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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4400 on: June 24, 2018, 09:36:50 PM »
Per SteveMDFP
Interesting speculation.  But it seems wildly improbable to me, for two separate reasons.
One, a narcissist like Trump probably couldn't stomach both relinquishing the reins of power and also admitting defeat and the shame involved.  He's always gotten by in life with bluff and bluster, never apologizing, never admitting defeat.  Why should he change now?

Two, neither Saudi nor Russia have anything at all to gain by offering sanctuary to a treasonous former US President.  This would just make them enemies of the US for as long as Trump lives.  Why would either of them want this?

It is "wildly improbable" to me as well.  Which is why I give it a 20% chance of happening right now.  Before Donnie and company all the sudden wanted to RUSH a "summit" with Russia (even though Donnie has known for MANY MONTHS that he was going to Europe already)...... I only gave it a 5% chance of happening.  So now there is an 80% chance of it NOT happening.

But just like the odds on a basketball game or a horse race ..... odds are a "moving target".  If someone on a basketball team gets injured .... the odds just got worse, and if someone on ANOTHER TEAM gets injured, then the odds go up.  That is the nature of odds.  As we get more and more information ..... those odds change (either up or down).

But I said Saudi Arable or Russia for SPECIFIC REASONS.  They both DON'T HAVE an extradition treaty with the US.  Any trip to Saudi Arabia would ONLY be a stopping point before he would head to Russia.  But the Saudi's and the Russians are getting pretty chummy.... so that shouldn't be a big issue IF Donnie really wants to do that.

Again.... it is pretty amazing that I even have to give something like this even a "passing thought".  But... we are in the "world of Donnie" ...... and there are a LOT of things that happen in the world of Donnie that would NOT happen in ANY OTHER RESIDENT OF THE OVAL OFFICE.... or even have ANY chance of happening.  Just keep in mind that this is a 20% of happening.

As an "observer" in the business world ..... I have learned to "observe and establish % of possibilities" that things will happen or not.  It doesn't mean they WILL happen.

What are the chances that a Division I football team, with 4th down and 12 yards to go ON THEIR OWN 25 YARD LINE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE GAME...... would do a "fake punt" and try to get a first down? Chances have to be pretty darn slim for anyone to try something that stupid:

Looked like the "parting of the Red Sea" didn't it.  NOBODY expected it.  NOBODY.

Clearly Donnie wants the first choice of surviving the Mueller investigation in tact, without having to fire everyone in sight.  Then..... firing everyone in sight is his second choice, which is why he has NOT fired Scott Pruitt yet (he will give Scott the AG post and Scott can then go crazy firing everyone in sight).  So any "foray" into Russia (or to Russia via Saudi Arabia FIRST), is clearly his LAST OPTION.

So..... I'll keep "observing" what Donnie does .... and adjust those "odds" accordingly.  If the "Summit" is in Vienna or some "like place" .... then the odds stay at 20%.  If the summit for some strange reason is in Riyadh or Moscow ..... then the odds go UP.

I would expect that more and more information will come out over the next month or two ..... so those odds of this happening will go up or down.  If Donnie's case looks bleaker and bleaker for him ..... and he is looking at likely impeachment or worse ..... then living in Moscow with a supply of women from Vladi seems a lot better than serving time in prison.

If nothing comes of the Cohen investigation and further work on the Mueller investigation, and things begin to look BETTER for Donnie..... then he will likely stick out the Mueller investigation to the end and take his chances.  Everything in life has a "chance" to it .. regardless how big or how small.  The trick is to LOOK AT THINGS IN THE MOST UNBIASED WAY YOU CAN ...

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4401 on: June 24, 2018, 10:16:34 PM »
. . . So any "foray" into Russia (or to Russia via Saudi Arabia FIRST), is clearly his LAST OPTION. . . .

Hmm, way too soon for Trump to pull out that parachute.  As of today, he's still the most powerful human being on the planet (ugh).  His ego wouldn't let him relinquish that.  As long as he's POTUS, he's probably un-indictable and he holds unfettered pardon powers.  Pardon the pun, but he holds trump cards.

But I think it's plausible that he wants a meeting with Putin to flesh out possible exit plans for when he ceases being President.  When he's clear that he's losing his re-election bid, he might well agree that retiring to Moscow would be preferable to retiring to a US federal prison.  Look for signs of a move during the "lame duck" period between November 2020 and January 2021.  Unless he's removed from office before then, which would accelerate that timetable.

Trump is very stupid in multiple dimensions of intelligence.  But he's clever in a few.  The obvious one is his ability to con and bully people to manipulate them.  He has to be semi-competent in advance planning, to make money in real estate.  The suggested meeting, I would think, falls under advance planning in some way.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4402 on: June 25, 2018, 10:06:40 AM »
The storm is coming?
The amount of hate on all
sides is rising. Amazing that it isn't subsiding after 18 months.

