To summarise what I am saying boils down to the fact that the UNFCCC pseudo-plans and targets of keeping temps below 2C or 1.5C is a crock of shit. It's the BIG LIE, a ponzi scheme, a pea and shell game of endless delusions and procrastination.
The only rational evidence based Goal the UNFCCC (ie all nations on Earth include the USA who have opted out) must agree to is stabilising atmospheric GHGs - all of them - from every source possible and not only Man-made generated emissions.
That would mean cutting all man-made GHG emissions to a maximum of 2GtC annually down form the present +10GtC (CO2 equivalent). The UNFCCC today is no where near achieving this in a generation (25 years) based on their current "goals" and the national "fake promises".
eg China's GHGs do not stabilize until 2028-2030. The USA doesn't even have a year set for such a thing (does it?). Australia doesn't , Canada doesn't, the EU doesn't collectively. Asia as a whole doesn't.
Once GHG emissions are stablized what does that mean? It means the atmospheric GHGs keeps on rising, keeps on growing higher and higher every year, because +10GtC is still being spewed into the atmosphere all over the world, plus whatever natural sources are net positive. Like Arctic permafrost which will keep rising as the temperature keeps rising and the ice keeps melting.
It should be clear as crystal the UNFCCC is not actually driving genuine System Wide Permanent Solutions at all. It is in fact adding to the problem every year from now out to 2040 at least. This makes the Paris Agreement and all the rhetoric surrounding 1.5C a lie of epic proportions. Doesn't it? Then one could think about the IPCC and how honest and genuine their prognostications are about "the solutions" and how bad it really is already?
Even if all the promises are kept Global CO2 will be near 439 ppmv in 2030. Near +460 ppmv by 2040. And touching on 480 ppmv in 2050. And still it will be rising then.
In 2018 global CO2 was above 408 ppmv. Can you even imagine what the global temps will be and the extreme weather be like, and crop failures like by the time it's 480 ppm? How is this a rational ethical or a moral "solution" to climate chnage and global warming by the UNFCCC and all those nations and all those Politicians to make said agreements?
No, it's not. It is human insanity writ large. It's lies and deceit all the way down. It's delusional clap trap.
The global goal must be to get man made emissions at the very least down to 2GtC from 10GtC.
The next question is by when? By 2050? That's far too late. A world nearing 460 ppm is also too late, so that excludes 2040. By 2030 is probably impractical. How does one cut GHGs by +80% in the next 12 years? I don't know. But a severe plan to serious cut emissions annually according to a long term plan to get them to 2GtC in the future means that 2030 may not hit 439 ppm.
So maybe a compromise Goal of by 2035 would be in order to get to a maximum 2GtC net emissions?
That would mean cutting GHGs by 0.47 GtC per year on average for 17 years 2019 to 2035. How that gets done is moot - it must be done. And it must be done collectively across every nation on Earth. Not by offering national determined plans/promises, but by an EDICT laid down by the collective demand of the entire body of the UNFCCC.
That means that while some nations continue to increase their carbon emissions eg developing nations that others must cut theirs much more than 0.47 on average overall.
That emans that Chian doe snot get to keep increasing emissions to 2028-2030 but is forced to achive much better. It means people need to stop buying all the unnecessary junk being sold in Walmart etc. It means China needs to stop building ever more highrises and producing ever more ICE motor vehicles. The same applies ot the western world and the rich OECD nations.
It means that NordStream II doesn't get built. Not one new Gas Fracking well being drilled. Not one new cola mind or gas field or oil oilfields being opened or explored for. It means Canada abandoning it Oils sands. It means people with unnecessary GAS GUZZLERS from having their car or truck Re-Registered to drive on US roads next year. It means people losing their assets and their money.
It means that all Govt fleet cars in every nation must be EVs or Hydrogen powered. Because every nation in the UNFCCC voted for that and the majority decisions was that was what was going to happen. Any disagreement to abide by these decisions means the nation gets to be expelled from the global community and totally ostracized until they do agree - with no nation allowed to trade with them, export food to them, or medicines to them, or given them loans or to buy anything from them or allow their aircraft to land or thier ships to dock in any other nation.
It means that the $770 Billion the USA spends on it's ludicrously wasteful Defense Department gets cut to under $100 Billion almost overnight one year. It means national Govts like the USA needing to work out what to do with those people now unemployed. It means a global restructuring of the financial system and the stock markets and making them fit for Purpose instead of being wasteful junkets for the mega wealthy employing people to do anti-human anti-environmental destructive jobs.
Over a 17 year time frame it means starting off cutting global GHGs by around 0.25 GtC per year, to rathcing that up to over 0.75 GtC per year and then slowly reducing the cut back to 0.5GtC, then 0.25GtC to 0.15 GtC to 0.1 GtC per year in 2035.
It can be down but it requires a holistic systemic approach and a gloabl committment that this is the only rational moral option left. Every other thing that happens is to take second place to this Goal. The role of national Govts and Global Finance and Corporations then becomes how they respond to this new reality. It means Australia, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Venezuela, the Gulf States, Iran, the USA, Canada to totally rejigging their economies away from Fossil Fuel exports and reliance on them for "cheap" energy.
It means China adjusting its 5 year plans to peak Carbon emissions before 2025 and redirecting their massive development back into nuclear power faster, and more renewables and less ICE vehicles, and less wasteful export industries and dry land Rice production.
It would mean a lot of things. Things no one is willing to embrace. So nothing will be done and the CO2 MLO readings will continue to rise exponentially here on in.
Because nothing significant is actually happening to solve this problem of rising Atmospheric GHG levels. Nothing. Even the truth is not yet being told. The biggest majority people of the world are actually clueless about this catastrophic threat humanity and life on earth is facing. Even those who are aware AGW/CC is a serious issue still do not truly get it, do not as yet truly understand it or what must be done to stop it and how to go about it rationally, logically and morally collectively as a species cornered
(and Cowered) into national boundaries.
(so much for a summary ... kind of long for a summary lol )