Good stuff, Bob.
Fossil-fueled power stations kill about 9.4 birds per GWh. (34.8x wind)
This obviously does not include such externalities as climate change. I suspect the ultimate toll on birds from fossil-fueled power stations is, and certainly will be, much higher.
No. it obviously DOES include. read the paper:
0.02 as result of mountain top removal/deforrestation for coal mining
0.07 collides with or faces electrocution at thermoelectric power plant equipment"
0.05 acid rain
0.06 other hazardous pollutants
And for climate change: "...projected that 15%to 37% of all species of birds could be extinct by 2050. These numbers, too, can be tentatively quantified into 9.16 deaths per GWh from oil, natural gas, and coal-fired power stations"
"Adding the avian deaths from coal mining, plant operation, acid rain, mercury,
and climate change together results in a total of 9.36 fatalities per GWh"
How else could this figure be this high?