And what does it tell us about the Arctic Sea Ice melt?
As I understand it, Li is suggesting that there are two natural cycles involved, the AMO (not the AMOC, werther) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) ,which we ususally refer to as the Arctic Oscillation (AO).
Their combined effect has been to cool the Northern Hemisphere Temperature for the last 15 years or so ; since approximately 1998. Apparently his hindcast results match the 20th Century SAT record really tightly. He forecasts that this cooling influence will continue until approximately 2027.
If there is any reference to ASI in the paper, it passed me by. But it seems to me to be counterintuitive that the great decline of ASI should have happened during a cooling regime - after 1998.
In particular, I would be very interested in any and everybody's thoughts on whether this has any implications for Maslowski's forecast of an ice-free Arctic by 2016 +/- 3 years, based on the heat budget of the Arctic? My personal view being that, if Maslowski is basing his calculations on measurements taken in 2005, then as far as I can tell, that's also during the same cooling regime, so nothing much has changed.
Reading around the Wyatt + Curry paper, the press release says something about that paper "may help explain the pause" - this after Wyatt insisted that the first version of the press release was entirely rewritten, as it completely misrepresented their findings. Judith has form.
This Li paper, there's no "may help" about it - it does explain the pause, while leaving AGW theory entirely intact, and reinforced by a clear theoretical, modellable explanation for the recent aberration of the real-world data from the predicted trend. NH Temperatures are predicted to rise in steps of about thirty years, followed by a pause of thirty years. The proverbial really hits the fan from about 2027 onwards. At that point the natural cycles conspire to reinforce and enhance the anthropogenic forcings.
That this will be used by WUWT to mislead the gullible is a given. A fine site that updates exactly how WUWT is currently misleading the gullible is here: updates in near real-time, and is clearly written. A hugely valuable resource for any of you dumb enough to leave these hallowed halls to take up weapons against the zombie apocalypse elsewhere. Tisdale is the WUWT go-to guy on ocean currents. The hotwhopper post of yesterday explains why.
The AMO, as I know I've written here before, is very sound climate science. If WUWT is going to march under that banner, they need to carefully ignore that a lot of the early work on it was done by one of the main evil overlords of the whole AGW conspirizzy, Michael Mann. That they will manage to ignore this, I have little doubt. Ignorance is their strong suit.
Conversely, I haven't even sat Climate Science 101; and I certainly wouldn't claim to have the knowledge to mark it, but I am quite certain that you do not get an A+ grade for handing in a paper that reads 'It's all CO2, innit?" - that is simply a fiction, promulgated energetically by sites such as WUWT.
Climate is complicated. And as I prefer things slightly simpler, and CT is up and running, I am going to try to pay less attention to this and more to "those silly icebergs", as the long-suffering Mrs Neven is reported to call them.