Well, the Trump-supporters are hypocritical lying bastards, who would sell their children to the highest bidder if they knew someone who would buy those evil little ones, so I'm not amazed at all. Fuck them, or rather not fuck them, you don't want your offspring to be influenced by those vermin.
It seems you are part of the hate. Sad.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4403 on: June 25, 2018, 10:00:10 PM »
In the coming weeks, I expect most White House daily briefings to stop.  The only time they will likely be given is (1) if there is good news to pound their chest about, or (2) talking points (propaganda) that they want to get out.  There likely won’t be a lot of good news in coming weeks ... but there WILL be more propaganda that they will try to spread.  And their friends at RT/FOX will also be spreading it.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 10:46:36 PM by Buddy »
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4404 on: June 25, 2018, 10:57:58 PM »
Received this, one of a daily dozen requests for help, today, from NARAL Pro-Choice America:

A new report shows that Donald Trump's global gag rule has caused chaos for family-planning clinics in impoverished areas of the world.

Clinics have closed down, programs have shrunk, and doctors are terrified to talk to their patients about anything related to reproductive services—all thanks to Trump's decree that U.S. foreign aid cannot go to overseas health centers that provide abortion care or counseling, or that even take a public pro-choice position.
According to a study by the Center for Health and Gender Equality, clinics and family-planning programs in countries such countries as Mozambique and Zimbabwe have suffered the most under Trump's global gag rule. Programs that refused to agree to withhold health information from their patients have immediately lost their funding, and they have not been able to make up the gap with their other sources of funding.

Worse, the family-planning organizations that have agreed to Trump's terms are so worried about breaking the rule that they're overinterpreting it, eliminating other reproductive-health programs unnecessarily and refusing to administer emergency contraception or post-abortion care for fear of losing funding.

Now Trump is trying to implement the same rule at home, and if he succeeds, countless women will lose access to reproductive care.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4405 on: June 25, 2018, 11:09:33 PM »
It's probably been a year or more when I said:  "If Mattis leaves or gets pushed out of office, THEN we need to REALLY WORRY."

We're getting closer.  We're not there yet... and hopefully won't be.  But we're definitely moving in that direction:

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary James Mattis learned in May from a colleague that President Donald Trump had made the decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal, and scrambled to get his boss on the phone before a formal announcement was made. It wouldn't be the last time he was caught off guard by a presidential announcement.

A month later, Mattis was informed that Trump had ordered a pause in U.S. military exercises with South Korea only after the president had already promised the concession to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Last week, Trump again blindsided and overruled his defense secretary by publicly directing the Pentagon to create a sixth military branch overseeing operations in space.

Right now I believe that Mattis is likely thinking, "where is it better for the country for me to be: 
Inside the government keeping a close eye on things, or is it better for me to leave and warn folks, both inside and outside of politics, about Trump and his administration."

I think that if Mattis leaves ..... he will start to speak OPENLY about what is happening inside the Trump administration.  First.... he would likely consult with some of the Democrats, then some of the moderate Republicans, and then he might go "public".  He will do what he thinks is the best thing for the country, NOT for Trump inc.

We are in VERY .... VERY ..... uncharted waters... and there is going to be a LOT of shit hitting the fan in coming weeks.  How to figure out what a sociopath like Trump will do, is fraught with danger.... but you have to do it.  You have to WATCH CLOSELY to the many pieces on the board that are moving, and try to figure out WHY THEY ARE MOVING THE WAY THEY ARE.

Donnie is coming to "a fork in the road" this summer.  Which of the 3 roads in that fork he will take, nobody knows for sure.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4406 on: June 26, 2018, 10:38:45 AM »
The storm is coming?
The amount of hate on all
sides is rising. Amazing that it isn't subsiding after 18 months.

Well, the Trump-supporters are hypocritical lying bastards, who would sell their children to the highest bidder if they knew someone who would buy those evil little ones, so I'm not amazed at all. Fuck them, or rather not fuck them, you don't want your offspring to be influenced by those vermin.
It seems you are part of the hate. Sad.
Does alt-right get your sympathy? Please say if they do, so I can put you firmly on ignore.


  • Frazil ice
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4407 on: June 26, 2018, 11:37:31 AM »

Does alt-right get your sympathy? Please say if they do, so I can put you firmly on ignore.

Define "alt-right". Yes I was against Hillary winning and I would never consider myself ALT-RIGHT ( I was a Bernie supporter).

I DO recognize some positive things Trump has done although I don't support everything he is or does. I do support some things that Trump and the GOP would never consider (on guns and healthcare)

I DO recognize that the media in general has been insane (least harsh word I can use) with the negative reporting including misrepresentation of facts, exaggerations , flipping their opinion 180 if it helps attack Trump and some times even down right lying ( and then they mostly retract in some small way after the damage has been done)

So if all that bothers you, ignore away.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4408 on: June 26, 2018, 12:37:48 PM »
Ok, ignored for supporting Trump's and allies actions for worse environment and for worse general health in US.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 12:47:33 PM by Pmt111500 »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4409 on: June 26, 2018, 01:39:32 PM »
Mostly Lurking
I DO recognize some positive things Trump has done although I don't support everything he is or does.

