Good points. And my critique was, I hope, exactly in the spirit you intended--of the ideas themselves, not of you for posting them.
Yes, people assume (often, I think, without even realizing it) that adding renewables means replacing ff, but assuming it doesn't make it happen, and it often brushes under the rug the very thing that we should most imperatively be working toward--not drilling or pumping any more carbon out of the ground, since it will almost all inevitably then get burned and added to our already way overburdened atmosphere.
I feel at this point like some supreme Power needs to come along and tell the world, "Alright, you've known for a long time now that at some point you would have to give up ff's, and the sooner the better, if you weren't going to be responsible for massive destruction of creation.
Now the times up. No more ff for you. I'm cutting you off cold turkey. Those few areas that have gone a long way toward getting the energy they need from non-fossil sources will feel the least pain from this immediate halt of this energy source.
The rest of you, well, you were warned. It's not my fault that you dithered and procrastinated till it was far too late."
Unfortunately, in the real world, there are no adults in the room to tell the kids to stop spraying their playroom with lighter fluid while simultaneously playing with matches. In fact, the lighter fluid and match book companies are pretty much in charge of the whole show, as far as I can see.
As you said, if in 2004 (or better, in 1974 or so) the world had put a significant amount of resources into building out renewables, the phase out of ff could in theory have been done relatively painlessly. In reality, though, I'm not sure humans are ultimately capable of leaving vast, discovered potential power well enough alone--eventually someone will try to use it, however benignly (or not) intended.
I think it's somewhere in the Tao Te Ching that wisdom is having access to great power but declining to use it.
Unfortunately, that kind of wisdom is rare in humans, particularly among moderns.
In fact, to most moderns such an ethic would seem close to or fully insane or worse.
Sorry, I'm rambling. Must be the heat.