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Author Topic: The Trump  (Read 1513470 times)


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4350 on: June 12, 2018, 09:37:27 PM »
Varoufakis on the Trump's economic policy:

"Armed with the exorbitant privilege that owning the dollar presses affords him Trump then takes a look at the trade flows with the rest of the G7 and comes to an inescapable conclusion: he cannot possibly lose a trade war against countries that have such high surpluses with the US (eg Germany, Italy, China), or which (like Canada) will catch pneumonia the moment the American economy catches the common cold."

" if the US can no longer stabilise global capitalism, he might as well blow up existing multilateral conventions and build from scratch a new global order resembling a wheel, with America its hub and all other powers its spokes – an arrangement of bilateral deals that ensures the US will always be the largest partner in each, and thus be able to exact a pound of flesh through divide and rule tactics."


Are we quoting the idiot that blew up Greek economy now ???? Really?????


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4351 on: June 13, 2018, 06:11:42 AM »
Varoufakis on the Trump's economic policy:

"Armed with the exorbitant privilege that owning the dollar presses affords him Trump then takes a look at the trade flows with the rest of the G7 and comes to an inescapable conclusion: he cannot possibly lose a trade war against countries that have such high surpluses with the US (eg Germany, Italy, China), or which (like Canada) will catch pneumonia the moment the American economy catches the common cold."

" if the US can no longer stabilise global capitalism, he might as well blow up existing multilateral conventions and build from scratch a new global order resembling a wheel, with America its hub and all other powers its spokes – an arrangement of bilateral deals that ensures the US will always be the largest partner in each, and thus be able to exact a pound of flesh through divide and rule tactics."


Are we quoting the idiot that blew up Greek economy now ???? Really?????

Why do you say that? Varoufakis had been no where near the levers of power of Greece in 2008 when national economies 'blew up' all over the world, nor during the 20 years leading up to 2008. So to me that's a strange comment to make dumping the whole thing onto Varofakis as if he had godlike powers. 

eg "So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing (before 2008) -- that's what counts.” ??

The tragic economic policy  mistakes of the first year of the Tsipras , the dumbass advice and suggestions prior to the elections and the build up of the " Αγανακτισμένων " with their rediculous econimic claims and demands ..all bear his signatute. Another rich privileged "communist" .... And I know first hand what led to the failures...I've lived them first hand....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4352 on: June 13, 2018, 12:22:26 PM »
OK. That's your focus. Sounds like you're missing the good old days of the Military Junta. Ο αιματηρός κόσμος του ονείρου  Κομμουνιστικό :)

Όταν δεν ξέρεις τι λες... Thanks for the clarification !!!! If you knew a single iota of the political situation in Greece... Anywho


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4353 on: June 13, 2018, 01:22:48 PM »
Rudy Giuliani’s wife says he’s a cheating liar

Yes.... that's quite a shock.  I had no idea that Rudy Giuliani was a cheating liar, and that he represented a cheating liar.  Birds of a feather....... lie together.  ;)
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4354 on: June 13, 2018, 01:59:36 PM »
One Conway speaks truth to the GOP

And no ..... it is NOT Kellyanne.

George Conway, husband of counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, for weeks has been tweeting criticism of President Trump and his lawyers’ attack on the special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III and of their extravagant claims of executive power. He went one step further, drafting for Lawfare a biting critique of Trump’s and others’ claims that the special counsel’s appointment is somehow unconstitutional.

The argument that “Mueller’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution” seems to have come from Federalist Society co-founder and law professor Steven Calabresi, says Conway, but it is nonsensical nonetheless.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4355 on: June 14, 2018, 03:24:40 PM »
I like basic math.  It is one of those FACT BASED THINGS that comes in very handy, whether you're talking about business (gross margins, inventory turnover rates, etc), personal things (your friend is 45 and he is dating someone 18 years younger:), volume of ice remaining in the Arctic, or politics.

And this is where math meets Donald Trump.  Donnie has shown his (and his families) deficiency in math before:

It took Trump, Ivanka, and Traitor Jr more than a MINUTE, to come with the WRONG ANSWER to the question of "what is 17 x 6".  Traitor Senior said 112.  THAT .... is pathetic.  The right answer is 102 of course (10 x 6 is 60 7 times 6 is 42 ..... added together is 102).    BUT THERE WERE 3 OF THEM.... AND THEY ALL GOT IT WRONG.  Now, to be fair, a SINGLE PERSON might "choke it" under pressure.  But there were THREE OF THEM THERE.

So..... it should come as no surprise that yesterday, in an interview with the White House Communications Department at FOX (Bret Baier) ..... that Donnie Sr. said this about returning the remains of fallen soldiers in the Korean War:

Really ...... thousands of requests to have their sons returned?

Also notice....that Donnie changed the subject from "verification of nuclear arms removal" to "fallen soldiers remains returned".  That is classic Donnie.  PIVOT AND LIE.  PIVOT AND LIE.  Get off the subject he doesn't want to talk about, and lie about something else.

So, I would expect that FOX, the crack operation that it is, would dig up parents of fallen soldiers during the Korean War.  Well.... not exactly.  They didn't find any parents, but they DID find a NIECE and a SON of fallen soldiers. NO PARENTS OF FALLEN SOLDIERS.

Donnie is just a compulsive liar.  And he knows that FOX won't call him out on his lies.