Here are some of the things that our dear friend Donnie has accomplished over the past 18 months, as well as some of his policy positions.  Tell me which ones you support:

1)  Has continued to gut the EPA through Scott Pruitt.  Continues to push for removing regulations that control pollution of the fossil fuels industries (oil, gas, coal).

2)  Has moved to remove regulations that help HOURLY workers (overtime pay, etc)

3)  Passed one of the largest tax "SHIFTS" in US history, with more than 80% of the tax cuts going to corporations and the wealthy....NOT middle income earners.  This shifts MORE income/wealth to the upper tier of the US income earners.

4)  Moved to take away protections of Obamacare like "pre existing conditions".

5)  Has become the "bully in chief" by continuing to "name call" everyone and every company he disagrees with.  Amazon, Washington Post, New York Times, any Democrat that speaks against his policies ....etc.  How on earth is someone going to "work across the aisle" when he calls people by childish names?  How old is he?  Sixteen?

6)  Is the LEAST READ ..... and LEAST PREPARED of any president in the last 30 years.  If you don't like to read, you don't like to learn.

7)  Has hired the following: 

(a) someone with a 2.2 GPA in "Animal Science" from Texas A & M to lead the ENERGY DEPARTMENT.  Usually ..... this position goes to someone with ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENERGY DEPARTMENT (fossil fuels, atomic energy, renewable energy, energy grid, etc).  Obama's chief of energy had a PHD from Stanford.  He headed the Physics department at MIT (Mass Institute of Technology) before serving as the Undersecretary of Energy and Environment under Bill Clinton).

(b)  Has also hired Betsy Devoss who has ZERO EXPERIENCE in public education ..... to lead the Dept of Education.

(c)  Has hired someone that was turned down to serve as a federal judge position 30 years ago amid charges of racism.

(d)  Has hired Ben Carson ..... a physician .... to head the Housing and Urban Development department.  Ben had ZERO EXERIENCE in that area.

(e)  Hired ..... and then kept on .... Scott Pruitt, although in ANY OTHER ADMINISTRATION Scott Pruitt would have been gone LONG AGO due to his numerous missed steps with ethics.

The things listed in this #7 are very important ..... because a bad coach attracts bad athletes.  And I called this one EARLY before he even started filling positions.  If you have a bad leader, he will hire bad employees.  He is not a "magnet" for "good athletes" to fill the positions of the people who actually do the work.

8)  Continues to lie DAILY ..... and apparently encourages his people to LIE FOR HIM.  It was clear ON DAY ONE, when Spicey said "This was the largest crowd in history" for Trump's inauguration.  It should have been clear to ANYONE ...... that if he was going to lie about THAT, he would lie about ANYTHING.  He just "makes stuff up", like his lies about the balance of trade issue with Canada when he lied to Trudeau's face.  He just makes it up without any consideration to whether or not it is actually true.

9)  Has proven ..... so far .... to be a POOR NEGOTIATOR, giving away things to North Korea early, for nothing in return.

10)  Has proven to have little grasp of economics ..... most recently proven by his tariff policies that is driving employment OFF SHORE (as proven by Harley Davidson just this week).

11)  Trump HASN'T changed Washington AT ALL.  HE HAS MADE THE PROBLEMS WORSE.  And that is NOT surprising to me.  Trump has EMBRACED the lobbyists in Washington DC .... and hired as many of them as he can.

12)  Trump has WORSENED relations with our closest friends and neighbors:  Canada, Germany, England, France, and Mexico.

13)  Finally.... some good news:  The unemployment RATE has CONTINUED to drop along the SAME path that unemployment dropped under Obama.  THAT .... is a good thing.  But let's be clear:  He was handed the keys to the Mazaratti and it had been humming along for YEARS.  He has NOT disrupted that YET (Knock on wood).  Also let's be clear ..... there were more jobs created during Obama's last 16 months in office than in Trump's first 16 months (yes .... that is a fact).

I look forward to your long list of things that Donald Trump has done well over the past 16 + months....


« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 02:23:27 PM by Buddy »
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4410 on: June 26, 2018, 02:46:53 PM »
Mostly Lurking
I DO recognize some positive things Trump has done although I don't support everything he is or does.

I look forward to your long list of things that Donald Trump has done well over the past 16 + months....

Thank you for your long and researched response. I would give a counter list but you will just shoot it all down- I do have experience with people that detest Trump plus many of your ponts are in error and are based on opinion and not fact. Also I didn't join this forum to talk politics really, plenty of other places I do that.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4411 on: June 26, 2018, 02:51:08 PM »
I do have experience with people that detest Trump plus many of your ponts are in error and are based on opinion and not fact.

Do you ALWAYS talk in generalities?  Help yourself.  I would love to see where my "posts are in error and based on opinion and not fact."

