The following abstracts are taken from the proceedings of the following IGSOC sponsored symposia and are all relevant to the topic of the continuing degradation of the Amery Ice Shelf (and abutting glaciers). These abstracts taken together with those referenced in the immediately prior post, indicate the importance of the Amery Ice Shelf and of the glacier drainage basins feeding into this ice shelf:
International Symposium on Changes in Glaciers and Ice Sheets: observations, modelling and environmental interactions; 28 July–2 August; Beijing, China; Contact: Secretary General, International Glaciological Society of an ice thickness model over the southern extremity of the Amery Ice Shelf and re-assessment of the mass budget of Lambert Glacier basin Jiahong WEN, Long HUANG, Fan YANG, Weili WANG, V. Damm
Corresponding author: Jiahong Wen
Corresponding author e-mail:
"The previous results of mass budgets of the Lambert Glacier basin differ greatly due mainly to the ice thickness data from different sources and approaches (e.g. Wen and others, 2007; Yu and others, 2010). In this paper we use a geographic information system environment to combine the ice thickness data from the BEDMAP project and the PCMEGA expedition (the Prince Charles Mountains expedition of Germany and Australia during the Antarctic season 2002/03) to generate a digital ice thickness model (DITM) over the southern extremity of the Amery Ice Shelf and re-estimate the mass budget of Lambert Glacier gasin including Lambert, Mellor and Fisher Glaciers. The DITM shows that the thickest ice up to 2789 m is located at the transition zone from grounded ice to floating ice shelf of the Mellor flowband. The overall ice thickness along the grounding line is slightly larger than that presented by Yu and others (2010) interpolating data from the BEDMAP project, but much smaller than that derived assuming hydrostatic equilibrium (Wen and others, 2007). The ice flux through the southern grounding of the Amery Ice Shelf is 36.6 ± 2 Gt a–1, which is similar to the result of 38.9 ± 2.8 Gt a–1 provided by Yu and others (2010), but much smaller than that of 54.0 ± 5.4 Gt a–1 (Wen and others, 2007). The Lambert Glacier basin is in a positive mass balance."
Distributed temperature logging on the Amery Ice Shelf – challenges and scientific opportunities Roland WARNER, Stefan W. VOGEL, Mike CRAVEN, Alan ELCHEIKH, Adam CHRISTENSEN, Adam TREVERROW, Shavawn DONOGHUE, Kelly BRUNT, Jeremy RIDGEN, Steve CANN, David TULLOH, Scott TYLER, Ian ALLISON, Ben GALTON FENZI
Corresponding author: Stefan W. Vogel
Corresponding author e-mail:
"Antarctic ice shelves are coupled to the climate of the Southern Ocean by the sub-ice ocean circulation, with interactions ranging from substantial basal melting to the accretion of thick layers of marine ice. They are vulnerable to increased melting from a warming ocean and from changes in ocean currents. Hidden beneath kilometre thick ice, sub-ice-shelf processes are difficult to study. During the 2009/2010 field season the AMSIOR team installed two fibre-optic cables through the Amery Ice Shelf as part of a sub-ice ocean observation network. Optical fibre light-scattering properties can be used for distributed temperature sensing (DTS). DTS measurements provide continuous temperature profiles at a resolution of ~1 m. Here we discuss the opportunities DTS systems provide for sub-ice and englacial temperature monitoring as well as the challenges that come with installing and operating a DTS system in Antarctica, including system set-up and calibration challenges."
