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Author Topic: Systemic Isolation  (Read 241211 times)


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #550 on: October 26, 2020, 12:30:16 PM »
Without providing proof: We are not living in a 'simulation'.
I am certain of it (having analysed this before) but don't know yet how to put it in words.

(hmm.. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle & necessary information for simulation. (geological) history. living nature outside the 'simulation'. motivation. civilisation behaviour. energy use of simulation. incompatibilities of individual brains. infants. impossible technology level (by whom and from where?). and more)

It's almost as if they're looking for a new modern type of 'God' in stead of reality.
Hey Elon Musk, you should stop reading science fiction books and stop watching science fiction movies. They're fiction and so are your dreams ;)
"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly" - Bertrand Russell
"It is preoccupation with what other people from your groups think of you, that prevents you from living freely and nobly" - Nanning
Why do you keep accumulating stuff?


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #551 on: October 30, 2020, 06:46:44 AM »
The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End

In a landmark series of calculations, physicists have proved that black holes can shed information, which seems impossible by definition. The work appears to resolve a paradox that Stephen Hawking first described five decades ago.

Information gets out through the workings of gravity itself — just ordinary gravity with a single layer of quantum effects. ... Muted at first, these effects come to dominate when the black hole gets to be extremely old. The hole transforms from a hermit kingdom to a vigorously open system. Not only does information spill out, anything new that falls in is regurgitated almost immediately.

The work is highly mathematical and has a Rube Goldberg quality to it, stringing together one calculational trick after another in a way that is hard to interpret. Wormholes, the holographic principle, emergent space-time, quantum entanglement, quantum computers: Nearly every concept in fundamental physics these days makes an appearance, making the subject both captivating and confounding.

... In some way or other, space-time itself seems to fall apart at a black hole, implying that space-time is not the root level of reality, but an emergent structure from something deeper. Although Einstein conceived of gravity as the geometry of space-time, his theory also entails the dissolution of space-time, which is ultimately why information can escape its gravitational prison.

... But rather than think of the wormholes as actual portals sitting out there in the universe, Mahajan and others speculate that they are a sign of new, nonlocal physics. By connecting two distant locations, wormholes allow occurrences at one place to affect a distant place directly, without a particle, force or other influence having to cross the intervening distance — making this an instance of what physicists call nonlocality. In the black hole calculations, the island and radiation are one system seen in two places, which amounts to a failure of the concept of “place.” “We’ve always known that some kind of nonlocal effects have to be involved in gravity, and this is one of them,” Mahajan said. “Things you thought were independent are not really independent.”

Wormholes crop up because they are the only language the path integral can use to convey that space is breaking down. They are geometry’s way of saying the universe is ultimately nongeometric.




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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #552 on: November 23, 2020, 08:37:19 PM »
Helicopter Pilot Finds 'Strange' Monolith In Remote Part of Utah

A mysterious metal monolith has been discovered in a remote part of Utah, after being spotted by state employees counting sheep from a helicopter.

The structure, estimated at between 10ft and 12ft high, appeared to be planted in the rock. It was made from some sort of metal, its shine in sharp contrast to the enormous red rocks which surrounded it.

Utah’s highway patrol shared images of both the sheep and the monolith.

The helicopter pilot, Bret Hutchings, told local news channel KSLTV: “That’s been about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying.”

Hutchings was flying for the Utah department of public safety, which was helping wildlife resource officers count bighorn sheep in the south of the state.

“One of the biologists is the one who spotted it and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it,” Hutchings said. “He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, ‘What?’ And he’s like, ‘There’s this thing back there – we’ve got to go look at it!’”

Hutchings said the object looked manmade and appeared to have been firmly planted in the ground, not dropped from the sky.

The monolith and its setting resembled a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film, in which a group of apes encounter a giant slab.


.... agents Mulder and Scully are on their way ...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2020, 08:58:55 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #553 on: November 24, 2020, 12:28:41 AM »
Helicopter Pilot Finds 'Strange' Monolith In Remote Part of Utah

A mysterious metal monolith has been discovered in a remote part of Utah, after being spotted by state employees counting sheep from a helicopter.

The structure, estimated at between 10ft and 12ft high, appeared to be planted in the rock. It was made from some sort of metal, its shine in sharp contrast to the enormous red rocks which surrounded it.

Utah’s highway patrol shared images of both the sheep and the monolith.

The helicopter pilot, Bret Hutchings, told local news channel KSLTV: “That’s been about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying.”

Hutchings was flying for the Utah department of public safety, which was helping wildlife resource officers count bighorn sheep in the south of the state.

“One of the biologists is the one who spotted it and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it,” Hutchings said. “He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, ‘What?’ And he’s like, ‘There’s this thing back there – we’ve got to go look at it!’”

Hutchings said the object looked manmade and appeared to have been firmly planted in the ground, not dropped from the sky.

The monolith and its setting resembled a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film, in which a group of apes encounter a giant slab.


.... agents Mulder and Scully are on their way ...

Most likely this is an art object installed within the past fifty, or so, years.
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― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #554 on: November 24, 2020, 12:55:20 AM »
Aw, c'mon ASLR; the little green men even left their little green footprints.    8)  ;)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #555 on: November 27, 2020, 11:35:05 PM »
Did Viruses Create the Nucleus? The Answer May Be Near.

Scientists generally think eukaryotes first came on the scene between 2.5 billion and 1.5 billion years ago, when evidence suggests that a bacterium took up residence inside a different kind of prokaryote, an archaeon, and became its mitochondrion. But a deeper mystery surrounds the emergence of the nucleus; no one even knows whether that ancient archaeon was already a kind of proto-eukaryote with a nucleus, or whether the nucleus came later.

Any origin story for the eukaryotic nucleus needs to explain several of its features. There’s the nature of the structure, for starters: its nested inner and outer membranes, and the pores that connect its interior to the rest of the cell. There’s also the curious way it compartmentalizes the expression of genes within itself but leaves the construction of proteins outside. And a truly persuasive origin story must also explain why the nucleus exists at all — what evolutionary pressures pushed those ancient cells to wall up their genomes.

... “What we [eukaryotes] are is a classic case of what they call emergent complexity,” explained Philip Bell, the head of research for the yeast biotechnology company MicroBioGen. Bell proposed a viral origin for the eukaryotic nucleus back in 2001 and refreshed the theory in September. “It’s three organisms that came together to make a new community, which eventually integrated to such an extent that it became, effectively, a new life-form.”  ... “Five minutes of looking and I go, ‘Jeez, if it’s an endosymbiont, it’s not a bacterial one,’” he recalled. There were just too many differences between bacterial and eukaryotic genomes, he felt, like the fact that eukaryotes have linear chromosomes while bacteria tend to have circular ones.

Bell believes an ancient giant virus infected an archaeon and set up a viral factory but didn’t kill its host cell. Instead, the structure managed to stick around. “And then the virus, which is a gene thief, stole the genes from the archaea and completely destroyed its genome,” he explained. That’s a common theme with viruses, especially giant ones — they take genes from their hosts, which makes them less dependent on their hosts. That might even help explain why so many mitochondrial genes have moved to the nucleus: “Over the years it has been stealing the genes from the mitochondria and starting to control it as well.”

So in a way, “the virus just wears the archaeon’s cell as a cloak,” Bell said. And if that model is right, he pointed out, “you could say at the heart of every human cell is a virus.”


... that may explain why Agent Smith had that heart-to-heart talk with Morpheus ...


Might also explain panspermia ...

Spread viruses across the galaxy
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #556 on: December 28, 2020, 08:52:29 PM »
... To see a World in a Grain of Sand.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.
And Eternity in an hour.

- Auguries of Innocence by William Blake


Primordial Black Holes and the Search for Dark Matter from the Multiverse

Recent progress in fundamental theory, astrophysics, and astronomical observations in search of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) has been made by an international team of particle physicists, cosmologists and astronomers, including Kavli IPMU members Alexander Kusenko, Misao Sasaki, Sunao Sugiyama, Masahiro Takada and Volodymyr Takhistov.

To learn more about primordial black holes, the research team looked at the early universe for clues. The early universe was so dense that any positive density fluctuation of more than 50 percent would create a black hole. However, cosmological perturbations that seeded galaxies are known to be much smaller. Nevertheless, a number of processes in the early universe could have created the right conditions for the black holes to form.

One exciting possibility is that primordial black holes could form from the "baby universes" created during inflation, a period of rapid expansion that is believed to be responsible for seeding the structures we observe today, such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. During inflation, baby universes can branch off of our universe. A small baby (or "daughter") universe would eventually collapse, but the large amount of energy released in the small volume causes a black hole to form.

An even more peculiar fate awaits a bigger baby universe. If it is bigger than some critical size, Einstein's theory of gravity allows the baby universe to exist in a state that appears different to an observer on the inside and the outside. An internal observer sees it as an expanding universe, while an outside observer (such as us) sees it as a black hole. In either case, the big and the small baby universes are seen by us as primordial black holes, which conceal the underlying structure of multiple universes behind their "event horizons." The event horizon is a boundary below which everything, even light, is trapped and cannot escape the black hole. ...

Alexander Kusenko et al, Exploring Primordial Black Holes from the Multiverse with Optical Telescopes, Physical Review Letters (2020).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #557 on: February 06, 2021, 02:44:34 AM »
Searching for Dark Matter Through the Fifth Dimension

Theoretical physicists of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz are working on a theory that goes beyond the Standard Model of particle physics and can answer questions where the Standard Model has to pass—for example, with respect to the hierarchies of the masses of elementary particles or the existence of dark matter. The central element of the theory is an extra dimension in spacetime. Until now, scientists have faced the problem that the predictions of their theory could not be tested experimentally. They have now overcome this problem in a publication in the current issue of the European Physical Journal C.

Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein speculated about the existence of an extra dimension beyond the familiar three space dimensions and time—which in physics are combined into 4-dimensional spacetime. If it exists, such a new dimension would have to be incredible tiny and unnoticeable to the human eye. In the late 1990s this idea has seen a remarkable renaissance, when it was realized that the existence of a fifth dimension could resolve some of the profound open questions of particle physics.

In particular, Yuval Grossman of Stanford University and Matthias Neubert, then a professor at Cornell University, showed in a highly cited publication that the embedding of the Standard Model of particle physics in a 5-dimensional spacetime could explain the so far mysterious patterns seen in the masses of elementary particles.

The Neubert group ...  found that the 5-dimensional field equations predicted the existence of a new, heavy particle with similar properties as the famous Higgs boson but a much heavier mass—so heavy, in fact, that it cannot be produced even at the highest-energy particle collider in the world: the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

In a recent paper published in the European Physical Journal C, the researchers found a spectacular resolution to this dilemma. They discovered that their proposed particle would necessarily mediate a new force between the known elementary particles (our visible universe) and the mysterious dark matter (the dark sector). Even the abundance of dark matter in the cosmos, as observed in astrophysical experiments, can be explained by their theory.

Adrian Carmona et al, A warped scalar portal to fermionic dark matter, The European Physical Journal C (2021)


A Glitch In the Matrix Review – Deep-Dive Into Simulation Theory

Are We All Living In the Matrix? Behind a Documentary On Simulation Theory

Using animation, archive and clips from the movie franchise, Rodney Ascher’s genre-bending doc gives philosophers and kooks space to explain why we are living in a synthetic world
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #558 on: February 09, 2021, 02:51:36 PM »
Quantum Causality Loops

One of the ways in which quantum theory defies classical intuitions is by challenging our ideas of causality. Quantum entanglement can be used to produce correlations between distant experiments that are known to evade satisfactory causal explanations within the framework of classical causal models. Furthermore, a unification of quantum theory and gravity is expected to allow situations in which the causal structure of spacetime is subject to quantum indefiniteness, suggesting that events need not be causally ordered at all.

Recently, a team of researchers from Oxford and Brussels has developed a theory of causality in quantum theory, in which causal concepts are defined in intrinsically quantum terms rather than pertaining to an emergent classical level of measurement outcomes. This has offered a causal understanding of the correlations produced by entangled states. Now, they have generalized the theory to allow causal influence to go in cycles, providing a causal understanding of processes with events in indefinite causal order.

"Previously, processes with indefinite causal order were typically regarded as simply incompatible with any causal account. Our work shows that a major class of them—those that can be understood as arising from unitary processes and which are believed to be the ones that could have a physical realization in nature—could, in fact, be seen as having a definite causal structure, albeit one involving cycles," says Robin Lorenz, a corresponding author of the study. "The idea of cyclic causal structures may seem counterintuitive, but the quantum process framework within which it is formulated guarantees that it is free of logical paradoxes, such as the possibility of going back in time and killing your younger self," explains Ognyan Oreshkov from the Université libre de Bruxelles.

"Exotic as they appear, some of these scenarios are actually known to have experimental realizations in which the variables of interest are delocalized in time."

Cyclic quantum causal models, Nature Communications.

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #559 on: February 24, 2021, 05:38:00 PM »
World's First Video of a Space-Time Crystal

A German-Polish research team has succeeded in creating a micrometer-sized space-time crystal consisting of magnons at room temperature. With the help of the scanning transmission X-ray microscope Maxymus at Bessy II at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, they were able to film the recurring periodic magnetization structure in a crystal.

Order in space and a periodicity in time

A crystal is a solid whose atoms or molecules are regularly arranged in a particular structure. If one looks at the arrangement with a microscope, one discovers an atom or a molecule always at the same intervals. It is similar with space-time crystals: however, the recurring structure exists not only in space, but also in time. The smallest components are constantly in motion until, after a certain period, they arrange again into the original pattern.

... eat your heart out, Dr Who ...

... now, where did I put the sonic screwdriver? ...
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #560 on: March 04, 2021, 03:40:32 PM »
A Potential Model for a Real Physical Warp Drive

A pair of researchers at Applied Physics has created what they describe as the first general model for a warp drive, a model for a space craft that could travel faster than the speed of light, without actually breaking the laws of physics. Alexey Bobrick, and Gianni Martire have written a paper describing their ideas for a warp drive and have published it in IOP's Classical and Quantum Gravity.

In this new effort, the researchers have taken a previous idea based on warping space-time a step further to create a model for a warp drive that they believe could be feasible in the future.

Bobrick and Martire start with the idea of an Alcubierre warp drive, a concept developed by Miguel Alcubierre in 1994—he envisioned it as spacecraft that could contract space time in front of the vehicle while expanding it behind the craft. But such a craft would require a massive amount of negative energy, which would not be feasible for a real spacecraft. Bobrick and Martire suggest instead that a massive gravitational force could be used to bend space time. The trick is finding a way to compress a planet-sized mass to a manageable spacecraft-module size in order to use its gravity. Because of the implied difficulties, a warp drive created from the model developed by the researchers could not be built today, but it does suggest that someday it might be possible.

Alexey Bobrick et al. Introducing physical warp drives, Classical and Quantum Gravity (2021)

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #561 on: March 08, 2021, 01:47:23 AM »
New Research Indicates the Whole Universe Could Be a Giant Neural Network

All the universe is a neural network, and all the humans merely nodes

In a thought-provoking new paper, a physicist suggests the whole universe could be a single neural network—a competing “theory of everything” that could unite quantum and classical mechanics, he says.

The core idea is deceptively simple: every observable phenomenon in the entire universe can be modeled by a neural network. And that means, by extension, the universe itself may be a neural network.

...“Would this theory mean we’re living in a simulation?” Futurism’s Victor Tangermann asked Vanchurin. “No, we live in a neural network,” he replied. “But we might never know the difference.”

If we’re all nodes in a neural network, what’s the network’s purpose? Is the universe one giant, closed network or is it a single layer in a grander network? Or perhaps we’re just one of trillions of other universes connected to the same network. When we train our neural networks we run thousands or millions of cycles until the AI is properly “trained.” Are we just one of an innumerable number of training cycles for some larger-than-universal machine’s greater purpose?

... “We discuss a possibility that the entire universe on its most fundamental level is a neural network. We identify two different types of dynamical degrees of freedom: “trainable” variables and “hidden” variables.

We consider the trainable variables to argue that near equilibrium their dynamics [are] well approximated by Madelung equations and further away from the equilibrium by Hamilton-Jacobi equations. This shows that the trainable variables can indeed exhibit classical and quantum behaviors.”
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Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #562 on: March 08, 2021, 02:07:48 AM »
New Research Indicates the Whole Universe Could Be a Giant Neural Network

All the universe is a neural network, and all the humans merely nodes

In a thought-provoking new paper, a physicist suggests the whole universe could be a single neural network—a competing “theory of everything” that could unite quantum and classical mechanics, he says.

The core idea is deceptively simple: every observable phenomenon in the entire universe can be modeled by a neural network. And that means, by extension, the universe itself may be a neural network.

...“Would this theory mean we’re living in a simulation?” Futurism’s Victor Tangermann asked Vanchurin. “No, we live in a neural network,” he replied. “But we might never know the difference.”

If we’re all nodes in a neural network, what’s the network’s purpose? Is the universe one giant, closed network or is it a single layer in a grander network? Or perhaps we’re just one of trillions of other universes connected to the same network. When we train our neural networks we run thousands or millions of cycles until the AI is properly “trained.” Are we just one of an innumerable number of training cycles for some larger-than-universal machine’s greater purpose?

... “We discuss a possibility that the entire universe on its most fundamental level is a neural network. We identify two different types of dynamical degrees of freedom: “trainable” variables and “hidden” variables.

We consider the trainable variables to argue that near equilibrium their dynamics [are] well approximated by Madelung equations and further away from the equilibrium by Hamilton-Jacobi equations. This shows that the trainable variables can indeed exhibit classical and quantum behaviors.”

A new study published in Medical Hypothesis suggests, among other things, the existence of a plausible molecular mechanism to account for a hitherto inexplicable aspect of the so-called Gaia hypothesis; a theory which proposes that the Earth is self-regulating and controlled by the community of living organisms.

The new study, with its unforgivably long title, "Possible role for microRNAs as inter-species mediators of epigenetic information in disease pathogenesis: Is the non-coding dark matter
 of the genome responsible for epigenetic interindividual or interspecies communication?", identifies transcribable elements within the so-called "dark matter" of the genome (the about 98.5% of the genome that does not code for proteins) known as non-coding RNAs. One kind of non-coding RNA identified in the study known as microRNA is believed capable of acting as a master regulator of gene expression across kingdoms.

A groundbreaking new study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research titled, "Interspecies communication between plant and mouse gut host cells through edible plant derived exosome-like nanoparticles," reveals a new way that food components 'talk' to animal cells by regulating gene expression and conferring significant therapeutic effects. With the recent discovery that non-coding microRNA's in food are capable of directly altering gene expression within human physiology,[1] this new study further concretizes the notion that the age old aphorism 'you are what you eat' is now consistent with cutting edge molecular biology.

Exosomes: The 'Missing Link' In How Plants and Animal Cells Communicate and Collaborate
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #563 on: March 09, 2021, 08:15:12 PM »
Breaking the Warp Barrier for Faster-Than-Light Travel

If travel to distant stars within an individual's lifetime is going to be possible, a means of faster-than-light propulsion will have to be found. To date, even recent research about superluminal (faster-than-light) transport based on Einstein's theory of general relativity would require vast amounts of hypothetical particles and states of matter that have 'exotic' physical properties such as negative energy density. This type of matter either cannot currently be found or cannot be manufactured in viable quantities. In contrast, new research carried out at the University of Göttingen gets around this problem by constructing a new class of hyper-fast 'solitons' using sources with only positive energies that can enable travel at any speed. This reignites debate about the possibility of faster-than-light travel based on conventional physics. The research is published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity.