I'll wait.  I'm sure you want to get the facts out just as I do....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4412 on: June 26, 2018, 02:51:42 PM »
Also I didn't join this forum to talk politics really, plenty of other places I do that.
Here's some advice: If you haven't come here for the politics, don't post in these threads. It will get you nowhere, and in other parts of the forum you will have people responding your opinion through politics-colored glasses after they read your political posts.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4413 on: June 26, 2018, 03:02:28 PM »
I do have experience with people that detest Trump plus many of your ponts are in error and are based on opinion and not fact.

Do you ALWAYS talk in generalities?  Help yourself.  I would love to see where my "posts are in error and based on opinion and not fact."

I'll wait.  I'm sure you want to get the facts out just as I do....

Although I tend to accept the advice of oren, I'll give you one  : N.K.
Saying that trump and the US was on the losing side is 100% opinion.
I can look up what the "opinions" on that are and you will get 180 degree opposite OPNIONS from multiple sources. Opinions are not facts.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4414 on: June 26, 2018, 03:03:59 PM »
Trump trade war with China puts 300,000 soybean farmers, $14 billion export industry in limbo

Fox News 14 hours ago .

Uh oh ..... FOX News is even reporting it.  What happens when FOX News watchers find out that Donnie's tariffs aren't such a hot idea?  Even FOX watchers like Lurker may start to wonder..... ;)
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4415 on: June 26, 2018, 05:39:36 PM »
Trump threatens tax ‘like never before’ to punish Harley-Davidson

Trump can't handle the repercussions of the trade war he started, so he's lashing out at Harley-Davidson some more.

Trump continued to lash out at Harley-Davidson on Tuesday, threatening to hit the iconic motorcycle manufacturer with an unprecedented tax burden just as Trump’s needless trade war claims more American manufacturing jobs.

Facing higher costs from increased tariffs, thanks to Trump, Harley-Davidson announced Monday it’s shifting production of motorcycles sold to European customers from the United States to an unspecified offshore site.

Trump is furious because the move makes him look like a fool.[/
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4416 on: June 26, 2018, 07:03:48 PM »
China drops tariffs on animal feed from Asian countries as U.S. dispute escalates

Well played Donnie .....  Make Argentina and Brazil great again.   ;)  As well as India, Laos, etc....

China will drop tariffs on soybeans, soymeal, soybean cake, rapeseed and fishmeal originating from Bangladesh, India, Laos, South Korea and Sri Lanka from July 1, the ministry said.

Tariffs on soybeans are currently at 3 percent, rapeseed at 9 percent, soybean meal and cake at 5 percent and are 2 percent on fishmeal.

Even though the government had planned the tariff cuts since March, the cuts indicate that China is taking steps to reduce its dependence on U.S. soybeans amid the mounting trade dispute between the two countries. Soybeans are China's biggest agricultural import from the United States by value.

"It demonstrates the government's attitude that we will import from other countries. The market will understand from this that it's a signal," said Monica Tu, analyst at Shanghai JC Intelligence Co Ltd.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4417 on: June 27, 2018, 06:42:27 AM »
Supremes call this one for Trump:

" By a vote of 5-4, the justices rejected a challenge to President Donald Trump’s September 2017 order – often referred to as the “travel ban” – restricting immigration to the United States by citizens of eight countries, most (but not all) of which are predominantly Muslim."

took him three versions, but he finally got one thru.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4418 on: June 27, 2018, 10:42:03 PM »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4420 on: June 27, 2018, 10:47:30 PM »
1)  RE Supreme Court.  Now the Dem's have even more motivation, not that they needed it.

2)  Mr. Market is in BAD SHAPE and he showed it today.  Up big in the first hour (so holders of stock could sell)..... only to lose it all and then some.  All signs still point to a "significant low" sometime this fall is likely (last part of Sept....first half of Oct....that 3 or 4 week "window").

We'll see how Traitor Trump handles the Mueller investigation, Cohen investigation, a downturn in the stock market, North Korea EXPANDING their nuclear facilities, and his ongoing sexual trials ...... all at the same time.  And we'll throw in a controversial Supreme Court Nomination to boot.

What could possibly go wrong?

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4421 on: June 27, 2018, 10:47:54 PM »
Trump gets to choose another Supreme: Kennedy to resign


This is going to hurt for a very long time.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4422 on: June 27, 2018, 11:25:16 PM »
Oh ..... btw ...   forget to say that the Russian trolls will be out in force through Election Day.  They have quite a plateful they are working on for little Uncle Vladi (have you seen how little his hands are ... they make Traitor Don’s look big.

And be sure to keep your eyes glued on Florida and Texas.  Donnie needs those states to come through for him on the Senate side this November. 

Good day mates ....
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4423 on: June 27, 2018, 11:48:40 PM »
The way things are going we are going to end up with a 6/3 court if Ginsberg leaves.

Trumps favorite polling website is hyping civil war:
"Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters say it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, with 11% who say it’s Very Likely."

Well looks like we won't have the time or money to worry about climate change until after the Rapture.
Science is a thought process, technology will change reality.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4424 on: June 28, 2018, 07:12:47 PM »
Bill Shine ..... the "sexual predator enabler" who used to be President over at FOX ..... has been hired by Traitor Don.

