The Mail is not the only place for getting complete nonsense. Australia's least informed environment writer, Graham Lloyd of the Australian reported on Saturday that there is a "new climate change 'pause' as Arctic melt stabilises".
"Melting Arctic sea ice, a keenly watched measure of global climate change, has "paused", sharpening debate on whether humans or natural variability are to blame for the earlier decline.
After shrinking 35 percent over several decades, the low point reached in Arctic ice cover appears to have stabilized. This is despite a record low maximum sea ice extent this winter ...
Scientists who first identified the "hiatus" in global average surface temperatures are claiming a new climate change "pause. { Hang on Graham didn't you just tell us this was a fact, in paragraph 1, now its just a "claim"}
Skip forward 3 paragraphs of drivel to "Climate scientists do not believe the long term downward trend in Arctic Sea ice has been broken". { So its not a fact Graham, not the view of Climate scientists, just the view of some deniers }
{Skip through 9 paragraphs presenting the unscientific opinions of David Whitehouse of the GWPF, a denialist think tank, to the last paragraph}
The US National snow and Ice data centre said this years Arctic sea ice extent had reached a maximum 14.54 M km^2 making it the lowest on the satellite record.
Who said Graham doesn't tell us the truth. All you have to do is read the last paragraph and ignore the rest. Unfortunately the last paragraph rarely makes it to the online edition, but we can blame Graham for that!