On the arctic melting thread meddoc alluded to the fact that because we're watching, analysing, sharing and reporting, that it should be our job to
influence and educate.
It is not our job to influence. Although we may if we wish engage ourselves in such activities.
Let me expand on my own personal hobby horse about politics, events about our lives and how people respond to them.
Right now the UK is going through a referendum on their membership of the EU. The vast majority of the people, at least 90%, know absolutely nothing about the EU, it's treaties, how the government works or what the hell they are actually voting for. The press and the government and all the government controlled institutions are selling a "soft soap" story which combines the best possible view mixed with half truths and outright lies.
How many of the people, confused and unable to choose, actually go to the information, even though they are pointed to it and find out for themselves?
Less than 1% I'd say.
This is something that will impact them directly, immediately, in every walk of daily life, now and for the next 20 - 30 years.
They don't care. They just want someone to take the decision for them.
Now take that and add it to the Climate Change issue and you realise what kind of battle we are facing.
Most people will not take on that kind of life sucking challenge. I take my hat off to those who have the conscience and will to do so.
But, please, don't try and present the picture that we need to urgently go out there and lobby our politicians based on the amateur observations of data presented by the professionals. We will be treated like the people who view the photo's of Mars and believe they spotted Pyramids.
Some of us believe we must and follow that belief. Others are interested in educating themselves. Others still are just interested and that is where this site belongs.