The author of the paper, Dr. Erik Lentz, analyzed existing research and discovered gaps in previous 'warp drive' studies. Lentz noticed that there existed yet-to-be explored configurations of space-time curvature organized into 'solitons' that have the potential to solve the puzzle while being physically viable.

A soliton—in this context also informally referred to as a 'warp bubble'—is a compact wave that maintains its shape and moves at constant velocity. Lentz derived the Einstein equations for unexplored soliton configurations (where the space-time metric's shift vector components obey a hyperbolic relation), finding that the altered space-time geometries could be formed in a way that worked even with conventional energy sources. In essence, the new method uses the very structure of space and time arranged in a soliton to provide a solution to faster-than-light travel, which—unlike other research—would only need sources with positive energy densities. No exotic negative energy densities needed.

If sufficient energy could be generated, the equations used in this research would allow space travel to Proxima Centauri, our nearest star, and back to Earth in years instead of decades or millennia. That means an individual could travel there and back within their lifetime. In comparison, the current rocket technology would take more than 50,000 years for a one-way journey. In addition, the solitons (warp bubbles) were configured to contain a region with minimal tidal forces such that the passing of time inside the soliton matches the time outside: an ideal environment for a spacecraft. This means there would not be the complications of the so-called 'twin paradox' whereby one twin traveling near the speed of light would age much more slowly than the other twin who stayed on Earth: in fact, according to the recent equations both twins would be the same age when reunited.

"This work has moved the problem of faster-than-light travel one step away from theoretical research in fundamental physics and closer to engineering. The next step is to figure out how to bring down the astronomical amount of energy needed to within the range of today's technologies, such as a large modern nuclear fission power plant. Then we can talk about building the first prototypes," says Lentz.

Erik W Lentz, Breaking the warp barrier: hyper-fast solitons in Einstein–Maxwell-plasma theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity (2021)


Microscopic Wormholes Possible In Theory

Wormholes play a key role in many science fiction films—often as a shortcut between two distant points in space. In physics, however, these tunnels in spacetime have remained purely hypothetical. An international team led by Dr. Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo of the University of Oldenburg has now presented a new theoretical model in the science journal Physical Review Letters that makes microscopic wormholes seem less far-fetched than in previous theories.

... Previous models suggest that the only way to keep the wormhole open is with an exotic form of matter that has a negative mass, or in other words weighs less than nothing, and which only exists in theory. However, Blázquez-Salcedo and his colleagues Dr. Christian Knoll from the University of Oldenburg and Eugen Radu from the Universidade de Aveiro in Portugal demonstrate in their model that wormholes could also be traversable without such matter.

The researchers chose a comparatively simple "semiclassical" approach. They combined elements of relativity theory with elements of quantum theory and classic electrodynamics theory. In their model they consider certain elementary particles such as electrons and their electric charge as the matter that is to pass through the wormhole. As a mathematical description, they chose the Dirac equation, a formula that describes the probability density function of a particle according to quantum theory and relativity as a so-called Dirac field.

As the physicists report in their study, it is the inclusion of the Dirac field into their model that permits the existence of a wormhole traversable by matter, provided that the ratio between the electric charge and the mass of the wormhole exceeds a certain limit. In addition to matter, signals—for example electromagnetic waves—could also traverse the tiny tunnels in spacetime.

Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo et al, Traversable Wormholes in Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell Theory, Physical Review Letters (2021)


Flight through a Wormhole


360° Traversing a flat Worm Hole
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 11:01:03 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #564 on: March 23, 2021, 03:54:00 PM »
CERN Experiment Hints at New Force of Nature

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva have spotted an unusual signal in their data that may be the first hint of a new kind of physics.

The LHCb collaboration, one of four main teams at the LHC, analysed 10 years of data on how unstable particles called B mesons, created momentarily in the vast machine, decayed into more familiar matter such as electrons.

The Standard Model of particle physics, firmly maintains that the particles should break down into products that include electrons at exactly the same rate as they do into products that include a heavier cousin of the electron, a particle called a muon.

But results released by CERN on Tuesday suggest that something unusual is happening. The B mesons are not decaying in the way the model says they should: instead of producing electrons and muons at the same rate, nature appears to favour the route that ends with electrons—around 85 muon decays for every 100 electron decays.

In physics parlance, the result has a significance of 3.1 sigma, meaning the chance of it being a fluke is about one in 1,000. While that may sound convincing evidence, particle physicists tend not to claim a new discovery until a result reaches a significance of five sigma, where the chance of it being a statistical quirk are reduced to one in a few million.

“It’s an intriguing hint, but we have seen sigmas come and go before. It happens surprisingly frequently,” Parkes said.

“I would say there is cautious excitement. We’re intrigued because not only is this result quite significant, it fits the pattern of some previous results from LHCb and other experiments worldwide,” he said.

If the result turns out to be true, it could be explained by so-far hypothetical particles called Z primes or leptoquarks that bring new forces to bear on other particles.

“There could be a new quantum force that makes the B mesons break up into muons at the wrong rate. It’s sticking them together and stopping them decaying into muons at the rate we’d expect,” Allanach said. “This force could help explain the peculiar pattern of different matter particles’ masses.”

After analyzing trillions of collisions produced over the last decade, we may be seeing evidence of something altogether new—potentially the carrier of a brand new force of nature.

Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, arxiv, (2021)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #565 on: March 31, 2021, 06:48:04 PM »
New Study Sows Doubt About the Composition of 70 Percent of Our Universe

Until now, researchers have believed that dark energy accounted for nearly 70 percent of the ever-accelerating, expanding universe.

For many years, this mechanism has been associated with the so-called cosmological constant, developed by Einstein in 1917, that refers to an unknown repellant cosmic power.

But because the cosmological constant—known as dark energy—cannot be measured directly, numerous researchers, including Einstein, have doubted its existence—without being able to suggest a viable alternative.

Until now.

In a new study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, a model was tested that replaces dark energy with a dark matter in the form of magnetic forces.

"If what we discovered is accurate, it would upend our belief that what we thought made up 70 percent of the universe does not actually exist. We have removed dark energy from the equation and added in a few more properties for dark matter. This appears to have the same effect upon the universe's expansion as dark energy," explains Steen Harle Hansen, an associate professor at the Niels Bohr Institute's DARK Cosmology Centre.

The usual understanding of how the universe's energy is distributed is that it consists of five percent normal matter, 25 percent dark matter and 70 percent dark energy.

In the UCPH researchers' new model, the 25 percent share of dark matter is accorded special qualities that make the 70 percent of dark energy redundant.

We don't know much about dark matter other than that it is a heavy and slow particle. But then we wondered—what if dark matter had some quality that was analogous to magnetism in it? We know that as normal particles move around, they create magnetism. And, magnets attract or repel other magnets—so what if that's what's going on in the universe? That this constant expansion of dark matter is occurring thanks to some sort of magnetic force?" asks Steen Hansen.

Karoline Loeve et al. Consistency analysis of a Dark Matter velocity dependent force as an alternative to the Cosmological Constant, arXiv:2102.07792 [astro-ph.CO]


Einstein originally introduced the concept in 1917 to counterbalance the effects of gravity.

... dark matter drive = antigrav propulsion?


Researchers Achieve World's First Manipulation of Antimatter by Laser

Researchers with the CERN-based ALPHA collaboration have announced the world's first laser-based manipulation of antimatter, leveraging a made-in-Canada laser system to cool a sample of antimatter down to near absolute zero. The achievement, detailed in an article published today and featured on the cover of the journal Nature, will significantly alter the landscape of antimatter research and advance the next generation of experiments.

Since its introduction 40 years ago, laser manipulation and cooling of ordinary atoms have revolutionized modern atomic physics and enabled several Nobel-winning experiments. The results in Nature mark the first instance of scientists applying these techniques to antimatter.

... "Furthermore, we are one step closer to being able to manufacture the world's first antimatter molecules by joining anti-atoms together using our laser manipulation technology,"

Laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms , Nature (2021).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #566 on: April 07, 2021, 10:30:35 PM »
'Tantalizing' Results of 2 Experiments Defy Physics Rulebook

Preliminary results from two experiments suggest something could be wrong with the basic way physicists think the universe works, a prospect that has the field of particle physics both baffled and thrilled.

The United States Energy Department's Fermilab announced results Wednesday of 8.2 billion races along a track outside Chicago that while ho-hum to most people have physicists astir: The magnetic field around a fleeting subatomic particle is not what the Standard Model says it should be. This follows new results published last month from CERN's Large Hadron Collider that found a surprising proportion of particles in the aftermath of high-speed collisions.

The experiment, Muon g-2 (pronounced Muon g minus 2), follows one that began in the '90s at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory, in which scientists measured a magnetic property of a fundamental particle called the muon.

... Preliminary results suggest that the magnetic "spin" of the muons is 0.1% off what the Standard Model predicts. That may not sound like much, but to particle physicists it is huge—more than enough to upend current understanding.

Researchers need another year or two to finish analyzing the results of all of the laps around the 50-foot (14-meter) track. If the results don't change, it will count as a major discovery, Venanzoni said.

... "This is not a fudge factor. This is something wrong," Kaplan said.

He explained that there may be some kind of undiscovered particle—or force—that could explain both strange results.

B. Abi et al, Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm, Physical Review Letters (2021).

T. Albahri et al. Magnetic-field measurement and analysis for the Muon g−2 Experiment at Fermilab, Physical Review A (2021).
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 10:43:11 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #567 on: April 10, 2021, 02:18:16 AM »
Physicists Working With Microsoft Think the Universe Is a Self-Learning Computer

A team of theoretical physicists working with Microsoft today published an amazing pre-print research paper describing the universe as a self-learning system of evolutionary laws.

In other words: We live inside a computer that learns.

Dubbed “The Autodidactic Universe,” and published to arXiv today, the paper spans 80 pages and lays out a pretty good surface argument for a novel, nuanced theory of everything.

