Steve Bannon GOES OFF On Elon For BETRAYING MAGA Base
I respect this about the MAGA base. They now hate Elonia as much as Soros. They hate the billionaire class as much as the left. So why isn't any social democrat taking advantage of this?
I have high hopes for AOC, but it ain't gonna be easy...
The NAZI party was the
National Socialist German Workers Party.
The party of the working class.
I don't know much about this history, but I see it happening today: The poorly educated workers being lied to by the Oligarchy. Make em stupid, and they'll die for you. (I can't find a reference for this quote. Am I the first to say this?)Edit:
I asked Copilot.
Has anyone ever used the quote:”Make em stupid, and they'll die for you”?
It looks like the quote “Make 'em stupid, and they'll die for you” was used in a forum post discussing the manipulation of poorly educated workers by the oligarchy. The user who posted it couldn't find a reference for the quote and wondered if they were the first to say it. So, it seems like it might not be a widely recognized or attributed quote.
So is copilot referencing my own post that I just made?
And tell me I'm wrong!
Edit again (wasted now):
When you want to fix a problem, you need to drill down to the core, without bias. That's why I have many different opinions Neven. There's the real world, where everyone lives in. The world that you and I see and despise.
But that doesn't mean that this world isn't real Neven. If you veer off too much from what is considered “normal” in the “real” world, those people won't understand us anymore. Then we're radicals, and nobody will listen to us anymore. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about from being in the cannabis legalization world for more than 30 years now. Radical ideas don't go down well in “the real world”. These things take time to mature. Cannabis is legal all over America now, yet it takes time for the rest of the world to follow.
I've been watching MSNBC, CNN, and FUCKS news for more than 10 years now, because I wanted to know. I wanted to understand. And now I do, a little. I understand their side of the story, and I got carried away by their story, I admit. But I never lost my core philosophy. I may veer off from time to time, but all I want is to learn, and to understand.
Buddha understood and found a solution to all the problems of the world some 2500 years ago. He was a wealthy prince before he gave up everything and realized what life was all about. Jesus followed His teachings, went back home, to teach the west, and they put Him on the cross for a few hours. After 3 days in the crypt, Jesus felt strong enough to go “home”, back to India, where he lived out the rest of his life, and wrote many papers. Finding those writings is the return of the Messiah IMHO.
But the west doesn't know this story, because they abused the teachings of Jesus to control the working class, and 2000 years later, we still let them lie to us...
The end of suffering...
We've known how to do it for 2500 years, and still people are not being taught.
We've known about the struggles of men for 2500 years, and yet the rich and powerful keep finding ways to keep us off track.
The sick (psychopaths and narcissists) keep finding ways to fool the gullible good people. Kindness never got us anywhere. The evil will always take advantage of that.
So how do we once and for all change all that?
Thou shalt not be a psychopath and take a leader roll without a psychological evaluation.
Thou shalt give 50% of your income to the greater good.
No man shall only care for himself.
A man who only thinks about himself is a poor man that shall be stoned until he agrees to ten years of meditation.
Happy New Year!
Hope I made a little sense...