Remember ..... I've ALWAYS said that "Donnie wants what Vladi has."  At that is....basically a dictatorship WITH his communications controlled.  You don't get that all at once in a Democracy.  It took Hitler years and years of "ground work" before he was able to do it.

Donnie is going to need all the "communications prowess" he can muster in the coming weeks and months.  And who better to hire than someone from "the belly of the beast" (FOX News).

As I noted 18 months ago ..... Donnie will continue to use FOX News as his "bull horn".  Almost ignoring other outlets completely, and NEVER sitting down for any real press conference or questions.  That is what an autocrat does.  And he has also "stepped up his lying" in the past weeks.  Expect more of it.  It's going to continue, and likely get worse.  He doesn't care at all.  What he cares about is EXPANDING HIS POWER THROUGH THE MEDIA AND THE JUDIARY.

The upcoming fight over the Supreme Justice nominations is going to be pivotal.  Donnie needs to get the Supreme Court on "his side".  That will be decided by about 8 senators (4 on each side of the aisle).  The democrat's need AT LEAST a "net 2" defections.  If only 2 Republican senators "defect" and don't support his Supreme Court Nomination, that means ALL the Democrat's would have to vote NO on his nomination.  If there are 3 Republican defections, then the Dem's could afford to have only 1 defection.  Right now ..... it looks like the Democrat's could very well have 2 or 3 defections..... which means they would need to get 4 or 5 defections from the Republicans.  A VERY TALL ORDER.

There will likely be issues pushed up to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks/months.  Donnie is looking to get it packed with folks that will back him.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4425 on: June 28, 2018, 07:35:21 PM »

Here's the agreement with North Korea that Trump signed  If you read it ..... ITS SHORT .....only 7 paragraphs...... you'll notice that the US received NOTHING except a promise to be good in the future and work towards a new relationship.  There are NO DATES ..... NO PARAMETRS .... NO CONCRETE PROMISES.

And for that .... the US gave North Korea:

1)  Presence on the INTERNATIONAL STAGE
2)  A nice picture with Trump saluting the North Korea general
3)  US isn't partaking in the NORMAL military exercises with Japan and South Korea.

So.... that wasn't just "my opinion".  It was FACT.

And .... by the way..... North Korea is now upgrading their nuclear facilities SINCE THE MEETING TOOK PLACE.  Isn't THAT special?

Still looking forward to your long list of great things that Donnie has done over the last 16 months....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4426 on: June 28, 2018, 08:02:26 PM »
Something to watch for in coming weeks RELATED TO FOX NEWS.....

There have now been about 3 instances where folks have called out FOX News for lying:

1)  Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters:

Fox News Contributor Quits, Calls Network a ‘Propaganda Machine’

2)  Seth McFarlane, Steve Levitan, Paul Feig speak out against FOX News coverage

Fox Talents Speak Up Over Fox News Child Separation Coverage

Fox Talents Speak Up Over Fox News Child Separation Coverage

3)  Judd Apatow.... Hollywood producer

“I haven’t worked with Fox since 2002, wrote Apatow in one of a series of tweets. “That family promotes evil ideas and greed and corruption.. We all choose who to work with. I understand why that is easier for some than others but many powerful people are powerful enough to speak up to their bosses at a moment like this.” Apatow was referring to Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of Fox News parent 21st Century Fox and CEO of Fox News Channel, and the Murdoch family.

What I will be looking for in COMING WEEKS IS THIS:

1)  Are others following suit in calling out FOX News for lying
2)  Are COMPANIES pulling commercials.

Leadership isn't usually easy ..... and it always comes with consequences.  Who is going to step up?

FOX News:  "Where truth and journalism are dead."

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4427 on: June 28, 2018, 08:08:01 PM »

What North Korea gave Donald Trump

1) A presence on the International Stage that lead to a Nobel Nomination.
2) A photo op with a smiling Kim.
3) A way to end decades of provocative military posturing that did little other than disrupt NK's rice production.

Peace is better than the alternative Buddy.
We don't need another "War President".


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4428 on: June 28, 2018, 09:07:23 PM »
Add another to the "FYOU" FOX News list.....

'I quit': Fox News regular from Miami dumps network over immigration coverage

Miami author Bruce Turkel gained national exposure from regular appearances on Fox as a marketing expert. Now the advertising executive is publicly breaking up with the network, saying he couldn't stomach the way Fox has covered the Trump administration's separation of children from parents accused of immigration offenses.

"Your network has been very very good to me. The 400 plus appearances I've made on Fox News and Fox Business have helped me generate lots of keynote speaking appearances and helped me sell a bunch of books," Turkel wrote in an "Open Letter to Fox News" posted online Wednesday. "All of that being said, I also have to say I can no longer appear on the Fox network. I quit."

He cited what he called Fox's "heinous" coverage of the Trump policy to separate children from parents who enter the country illegally. Dozens of the children have been sent to facilities in the Miami area.