The paper argues that the laws governing the universe are an evolutionary learning system. In other words: the universe is a computer and, rather than exist in a solid state, it perpetuates through a series of laws that change over time.

The researchers explain the universe as a learning system by invoking machine learning systems. Just like we can teach machines to perform unfolding functions over time, that is, to learn, the laws of the universe are essentially algorithms that do work in the form of learning operations.

Per the researchers:

... For instance, when we see structures that resemble deep learning architectures emerge in simple autodidactic systems might we imagine that the operative matrix architecture in which our universe evolves laws, itself evolved from an autodidactic system that arose from the most minimal possible starting conditions?

We understand the laws of physics as we observe them, so it makes sense that the original physical law would be incredibly simple, self-perpetuating, and capable of learning and evolving.

The scientists describe the ever-evolving laws of the universe as being irreversible:

One implication is that if the evolution of laws is real, it is likely to be unidirectional, for otherwise it would be common for laws to revert to previous states, perhaps even more likely than for them to find a new state. This is because a new state is not random but rather must meet certain constraints, while the immediate past state has already met constraints.

A reversible but evolving system would randomly explore its immediate past frequently. When we see an evolving system that displays periods of stability, it probably evolves unidirectionally.

The consequences: If the universe operates via a set of laws that, while initially simple, are autodidactic (self-learning) and thus capable of evolving over time, it could be impossible for humans to ever unify physics.

According to this paper, the rules that governed concepts such as relativity may have had functionally different operational consequences 13.8 billion years ago than they will 100 trillion years from now. And that means “physics” is a moving target.

Conclusion: ... This all comes off a little “I just got back from the dispensary and had a few thoughts,” at first, but the researchers do a lot of leg work describing the kinds of algorithms and neural network systems such a universe would generate and, itself, be comprised of.

“The Autodidactic Universe,”
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #568 on: April 10, 2021, 05:29:01 PM »
but the researchers do a lot of leg work
 it starts from som
Well you got to fill the paper somehow. And there is a funny turnaround. The self learning computer is in a way based on humans so they are arguing that the universe could be like a human.

Or to put it another way humans and self learning systems try to find order in the system that is and then partially explain things from there. A universe does not do that or can not do that. Or so i think.  ;)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #569 on: April 10, 2021, 06:19:56 PM »
humans tend to anthropomorphize everything ... It's turtles all the way down ...
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #570 on: April 11, 2021, 12:16:28 PM »
All these "we live in a simulation" theories are just another way to put humans in the middle of the universe.
Who the heck would bother to create humans for such a simulation? Who the heck would bother to create the simulation in the first place?
We are not so very interesting as we think we are.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #571 on: June 03, 2021, 04:00:17 AM »
A New Dimension In Quest to Understand Dark Matter

The new research, which proposes the existence of an extra dimension in space-time to search for dark matter, is part of an ongoing research program at UC Riverside led by Tanedo. According to this theory, some of the dark matter particles don't behave like particles. In effect, invisible particles interact with even more invisible particles in such a way that the latter cease to behave like particles.

"The goal of my research program for the past two years is to extend the idea of dark matter 'talking' to dark forces," Tanedo said. "Over the past decade, physicists have come to appreciate that in addition to dark matter, hidden dark forces may govern dark matter's interactions. These could completely rewrite the rules for how one ought to look for dark matter."

If two particles of dark matter are attracted to or repelled by each other, then dark forces are operating. Tanedo explained that dark forces are described mathematically by a theory with extra dimensions and appear as a continuum of particles that could address puzzles seen in small galaxies.

"Our ongoing research program at UCR is a further generalization of the dark force proposal," he said. "Our observed universe has three dimensions of space. We propose that there may be a fourth dimension that only the dark forces know about. The extra dimension can explain why dark matter has hidden so well from our attempts to study it in a lab."

Tanedo explained that although extra dimensions may sound like an exotic idea, they are actually a mathematical trick to describe "conformal field theories"—ordinary three-dimensional theories that are highly quantum mechanical. These types of theories are mathematically rich, but do not contain conventional particles and so are typically not considered to be relevant for describing nature. The mathematical equivalence between these challenging three-dimensional theories and a more tractable extra dimensional theory is known as the holographic principle.

"Since these conformal field theories were both intractable and unusual, they hadn't really been systematically applied to dark matter," Tanedo added. "Instead of using that language, we work with the holographic extra-dimensional theory."

The key feature of the extra-dimensional theory is that the force between dark matter particles is described by an infinite number of different particles with different masses called a continuum. In contrast, ordinary forces are described by a single type of particle with a fixed mass.

Ian Chaffey et al, Continuum-mediated self-interacting dark matter, Journal of High Energy Physics (2021).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #572 on: June 03, 2021, 02:12:20 PM »
Anybody want to bet how many testable hypothesis that research will yield in 10-20 years?
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #573 on: June 16, 2021, 09:03:41 AM »
Dynamical independence: discovering emergent macroscopic processes in complex dynamical systems

We introduce a notion of emergence for coarse-grained macroscopic variables associated with highly-multivariate microscopic dynamical processes, in the context of a coupled dynamical environment. Dynamical independence instantiates the intuition of an emergent macroscopic process as one possessing the characteristics of a dynamical system "in its own right", with its own dynamical laws distinct from those of the underlying microscopic dynamics. We quantify (departure from) dynamical independence by a transformation-invariant Shannon information-based measure of dynamical dependence. We emphasise the data-driven discovery of dynamically-independent macroscopic variables, and introduce the idea of a multiscale "emergence portrait" for complex systems. We show how dynamical dependence may be computed explicitly for linear systems via state-space modelling, in both time and frequency domains, facilitating discovery of emergent phenomena at all spatiotemporal scales. We discuss application of the state-space operationalisation to inference of the emergence portrait for neural systems from neurophysiological time-series data. We also examine dynamical independence for discrete- and continuous-time deterministic dynamics, with potential application to Hamiltonian mechanics and classical complex systems such as flocking and cellular automata.

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #574 on: June 29, 2021, 05:03:59 PM »
I believe that the universe (multiverse) is relational as discussed in the linked article.

Title: "Is reality a game of quantum mirrors? A new theory suggests it might be"

Extract: "Expecting objects to have their own independent existence—independent of us, and any other objects—is actually a deep-seated assumption we make about the world. This assumption has its origin in the scientific revolution of the 17th century, and is part of what we call the mechanistic worldview. According to this view, the world is like a giant clockwork machine whose parts are governed by set laws of motion.

This view of the world is responsible for much of our scientific advancement since the 17th century. But as Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli argues in his new book Helgoland, quantum theory—the physical theory that describes the universe at the smallest scales—almost certainly shows this worldview to be false. Instead, Rovelli argues we should adopt a "relational" worldview.

What does it mean to be relational?

During the scientific revolution, the English physics pioneer Isaac Newton and his German counterpart Gottfried Leibniz disagreed on the nature of space and time.

Newton claimed space and time acted like a "container" for the contents of the universe. That is, if we could remove the contents of the universe—all the planets, stars, and galaxies—we would be left with empty space and time. This is the "absolute" view of space and time.

Leibniz, on the other hand, claimed that space and time were nothing more than the sum total of distances and durations between all the objects and events of the world. If we removed the contents of the universe, we would remove space and time also. This is the "relational" view of space and time: they are only the spatial and temporal relations between objects and events. The relational view of space and time was a key inspiration for Einstein when he developed general relativity."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #575 on: July 23, 2021, 06:02:05 PM »
Electromagnetism Is a Property of the Spacetime Itself, Study Finds

Imagine if we could use strong electromagnetic fields to manipulate the local properties of spacetime—this could have important ramifications in terms of science and engineering.

Maxwell's equations are the key linear partial differential equations that describe classical electromagnetism. The equations relate the electromagnetic field to currents and charges. On the other hand, in general relativity, the Einstein field equation is a set of nonlinear partial differential equations describing how the metric of spacetime evolves, given some conditions, such as mass density in the spacetime. Both equations are ultimately of second order, if seen properly

Therefore, we thought that perhaps we are talking about the same governing equation, which could describe both electromagnetism and gravitation. Indeed, it becomes clear that Maxwell's equations hide inside the Einstein field equations of general relativity.

The link between general relativity and electromagnetism becomes clear by assuming that the so-called four-potential of electromagnetism directly determines the metrical properties of the spacetime. In particular, our research shows how electromagnetism is an inherent property of spacetime itself.

Electric and magnetic fields represent certain local tensions or twists in the spacetime fabric. Our research shows that the Lagrangian of electrodynamics is just the Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity; it reveals how Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism are an optimality condition for the metric of spacetime to be sufficiently flat. As Einstein's theory of general relativity provides that the metric is optimal in a sense, electromagnetism is hidden in the nonlinear differential equations of general relativity. On the other hand, this means that general relativity is a generalized theory of nonlinear electromagnetism.

Tensions in spacetime manifest themselves as electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, electric charge relates to some compressibility properties of spacetime. Electric current seems to be a re-balancing object, which transports charge in order to keep the spacetime manifold Ricci-flat.

Although our theory shows that Maxwell's equations are a condition for the spacetime to be Ricci-flat, electromagnetic fields do seem to cause special curvature in spacetime nevertheless. The relevant curvature is what is known in differential geometry as the Weyl curvature. Weyl curvature in spacetime is the local curving of spacetime in such a way that locally, volumes are preserved. It is a special kind of stretching and bending of spacetime.

Jussi Lindgren et al., Maxwell's equations from spacetime geometry and the role of Weyl curvature, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021),
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #576 on: July 26, 2021, 09:03:03 PM »
Announcing the Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts

The multi-institutional, international Galileo Project founders, research team and advisory boards, in conjunction with the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, today announce the Galileo Project. It is a transparent scientific project to advance a systematic experimental search for cross-validated evidence of potential astro-archeological artifacts or active technical equipment made by putative existing or extinct extraterrestrial technological civilizations (ETCs).