By the way..... the Korean War ENDED in 1953.  If you assumed the KINDEST of circumstances for Donnie, the YOUNGEST that a parent would likely have been during the 2016 campaign WOULD BE 99.  I'm sure Donnie saw a lot of those at his rallies... :o

The KINDEST of assumptions for Traitor Don would be:

1)  The son entered the armed forces in 1953 AND went to war the same year in 1953 (war ended in July 1953)
  The son was born when the parents were 18
3) The son was killed the same year he went to war and joined the army... 1953 ... when the parents were 36 (and in 2016 they were 99). be kind, maybe Donnie ran into a HANDFUL (at best) of those folks.  But I doubt that as well.  All he knows how to do is lie.  And he does it TWENTY FOUR SEVEN, THREE SIXTY-FIVE.

He lies about EVERYTHING.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4356 on: June 14, 2018, 06:32:03 PM »
Those of you waiting for Scott Pruitt to be fired have a long wait I'm afraid.  Unless he sleeps with Melanie (twin of Melania:) ...... that 'aint going to happen.

You see ..... Scottie is one of Donnies extra "parachute's" that he might have to deploy in the coming weeks.  Donnie KNOWS that Scottie will do ANYTHING that Donnie wants.... including firing as many DOJ folks as he can.  Scottie has proven he can destroy a department like the EPA (I can hear you Canadian Donnie fans now ..... "Hillary would have done worse" ..... :).

So Traitor Don has to keep his buddy Scottie around in case Donnie needs to jettison Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein.  THAT ..... is why Scottie is safe.  Even sleeping with Melania might not be enough to get him fired.  :o

And Lordy ..... I sure hope there aren't any tapes of Donnie talking with Cohen.  That would certainly be terrible, wouldn't it? 

It's going to be interesting to see what the next action comes next in Donnies World:

1)  Is Mueller going to subpoena Donnie...and Donnie drag it to the courts?
2)  Is Cohen going to flip?  And are there tapes?  (GULP).
3)  Is Manafort going to flip?
4) Is Donnie going to be questioned in the Zervous trial?

Which of those things is going to happen FIRST? Inquiring minds want to know......  This is turning into a game of three dimensional chess ...... and I'm not sure that I would bet on someone who can't multiply 17 x 6 ....  ::) ::) ::)

Donnie has a busy summer ahead of him.  I sure hope he gets plenty of time to get in some golf.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4357 on: June 14, 2018, 08:11:39 PM »
Here's a good clip about our folks over at the White House Communications Center of FOX News:

I especially love watching Sean Hannity.  Keep remembering that FOX has....

1)  Lied about climate change, and continues to lie about climate change for Donnie
2)  Lied about gun control, and continues to lie about gun regulation for Donnie
3)  Lied about Donnie ..... and continues to serve as his mouthpiece, in lying about anything that Donnie and Sean decide to lie about on any given day.

FOX News:  "Where truth and journalism are dead."

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4358 on: June 14, 2018, 10:00:40 PM »
Looks like we have almost entered the NEXT phase of the journalists pushing back.  Remember ..... long, long ago..... I said that journalists would start calling Donnie a liar.  Well, that happened several months ago.

I also said that journalists would EVENTUALLY become more combative, especially the journalists that sit for the "daily briefing" by LYING SLOB Sarah Huckabee.  Well, they have STARTED that next phase.  I'll post a video clip tomorrow.

There is going to be MUCH MUCH more to this next phase by the journalists.  They now realize that democracy in the US is TRULY UNDER ATTACK.  Some people in the journalist world have understood that for a while .... others are now finally "getting it."  And some of the Republicans have understood this for a while also.  Republican Steve Schmidt who was campaign manager for John McCain has understood this for quite some time.

But it is the JOURNALISTS who now have to "strap on a pair" and start to question in a MUCH MORE ASSERTIVE FASHION.... and not just accept the lies that Sarah Huckabee and others choose to spew out.

In the coming weeks ..... there are SEVERAL issues that will be coming to a head that I mentioned before, and I expect that journalists will "step it up" a notch.  They have been pretty damn easy so far ...... I think those days are now ending, and they now see just how important it is to CALL PEOPLE OUT.

When you have a LYING SLOB like Sarah Huckabee ...... covering for ANOTHER LYING SLOB LIKE DONALD TRUMP ...... it's time to play hardball.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4359 on: June 15, 2018, 12:54:19 AM »
Canadians boycott US products, cancel vacations to America

Well done Donnie.  Well done.  Heap praise on a guy in North Korea (not JUST TALK ..... but heap praise on him.... a guy that starves his citizens and kills anyone he doesn't like) ..... and trash one of our best neighbors and allies.  Being a jerk seems to be one of Donnie's most often used policies.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4360 on: June 15, 2018, 01:17:59 AM »
Sheppard Smith ..... the lone journalist at FOX RE agreement between Trump and North Korea:  4:55 video (approx. 5 minute video).

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4361 on: June 15, 2018, 01:19:48 PM »
When I said "summer is not going to be very kind to Traitor Trump" ..... I didn't realize that I should have used a CAPITAL S ...... ;)

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York Court of Appeals says the case can move forward.

The New York Court Appeals denied Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit against him. This is the third time the president has tried and failed to get the case tossed or delayed, reports ABC News.

Thursday‘s decision allows discovery in the case to move forward — something that Trump‘s legal team likely fears because it could force the president to testify about his treatment of women, among other things, under oath.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4362 on: June 15, 2018, 02:33:21 PM »
"Stealth slowdown" is now in process according to the ECRI (Economic Cycle Research Institute).  By the way.... 95% of people who parade themselves out as "market gurus" on either the equity side OR the economic forecasting area should be avoided like the plague.  The ECRI on the other hand.... has been in this business for a LONG TIME (economic forecasting) .... AND they have a very good record (not perfect ... but VERY GOOD).

Pay special attention to the first chart of "income and spending growth".  It shows that it is decelerating (the "second derivative" is negative ..... we're still growing, only at a SLOWER RATE).