"Ann Coulter claimed that videos of crying children feature 'child actors,' '' Turkel wrote. "And more than one announcer has suggested that these kids are actually better off in cages than they were with their parents."

A Fox spokeswoman declined to comment.

All big things START SMALL.  Whether there are any "legs" to this ..... we'll have to wait and see.

It's good to see there are some people with ethics ......

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4429 on: June 28, 2018, 09:46:59 PM »
Received this, one of a daily dozen requests for help, today, from NARAL Pro-Choice America:

A new report shows that Donald Trump's global gag rule has caused chaos for family-planning clinics in impoverished areas of the world.

Clinics have closed down, programs have shrunk, and doctors are terrified to talk to their patients about anything related to reproductive services—all thanks to Trump's decree that U.S. foreign aid cannot go to overseas health centers that provide abortion care or counseling, or that even take a public pro-choice position.
According to a study by the Center for Health and Gender Equality, clinics and family-planning programs in countries such countries as Mozambique and Zimbabwe have suffered the most under Trump's global gag rule. Programs that refused to agree to withhold health information from their patients have immediately lost their funding, and they have not been able to make up the gap with their other sources of funding.

Worse, the family-planning organizations that have agreed to Trump's terms are so worried about breaking the rule that they're overinterpreting it, eliminating other reproductive-health programs unnecessarily and refusing to administer emergency contraception or post-abortion care for fear of losing funding.

Now Trump is trying to implement the same rule at home, and if he succeeds, countless women will lose access to reproductive care.

Trump isn't the problem, he's only a minor symptom of the problem. Trump personally doesn't care in the least about abortion or blocking it. But he and his crew and affiliates love putting the cat among the pidgins to keep the people who wouldn't vote for him and the repubs off-balance. He's an expert at it - so people keep being distracted and going ballistic over it and losing all sense of control. You lose when that happens.

The degree that this abortion issue in the U.S. can be milked by minority groups in society, by special 'political' interests and fanatics is astounding to me (and by most of the world too.)

Sadly, I continue to fail to convey what is actually going on in the US. I'm in complete agreement with "most of the world" but what is at stake is not just abortion (tell that to women who've been raped, especially by a close family member or friend, and are supposed to carry the baby to term and take care of it, but still), but dismantling health care and birth control access for families not only in the US but abroad.

I insert these quotes from time to time in an effort to interrupt the verbal fisticuffs with reality checks. Planned Parenthood is the only affordable family health caregiver for vast swathes of America. The craziness about the unborn is part and parcel of a collective delusion sold by hucksters for profit. This is not a side issue, it is at the core. Sure, Trump doesn't care about anyone or anything but his delusions of grandeur and power.

It puzzles me why you devote so much effort to attacking Democrats if you hold these beliefs. What makes you think Democratic defeats will solve anything? It would be like attacking climate scientists and people who follow events and science because they're not extreme enough, and supporting deniers because collapsing the whole system would be better; or because they making a living wage doing good science and that makes them worse than the billionaire network busy stealing elections and putting in local authorities and judges who will only enforce the law against victims, not perps.

How would it be better to divide the left against itself and make it even less able to get anything done?

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4430 on: June 28, 2018, 10:26:58 PM »
We've just had another mass shooting. At CNN this time. [CORRECTION: Maryland Capital Gazette. Good old fashioned top level hard-hitting reporting. I misread, as it was CNN reporting the breaking news. Reporters are under siege.]

CNN and MSNBC are fighting the good fight. People who condemn them are not helping.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 07:39:37 PM by Susan Anderson »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4431 on: June 29, 2018, 07:49:41 AM »
Please, try to convince the SCOTUS of Trumpistan to move their session of mutual consent somewhere else (the hook up with POR). This is probably best done by telling him,"you can't do that in Pakistan.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 07:58:23 AM by Pmt111500 »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4432 on: June 29, 2018, 08:39:15 AM »
I'd compare Drumpf to Jeltsin but Jeltsin was only a drunk, and usually a jolly one at that.

Rob Dekker

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4433 on: June 29, 2018, 09:04:54 AM »
This is our planet. This is our time.
Let's not waste either.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4434 on: June 29, 2018, 09:16:31 AM »
Please do not use images of "smiling" Drumpf on these messages, remember his supporters can't really read? That image could say he's supporting the child to get medical attention by some of those amounts of money.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 09:31:23 AM by Pmt111500 »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4435 on: June 29, 2018, 12:46:54 PM »
One thing to keep in mind regarding any Supreme Court nomination, is that over the next four months prior to the election, there will likely be information that comes out in the Mueller investigation as more indictments are issued.  As well, we have the Manafort trial where information about Manafort and Trump’s relationships with Russian’s with ties to little Vladi will be front and center.

That may give some of the Democratic candidates in swing states a little cover to vote against a court nominee that is questionable to them.  Maine, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Indiana are the 4 states with Democrat senators that are running for re-election, that would are most at risk.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4436 on: June 29, 2018, 07:54:08 PM »
PS Susan says:

It would be like attacking climate scientists and people who follow events and science because they're not extreme enough

I do just that actually. It's the only rational thing to do if someone truly wants to save the planet for future generations and stop mass extinctions and death.