The project includes researchers from Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, Caltech and the University of Stockholm.

The goal of the Galileo Project is to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures from accidental or anecdotal observations and legends to the mainstream of transparent, validated and systematic scientific research.

"After the recent release of the ODNI report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the scientific community needs the determination to systematically, scientifically and transparently look for potential evidence of extraterrestrial technological equipment. The impact of any discovery of extraterrestrial technology on science, our technology, and on our entire world view, would be enormous."

Given recent research showing the prevalence of Earth-like planets throughout the galaxy, "We can no longer ignore the possibility that technological civilizations predated us," Professor Avi Loeb told reporters at a news conference  Science should not reject potential extraterrestrial explanations because of social stigma or cultural preferences that are not conducive to the scientific method of unbiased, empirical inquiry. We now must 'dare to look through new telescopes', both literally and figuratively."

This ground-based project is complementary to traditional SETI, in that it searches for physical objects, and not electromagnetic signals associated with extraterrestrial technological civilizations.

A picture is worth a thousand words. For example, a megapixel image of the exterior of a human-scale UAP object at a distance of a mile will allow to distinguish: "Made in Country X" from the potential alternative "Made by ETC Y" on an exoplanet in our galaxy. This goal will be accomplished by searching for UAP with a network of mid-sized, high-resolution telescopes and detector arrays with suitable cameras and computer systems, distributed in select locations. The data will be open to the public and the scientific analysis will be transparent.

We anticipate extensive Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning (AI/DL) and algorithmic approaches to differentiate atmospheric phenomena from birds, balloons, commercial or consumer drones, and from potential technological objects of terrestrial or other origin surveying our planet, such as satellites. For the purpose of high contrast imaging, each telescope will be part of a detector array of orthogonal and complementary capabilities from radar, Doppler radar and high-resolution synthetic aperture radar to high-resolution, large camera visible range and infrared band telescopes. If an ETC is discovered to be surveying Earth using UAP, then we have to assume that the ETC has mastered passive radar, optical and infrared technologies.

In such a case, our systematic study of detected UAP will be enhanced by means of high-performance, integrated multi-wavelength detector arrays.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 10:25:43 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #577 on: July 27, 2021, 01:19:35 AM »
Xu et al. (2021) demonstrate that properly constructed fractal networks exhibit quantum transport behavior at room temperatures; while consensus science previously assumed that such networks would exhibit classical photonic behavior.  This suggests (see the linked article) that Penrose many have been correct when he proposed that the microtubules within neurons in the brain likely exhibit quantum behavior at body temperatures because they are structured in a fractal pattern (& thus are fractal networks).  If so this finding could someday help to explain human consciousness, without invoking the need for a human soul.

Xu, XY., Wang, XW., Chen, DY. et al. Quantum transport in fractal networks. Nat. Photon. (2021).

Abstract: "Fractals are fascinating, not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for allowing the investigation of physical properties in non-integer dimensions. In these unconventional systems, many intrinsic features might come into play, including the fractal dimension and the fractal geometry. Despite abundant theoretical studies, experiments in fractal networks remain elusive. Here we experimentally investigate quantum transport in fractal networks by performing continuous-time quantum walks in fractal photonic lattices. We unveil the transport properties through the photon evolution patterns, the mean square displacement and the Pólya number. Contrarily to classical fractals, we observe anomalous transport governed solely by the fractal dimension. In addition, the critical point at which there is a transition from normal to anomalous transport depends on the fractal geometry. Our experiment allows the verification of physical laws in a quantitative manner and reveals the transport dynamics in great detail, thus opening a path to the understanding of more complex quantum phenomena governed by fractality."

See also:

Title: "Can consciousness be explained by quantum physics? My research takes us a step closer to finding out"

Extract: "One of the most important open questions in science is how our consciousness is established. In the 1990s, long before winning the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his prediction of black holes, physicist Roger Penrose teamed up with anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff to propose an ambitious answer.

They claimed that the brain’s neuronal system forms an intricate network and that the consciousness this produces should obey the rules of quantum mechanics – the theory that determines how tiny particles like electrons move around. This, they argue, could explain the mysterious complexity of human consciousness.

Penrose and Hameroff were met with incredulity. Quantum mechanical laws are usually only found to apply at very low temperatures. Quantum computers, for example, currently operate at around -272°C. At higher temperatures, classical mechanics takes over.

Our brains are composed of cells called neurons, and their combined activity is believed to generate consciousness. Each neuron contains microtubules, which transport substances to different parts of the cell. The Penrose-Hameroff theory of quantum consciousness argues that microtubules are structured in a fractal pattern which would enable quantum processes to occur.

Fractals are structures that are neither two-dimensional nor three-dimensional, but are instead some fractional value in between. In mathematics, fractals emerge as beautiful patterns that repeat themselves infinitely, generating what is seemingly impossible: a structure that has a finite area, but an infinite perimeter.

Our observations from these experiments reveal that quantum fractals actually behave in a different way to classical ones. Specifically, we found that the spread of light across a fractal is governed by different laws in the quantum case compared to the classical case.

This new knowledge of quantum fractals could provide the foundations for scientists to experimentally test the theory of quantum consciousness. If quantum measurements are one day taken from the human brain, they could be compared against our results to definitely decide whether consciousness is a classical or a quantum phenomenon."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #579 on: September 09, 2021, 09:55:48 AM »
Without providing proof: We are not living in a 'simulation'.
I am certain of it (having analysed this before) but don't know yet how to put it in words.

(hmm.. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle & necessary information for simulation. (geological) history. living nature outside the 'simulation'. motivation. civilisation behaviour. energy use of simulation. incompatibilities of individual brains. infants. impossible technology level (by whom and from where?). and more)

It's almost as if they're looking for a new modern type of 'God' in stead of reality.
All these "we live in a simulation" theories are just another way to put humans in the middle of the universe.
Who the heck would bother to create humans for such a simulation? Who the heck would bother to create the simulation in the first place?
We are not so very interesting as we think we are.

From my point of view "living in a simulation" would simply mean that a 'programmer' (you could call it a 'god' if you want) programmed certain laws of nature and laws of physics. And then clicked the "start simulation" button, which meant Big Bang. And this is how we got our universe, with everything that has been playing out over the billions of years. Life on earth is not in the center of attention here, it's just a small byproduct of general processes.

However that doesn't explain how did that "programmer" itself appear to begin with. In the end everything is on the scale of infinity and eternity.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 10:03:17 AM by jens »


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #580 on: September 15, 2021, 06:26:30 PM »
Study Provides Evidence for 'New Physics

Is the Standard Model of particle physics incorrect at key points? Recently there has been an increase in experimental observations that deviate from the predictions of this widely accepted physical theory. A current study by the University of Bonn now provides even stronger evidence for the existence of "new physics." The final version of the paper is now published in the journal Physics Letters B. Lead author Chien-Yeah Seng will present the results in mid-October at the fall meeting of the U.S. Physical Society.

... Many researchers assume that the Standard Model is not yet the ultimate answer, but must be supplemented or even fundamentally changed. An increasing number of experimental findings point in this direction, for example those concerning the decay of the so-called kaons. These particles are a component of cosmic rays emanating from stars and galaxies. They are not stable, but decay on average after a few billionths of a second.

A parameter of the Standard Model called Vus describes kaon decay. Its value can be extracted mathematically from measurement data of experiments. However, if this is done for different decay paths of kaons, different results are obtained for Vus. "This could be an indication of physics beyond the Standard Model," Seng clarifies.

... We need high accuracy to be sufficiently confident that the discrepancy between the Vus values is indeed indicative of an error in the standard model," Seng stresses.

Together with colleagues, the young researcher from Malaysia has now developed a method that can significantly shorten the computing time. "To do that, we broke down the problem—accurately extracting Vus—into many simpler subproblems," he says. "This made it possible to determine the value of Vus from kaon decays much faster and more accurately than before."

... The new results confirm the discrepancy between the Vus values. The evidence for a "new physics" beyond the Standard Model has therefore become stronger.

Chien-Yeah Seng et al, High-precision determination of the K3 radiative corrections, Physics Letters B (2021)


Have We Detected Dark Energy? Scientists Say It's a Possibility

A new study, led by researchers at the University of Cambridge and reported in the journal Physical Review D, suggests that some unexplained results from the XENON1T experiment in Italy may have been caused by dark energy, and not the dark matter the experiment was designed to detect.
...Vagnozzi and his co-authors constructed a physical model, which used a type of screening mechanism known as chameleon screening, to show that dark energy particles produced in the Sun's strong magnetic fields could explain the XENON1T excess.

The researchers used their model to show what would happen in the detector if the dark energy was produced in a particular region of the Sun, called the tachocline, where the magnetic fields are particularly strong.

"It was really surprising that this excess could in principle have been caused by dark energy rather than dark matter," said Vagnozzi. "When things click together like that, it's really special."

Their calculations suggest that experiments like XENON1T, which are designed to detect dark matter, could also be used to detect dark energy. However, the original excess still needs to be convincingly confirmed. "We first need to know that this wasn't simply a fluke," said Visinelli. "If XENON1T actually saw something, you'd expect to see a similar excess again in future experiments, but this time with a much stronger signal."

If the excess was the result of dark energy, upcoming upgrades to the XENON1T experiment, as well as experiments pursuing similar goals such as LUX-Zeplin and PandaX-xT, mean that it could be possible to directly detect dark energy within the next decade.

... We are far from fully understanding what dark energy is, but most physical models for dark energy would lead to the existence of a so-called fifth force. There are four fundamental forces in the universe, and anything that can't be explained by one of these forces is sometimes referred to as the result of an unknown fifth force.