Here is the link to ECRI for those of you interested.  I watch ECRI closely...

It is IMPORTANT to note again that ECRI is into ECONOMIC FORECASTING... NOT "stock market forecasting". 

But if Donnie keeps his tariffs on China and others ..... and keeps acting like a d**k which keeps foreigners from visiting or even moving to the US .... those FUNDAMENTAL THINGS work themselves through to the economy eventually..... and find their way into "charts" like the decelerating "income and spending growth" chart.

Also note ..... with the market expecting a couple more interest rate hikes this year, the US dollar has strengthened, and a rising US dollar (other things being equal) will should provide weakness in the price of oil (since most of it is priced in US dollars ...... and more expensive oil in US dollars, means that people will use less of it at the margin).

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4363 on: June 15, 2018, 05:39:00 PM »
Ahoy mate ......

Last one off the boat, please turn the motor solar panels and battery off.

]Third Fourthkey Donald Trump official has decided to resign in wake of Michael Cohen plea deal

NOTE:  Please take a number and be seated.  But hurry up.... we're running out of numbers.  ;)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 05:58:11 PM by Buddy »
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4364 on: June 15, 2018, 05:54:18 PM »
I hesitate to interrupt the exaggerated soliloquy, even if I agree with the sentiments and am following the same information as it accelerates the destruction of my democracy. But here is a perfect metaphor for Trump:


I do wish we had a common understanding that limits people to two or at most three consecutive posts. Unfortunately, as a general rule, more turns people off - in other words, it is counterproductive. Just to be clear, this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way in my early days of posting at DotEarth.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 06:56:03 PM by Susan Anderson »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4365 on: June 15, 2018, 06:03:36 PM »
All red-blooded Americans should condemn Trump for saying that he wants Americans to treat The Donald as a dictator:

Title: "Trump wants “his people” to “sit up at attention” like North Koreans

Extract: "President Trump lavished praise on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during a Fox News interview this morning. The president said the two had "great chemistry" and he respects that Kim is a "strong" leader who “wants to make his country great.”

"He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.""
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― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4366 on: June 15, 2018, 06:25:48 PM »
My Reactivity layer reacts on it with: Small hands has that tardigrade.

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4367 on: June 15, 2018, 06:55:06 PM »
My Reactivity layer reacts on it with: Small hands has that tardigrade.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4368 on: June 15, 2018, 09:53:45 PM »
Canadians boycott US products, cancel vacations to America

Well done Donnie.  Well done.  Heap praise on a guy in North Korea (not JUST TALK ..... but heap praise on him.... a guy that starves his citizens and kills anyone he doesn't like) ..... and trash one of our best neighbors and allies.  Being a jerk seems to be one of Donnie's most often used policies.

on of our german customers in pet-food production has their orders in china doubled fist day after donnie announced his new custom's duties against china and that's only a fraction of the whole story.

looks like they gonna a few millions here and loose a few billions there.

of course this was know beforehand, the reason for all this is to prepare his second term by keeping is followers happy and it could even work while i never give up hope that many enough come to terms over that ridiculous guy's attitude and action


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4369 on: June 15, 2018, 10:35:14 PM »
And now, a civil suit directed at the Trump Foundation, with criminal referrals.  The folks running the operation may just as well been graduates of Trump University:

New York attorney general sues Trump Foundation, alleging vast illegal activity

"New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued President Donald Trump and his charitable foundation on Thursday, alleging that the president and his adult children illegally used it for personal, business, and political expenses.

The lawsuit alleges illegal activity that took place over more than a decade, including "extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing transactions to benefit Mr. Trump's personal and business interests, and violations of basic legal obligations for nonprofit foundations,"


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4370 on: June 16, 2018, 07:31:37 AM »
Haven't had an openly declared trade war for a while. Lots of covert and semi covert ones ...

I think the trump presidency exposes a great many lies, and that helps understand the reactions. After all, those lies were created to shelter many comfortable habits.

In any event, this will leave a mark. The dates for the tariffs are July the sixth in both Chinese and USA cases. Let's see if it really happens. Trump might get distracted.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4371 on: June 16, 2018, 02:26:30 PM »
It is NOT abnormal for investigations to lag MANY years from the crime.  If you look at the Theranos CEO ..... she was just charged this past week for crimes that started more than a decade ago.  Same for Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme.

It is just one more indication of how Donald Trump ran his organization, and that is without any regard for the law or ethics.  And that is also why he is surrounded, for the most part, by unethical people in his administration.

Donnie is now being held accountable on several fronts:  (1) his charity, (2) Mueller, (3) Zervous, (4) Cohen, etc.

And he has now backtracked on some of his previous lies like his lie about Donald and and the statement about the meeting at Trump Tower.  His position now seems to be “I lied ... so what.”

I expect more of this in coming weeks.  And his actions as well as those of Paul Ryan and others, show that there are others in Congress who are “at risk.”

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4372 on: June 16, 2018, 11:07:53 PM »
It is NOT abnormal for investigations to lag MANY years from the crime.  If you look at the Theranos CEO ..... she was just charged this past week for crimes that started more than a decade ago.  Same for Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme.

It is just one more indication of how Donald Trump ran his organization, and that is without any regard for the law or ethics.  And that is also why he is surrounded, for the most part, by unethical people in his administration.

Donnie is now being held accountable on several fronts:  (1) his charity, (2) Mueller, (3) Zervous, (4) Cohen, etc.

And he has now backtracked on some of his previous lies like his lie about Donald and and the statement about the meeting at Trump Tower.  His position now seems to be “I lied ... so what.”