Platelet ice and marine ice layer formation processes beneath the Amery Ice Shelf
Corresponding author: Stefan W. Vogel
Corresponding author e-mail:
"Frazil/platelet ice formation processes are an elusive process hidden beneath a dark ice-covered ocean. Frazil and platelet ice are important for sea-ice formation as well as the formation of marine ice at the base of ice shelves. Craven and others (in preparation) report frazil/platelet-ice-induced mooring uplifts in the order of 10–20 dbar. Detailed analysis of the oceanographic data (temperature, salinity and pressure) surrounding these serendipitous events provides new insight into ice-shelf boundary layer processes, the formation of frazil/platelet ice through the year and marine ice accretion processes. In general the observed mooring uplift events follow periods of cooling and are associated with periods of supercooling in the ice-shelf boundary layer. While conditions favourable for frazil ice formation and platelet ice growth develop slowly, these events end abruptly with changes in thermal conditions. While the formation of frazil ice and the actual growth of platelet ice require a significant amount of thermal heat deficit, coagulation and attachment of ice suspended in the water column requires only small changes in the thermal budget to cause disaggregation. The frontal part of the Amery Ice Shelf (AM01 and AM04) appears to be dominated by seasonal cyclicity. Here periods of accumulation (5–10 cm d–1) at a long-term net accumulation of 1–3 m a–1 are followed by periods of erosion. In the centre of the ice shelf (AM05) on the other hand ice formation and associated mooring uplifts are observed year round."
Observation and analysis of ice-flow velocity on Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf using interferometric and GPS data Chunxia ZHOU, Fanghui DENG, Zemin WANG, Dongchen E, Shengkai ZHANG
Corresponding author: Chunxia Zhou
Corresponding author e-mail:
"Ice-flow velocity is a fundamental parameter of the ice dynamic model which indicates how the ice is transported from the interior regions to the ocean and how ice mass evolves with time. The Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf system (LAS) is the largest ice stream system in East Antarctica. The ice streams of LAS flow towards to the sea through a narrow drainage area, the length of which is only 1/60 of the Antarctic coastline. So study of the ice velocity of LAS is of great importance for the ice dynamic changes and mass balance in Antarctica. During the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE), multi-term GPS observations were carried out on the Amery Ice Shelf with the support of helicopters. Meanwhile, the SAR interferometry technique is significant to estimate ice sheet and glacier surface motion. This paper discusses ice-flow velocity estimation with InSAR pairs and validation with GPS data of LAS. ERS-1/2 tandem SAR data and Envisat ASAR data were adopted for ice-flow velocity estimation in this study. The D-InSAR and speckle tracking methods were utilized for ice velocity derivation. In order to generate a 2-D ice velocity map with high accuracy, the combination of the displacement in the range direction estimated by D-InSAR with the displacement in the azimuth direction calculated by speckle tracking was applied for most image pairs. It can be seen from the ice velocity map that several tributary ice streams coming separately from Fisher Glacier, Mellor Glacier and Lambert Glacier flowed towards to the Amery Ice Shelf and converged into the mainstream. The ice velocity at the meeting point reached as high as 800 m a–1, while the ice velocity along the mainstream decreased to about 350 m a–1 and then increased quickly near the front edge of the Amery Ice Shelf. The ice velocity near the edge was about 1500 m a–1. Taking static nunataks and rocks as checking points, the average velocity error in LAS was about 8 m a–1. Our results also showed close agreement with the in situ measurements near the meeting point and the front of the Amery Ice shelf."
Response of the Amery Ice Shelf basal melting to ocean temperature change Fan YANG, Jiahong WEN, Weili WANG, T.H. Jacka
Corresponding author: Jiahong Wen
Corresponding author e-mail:
"The relationship between ice-shelf basal melting beneath the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, and ocean temperature is studied using a numerical model. The basal melting and freezing rates under the ice shelf, a column-averaged ice density model, sea-water temperature and salinity measurements and projected Southern Ocean temperate rise over the 21st century are employed in the analysis. The difference between the ocean temperature and the sea-water freezing point under the ice shelf is numerically modeled. Our results show that the basal melting rate increases quadratically as the ocean offshore from the ice-shelf front warms. Near the grounding zone where the strongest thermal forcing exists, we find the basal melting rate increases by 12.5 m a–1, associated with a 1° rise in ocean temperature, in good agreement with previous studies. However, we find no correlation between changes in basal freezing/melting rate and ocean temperature in the marine ice zone. The different response patterns of the basal melting/freezing to variations in ocean temperature between the melting area and the refreezing marine ice area may suggest an important role for frazil dynamics. Considering the sensitivity of melting rate and thermal forcing, the net basal melting of the Amery Ice Shelf within the next three decades may be greater than 81 km3 a–1."