Sunny Vagnozzi et al, Direct detection of dark energy: The XENON1T excess and future prospects, Physical Review D (2021)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 07:55:29 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #581 on: October 22, 2021, 01:17:59 PM »
New MOND Theory Able to Account for Cosmic Microwave Background

A pair of researchers at the Czech Academy of Sciences has been shaking up the astrophysics community with a new modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) theory that tosses out the concept of dark matter and instead backs up theories that suggest there is a type of as-yet undiscovered gravity responsible for attributes seen in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Constantinos Skordis and Tom Zlosnik have published a paper describing their ideas in Physical Review Letters.

... The new model begins by using the original MOND idea of two types of fields that behave together as a type of gravitational force—one is scalar, the other vector-based. Next, the researchers added parameters that suggested gravity-modifying fields generated in the early universe—ones that mimicked dark matter. These fields, they further suggest, evolved over time until they became the type of force described by the original MOND model.

Skordis and Zlosnik suggest their model can be used to explain both gravitational lensing and data in the CMB. Up next, they plan to find out if it can also explain the universe's lithium abundance and discrepancies in measurements of the cosmic expansion rate—something dark matter theories have failed to do. They also note their ideas are also free of ghost instabilities.

Constantinos Skordis et al, New Relativistic Theory for Modified Newtonian Dynamics, Physical Review Letters (2021).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #582 on: January 30, 2022, 03:18:30 PM »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #583 on: March 06, 2022, 08:17:50 PM »
It Might Be Like the Matrix Inside a Black Hole

... The only way to shed light on something from which light cannot escape is theoretically, but there are issues when theories collide. Now physicist Enrico Rinaldi of the University of Michigan, who led a study recently published in PRX Quantum, has figured out how to possibly do this in a way that is kind of like The Matrix.

Before you can imagine an extension of the Matrix universe inside a black hole, you need to understand holographic duality. There is only spacetime (gravity warps space and time) in Einstein’s theory of general relativity — no particles. Inversely, there are only particles and no gravity in the standard model of particle physics. Holographic duality tries to equalize these theories. Meaning, gravity translates into particles and vice versa. Objects in either theory may be called different things, but in the end, they are the same. X equals Y. Now enter the matrix.

“If you have a quantum matrix model that is dual to a gravity theory where you can have black holes, and can solve the matrix model and compute several properties of the matrices, then holographic duality tells you how to translate those properties of matrices into properties of black holes,” said Rinaldi

Quantum matrix models represent particle theory. Black holes exist in gravity theory. Therefore, it makes sense that if particle theory and gravity theory are the same, then particles in a matrix model can give more insight into the gravity of a black hole. This is where it starts to get almost sci-fi. Objects in the models Rinaldi and his research team used are represented through the lens of string theory, which sees the particles in particle theory as one-dimensional strings. String theory also tries to unify general relativity and quantum physics. It is still trying.

So if general relativity and particle theory are the same under holographic duality, and general relativity is the same as quantum physics* under string theory (just assume that it is for now even though it still has a way to go), then X equals Y equals Z. Everything translates. Now think back to The Matrix. Everything that exists in that universe is in binary code, so reality it's a series of 0s and 1s. Agent Smith is the same as something like 001011010100010 or whatever his code is.

The matrix models were solved two ways. One used quantum circuits, in which bits of quantum information known as qubits are seen as wires. Look to the top right of the image above. Those lines are the wires, and how information will travel from one wire to the next is dictated by the squares, or gates. The other, on the bottom left, is a series of graphs computed by a deep learning method, which uses a neural network similar to the human brain to solve a matrix.

Black holes warp spacetime with their immense gravity. Connecting the opposite sides, which look different but are really the same, is curved spacetime. The image is a visual representation of how the theory of gravity and the theory of particles are equal. If anything that can happen under the theory of gravity can happen under the theory of particles, Rinaldi thinks this could eventually be used to model black holes. It may someday reveal some wild physics.

“The duality we have in mind does not work in the spacetime that we think describes our universe and the black holes we can observe with telescopes,” Rinaldi said. "So the black holes we can study with the duality at the moment are in a different spacetime.”

You hear that, Mr. Anderson?
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #584 on: March 14, 2022, 11:09:44 AM »
If Energy Cannot Be Created or Destroyed, Where Does It Come From?

It may sound incredible, but many scientists believe that the total energy of the universe is zero. Hence, no energy needed to be “created” when the universe came into existence.

While it seems obvious that there is a huge amount of energy in the particles and radiation that pervade the universe, this energy may be balanced by negative energy caused by the gravitational attraction between the particles. As Stephen Hawking explained, when you pull two objects apart, you need to expend energy to overcome the gravity that pulls them together. As it takes positive energy to separate them, gravity must be negative energy.

If that theory is correct, then there was never any need to create energy or matter – they cancel each other out. That implies that the big bang could have started as a simple statistical fluctuation.

It also means that it may be possible to create our own big bang: just squeeze some vacuum in the right direction and bingo, a new universe, no energy required.

Energy can be transferred between different stores. Energy and matter are equivalent, so nuclear energy, for example, starts off as matter. When an inventory is taken of all the matter and energy in the universe, it adds up to zero, which seems counter-intuitive to say the least.

The zero-energy universe hypothesis is the simplest explanation of this, as outlined in 1973 by Edward Tryon, who was the first to suggest that our universe is the result of a quantum fluctuation.

According to Albert Einstein, mass and energy are equivalent and, according to Tryon, the positive energy associated with mass is counterbalanced by gravitational potential energy, which is negative. Also, according to quantum field theory, particles routinely pop into and out of existence. Tryon suggested that the same could happen for a universe.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #585 on: March 14, 2022, 08:40:30 PM »
It also means that it may be possible to create our own big bang: just squeeze some vacuum in the right direction and bingo, a new universe, no energy required.

I always found this notion interesting. Assume i have Vacuum Squeezer TM and then i squeeze a bit of vacuum. More or less random inputs because who reads manuals anyway and out pops a universe. So what then?

Will it do inflation and then become big and engulf and break the Vacuum Squeezer TM? And after that engulf the lab etc. Or maybe it inflates but it stays inside the machine. So it is a toy universe big inside but small seen from here (the universe it came from)?

Quite hard to tell what happens when expanding a vacuum. What limits it if anything?
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #586 on: March 15, 2022, 05:05:06 AM »
I am no physicist but I do not think squeezing is the right terminology. If you expand the "borders" of the universe there is more "space" for these fluctuations to crop up.
A standard vacuum in a lab is already part of the universe. If you expand the edges of our universe their is more "room" in our universe for new "space".
We do know that space is indivisibly linked to time. My pet theory is that this means the center of the universe is significant because time does not move at all their or maybe is vanishingly slow as you approach it. The further you are from the center the faster time moves. To create your own big bang I think you would have to start outside our universe. It is hard to find language to talk about this stuff.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #587 on: March 15, 2022, 03:26:29 PM »
This is good stuff. It makes the head hurt but in a very different way then climate change or the daily news.

To create your own big bang I think you would have to start outside our universe.

That complicates building my pet universe. I am willing to go there but we do not know how big the universe is. Oh and there is no way to get to the end because the universe itself has such a head start.

If there is an outside that would need even more theory.

My pet theory is that this means the center of the universe is significant because time does not move at all their or maybe is vanishingly slow as you approach it.

Our universe started with an early phase of cosmic inflation. This is so powerful that if we even had a central point it would some plane at the end. The theory also has a tiny problem with cosmic horizons.
Þetta minnismerki er til vitnis um að við vitum hvað er að gerast og hvað þarf að gera. Aðeins þú veist hvort við gerðum eitthvað.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #588 on: April 25, 2022, 03:49:57 PM »
"The eye with which you look at reality, must constantly be changed." ...

- Soren Kierkegaard


Time Might Not Exist, According to Physicists and Philosophers, But That's Okay

Does time exist? The answer to this question may seem obvious: of course it does! Just look at a calendar or a clock.

But developments in physics suggest the non-existence of time is an open possibility, and one that we should take seriously.

Physics is in crisis. For the past century or so, we have explained the universe with two wildly successful physical theories: general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Both theories work extremely well in their own right, but the two are thought to conflict with one another. Though the exact nature of the conflict is controversial, scientists generally agree both theories need to be replaced with a new, more general theory.

Physicists want to produce a theory of "quantum gravity" that replaces general relativity and quantum mechanics, while capturing the extraordinary success of both. Such a theory would explain how gravity's big picture works at the miniature scale of particles.

One attempt to overcome the conflict between the two theories is string theory. String theory replaces particles with strings vibrating in as many as 11 dimensions.

However, in the 1980s and 1990s, many physicists became dissatisfied with string theory and came up with a range of new mathematical approaches to quantum gravity.

One of the most prominent of these is loop quantum gravity, which proposes that the fabric of space and time is made of a network of extremely small discrete chunks, or "loops."

One of the remarkable aspects of loop quantum gravity is that it appears to eliminate time entirely.

Loop quantum gravity is not alone in abolishing time: a number of other approaches also seem to remove time as a fundamental aspect of reality.

... Suppose such a theory turns out to be correct. Would it follow that time does not exist?

It's complicated, and it depends what we mean by exist.

... while we have a pretty good sense of how an object might be made out of fundamental particles, we have no idea how time might be "made out of" something more fundamental.

So unless we can come up with a good account of how time emerges, it is not clear we can simply assume time exists.

Time might not exist at any level.

... While physics might eliminate time, it seems to leave causation intact: the sense in which one thing can bring about another.

Perhaps what physics is telling us, then, is that causation and not time is the basic feature of our universe.

If that's right, then agency can still survive. For it is possible to reconstruct a sense of agency entirely in causal terms.


New Experiment Could Confirm the Fifth State of Matter In the Universe

An experiment that could confirm the fifth state of matter in the universe—and change physics as we know it—has been published in a new paper from the University of Portsmouth.

Diagrammatic representation of the positron–electron annihilation process. (a) Standard positron–electron annihilation process that produces two 511 keV gamma photons only and (b) positron–electron annihilation process that produces two 511 keV gamma photons and two additional low energy photons from information erasure.