I expect more of this in coming weeks.  And his actions as well as those of Paul Ryan and others, show that there are others in Congress who are “at risk.”

you name it , not that you did not name it before but while many things are about terms there is one term that names it and ends any kind of discussion/questioning about evil doers, it's the word ethical or as you said correctly in this case "unethical" ethics are key and any unethical behaviour will ultimately cause suffering, destruction, suffering and extinction of groups or entire life.

unfortunately after coming to that conclusion there remain only statements to bring it to the attention of as many as possible, not much left to discuss because unethical people are
like that, they are proud of it because they are animals (in the biblical and biological sense)

now how comes that we let them do their thing (elect them for one) ?

because they are a majority, simple as that and that's the big flaw in democracy.

democracy means the majority rules but the majority is neither very ethical nor very smart, specialiist/experts at best and this is intentional. this is why everything is divided into ever smaller fractions of expertise, because experts with a reputation in their field are heard while those with a healthy mind will avoid expertise because it's a limitation of the mind.

who has time to study only one field while the entire universe and everything that is in it is worth to be understood?

the rest would fill libraries, hence TLTR, hence: full stop LOL


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4373 on: June 17, 2018, 05:04:04 AM »
I think Pruitt is not long for EPA head. Iowa senators want his head for restricting ethanol Grassley has clout with Trump, will use it.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4374 on: June 17, 2018, 05:06:45 AM »
Of course he wasn't enriching himself:

" ... two years after the complaint was filed during the 2016 primaries, when then-candidate Trump plugged Trump-branded wine, steaks and golf courses during political events and held press conferences at Trump properties."

"Trump's alleged promotion of his products and properties during campaign appearances were made in the context of touting his business acumen, and therefore his suitability and qualifications for office"

"FEC dismissed the complaints on a 3-1 vote, with Democratic commissioner Ellen Weintraub dissenting"

Move along. Nuttn to see here.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4375 on: June 17, 2018, 09:32:29 PM »
Everybody jumping in the tariff pool:

"India has now submitted a revised list of 30 items -- including motor cycle, certain iron and steel goods, boric acid and lentils -- to the WTO on which it proposes to raise customs duty by up to 50 per cent. "

"Earlier in May, India proposed to raise duties by up to 100 per cent on 20 products such as almonds, apple and specific motorcycles imported from the US."

"The additional duty proposed to be hiked on these items ranges from 10 per cent to 100 per cent."

"other items include chickpeas, fresh apple, walnut, refined palmolein, motor cycle with engine capacity over 800 cc, diagnostic reagents and threaded nuts."

"India has also dragged the US to the World Trade Organisations dispute settlement mechanism over the imposition of import duties on steel and aluminium. "

Not just walnuts and almonds. Threaded nuts too !



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4376 on: June 18, 2018, 01:34:13 AM »
Glen Ford pulls no punches:

"The man [Trump], literally, knows not what he does ..."

"If the leader of North Korea -- the original “pariah” state demonized and placed beyond the pale of U.S.-decreed legitimacy -- is now just another negotiating partner, and U.S. troop withdrawal from the South is a principled goal, then the “axis of evil” era is over and the rationale for U.S. troops and bases virtually everywhere in the world collapses -- as is well understood by U.S. imperial strategists, who are in deep distress."

"Much more crucially, the advent of Trump has revealed the stark reality that there is no mass base for “free trade”-- a euphemism for allowing the ruling class to do whatever they want with their money and everyone’s jobs. Support for “free trade” is an illusion conjured by the two corporate parties, who are writhing in a crisis of legitimacy."

He nails it: no change until people come out on the street:

"The real crisis for the War Party arrives when masses of people show up in the streets to demand an end to the Permanent Warfare State.

The real crisis for the Black Mass Incarceration State arrives when the targeted population no longer recognizes the legitimacy of the police, and moves to resist and replace the cops with their own security forces.

The real crisis for the Lords of Capital arrives when the people demand nationalization of the banks and the permanent dethroning of finance capital, the actual ruling class.

Trump, of course, wants none of that. But, under his presidency, the contradictions of late stage imperial capitalism are becoming both much more intense, and more obvious to folks on the ground. And that’s scaring the hell out of the ruling class -- which will make them a lot meaner."

He's got some zingers in there:

"Nancy Pelosi, a former co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, sounded like some cracker mistress in the Big House ..."

"Trump ... speaking out of whichever side of his mouth works quicker. "


Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4377 on: June 18, 2018, 05:48:17 PM »
Reagan and his crew were the original neoliberals.
Neoliberalism: the idea that swallowed the world

The word has become a rhetorical weapon, but it properly names the reigning ideology of our era – one that venerates the logic of the market and strips away the things that make us human.

Democrats and liberals are not neoliberals, though those in office have been forced to compromise with neoliberalism to make any progress at all. Of course, if you want to eliminate over 90% of people and enable the current kleptocracy, you can go on attacking the weaker party and helping it with the circular firing squad.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4378 on: June 18, 2018, 08:34:43 PM »


Leo Strauss and Friedrich Hayek are the names that pop into my mind when neoliberalism is mentioned, but Reagan and Thatcher certainly served to popularize many of the associated memes.
ASIL has opened a thread on neoliberalism and it's effect on the climate change debate that I'm finding enlightening. I'd somehow missed the connections between personal actions to fight AGW, collective actions and the neoliberal mindset emphasizing individual responsibility.

I doubt that many here confuse liberals with neoliberals although the Democratic Party has and does flirt with neoliberal philosophy far too often in my opinion. I think much of the backlash against Corporate Democrats is in part an attempt to lessen the neoliberal influence within the party.

Who would have expected that the Koch brothers had been financing the Democratic Leadership Council once headed by Bill Clinton.