And there are many people like you Susan who criticize me endlessly and actually "hate" me for it. But I am at peace with that. :)

If you think I "hate" you you are wrong. I dislike your insistence that Democrats have power they don't, and your conflation of liberal with neoliberal. You know better.

I actually hate Trump, because I think he is a rare example of purest evil. "Evil, be thou my good" and "It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" (Paradise Lost)

Though I block you so I don't have to scroll through your endless attacks on my reality-based US-based point of view every time I visit, I open them when I'm in a less reactive mood and find much of what you have to say of value. You are not a monolith, and you are a thinker.

As to climate science and moderation, my whole life has been led around scientists: parent, school, colleagues, bosses, students. They are required to follow the facts wherever they lead.

That said, I'm with you in thinking scientists are playing catchup with reality, and things are worse than they think. So are many of them, but they are required by their jobs to provide proof.

Their job description has morphed into communication, and they are under constant attack. Example: Katherine Hayhoe's baby threatened with the guillotine.

Though she’s too polite to repeat the words used in those messages, one gets a sense of it from this quote in the Globe and Mail:

“The attacks’ virulence, the hatred and the nastiness of the text have escalated exponentially. I’ve gotten so many hate mails in the last few weeks I can’t even count them.”

Now that's hatred!


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4437 on: June 29, 2018, 08:03:11 PM »
Please do not use images of "smiling" Drumpf on these messages, remember his supporters can't really read?
Start addressing him(it?) as "don'T rump". Maybe "it's" supporters might use "don't rump", too.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4438 on: June 29, 2018, 10:12:30 PM »
Now they have Larry Kudlow, Donnie's economic advisor, going out and lying about the US debt (which has been screaming higher).

Trump’s top economics adviser lies about the federal deficit

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, said that the deficit is “coming down rapidly” in a Friday morning appearance on Fox Business.

The problem for President Trump’s top economic adviser is that the deficit is actually rising.

“As the economy gears up, more people working, better jobs and careers, those revenues come rolling in and the deficit, which was one of the other criticisms, is coming down,” Kudlow told host Maria Bartiromo. “It’s coming down rapidly. Growth solves a lot of problems.”

You wonder why the listeners on FOX still believe in the Easter Bunny ..... and believe every word that Traitor Donnie and lying Sean Hannity tell them.

U.S. Debt On Track to Grow to 'Highest Level in U.S. History by Far' Says CBO

America’s growing budget deficit will increase debt to the highest level in U.S. history by far, according to the Congressional Budget Office 2018 long-term budget outlook.

If current laws remain the same, U.S. debt is on track to exceed the size of the economy by 2031. By 2048, federal debt will double to 152 percent of the economy. “The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” wrote CBO director Keith Hall in a statement.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4439 on: June 29, 2018, 10:28:51 PM »
Here's a link to the Capital Gazette on that shooting (if you can open the Boston Globe, which is an excellent newspaper):

Susan Anderson

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4440 on: June 30, 2018, 10:22:26 AM »
I don't know where to put this, so am breaking my self-imposed rule against multiple consecutive posts. Tomorrow US Americans will be showing up in millions, at something like 500 locations. This is going to be huge!

This is a blatant recruiting poster - kind of a front page broadside - in favor by The New York Times!

(giant decorated type)


The marches taking place across the country this weekend are really about the soul of America. Forcibly separating children from their parents is not about “deterrence,” or the legal technicalities of law, or illegal immigration, or anything else President Trump has claimed to justify his latest and most odious outrage. It’s about “Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation,” to borrow from the Declaration of Independence.

No, the United States does not have clean hands: It has tolerated many inequities and atrocities throughout its history, toward Native Americans, blacks, Japanese and women, among others. Yet against that is the tradition in American law, culture and practice to defend the weak, to welcome the other, to give refuge to the oppressed and to refuse to acquiesce when a government acts against basic dictates of conscience.

The Trump administration has committed a gross offense. It is the duty of every decent American to demand that it promptly reunite these children with their parents.

Rob Dekker

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4441 on: July 01, 2018, 07:16:40 AM »
He was only using a Law that was already on the books voted in by repubs/dems in Congress signed into Law under Obama (i think)

And every time someone is refused bail or jailed they are separated from their children/families.

And saw something else reporting on ICE and Border control folks have not been implementing 100% zero-tolerance on "illegal immigrants" of late but it is more like 60%.

Like Trump maybe a dick and building a wall is a dumb-assed waste of money, but he isn't personally responsible for creating this multi-decade long problem himself - nor any of the entrenched racism and bigotry connected to it across American society

Which law, signed under Obama, exactly are you taking about ?
And where in that law is there a clause of separating children from their families ?
And where in that law is there supposed to be "zero-tolerance" on "illegal immigrants" ?
And where in that law was there an end to DACA ?

The current extreme actions regarding handling of immigrants are caused ONLY by Trump, and Trump alone.
This is our planet. This is our time.
Let's not waste either.

