General Statistics - oren
Total Time Spent Online:84 days, 5 hours and 9 minutes.
Total Posts:3611 posts
Total Topics Started:0 topics
General Statistics - Tom_Mazanec
Total Time Spent Online:2 days, 14 hours and 9 minutes.
Total Posts:321 posts
Total Topics Started:24 topics
Whenever I come across something interesting, I look for a thread to fit it in. There are many threads here on the ASIF that have very interesting conversations, some dating from the time the forum was started back in 2013. They cover most major topics. Opening new threads covering the same broad topic (such as "Sea Level Rise") only serves to split further discussions and to lose the past discussions on the same subject.
In my 5 years on the forum I only ever found good reasons to open maybe a couple of threads, which arose out of discussions in existing threads that were so long that they derailed the original thread. These threads were opened by others participating in the same discussion, as me the newbie didn't want to disrupt the way of the wise people here. I still feel like a newbie compared to the level of some posters here, so I prefer to err on the side of caution.
Tom - If you found the need to start 24 new threads in 2 months, with quite a few of them immediately locked by Neven, I think your thread opening algorithm needs some major tuning. I know you mean well and I like your contributions, but this specific aspect I find disruptive.