Searching Koch and DLC brings up a number of eye opening hits.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4379 on: June 18, 2018, 10:42:43 PM »
I would expect the following, at least in the short term, in order to keep up Traitor Don’s deflection strategy from RussiaGate:

1). Expect Donnie to keep up the horrible immigration policy that is currently under fire
2). Expect Scott Pruitt to stay as head of the EPA
3). Expect troll activity to remain high

Donnie doesn’t want people focused on Mueller or Cohen over the coming weeks.... and Scottie still serves the purpose of a spare parachute if/when Donnie moves to shut down Mueller.

Donnie, FOX, and trolls will continue lying up a storm over the next critical month or two ....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4380 on: June 18, 2018, 11:36:23 PM »
Supremes slide outta ruling on gerrymander in wisconsin and maryland, may consider later:

Wisconsin: "The justices unanimously agreed that the challengers had not adequately demonstrated that they do have standing, and the court (although not unanimously) sent the case back to the lower court to allow the challengers to make that showing."

Maryland: " The Maryland challenge can still go on in the lower court, but today’s ruling means that the state’s 2018 elections (the primaries for which are scheduled for next week) will use the current map."



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4381 on: June 19, 2018, 01:22:27 PM »
Paul Tudor Jones warns the next recession will be 'really frightening'

It doesn't take a rocket scientist ...... or even a successful Wall Street veteran, to understand that asset prices across MANY ASSET CLASSES (stocks, real estate, bonds, etc) are EXPENSIVE RIGHT NOW.  And things ALWAYS "revert to the mean".  Some times it takes a long time, and sometimes it happens fairly rapidly (less than a year).  But it ALWAYS reverts to the mean.

Stocks and real estate ..... across MANY countries are "out of bounds" and heading for a nasty correction.  A trade war could be the thing that ignites the next recession (emphasis on COULD).  If you are a student of history ..... in this case economic history ..... you know that recessions need some kind of "jolt" to get them started.  If you look back at history, things like oil price hikes, banking disasters, etc ..... are things that can get the ball rolling on a recession.  Time will tell.  Also realize.... that you DON'T need a recession to have a SIGNIFICANT drop in the stock market (1987 and 1998 are but two examples).

There are several things that have looked to be "coming together" ..... and they look to be heading for resolution around the same time frame:  September - October of this year.  We now have the trade issue that is front and center ...... we have the Mueller/Cohen investigations ..... we have the upcoming elections in November ...... we have a possible "US government shutdown" in September that was just threatened by Donnie.  And of course..... we have the backdrop of VERY HIGH ASSET PRICES.  What could possibly go wrong?   ;)

Legendary global macro trader Paul Tudor Jones is warning that asset prices are too high. And furthermore, he’s concerned about what the next recession might look like. He shared his thoughts on Monday during a conversation with Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein as part of the firm’s “Talks at GS” series.

The hedge fund billionaire, who rarely gives interviews or makes public comments on the markets, cautioned that across asset classes “you have to be thinking this is a highly dubious sustainable price.”

Jones doesn’t think the low interest rates we have now due to easy monetary policy are sustainable over time. He said that interest rate policy is “crazy.” He further argued that the Trump administration’s stimulative fiscal policy isn’t sustainable either.

“You look at prices of stocks, real estate, anything,” he said. “We’re going to have to mean revert to a normal real rate of interest with a normal term premium that’s existed for 250 years. We’re going to have to get back to that. We’re going to have to get back to a sustainable fiscal policy and that probably means the price of assets goes down in the very long run.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4382 on: June 19, 2018, 07:14:31 PM »
Paul Tudor Jones warns the next recession will be 'really frightening'

It doesn't take a rocket scientist ...... or even a successful Wall Street veteran, to understand that asset prices across MANY ASSET CLASSES (stocks, real estate, bonds, etc) are EXPENSIVE RIGHT NOW

Maybe.  I wouldn't be too sure.  Part of this price increase in investable asset prices is driven by wealth inequality.  Wealth inequality isn't getting better, it's getting worse.

Give a millionaire a million dollars, and what does he do with it?  Buy investment assets.

Give that million dollars to a thousand middle-class folks, a thousand each, and what do they do with it?  Pay off credit cards, go to nicer restaurants, take a vacation.

More and more millions are going to millionaires and billionaires, so they're all competing to buy assets.  Bond purchases by central banks added to this.  Even though the central banks are now holding off on more purchases, this change won't really alter the underlying effects of wealth inequality, just tame the trajectory a bit.

So as long as global GDP growth is positive and wealth inequality continues to worsen, these prices will inevitably go up in price.  If wealth inequality improves (requiring maybe a revolution), or GDP falls (from widespread recession or a Depression), these stock and bond prices will fall, potentially precipitously.

Medium-term interest rates (inflation-adjusted) are probably the best barometer of where things are headed.  They've inched up a bit, but still quite low by historical standards.  The bond market is huge, and bonds compete with all other investment classes for investment dollars.  So if interest rates rise (i.e., bond prices decrease) all other classes will tend to follow the prices of bonds.

Highly liquid assets (stocks and bonds) will rise and fall more quickly in response to global economic changes.  Illiquid assets (primarily real estate) will respond more sluggishly.

Invest accordingly.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4383 on: June 19, 2018, 08:32:20 PM »
FOX and Donnie apparently have gone into the "Summer Camp" business.  Next thing you know, there will be big gold signs at all the detention camps:


Fox News host Laura Ingraham criticized the backlash against the Trump administration for separating immigrant families at the border as part of its “zero tolerance” policy, comparing the detention centers, where children can be seen being kept inside chain-link cages and heard wailing for their parents, to summer camp.

And apparently at some of Donnie's "summer camps" they teach acting classes by my good pal Ann Coulter:

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter called children crying at the border after being separated from parents “child actors” during an appearance Sunday on Fox News.