Rob Dekker

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4442 on: July 01, 2018, 07:52:18 AM »
Enough is enough :

This nation is build on immigrants.
How dare you, Trump, to deport immigrants without a hearing,
How dare you, Trump, to separate children from their parents,
and there are thousands of children without parents, still in limbo even after your executive order.
How dare you, Trump, to close our borders while even your great great grandfather Drumpf came here to seek a better life. America accepted him without any paperwork.
How dare you send people back who seek relief from abuse and injustice abroad.
That's not what America stands for.
We are a nation of immigrants, who strive to make a better world.
We are a nation of immigrants, who are compassionate, and understanding the struggle of others who come here to seek a better life.
We are better than Trump.
This is our planet. This is our time.
Let's not waste either.

Rob Dekker

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4443 on: July 01, 2018, 08:04:35 AM »
From L.A. to N.Y., hundreds of thousands join nationwide rallies to protest Trump's immigration policies
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4444 on: July 01, 2018, 03:12:43 PM »
I don't recall whose presidency it was under, but I left the US in 2004 in part because of an executive order that gave individual ICE agents the authority to summarily deport anyone they suspected of being an undocumented alien. They could send the alien to whatever country the officer believed the individual was from with no court involvement, or even the consent of a senior agent.

The local Mexican/American community was traumatized to inaction leaving me as one of the very few in Las Vegas who believed that some sort of demonstration was appropriate.

Trump wasn't even on the horizon, and neither was Obama. I'm unsure today whether this took place under Clinton or Bush the Younger. AFAIK the order has never been rescinded.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4445 on: July 01, 2018, 08:47:04 PM »
Trump’s top economics adviser lies about ‘rapidly’ falling budget deficit

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, said that the deficit is “coming down rapidly” in a Friday morning appearance on Fox Business.

The problem for President Trump’s top economic adviser is that the deficit is actually rising.

“As the economy gears up, more people working, better jobs and careers, those revenues come rolling in and the deficit, which was one of the other criticisms, is coming down,” Kudlow told host Maria Bartiromo. “It’s coming down rapidly. Growth solves a lot of problems.”

However, the deficit is actually increasing, and is projected to do so well into the future. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected as of April 2018 that the FY 2018 deficit is $804 billion. Fiscal Year 2017’s deficit was $666 billion, increasing from $586 billion in FY 2016. This leads to an even worse projection for the federal debt. The CBO concluded in a report earlier this week: “At 78 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), federal debt held by the public is now at its highest level since shortly after World War II.”

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4446 on: July 01, 2018, 08:57:21 PM »
CBO projects grim budget outlook under Trump

By Niv Elis - 06/26/18 10:18 AM EDT

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects a grim fiscal outlook for the United States, which is seeing rising red ink under President Trump.

In 30 years, the U.S. debt burden is projected to double, eclipsing even the debt carried by the United States during World War II.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."

Rob Dekker

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4447 on: July 02, 2018, 04:59:01 AM »
Which law, signed under Obama, exactly are you taking about ?

Oh I can't recall exactly but I was reading the congressional record about those very laws in the middle of last week - as well the news media and I was tracking down the evidence to see what was going on../quote]

Ah. You can't recall. Why am I not surprised.

Do you at least have a link to any of these sources that made you believe that Trump is using a law that was signed under Obama ?

Terry said :
I don't recall whose presidency it was under, but I left the US in 2004 in part because of an executive order that gave individual ICE agents the authority to summarily deport anyone they suspected of being an undocumented alien. They could send the alien to whatever country the officer believed the individual was from with no court involvement, or even the consent of a senior agent.

Ah. You can't recall whose presidency it was either. Why am I not surprised.

But I'm sure (NOT!) that you have a link to that executive order that gives "ICE agents the authority to summarily deport anyone they suspected of being an undocumented alien. "

Look guys, if you are making claims then please back it up with links or a reference or any other sort of evidence.

Because right now it looks like you guys are just making stuff up out of thin air.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 05:10:12 AM by Rob Dekker »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4448 on: July 02, 2018, 01:16:15 PM »
Rob Dekker:

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.  Trolls aren't about providing information and proof.  Trolls are only here to seed the land with doubt.

One of the bad things about having someone like Lurker or Terry on ignore ..... is that you don't see just how crazy or ridiculous they get. 

Just like Larry Kudlow's recent remarks ...... they make those remarks for their target audience, WITHOUT ever providing evidence.  Much like FOX News.  Much like Trump.  Just making stuff up as they go along.

Of course ..... they need to be exposed for what they are.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #4449 on: July 02, 2018, 02:42:30 PM »
I wonder if Mexico's new president, Lopez Obrador, is going to be best bud's with Traitor Donald and pay for "the wall"?  Me thinks NOT.

So Donnie now has a growing list of international leaders that don't respect him, and aren't too thrilled to work with him.  The only leaders that seem to want to work with Donnie ...... is HIS BOSS, little Vladi.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."