I greatly appreciate your detailed comments on Pfeffer et al. Here's another link to their paper, since the other links may not work:
http://www3.geosc.psu.edu/~jfk4/Geosci_500/Discussion%20papers/Last%20week%202/Science%202008%20Pfeffer.pdfThey may very well be right, but I'm also playing a kind of devil's advocate, since we want to have very high confidence in their conclusions in order to not be (even more) unpleasantly surprised later on.
So let's consider these quotes from their paper:
"[T]he near-doubling of ice discharge from Jakobshavn Glacier in 2004–2005 was associated with an acceleration to 12.6 km/year (7). Similarly, a temporary 80% increase in the speed near the terminus of Kangerdlugssuaq produced a velocity of 14.6 km/year (6). A comparison of calculated (Table 2) and observed (1.23 km/year) average velocities shows that calculated values for a 2-m SLR exceed observations by a factor of 22 when considering all gates and inflated SMB and by a factor of 40 for the marine gates without inflated SMB, which we consider to be the more likely scenario. With the exception of discharge through all gates at inflated SMB (26.8 km/year), none of the velocity magnitudes shown in Table 2 has ever been observed anywhere, even over short time periods.
The highest observed velocities have occurred at surging glaciers, including circa (ca.) 70 m/day (25.5 km/year) at Variegated Glacier (17) and 105 m/day (38.3 km/year) at Medvezhiy Glacier (18), but were held only for brief periods (hours to days). Although no physical proof is offered that the velocities given in Table 2 cannot be reached or maintained over century time scales, such behavior lies far beyond the range of observations and at the least should not be adopted as a central working hypothesis."
"Greenland SMB was accelerated at present-day rates of change, but dynamic discharge was calculated by accelerating outlet glacier velocities by an order of magnitude in the first decade. In Antarctica, PIG/Thwaites was accelerated from present-day net discharge (19) in the first decade and held thereafter to the highest outlet glacier velocity observed anywhere [14.6 km/year (6)], and Lambert/Amery was accelerated from present-day net discharge (19) in the first decade by an order of magnitude and held thereafter."
"Most of the marine-based ice in West Antarctica is held behind the Ross and Filchner-Ronne ice shelves, which we consider unlikely to be removed by climate or oceanographic processes within the next century [e.g., (19)]."
Fair enough, that it seems I confused their 27 km/yr average speed from 2008-2100 for 2m SLR by GIS alone with their circa 12 km/yr average speed over 2020-2100 for the GIS-contribution to a total 2m SLR by 2100. So the first seems indeed very unlikely, but the second maybe not completely, since such velocities have already been observed in a few locations/short periods and it seems the melting has just begun and has speeded up quite a bit over the past decade?
Moreover, GIS may be more vulnerable than thought at Jakobshavn and Petermann Glaciers, since at these glaciers the glacier beds extend inland hundreds of kilometers below sea level into the interior, as Hansen & Sato also seem to indicate?
Pfeffer et al do consider a contribution from Amery/Lambert in the EAIS, but a much larger part of EAIS may be vulnerable to relatively mild warming, according to recent research on the Pliocene (I don't have the reference at hand now, but it will be in the Antarctic thread for sure).
The great ice shelves RIS and FRIS may also be more vulnerable than thought, but I will have to check what papers AbruptSLR has found on those.
To what extent negative and positive melting feedbacks will balance each other out or not seems to still be an open question as well.
Pfeffer himself has given a nice overview in 2011 of the state of the science on land ice and sea level rise:
http://www.tos.org/oceanography/archive/24-2_pfeffer.pdfHe says:
'[M]uch of the focus of the glaciological research community has been on the dynamics of marine-based ice—that is, on the possibility of “rapid dynamic changes” that would transfer ice quickly from land to ocean and raise sea level far faster than by melt alone. Such events appear in the PDF as a “Fat Tail”: events of high consequence, and low but not a vanishing probability, hence, the “fat” tail of the distribution. Such events are both spectacular and important, but they are not the entire story, nor are
they the entire PDF.'
So my conclusion so far is: 2m of SLR by 2100 seems quite unlikely, but we cannot at this moment exclude such a risk, and there might even be a reasonable argument in the making for a risk of still faster SLR.