Read the article, with an open mind, read the science, and start to understand it. You do not understand it yet, because you have not studied any of it. Ask me specific questions. Dismissing it without understanding it, or being able to ask specific questions about the science behind it, detailed in there. Eg. effects at a distance in physics, dozens of studies published in respected peer-reviewed journals showing that a group of people, trained in this specific, and ancient method, do have effects at a distance, that were strongly demonstrated to be un-attributable to any other cause. In fact, these studies PROVE to a huge degree of significance that quantum effects, field effect in physics and consciousness, that are postulated and tested by many physicists, and in observed studies...are real.
This effect gives more credence to 100 year-old theories of field effects, action at a distance, existence of underlying fundamental fields. But if you don't read the material, you do not understand it, and therefore cannot understand the connection to climate-change, and cannot ask specific questions or make specific, or meaningful criticism.
If you are asking "What does this have to do with climate-change?", you didn't read the article, study the science in there, nor understand the nature of what modern physics has clearly demonstrated.
To the minority here, who have no sense of logic or comprehension, calling someone 'schizophrenic' and a 'troll', 'on drugs', etc. is the method of science deniers who are afraid to open their minds to the new paradigm that physics is very clear on, and get back to me with specific questions on the well-established science, studies, and publicly demonstrated effects under strict scientific scrutiny. It is amazing that climate enthusiasts, cannot look at themselves, and see they are using the exact same vitriol as the climate-science deniers did for decades. If you read it, you would come back with specific questions or very specific criticisms, specific to one specific part or another. Not just the blanket "I don't believe this" of a science-denier.
Which of the following are you in disagreement with?
1. Physics clearly shows quantum effects at a distance are real, not theoretical (Einstein's ‘spooky action at a distance’, also 'entanglement', others). It is well-established. Denying or ignoring it these days, is science-denial. How many of the top experts in the field of physics and cosmology do you deny? Be specific as to WHY you deny them, or as to WHY you think that is not what they are saying. Be specific. For example, when that one physicist from MIT that I cite, says "Consciousness is a state of matter", and I say, all matter is fundamentally made up of fields (as ALL physicists agree), not points of sand floating in a vast vacuum. All scientists know that matter is ultimately... a field, and ultimate to that, all experts agree, must be a fundamental field that is non-localized and universal. Called the 'unified field' in physics (and don't bother with wikipedia please).
-- see my citations in the proposal. Or ask me to post them here.
2. Physics clearly shows our consciousness (brain) is intrinsically integrated with nature, at the subtlest levels of physics. It is well-established and the life's work of some of the top physicists and experts in the world.
-- see my citations in the proposal. Or ask me to post them here.
3. Published research, time and time again, in strict peer-reviewed journals, clearly show, through robust methodology, an effect that was demonstrably not due to any other known factors. The research indisputably shows:
Groups of people trained in the TM-Sidhis - a powerful subtle-sonic technique - demonstrate effects at a distance - a radiative effect throughout nature (society) peace, co-operation, ingenuity, coherence, evolution of society. Also, symbiosis with the laws of physics that structure all life on Earth.
-- see refs and this link below to published research in respected peer-reviewed journals, which scrutinized the research much more than most other papers get scrutinized. These studies stand as some of the most robust ever conducted in the social sciences, and have p-value higher than most studies in the strictest physics research, studies in the hard sciences, and published studies in science. For example, there is not a climate-science, or global warming study, anywhere near the vigorous method, scrutiny, and p-values of these peer-reviewed studies and their strict scientific methodologies have.
How many of the journals and hundreds of expert peer-reviewers do you deny? Throwing out masses of peer-review expertise, as if your 'opinion' is more important. How many of the editors and board of experts in the journals do you denounce?
Journals are listed in the references.
These (and dozens of others) show field-effects in society at a distance. If you think humans or human society is in any way separate from nature (the fundamental, amorphous fields of physics, and the unified field), then you are verging on religion...not logic. There is nothing in humans or created by humans, that is separate from nature ... the unified field. It's all working together, as one fluid, interconnected, entity.
But most importantly, humans need this to create the coherence necessary to implement the best solutions ASAP. Otherwise, incoherence in collective consciousness, will cause the best ideas to be lost in the chaos, and chaos and war will be the end result. And, as side effect, healthier, more creative, more co-operative human societies. Nature responds 1000-fold once humans start to integrate and act in conjunction with at the most fundamental fields of physics and consciousness. Right now, all humans are in a low-level brain-state. Dysfunctional. Broken. Including you.
Summary of 13 studies (over 50 published) The human race is at risk because of science denial in the past ---
--- We don't have time for science-denial now ---
Therefore, the immediate testing of the theory that large groups of TM-Sidhas have a wide-spread effect, should be implemented by governments and influential individuals immediately.