Ann, Laura, and Sean would have been a big hit with Adolf.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4384 on: June 19, 2018, 09:18:38 PM »
Everybody here loves a great model. Here is one nobody wants see come true.

Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30% chance of Trump causing financial crisis, war, civil violence, and authoritarianism over next 5 years
Posted on June 19, 2018 by energyskeptic

Homer-Dixon wrote an article over a year ago for the Toronto Globe and Mail titled “Crisis analysis, how much damage can Trump do? (A lot). How’d his prediction turn out?

    Severe Financial crisis: 25%. Financial, demand, and unemployment shocks significantly exceeding those experienced in the Great Recession (i.e., global GDP declining at 2% per year for at least one year.
    Severe civil violence: 25%. Active engagement of paramilitary groups supporting Trump; widespread organized violence between Trump supporters and opponents; significant violence between law enforcement and protesters; violent attacks by militant Trump supporters on loci of opposition to Trump policies, such as media outlets, judges, and prominent individuals; bombings; assassinations of elected officials.
    Severe Authoritarianism: 30%. Declaration of state of emergency; federalization of the National Guard; suspension of key civil liberties; state-directed prosecution and imprisonment of journalists, academics, civil-society leaders, and political opponents; mass arrests; registration of members of identified enemy groups.
    Severe intensity war: 20%. War between US and one or more great powers involving massed ground, air, and/or naval forces, and conventional or cruise missiles; large casualties; direct attacks on one or both homelands; any conflict with substantial risk of escalation to nuclear use.

The odds of moderate levels of these events are much higher:

    Moderate Financial crisis: 40%. Financial, demand, and unemployment shocks not significantly exceeding in magnitude those accompanying the 2008-09 Great Recession (2009 global GDP growth rate: -1.7%)
    Moderate civil violence: 60%. Sporadic but organized violent political demonstrations, protests, strikes and riots, with some direct violent confrontations between Trump supporters and opponents; some police shootings and attacks on police associated with these events
    Moderate Authoritarianism: 60%. Use of federal resources to intimidate and constrain journalists, judges, and Trump opponents, limit voting rights, and limit electronic communication; substantially increased application of force to track, seize, and deport immigrants; criminalization of protest; purging from civil service of opposition elements; refusal of federal authorities to abide by court rulings
    Moderate intensity war: 60%. Contained regional conflict between US and intermediate or great powers

And of course, there are many events out of Trump’s control listed in the category “Fast Crash” of energyskeptic that could also hasten these events.
Science is a thought process, technology will change reality.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4385 on: June 19, 2018, 11:10:23 PM »
Personally, I'd basically agree with these risks, but lower the odds by 10% each.
Except the war risks, where I think he's spot-on.
I'm particularly concerned about a hot war with Iran.  Consequences could be fairly catastrophic.

Of course "moderate intensity war" is actually 100%, as the "war on terror" is ongoing, to the detriment of many people around the globe.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4386 on: June 20, 2018, 11:43:33 PM »
Trade war: Germany blinks

" ...  proposing an end to the European Union's 10 percent import tax on U.S.-made cars ..."



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4387 on: June 21, 2018, 03:49:28 PM »
Donnie's "Enron day" is coming.... likely WITHIN months.  What is an "Enron day"?  I'm glad I asked. ;)

Donnie's poll numbers have been improving over the last few months ...... likely due to the unending media blitz by his SS folks on FOX News and elsewhere.  But his poll numbers are still down from when he started in office.

In April of 2001 ..... Enron reported profits of over $500 million and its stock price bounced for the next couple of months.  By the way.... on the "conference call" for that quarter, Jeffrey Skilling called an analyst "an asshole" (really).  Watch this:

Donnie is a LOT like Enron.  He is a FRAUD.  A CON.  A "naked King" if you will (I apologize if you just ate breakfast ;)).  But he hasn't been "entirely disrobed" YET. We're getting closer, however.

Psychology is SUCH an interesting little animal that lives inside ALL OF US.   If you were to look back at video's of the last year of Hitler during WWII ..... it is truly AMAZING to think that there were STILL people in Berlin that "worshiped the ground he walked on"..... even as Berlin was being surrounded by Russia on the east, and the western alliance coming from the west.  And after ALL the horrible things that he did.

And.... unfortunately, there are STILL people who support Donald Trump.  Now, to be fair, some of the people supporting Trump are unethical trolls who support his policies.  They will ALWAYS be there.  But that is a relatively small group ...... maybe 25% of Donnies 40% approval rating.  That other 15% are people that STILL have not seen Donnie disrobed (or have been looking away).  That 15% has not left him yet ...... but the coming "Enron day" will cause him to lose those folks.

Is Donnie's "Enron day" coming because of the way he has/is handling the immigration issue currently?  Maybe.  There are other things that will be coming down the pike fairly soon as well.

All markets are comprised of individuals..... whether you're talking about the market for widgets, the market for oil and gas, the market for cars, or the market for politicians.  And not everyone in the market has the same information AND the same incentives driving them.

But that little rascal "truth" never leaves.  How long will it take for that truth to rear its ugly head at Traitor Don?  I think we're getting much, much closer.  Still further to go, that is for sure.  But we're getting closer to Donnie's "Enron day".  That day that Jeff Skilling called the analyst an "asshole" on the conference call.  That day when a VERY GOOD QUESTION got other people to look at Enron and Jeff Skilling and think: 

"They're running a scam on us aren't they?"   

Many people have already understood that.  But for the 15% or so that aren't totally brain dead and deluded ..... they will be discovering over the coming weeks and months that Donnie is truly naked .... and he has been a con all along.