Physicist Dr. Melvin Vopson has already published research suggesting that information has mass and that all elementary particles, the smallest known building blocks of the universe, store information about themselves, similar to the way humans have DNA.

Now, he has designed an experiment—which if proved correct—means he will have discovered that information is the fifth form of matter, alongside solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

"It doesn't contradict quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics or classical mechanics. All it does is complement physics with something new and incredibly exciting."

He said: "The information in an electron is 22 million times smaller than the mass of it, but we can measure the information content by erasing it.

"We know that when you collide a particle of matter with a particle of antimatter, they annihilate each other. And the information from the particle has to go somewhere when it's annihilated."

The annihilation process converts all the remaining mass of the particles into energy, typically gamma photons. Any particles containing information are converted into low-energy infrared photons.

In the study Dr. Vopson predicts the exact energy of the infrared photons resulting from erasing the information.

Dr. Vopson's previous research suggests that information is the fundamental building block of the universe and has physical mass.

He even claims that information could be the elusive dark matter that makes up almost a third of the universe.

Dr. Vopson believes his work could demonstrate that information is a key component of everything in the universe and a new field of physics research could emerge.

Melvin M. Vopson, Experimental protocol for testing the mass–energy–information equivalence principle, AIP Advances (2022).


21 grams?


New Theory Suggests That Dark Matter Could Be an Extra-Dimensional Cosmic Refugee

Dark matter, the elusive substance that accounts for the majority of the mass in the Universe, may be made up of massive particles called gravitons that first popped into existence in the first moment after the Big Bang.

And these hypothetical particles might be cosmic refugees from extra dimensions, a new theory suggests.

... In a new study published in February in the journal Physical Review Letters, Cacciapaglia, along with Korea University physicists Haiying Cai and Seung J. Lee, found that enough of these gravitons would have been made in the early Universe to account for all of the dark matter we currently detect in the Universe.

The gravitons, if they exist, would have a mass of less than 1 megaelectronvolt (MeV), so no more than twice the mass of an electron, the study found.

This mass level is well below the scale at which the Higgs boson generates mass for ordinary matter – which is key for the model to produce enough of them to account for all the dark matter in the Universe. (For comparison, the lightest known particle, the neutrino, weighs less than 2 electronvolts, while a proton weighs roughly 940 MeV, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.)

The team found these hypothetical gravitons while hunting for evidence of extra dimensions, which some physicists suspect exist alongside the observed three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension, time.

In the team's theory, when gravity propagates through extra dimensions, it materializes in our Universe as massive gravitons.

But these particles would interact only weakly with ordinary matter, and only via the force of gravity.

This description is eerily similar to what we know about dark matter, which does not interact with light yet has a gravitational influence felt everywhere in the Universe. This gravitational influence, for instance, is what prevents galaxies from flying apart.

"The main advantage of massive gravitons as dark matter particles is that they only interact gravitationally, hence they can escape attempts to detect their presence," Cacciapaglia said.

The fact that massive gravitons barely interact via gravity with the other particles and forces in the Universe offers another advantage.

"Due to their very weak interactions, they decay so slowly that they remain stable over the lifetime of the Universe," Cacciapaglia said, "For the same reason, they are slowly produced during the expansion of the Universe and accumulate there until today."


... "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."

- Andre Guide
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #589 on: April 26, 2022, 06:20:08 AM »
Very interesting Vox. I love this stuff, even though it's so complicated.

I'm a believer in the theory that our universe is the other side of a black hole. It just makes sense to me, and would also give us a never-ending multiverse where information just keeps getting passed through from one universe to another. Maybe dark matter is information from another universe that got sucked into a black hole but can't be used in our universe? Interesting thought...

Remarkably, the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole with the mass of all the matter in the observable Universe is almost exactly equal to the observed size of the visible Universe! That realization, on its own, seems like a remarkable coincidence, raising the question of whether our Universe might actually somehow be the interior of a black hole. But that’s only the beginning of the story; as we dive deeper, things get even more interesting.
There’s a lot to like about the idea that there’s a connection between black holes and the birth of Universes, from both physical and mathematical points of view. It’s plausible that there’s a connection between the birth of our Universe and the creation of an extremely massive black hole from a Universe that existed before our own; it’s plausible that every black hole that’s been created in our Universe has given rise to a new Universe within it.

When factual science is in conflict with our beliefs or traditions, we cuddle up in our own delusional fantasy where everything starts making sense again.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #590 on: April 26, 2022, 06:49:24 AM »
Our Universe May Have a Twin That Runs Backward In Time

A wild new theory suggests there may be another "anti-universe," running backward in time prior to the Big Bang.

The idea assumes that the early universe was small, hot and dense — and so uniform that time looks symmetric going backward and forward.

If true, the new theory means that dark matter isn't so mysterious; it's just a new flavor of a ghostly particle called a neutrino that can only exist in this kind of universe. And the theory implies there would be no need for a period of "inflation" that rapidly expanded the size of the young cosmos soon after the Big Bang.

Physicists have identified a set of fundamental symmetries in nature. The three most important symmetries are: charge (if you flip the charges of all the particles involved in an interaction to their opposite charge, you'll get the same interaction); parity (if you look at the mirror image of an interaction, you get the same result); and time (if you run an interaction backward in time, it looks the same).

Physical interactions obey most of these symmetries most of the time, which means that there are sometimes violations. But physicists have never observed a violation of a combination of all three symmetries at the same time. If you take every single interaction observed in nature and flip the charges, take the mirror image, and run it backward in time, those interactions behave exactly the same.

This fundamental symmetry is given a name: CPT symmetry, for charge (C), parity (P) and time (T)

In a new paper recently accepted for publication in the journal Annals of Physics, scientists propose extending this combined symmetry. Usually this symmetry only applies to interactions — the forces and fields that make up the physics of the cosmos. But perhaps, if this is such an incredibly important symmetry, it applies to the whole entire universe itself. In other words, this idea extends this symmetry from applying to just the "actors" of the universe (forces and fields) to the "stage" itself, the entire physical object of the universe.

We live in an expanding universe. This universe is filled with lots of particles doing lots of interesting things, and the evolution of the universe moves forward in time. If we extend the concept of CPT symmetry to our entire cosmos, then our view of the universe can't be the entire picture.

Instead, there must be more. To preserve the CPT symmetry throughout the cosmos, there must be a mirror-image cosmos that balances out our own. This cosmos would have all opposite charges than we have, be flipped in the mirror, and run backward in time. Our universe is just one of a twin. Taken together, the two universes obey CPT symmetry.

The study researchers next asked what the consequences of such a universe would be.

They found many wonderful things.

For one, a CPT-respecting universe naturally expands and fills itself with particles, without the need for a long-theorized period of rapid expansion known as inflation. While there's a lot of evidence that an event like inflation occurred, the theoretical picture of that event is incredibly fuzzy. It's so fuzzy that there is plenty of room for proposals of viable alternatives.

Second, a CPT-respecting universe would add some additional neutrinos to the mix. There are three known neutrino flavors: the electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino. Strangely, all three of these neutrino flavors are left-handed (referring to the direction of its spin relative to its motion). All other particles known to physics have both left- and right-handed varieties, so physicists have long wondered if there are additional right-handed neutrinos.

A CPT-respecting universe would demand the existence of at least one right-handed neutrino species. This species would be largely invisible to physics experiments, only ever influencing the rest of the universe through gravity.

But an invisible particle that floods the universe and only interacts via gravity sounds a lot like dark matter.

The researchers found that the conditions imposed by obeying CPT symmetry would fill our universe with right-handed neutrinos, enough to account for the dark matter.

We would never have access to our twin, the CPT-mirror universe, because it exists "behind" our Big Bang, before the beginning of our cosmos. But that doesn't mean we can't test this idea.

The researchers found a few observational consequences of this idea. For one, they predict that the three known left-handed neutrino species should all be Majorana particles, which means that they are their own antiparticles (in contrast to normal particles like the electron, which have antimatter counterparts called the positrons). As of now, physicists aren't sure if neutrinos have this property or not.

Additionally, they predict that one of the neutrino species should be massless. Currently, physicists can only place upper limits on the neutrino masses. If physicists can ever conclusively measure the neutrino masses, and one of them is indeed massless, that would greatly bolster the idea of a CPT-symmetric universe.

Lastly, in this model the event of inflation never occurred. Instead, the universe filled with particles naturally on its own. Physicists believe that inflation shook space-time to such a tremendous degree that it flooded the cosmos with gravitational waves. Many experiments are on the hunt for these primordial gravitational waves. But in a CPT-symmetric universe, no such waves should exist. So if those searches for primordial gravitational waves turn up empty, that might be a clue that this CPT-mirror universe model is correct.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #591 on: May 22, 2022, 04:11:06 PM »
Could an Advanced Civilization Change the Laws of Physics?

Are there limits to technology? Can a species become so advanced that it could actually re-engineer physics?

Astrophysicist Caleb Scharf explored this kind of question in a piece entitled, “Is Physical Law an Alien Intelligence?” The work is a masterpiece of creative invention. Scharf explored the rules of physics and asked which ones might have been rewritten by a sufficiently advanced form of life.

One eyebrow-raising possibility concerned dark matter. When astronomers track the motions of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, they find a problem: There is not enough mass to cause the forces needed to drive the observed motions. To solve this problem, astronomers assume there must be a lot of matter that cannot be seen. This means it does not emit light, which means it does not interact with the luminous stuff we see in any way other than through gravity. Hence the claim that the Universe is mostly full of “dark” matter. But for the sake of speculation, Scharf wondered if dark matter’s lack of interactions might not be a consequence of natural law, but rather the engineered result of an advanced civilization’s meddling.

Perhaps, Scharf asked, the best way for life to avoid catastrophes like radiation torrents or blast waves from exploding stars would be to disconnect almost entirely from the Universe. Using a 3-D “normal to dark matter” printer, you could, as Scharf puts it, “upload your world to the huge amount of real estate on the dark side and be done with it.” 

