Low energy fusion must be a hoax unless completly new science is invoked.
Fusion happens when nuclei get close enough for the nuclear force to become attractive.
That occurs at approximately^ 10^-15 mm (
Atoms themselves are approximately 10^-10m in size, and the electrostatic force from the positive charge of the nucleus repells based on distance ^-2
Therefore the the repulsive force to be overcome to achieve fusion is at least 10^10 times stronger than the influence of the next nearest atom. (low temperatures in a solid = spacing of atoms at more than 10^-10m apart)
Ie, the only way to get fusion is for(at least) one of the particles to be moving fast enough to overcome this barrier, and other atoms in the (chemically distant) vicinity have no significant effect. Fast=hot.
Hydrogen fusion is actually the easiest fusion to do, and we can't even do that in a sustained manner at the moment.