So while Donnie may have enjoyed a "little bounce" in his poll numbers over the past few months .... I think those days will be coming to an end.

For those who want to know what the A, B, C, etc mean on the Enron chart .... here is the information from the chart:


(A) 1996 to 2001: Enron is the darling of Wall Street; share price rises; Fortune magazine calls Enron “America’s Most Innovative Company” for six consecutive years.

(B) 1999 to mid-2001: Enron executives and directors receive $1.1 billion by selling 17.3 million shares.

(C) April 17, 2001: Enron reports first quarter profits of $536 million.

(D) August 14, 2001: Jeffrey K. Skilling abruptly resigns as chief executive, citing “personal reasons,” Mr. Lay reassume the position of CEO.
(E) August 20, 2001: Kenneth Lay sells 93,000 shares for about $2 million. At the same time, he urges employees to buy company shares, sends an e-mail to employees assuring them that the company is on solid footing, and predicts "significantly higher stock price.”

(F) September 26, 2001: In an online chat with employees, Mr. Lay says that Enron stock is a good buy and that the company’s accounting methods are “legal and totally appropriate.”

(G) October 16, 2001: Enron reports a third-quarter loss of $618 million.

(H) October 22, 2001: The Securities and Exchange Commission opens an inquiry into Enron’s accounting.

(I) December 2, 2001: Enron files for bankruptcy protection.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 03:55:12 PM by Buddy »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4388 on: June 21, 2018, 04:09:16 PM »
Per "Palmer Report"

How much cash did Donald Trump make from tonight’s rally? Certainly, not all that much. Yet, even in the midst of a presidency-sinking crisis that’s prompted him to cancel a picnic that he could have used as an opportunity to beg Republican Congressmen for support, he made a point of going out to Minnesota to collect his cash. His mindset appears to be that he may not be able to cash in on any more rallies next week or next month if things continue to explode in his face, so wants that cash now – even if it means taking his focus off a crisis that has him halfway out the Oval Office door. He’s no longer cashing in; he’s cashing out.

Just like Enron ..... the insiders always cash out first. ;)
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4389 on: June 21, 2018, 05:20:48 PM »
Here's a good discussion about the people in power in the US. Can Trump Use Hard-Line Immigration Policies To Turn Out GOP Voters?

perry (Perry Bacon Jr., senior writer): Can I briefly reject the premise here, that the White House has some brilliant strategy or is making a “conscious decision” to make the midterms about immigration? There is often “Trump-did-something-crazy-so-he-must-have a strategy” coverage that likely overstates Trump’s political planning and understates his desired policy goals, like stopping NFL players from kneeling or limiting immigration.

natesilver: Yeah, I certainly think the Playbook/Axios/NYT “news analysis” style is too quick to attribute strategic motives instead of ideological ones.

Or what may just be people being dumbasses and faking their way through the strategy.

What people don't want to comprehend is that killing/deporting/jailing" (school to prison pipeline, private prisons) those people is intentional. Each potential voter removed is a net gain for the cheating party in power. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Some analyses say that Democrats have to win by over 10% to change the dynamics (they nearly made it in Virginia, but ended up one vote down from a majority). And with 2020 looming, this will continue unless Republicans lose power.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4390 on: June 22, 2018, 01:01:45 AM »
America's Finest News Source:

 “Now that Trump has agreed to slightly ratchet down these cruel and inhumane policies of his own making, we are once again the nation I know and love,”

"At press time, the nation’s citizenry had reportedly reaffirmed its sacred right to completely ignore human rights abuses ..."



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4391 on: June 22, 2018, 01:02:46 AM »
America's Finest News Source:

"America’s white population plummeted to 2.7 percent Wednesday following President Trump’s decision to cave on immigration enforcement"

"At press time, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional anunció una prohibición permanente de todos inmigrantes de países caucásicos."

« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 06:58:51 AM by sidd »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4392 on: June 22, 2018, 04:36:04 AM »
So with all kinds of news breaking, and all kinds of “shiny objects” being flashed around by Donnie and Company ...... what is the one thing I am most interested in?

John Bolton is heading to Russia Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to set up a “summit” between Traitor Don and his boss, little Vladi.  Did I tell you they want this “summit” to be in July.  Not NEXT July, THIS July.

You think this might have something to do with the noose tightening around Traitor Don’s neck?  Sounds like Cohen could be ready to flip.

So where is the “Summit” going to be held? Vienna?  Moscow?  Inquiring minds will be watching CLOSELY as to how things develop regarding the meeting.  Is the whole “Von Trapp Family” going?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ........

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4393 on: June 23, 2018, 03:53:43 PM »
When you see a lifeguard station at the beach ... they often have “flags” that show if it is safe to go swimming.  Most places, a white flag means it’s safe.  A red flag generally means it’s dangerous, and only STRONG swimmers should be swimming.  TWO red flags means NOBODY should be in the water, it’s too dangerous for even strong swimmers.

I’m watching John Bolton’s trip to Moscow with a close eye.  Remember, he’s over there to set up a summit meeting for NEXT MONTH with little Vladi and Traitor Don.

If that meeting turns out to be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia .... then I put one RED FLAG up.  If that meeting turns out to be in Moscow for some strange reason, then I put TWO red flags up.


Traitor Don is guilty of some very serious allegations.  He knows it.  Michael Cohen knows it.  The whole “Von Trapp” (Trump) family knows it.  He’s approaching a “fork in the road” .... but it has mutiple turns he can make:

1). Try to survive the Mueller investigation all the way through to its completion, and be able to convince (lie) them that he shouldn’t be impeached.

2). Try to end the Mueller investigation by firing Rosenstein, Mueller, and perhaps Wrey and others ... and hope for the best.

3). Cut and run.  And when I say run .... I mean to a country that does NOT have an extradition treaty with the US.  Somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Russia.

I’m pretty amazed that I even have to think about this.  This wouldn’t even be a POSSIBILITY with ANY other president.  But here I am writing down something that I now think has about a 20% chance of actually happening (up from 5% previously).  It’s still “only” a 20% chance ... but that is NOT insignificant.

If the Summit ends up being in Vienna or someplace like that, then I stay with 20% as the possibility of that happening in the future months.  BUT .... if the Summit ends up being in Riyadh or Moscow (especially Moscow) .... you’ll see the odds go UP significantly from 20%.

Donnie will save Donnie’s ass no matter what the price is.  He is breaking down further PSYCHOLOGICALLY right in front of our face.  Things that we would normally consider impossible, are now brought into the realm of possible.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4394 on: June 23, 2018, 04:21:42 PM »
Interesting speculation.  But it seems wildly improbable to me, for two separate reasons.
One, a narcissist like Trump probably couldn't stomach both relinquishing the reins of power and also admitting defeat and the shame involved.  He's always gotten by in life with bluff and bluster, never apologizing, never admitting defeat.  Why should he change now?

Two, neither Saudi nor Russia have anything at all to gain by offering sanctuary to a treasonous former US President.  This would just make them enemies of the US for as long as Trump lives.  Why would either of them want this?

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4395 on: June 23, 2018, 07:32:42 PM »
I have been reading with considerable horror about the Stealth fighters sale to Turkey, so typically ineptly dangerous.

Trump is exactly where he wants to be: his base is solidly behind treating immigrants as considerably less than human. There is a heightened review of those who have already qualified as citizens (usually a decade long process) and green card holders to deport everyone they can. The "base" and the powers that be have an eye on reversing changing demographics, suppressing votes, and stealing elections by any means available so they can keep power.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely: Trump does not conceal his envy of and support for absolutist power and the ability to jail or kill enemies, and his closest advisors are on board with that, though the overt statement is not made in public. With one major media resource (Fox) totally in the bag for him serving as his "kitchen cabinet", nobody needs to look outside their mythology at all. It is shocking to me that 42% of our population is fine with this.

Here's a good neutral story on the planned summit: Trump-Putin summit: Wing-it meets meticulous: The contrast troubles Russia experts and former U.S. officials who worry the president is liable to make promises to a Russian autocrat he seems eager to please.

I take exception to the idea that the US any longer dominates world affairs; it has done so much harm that that ship has sailed. And I know that some here think Russia would be a better ally than the US, and at a moment I can hardly blame them, though I disagree that Russia is anything but a bad actor in world affairs. Putin's influence over Trump - which most of us here believe is supported by huge financial obligations and potential blackmail - is certainly malign. Trump is a fool who thinks he is wise, but he wields a hypnotic influence over his follows. The parallels with Hitler cannot be denied.

Trump’s new world disorder, in which he can appear at times on friendlier terms with adversaries than traditional U.S. allies, serves Putin’s ultimate goal of ending America’s unilateral dominance over world affairs. The Russian president speaks frequently of his hope for a new “multilateral” system, and the sinking popularity of the U.S. in many European countries could help achieve that goal.
Russia has long tried to suggest that it is a more natural ally of the EU than the United States, and Putin could use any meeting with Trump to highlight Russia’s continued support for the Paris climate change accords, and the Iran nuclear deal — both of which Trump has repudiated — as evidence that the U.S. is now out of step with its European allies.

The potential Trump-Putin summit is expected to come either just before or after the July NATO summit, which the U.S. president will attend. European officials are deeply concerned that Trump will be more focused on his meeting with Putin than his discussions with NATO allies. The situation could mirror the recent spectacle of Trump cutting short his meeting with the G-7 leaders, angrily withdrawing his support for a joint statement and jetting off to praise Kim in Singapore.

There's a bit more meat in the article.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4396 on: June 23, 2018, 08:11:07 PM »
There is no possibility of Trump fleeing to Russia or Syria. Anyone giving this a 5% possibility of occurring is wildly out of touch with reality, 20% is beyond bizarre.

The attacks of Soros against rational political discourse have apparently born a misshapen fruit. American voters whose hold on reality has been ruthlessly severed, who now throw logic to the wind as they flail about trying to grasp a future in step with their distorted view of the present.

Putin didn't force Trump onto the world's stage. Hillary's DNC, Obama's 8 years in power, and the previous 8 years of Shrub's presidency were enough to bring out the huge protest vote that elected the Trumpster.

Ignore these facts at your peril.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4397 on: June 23, 2018, 10:11:39 PM »

The attacks of Soros against rational political discourse  . . .

I find this a completely bizarre and inexplicable assertion.  Soros has been a bogeyman for right-wingers for a long time. 
As far as I can tell, simply because he supports a progressive agenda.
And his agenda has, indeed, been strongly progressive.
In terms of national political discourse, his most dedicated effort has been the Open Society Foundations.
So here, here's what he's been up to:

What, precisely is so malign about the OSF?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4398 on: June 24, 2018, 10:38:50 AM »
The storm is coming?

Trump supporters had some fun with it and story is about over.
Does this signal more things like this happening, possibly. The amount of hate on all
sides is rising. Amazing that it isn't subsiding after 18 months.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4399 on: June 24, 2018, 12:23:48 PM »
The storm is coming?
The amount of hate on all
sides is rising. Amazing that it isn't subsiding after 18 months.

Well, the Trump-supporters are hypocritical lying bastards, who would sell their children to the highest bidder if they knew someone who would buy those evil little ones, so I'm not amazed at all. Fuck them, or rather not fuck them, you don't want your offspring to be influenced by those vermin.