What if there are actually many laws of physics, but evolution selects the ones that organisms can observe? Perhaps in the process of establishing the difference between the self and the world — which really form a single whole — there is some freedom in how an infinitely rich Universe gets parsed into observers and observed. This idea is implied in the wonderful movie Arrival, where a species of aliens who come to Earth have a different cognitive and linguistic structure, and this gives them a very different physics of time. If physics and biological self-creation were linked in this way, perhaps a hyper-advanced civilization could indeed peel back the veneer separating self and Universe, and mix and match physical laws any way they see fit. 



... The Last Question

- Isaac Asimov


... fiat lux


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #592 on: May 22, 2022, 08:36:12 PM »
Aside from the hobbyism (it´s a thought experiment) what would happen if a society could actually change laws of physics? Depends on which one you change but overall not good. You don´t want to ceterus paribus with the universe you live in. You see the laws of physics are universal. Could a civilization hide away from the universe....well what would that spot look like? How would you find out before you move there? And if such a technology existed would it not be like the invisibility shield so you are not changing physics you just have a much better understanding then the other party.

And generalizing from this we only have one perspective point in time which is our recent history.

When we look at astronomical phenomena they happen over really long time scales so we only get to see small parts in our lifetime.

If you get to watch for longer you know more. especially when that stretches to a long time with it´s own technological improvements and a really long data memory. One of the options which never gets mentioned on the why we did not meet aliens discussions is that they might simply predate us and watch us from far away. Just think of the advances we got over 40 years and extrapolate some centuries out.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #593 on: May 23, 2022, 04:17:49 PM »
The problem is these civilizations don't necessarily last, the Fermi paradox is easily explained by an unsustainable rise followed by a bust before the species becomes robustly multiplanetary.
Extrapolate some centuries out, our civilization will almost certainly collapse.

But in any case, civilizations rewriting the laws of physics is just nonsense.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #594 on: May 23, 2022, 06:23:35 PM »
There is another detail there. If you become multiplanetary that adds resilience. Also because you would learn to live in space. The true trick is to get to the next good star. If a civilization manages that they will probably be around for a long time.

If you are thousands of years ahead you can see so much more. A civilization on our level at the year 2000 could possibly detect one if it is near and at the 1000 year technology level. At late 2022 with a working Webb we can see even more etc (not much progress in 1022). Add a 100 years of more and better telescopes with AIs running them and the technology to send at least probes around.

I am pretty sure they are out there but consider us, correctly, as too stupid.  8)
Þetta minnismerki er til vitnis um að við vitum hvað er að gerast og hvað þarf að gera. Aðeins þú veist hvort við gerðum eitthvað.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #595 on: June 16, 2022, 11:48:48 PM »
Experiment Results Confirm Anomaly, Could Point to New Elementary Particle

New scientific results confirm an anomaly seen in previous experiments, which may point to an as-yet-unconfirmed new elementary particle, the sterile neutrino, or indicate the need for a new interpretation of an aspect of standard model physics, such as the neutrino cross section, first measured 60 years ago. Los Alamos National Laboratory is the lead American institution collaborating on the Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions (BEST) experiment, results of which were recently published in the journals Physical Review Letters and Physical Review C. ...

V. V. Barinov et al, Results from the Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions (BEST), Physical Review Letters (2022).

V. V. Barinov et al, Search for electron-neutrino transitions to sterile states in the BEST experiment, Physical Review C (2022)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #596 on: August 06, 2022, 05:20:20 PM »
No Trace of Dark Matter Halos

According to the standard model of cosmology, the vast majority of galaxies are surrounded by a halo of dark matter particles. This halo is invisible, but its mass exerts a strong gravitational pull on galaxies in the vicinity. A new study led by the University of Bonn (Germany) and the University of Saint Andrews (Scotland) challenges this view of the Universe. The results suggest that the dwarf galaxies of Earth's second closest galaxy cluster—known as the Fornax Cluster—are free of such dark matter halos. The study appeared in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

... The Fornax Cluster has a rich population of dwarf galaxies. Recent observations show that some of these dwarfs appear distorted, as if they have been perturbed by the cluster environment. "Such perturbations in the Fornax dwarfs are not expected according to the Standard Model," said Pavel Kroupa, professor at the University of Bonn and Charles University in Prague. "This is because, according to the standard model, the dark matter halos of these dwarfs should partly shield them from tides raised by the cluster."

The authors analyzed the expected level of disturbance of the dwarfs, which depends on their internal properties and their distance to the gravitationally powerful cluster center. Galaxies with large sizes but low stellar masses and galaxies close to the cluster center are more easily disturbed or destroyed. They compared the results with their observed level of disturbance evident from photographs taken by the VLT Survey Telescope of the European Southern Observatory.

Elena Asencio says that "the comparison showed that, if one wants to explain the observations in the standard model. The Fornax dwarfs should already be destroyed by gravity from the cluster center even when the tides it raises on a dwarf are sixty-four times weaker than the dwarf's own self-gravity." Not only is this counter-intuitive, she said, it also contradicts previous studies, which found that the external force needed to disturb a dwarf galaxy is about the same as the dwarf's selfgravity.

From this, the authors concluded that, in the standard model, it is not possible to explain the observed morphologies of the Fornax dwarfs in a self-consistent way. They repeated the analysis using Milgromian dynamics (MOND). Instead of assuming dark matter halos surrounding galaxies, the MOND theory proposes a correction to Newtonian dynamics by which gravity experiences a boost in the regime of low accelerations.

"We were not sure that the dwarf galaxies would be able to survive the extreme environment of a galaxy cluster in MOND, due to the absence of protective dark matter halos in this model," said Dr. Indranil Banik from the University of St Andrews. "But our results show a remarkable agreement between observations and the MOND expectations for the level of disturbance of the Fornax dwarfs."

This is not the first time that a study testing the effect of dark matter on the dynamics and evolution of galaxies concluded that observations are better explained when they are not surrounded by dark matter. "The number of publications showing incompatibilities between observations and the dark matter paradigm just keeps increasing every year. It is time to start investing more resources into more promising theories," said Pavel Kroupa, member of the transdisciplinary research areas modeling and matter at the University of Bonn.

Elena Asencio et al, The distribution and morphologies of Fornax Cluster dwarf galaxies suggest they lack dark matter, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #597 on: October 28, 2022, 09:07:37 PM »
Astrophysicists Make Observations Consistent With the Predictions of MOND, an Alternative Theory of Gravity

An international team of astrophysicists has made a puzzling discovery while analyzing certain star clusters. The finding challenges Newton's laws of gravity, the researchers write in their publication. Instead, the observations are consistent with the predictions of MOND, an alternative theory of gravity. The results have now been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

... However, the MOND ("MOdified Newtonian Dynamics") theory is not undisputed among experts. Since Newton's laws of gravity would not be valid under certain circumstances, but would have to be modified, this would have far-reaching consequences for other areas of physics as well. "Then again, it solves many of the problems that cosmology faces today," explains Kroupa.

Pavel Kroupa et al, Asymmetrical tidal tails of open star clusters: stars crossing their cluster's práh challenge Newtonian gravitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #598 on: November 21, 2022, 02:31:52 AM »
As I have posted previously in this thread about the holographic principle, I provide the following linked PDF on this topic and I remind the readers that entropy represents uncertainty in information.

Fields, Chris; James F. Glazebrook and Antonino Marciano (October 31, 2022), “The physical meaning of the holographic principle”, arXiv:2210.16021v1

2210.16021.pdf (

Abstract: “We show in this pedagogical review that far from being “an apparent law of physics that stands by itself” (R. Bousso, Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 (2002), 825–874), the holographic principle (HP) is a straightforward consequence of the quantum information theory of separable systems. It provides a basis for the theories of measurement, time, and scattering. Principles equivalent to the HP appear in both computer science and the life sciences, suggesting that the HP is not just a fundamental principle of physics, but of all of science.”

Extract: “Generalized Holographic Principle (GHP): If U = AB is a finite closed system, then if |AB} is separable, the classical information exchange between A and B is limited to N bits, where N is the dimension of the interaction Hamiltonian HAB.

This GHP is a fully quantum information-theoretic principle that is entirely independent of geometric considerations.

We have shown here that the HP, particularly when generalized to the GHP, is not merely “an apparent law of physics that stands by itself” but rather a deep, foundational principle. It is a principle of restricted access. It lays a non-negotiable price on separability: if two systems are separated by a boundary B, their access to each other is limited to the information B itself can encode. When stated in this way, the HP seems shockingly obvious. When its implications for our ordinary concepts of “objects” and “spacetime” are pointed out, however, it can seem deeply mysterious. The idea that classical information is decomposition-relative – and hence is observer-relative – strongly challenges our pre-theoretical sense of an “objective reality” shared by all physical systems. As Wheeler points out, this challenge lies at the very heart of quantum theory.

What is perhaps most significant about the HP, however, is its emergence over the past century as a foundational principle not just of physics, but of all disciplines that directly address information transfer between separated systems. Its ubiquity speaks simultaneously to the fundamental unity of science and to its fundamental limitations as an empirical enterprise.”
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #599 on: November 21, 2022, 04:18:51 PM »
The linked YouTube videos provide perspective on how gravity can emerge from entanglement (EPR =ER):

Edit: I note that as under General Relativity (GR) gravity is a distortion of SpaceTime, the indication that gravity emerges from entanglement is the same thing a saying that SpaceTime emerges from entanglement:

Leonard Susskind about Quantum Gravity - YouTube


Erik Verlinde "Emergence of Gravity from Quantum Information: a Progress Report" - YouTube


Black Hole Information leading to Holographic principle with professor Erik Verlinde - YouTube

« Last Edit: November 21, 2022, 09:50:32 PM by AbruptSLR »
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson