. "What we urgently need is a global debate about how to meet water storage needs for critical sectors."

Rafael Jan Pablo Schmitt et al, Dams for hydropower and irrigation: Trends, challenges, and alternatives, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2024)
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Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2024, 02:55:46 PM »
High groundwater depletion risk in South Korea in 2080s

Groundwater is literally the water found beneath the Earth's surface. It forms when precipitation such as rain and snow seeps into the soil, replenishing rivers and lakes. This resource supplies our drinking water. However, a recent study has alarmed the scientific community by predicting that approximately three million people in currently untapped areas of Korea could face groundwater depletion by 2080.

A research team, led by Professor Jonghun Kam from Division of Environmental Science and Engineering and Dr. Chang-Kyun Park from the Institute of Environmental and Energy Technology (currently working for LG Energy Solution) at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), used an advanced statistical method, to analyze surface and deep groundwater level data from 2009 to 2020, revealing critical spatiotemporal patterns in groundwater levels. Their findings were published in the international journal "Science of the Total Environment."


In a recent study, researchers used an advanced statistical method called "cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function analysis (CSEOF)" to analyze water level data from nearly 200 surface and deep groundwater stations in the southern Korean Peninsula from 2009 to 2020. This analysis helped them identify important spatiotemporal patterns in groundwater levels.

The first and second principal components revealed that water level patterns mirrored recurring seasonal changes and droughts. While shallow-level groundwater is more sensitive to the seasonality of precipitation than the drought occurrence, deep-level groundwater is more sensitive to the drought occurrence than seasonality of precipitation. This indicates that both shallow-level and deep-level groundwater are crucial for meeting community water needs and mitigating drought effects.

The third principal component highlighted a decline in groundwater levels in the western Korean Peninsula since 2009. The researchers projected that if this decline in deep groundwater continues, at least three million people in untapped or newly developed areas, primarily in the southwestern part of the peninsula, could face unprecedented groundwater level as a new normal (defined as groundwater depletion) by 2080. If the research team's predictions are correct, the impact would be particularly severe in drought-prone, untapped areas where groundwater is heavily relied upon.

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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2024, 03:33:25 PM »
Sometimes you just need a feel good story. And stories like this give me hope.
It's simple things that can change the world sometimes.

(Loving the colors the women wear 10 minutes in)

When factual science is in conflict with our beliefs or traditions, we cuddle up in our own delusional fantasy where everything starts making sense again.


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2024, 11:43:01 PM »
(Those articles about Saud buying up water rights and land in AZ, made it into the movie - The Grab)

For Nate Halverson, a journalist with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) out of Emeryville, California, the Smithfield deal was the first point in a much wider and concerning pattern – though the company’s CEO, Larry Pope, assured Congress that the Chinese government was not behind WH Group’s purchase, Halverson found evidence to the contrary on a reporting trip to the company’s headquarters: a secret document, marked not for distribution in the United States, detailing every dollar of the deal, and the state-run Bank of China’s “social responsibility” in backing it for “national strategy”.

A similar national security motivation undergirded Saudi-backed land purchases in such disparate regions as Arizona and Zambia, or Russia’s import of American cowboys to manage its state-incentivized cattle herds. These seemingly unrelated developments form The Grab, a riveting new documentary which outlines, with startling clarity, the move by national governments, financial investors and private security forces to snap up food and water resources. “At some point you’re like, ‘Oh my God, how is this not the story?’” Halverson said. “We’re just seeing the early stages of what’s going to be the big story of the 21st century.”

‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?

Six years in the making, jaw-dropping new film The Grab shows a secret scramble by governments and private firms to buy up global resources


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Re: Water Resource Management
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2024, 09:27:15 AM »
Western agricultural communities need water conservation strategies to adapt to future shortages

The Western U.S. is heavily reliant on mountain snowpacks and their gradual melt for water storage and supply, and climate change is expected to upend the reliability of this natural process. Many agricultural communities in this part of the country are examining ways to adapt to a future with less water, and new research shows that a focus on supplementing water supply by expanding reservoir capacity won't be enough to avert future water crises.

Led by scientists at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), the study published June 11 in Earth's Future. By identifying agricultural communities considered at-risk from looming changes in snowfall and snowmelt patterns, the researchers found that water conservation measures like changes in crop type and extent were more stable adaptive strategies than changes to reservoir capacity. By the end of the century, many areas could have less than half the water they have historically relied on to refill their reservoirs, but changing the types and extent of their crops could help by restoring an average of about 20% of reservoir capacity.


"A lot of decisions about water are made at the local level, but there's this big disconnect between that reality and the macro-scale level of most research on this topic," Gordon says. "We really wanted to understand what the future could look like at the scale that most communities manage their water resources. What are the levers that folks in these communities have when it comes to a future with less snow?"

Mountain snowpacks have historically acted as nature's water towers across much of the region by storing winter precipitation and releasing it downstream during drier months. Water management systems were designed with this process in mind, but climate change is altering snowmelt patterns in ways that will make it difficult for existing systems to meet the needs of downstream water users. As the world's largest user of freshwater, irrigated agriculture is at particularly high risk from these changes.

Strategies for addressing water shortages that focus on augmenting supply include expanding reservoirs and replenishing groundwater with surplus water, but these approaches become less effective as the timing and availability of precipitation become more unpredictable. In contrast, water conservation strategies such as reducing total crop acreage, periodic crop fallowing, and shifting toward higher value crops can help manage these risks.


The study results show that there will be a stark decline in how much many of these communities will be able to refill their reservoirs in just a few decades, with some seeing declines to about half of the water they were historically able to store. A drop that significant is particularly acute in many of the smaller reservoirs that can only hold about a year's worth of water.

"It shows how important it is to dedicate effort -- now, not in 20 to 50 years -- to figuring out how we, as scientists, can provide better information about water conservation," Gordon says. "And I think that there's an opportunity to really think about how we support communities in these efforts, especially small communities in headwaters regions that might be fully dependent on agriculture."

"Our results indicate the importance of water conservation as an adaptive strategy in a warmer future with less snow," she continues. "And that's broadly true across a lot of different places in the Western U.S."
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