4. One other point:
As climate-change accelerates, there will be more instability in societies, so the studies on crime rates and on war mandate immediate creation of super-radiance groups of 10,000 people on each continent, trained in Maharishi's TM-Sidhis, to mitigate the instability in society that could come. Such groups also have the side-effect of nature responding to heal itself (ie. ourselves), and that symbiosis between the human brain and nature can be easily tested. With the rising chaos that is coming from climate-change (climate-refugee exodus, water-wars, food-insecurity), the effect shown in these studies alone, is more than enough reason to implement this method, regardless of any connection with nature some illogical people may dispute.
5. For individuals, Transcendental Meditation has been shown many times to increase immune system, health, and resilience to disease on many aspects of health. In several hundred peer-reviewed studies around the world. Therefore, as a potential conduit for potential future epidemics that many climate-scientists and disease experts have stated will be one of the biggest problems in coming years (think ebola, zika, and the recent known failure of modern medicine's last line of defense - the last functioning anti-biotics - look it up if you don't know about it), that not only will people need this technique, but are at risk of spreading disease in the future more effectively than someone practicing this proven method.
One example of hundreds of studies on health:
This study was approved by the Hospital Research Ethics Committee and the procedures followed were in accordance with Helsinki Declaration.
""Conclusions: The technique of (Transcendental) meditation studied seems to have a significant effect on immune cells, manifesting in the different circulating levels of lymphocyte subsets analyzed. The significant effect of TM on the neuroendocrine axis and its relationship with the immune system may partly explain our results.""
Infante JR. - Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Peran F. - Biochemical Service, Virgen de las Nieves Hospital, Spain.
Rayo JI. - - Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Serrano J. - - Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Domínguez ML.- Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Garcia L. - Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Duran C. - Nuclear Medicine Service, Infanta Cristina Hospital, Spain.
Roldan A. - Area Health Service, Merida, Badajoz, Spain.
From -- US government, National Institutes of Health, webpage: above, is just a simple example as to why hundreds of other published studies show significant effects on an array of key health parameters, the research journals ar listed here. You can verify any of them for your self. Strict peer-review by experts in the field were applied. predict someone will still ask, 'what does this have to do with climate?". Read the post again. It has everything to do with climate-change and the ramifications of it.
To John
This technique IS free for those who need it. If you can afford it, you will have to pay to help others who cannot afford it, Give up your lattes for a year. Done.
To 'be-cause'
If I was all lovey-dovey and kumbaya, you would use that as an excuse to blast me for it. You and all the others would come down on me like a ton of bricks, hammering me for being so hippy-jippy. You would be the first to brutally attack such a person. You don't want that lovey-dovey person. Wanting someone to be all kind and peaceful, sublime smile, carrying flowers for you, loving-compassion oozing over you ... is naive, childish, and laughable. This is science, not kumbaya. Don't ask the lovely Dalai Lama or some heebey-jeesus-saintly-sprite to suggest solutions to climate change.
Read the science.
But I must emphasize this AGAIN.
This is not about individuals (although it will help with psychology and health during the coming Earth Changes, which many are now experiencing clinical PTSD, those who understand the feedback loops now in place. If you're not, you probably think you are an island, or you do not understand the feedbacks). This is about governments or an influential individual getting this project going. Individuals can learn it, help themselves, help others, but for the world, that is not enough.
This is going to happen. You might as well learn as much as you can about it now. If you have financial problems John, then they will give you the technique for free, and you can learn it in any country in the world. But AGAIN, this is not about individuals. This is about how, without the coherence in collective-consciousness (the quantum fields that exist and interact and directly affect collective mind - read the article before responding to this last statement), then all the solutions in the world are not going to get implemented. The human race is functioning at a sub-human mental state, and all the greatest ideas, and technological solutions will flounder and be dissipated to the wind. You are very naive and uneducated in climate-science, if you think there are a few ideas out there, that can come to fruition if everyone just gets behind it. They cannot get behind it - the governments, the corporations, the people living in giant mega-cities or the corporate-farms producing our food, or the people out in country. None of them can implement it, because they are scattered and dysfunctional in mind, oppressed by an incoherent collective field. Universal fields are the basis of all existence. It is illogical to think that consciousness is outside of that. Many physicists and neuroscientists do not think that. It is 100 year-old physics. Your high school or college was way behind. Luddites basically. This is old, established science now. Catch up.
So, take a step back, be objective about the possibility that your paradigm is not perfect, and avoid the same pitfall of the climate-science deniers, put your skepticism in a locked box in the basement, go through the article and the published science behind it, and get back with specific, scientific, questions or specific criticisms. Be specific.