GRACE RL05-based ice-mass change in the typical regions of Antarctica from 2004 to 2012 Xiaoleij JU, Yunzhong SHEN, Zizhan ZHANG
Corresponding author: Yunzhong Shen
Corresponding author e-mail:
"As the biggest ice sheet in the world, the mass change of Antarctica plays an important role in global climate change. Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provides a good way to monitor mass variation of the Antarctic ice sheet. In April 2012, the new RL05 data with better spatial resolution, better accuracy and periodical characteristics were officially released by CSR, JPL and GFZ. By using the newly released data we analyzed the mass change from 2004 to 2012 in the typical areas, e.g. Antarctic Peninsula (AP, West Antarctica) and Lambert–Amery System (LAS, East Antarctica). Based on the RL05 data of CSR, JPL and GFZ, the AP mass change rates are –16.41 ± 2.92 Gt a–1 (2004–2012), –15.99 ± 2.79 Gt a–1 (2004–2012) and –16.44 ± 2.12 Gt a–1 (2005–2012) and the LAS mass change rates are –1.81 ± 5.04 Gt a–1 (2004–2012), –5.92 ± 7.76 Gt a–1 (2004–2012) and 6.95 ± 8.90 Gt a–1 (2005–2012), respectively. The results show that the mass changes derived from CSR, JPL and GFZ data are of great differences, with larger uncertainties for the LAS. However, the mass changes in the AP derived from the three agencies are much closer to each other and the uncertainties are significantly smaller than the mass change rates."
Measurement of ice-flow velocity at the Amery Ice Shelf from optical and interferometric SAR satellite imagery Yi LIU, Shuang LIU, Huan XIE, Weian WANG, Fei YAN, Marco SCAIONI, Xiaohua TONG, Rongxing LI
Corresponding author: Yi Liu
Corresponding author e-mail:
Antarctica plays an important role for explotion of the relationship between global climate change and sea-level rise. Ice-flow velocity is one of the most fundamental measurements for studying the dynamics of ice sheets and for calculating the mass balance of ice sheets. The Amery Ice Shelf (AIS), which is one of the largest ice shelves in Antarctica, has been studied over the past 50 years. A number of research papers have reported velocity measurements in this area. Among them, most results are based on two methods: field survey and remote sensing. The field survey is less cost-effective and sometimes depends on opportunities, while the remote-sensing method mostly uses optical and interferometric SAR satellite imagery. Accordingly, there are two approaches: feature-based and interferometry-based techniques. The former is usually based on the method of normalized cross correlation, which can cover large areas with lower costs, but may be subject to errors caused by mismatches. The latter is often concerned with the lack of imagery data because of the strict requirements of building interferometric pairs. In this paper, we propose a combined optical/SAR imagery approach to calculate glacier ice-flow velocity based on Landsat ETM+ and SAR imagery. First, we compared the advantages of several interest point operators and presented an integrated method by combing these operators together for feature extraction. Second, we developed a coarse-to-fine match method to match these extracted point features from optical imagery. Third, we proposed a new loopy-belief-propagation (LBP) method to densify the matched points. Finally, in some local areas, we used the interferometry method to obtain a more accurate result of ice-flow velocities based on interferometric SAR by using ERS-1/2 tandem data. We tested our proposed method in the Amery Ice Shelf region. The results showed that our proposed method combines the complementary advantages of the two individual techniques and obtains the measurement of ice-flow velocities more accurately and effectively."