In order to replicate your method I need more information. You say you have used a 15 day filter, then say you have used a 90 day Gaussian filter. Can you clarify?
I did not say 90 day gaussian. It is a 3 sigma gaussian with sigma=15 days ( ie 45 days of data each side of calculated point). Yes, sure, it's centred.
What 15 day bumps? I see no problem in any of Tamino's handling of the data. You object to my using specific days, then you balk at a monthly average?
This is particularly evident in the month around max:
Extent bumps: bumps: is a small but significant cyclic component present. Sub sampling at a frequency close to a multiple of that (cf 15 , with 28/30/31 days) will alias. In order to sub sample you need to apply an anti-aliasing filter first.
Failing to do so could introduce significant spurious signals into monthly data. That's the very basics of DSP.
I'm not knocking your approach as a first approximation ( as I noted above I didn't actually realise it was your plot , I thought it was one you dug up from somewhere else) but I think the data has problems that require a more technical approach.
Your claim that in using daily values I am throwing away the rest of the year's data is fatuous, the variations near the minimum/maximum are small compared to the annual range,
OK, to be fair you are using the data in the immediate vicinity. However, it is precisely because the variations are small and a significant amount of "weather" noise and other unidentified noise is present that taking the spot minimum is very sensitive to error. A small noise can lead to a large change in the perceived date of the min/max event.
I try to address those issues by suitably filtering noise and short term weather. I'm trying to avoid having to argue about whether a certain storm was "the only reason" for an early/late min/max event. And I'm trying to correctly remove the fortnightly bumps to see the underlying annual cycle.
The fact that I get essentially the same pattern with a range of different filter widths and very similar results with both area and extent would seem to suggest the result is "robust".
My calculation reveals no recent downward movement. 2012 is an outlier, with 2010 and 2011 being in the range of preceding years.
Well I'm not sure I agree with that reading of your graph. It presents a very similar downward tendency to my area based graph. The proportional change is mine is rather smaller due to the filtering but the shape is quite similar.
The major differences I see are yours peak strongly in 1997 and does not show the very definite spike I get in 1989. I would like to understand why that is.
Was there anything unusual about 1989? I think it was end of an El Nino phase and was immediately followed by La Nina that preceded Mt Pinatubo. I have not dug into Arctic details for that year yet.
That spike is one thing that is rock solid across all the runs I did and even with heaviest filtering it remains about 15 days longer than surrounding years.
I'm wondering if there was not a satellite change over of something around the time. It looks like an outlier to me. The fact it is so constant when other years shows variations between plots makes me suspicious.
Was your data source the same as that which I marked on my graphs?