This idea has been bandied about since 2007 by Patrick McNulty (Patrick12 here and Cyclonebuster at Wunderground). I mention his name, because today he has been bugging the regulars at Dr. Ricky Rood's Weather Underground climate blog to help him identify Neven by his full name, found it, and published it. He claims it is important to know a blogger's full name. I think he is trying to get you to "promote his idea."
From my perspective, I cannot see that the infamous Cyclonebuster "tunnels" idea has merit at this time. He spammed Dr.Rood's blog with it many times, and is no longer allowed to do that. In eight years, there have been no engineering studies, feasibility studies or anything else that could remotely be referred to as rigorous research and analysis.
The only "testing" of the concept was a simplistic "prototype" gadget with a few PVC pipes in a local creek. (
) Yet it is touted as "THE SOLUTION" to global warming. The purveyor of this primitive and untested scheme gets upset when challenged and asked for more information or evidence of serious development. After eight years, it is still at ground zero.
I see underwater suspension tunnels as an interesting basic principle, but its feasibility is supported only by an extremely primitive prototype. Such a large marine geoengineering project based on a floating monstrosity in the Gulf Stream would be massive, complex and expensive, and require constant expensive maintenance. I cannot see it surviving major hurricanes. No real engineer seems interested in pursuing it after eight years of promotion on blogs.
Below is the only graphic of the proposal - the only document that goes beyond generalized discussions of the concept. I am not aware of any additional "engineering" for this proposal which is touted as a sure way to reverse global warming:
If anyone sees merit in this "tunnels"proposal, I will listen to any rational and logical arguments.