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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1700 on: February 28, 2017, 01:15:07 PM »
Here is a good video clip of Allen Dershowitz that describes what he expects to "play out".  I agree with PART of this....although I DO believe that the Independent Commission WOULD lead to the eventual appointment of a special prosecutor...

With the continued unwinding of all the connections between Trump and the Russians....I believe the Independent Commission is now all but assured.  And whether the "illegalities" are uncovered by the commission....or by someone else.....I believe that WILL lead to the appointment of a special prosecutor many months down the road.

The process continues.....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1701 on: February 28, 2017, 02:18:40 PM »
And as far as the "March for Science" on April 22nd......looks like those pesky facts keep on mounting up.  As I noted several days ago....this "pre spring" has been reminiscent of 2012.

And from the looks of things in the new forecast for (1) March, and (2) March/April/May combined.....more and more records look poised to fall in the US and Canada.

Also note that Canada is off to a "toasty start" through April 24th.  That can NOT be good for the ice....but also provides more facts and science for the battles coming up as those in the US Congress that like to deny facts.....they will have more facts to dispute:

Facts NEVER GO AWAY.....
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1702 on: February 28, 2017, 06:57:21 PM »
Possibility for damaging supercells and/or strong tornadoes around the same time or slightly before Trump's address this evening.  Will be interesting to see the live media coverage if there is significant impact, and Trump's response to what might be the first natural disaster during his tenure.  No doubt Mike Pence will be dispatched to Indiana tomorrow if there is impact there.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1703 on: March 01, 2017, 01:41:22 PM »
OK....a little light hearted humor to give Trump the respect he deserves:
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1704 on: March 01, 2017, 02:46:38 PM »
The coming weeks and months...and on into 2018.....will bring TWO issues to the forefront:

1)  The US issue of the election of Trump....and the involvement of Russia in the promotion of...and the hacking into the US election process.  This will come out in dribs and drabs...with an occasional "oh shit" piece of information.   I expect this process to encompass a LOT of folks in the US political system by the time it is over (more than 10....less than 50).  A secondary issue along this line...will be the involvement of the FBI (sorry Jason Chaffetz....your time is coming ;)).

2)  Global warming will continue to ramp up.....and over the next two years will ensnare a large number of politicians in its waiting arms.  Not all of them will be Republicans.......(right Joe Manchin ;)).....but clearly the lions share will be.  With the help of their lobbyist buddies....they have LIED FOR DECADES.  Their time will now start to run short as the months continue to tick by.....and the facts just don't go away.

There are other issues that will percolate from time to time......such as how the drug companies are ripping off American's (Joe Manchin and his pill pushing daughter won't like this one either).....and healthcare will also be a big issue in coming months and years.

Humans find it very easy to make something that is simple.......complicated.  But it is much tougher to make something that is complicated......simple.  And healthcare is one of those issues.

So as Donnie gets set to dodge the coming tsunami of corruption that got him into well as fights to give his fossil fuel buddies a hand in opposing efforts to curb regulation of fossil fuels.......the above two issues are going to envelope Donnie and many of the politicians in the US.

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1705 on: March 01, 2017, 08:30:15 PM »
The importance of "processes" has been front and center for anyone taking notice over the past few weeks.

For Donnie and Motley has been their LACK of effective and efficient well as poor communication.  One of their horrible processes cost the life of a navy seal.  Their other horrible processes have resulted in a time consuming process for getting their people hired.  They did a rotten job of vetting....and then they have to circle around and clean up after themselves.  Why is it that people NEVER have time to do it right the FIRST TIME.....but they always find time to DO IT OVER?

As well......the Oscar's award presentation for best picture was certainly NOT a "best presentation".  All they had to do was VISUALLY LOOK AT THE ENVELOPE that they were giving to the presenter.....THEN VERBALLY TELL THE PRESENTER WHAT THEY WERE HANDING THEM.....and everything would have been fine.  But they DID'T do that "last little verbal confirmation".

Someone noted that PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) may be changing their name to ProbablyWrongCard....
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1706 on: March 02, 2017, 08:29:35 AM »
The linked article is entitled: "Trump Team’s Ties To Russia Face Sharper Scrutiny Amid New House Probe And Explosive Reports".  The pieces of the Russian-Connection puzzle are beginning to fill in.

Extract: "The New York Times reported that intelligence officials working for the Obama administration had grown so concerned about the scope of Russia’s meddling in the elections and the evidence of ties to Trump’s operation that they began to leave a breadcrumb trail of clues for future investigators to follow. Among those data points that had them spooked were a series of meetings that affiliates of the Trump campaign and the Russian government allegedly held in European capitals ― meetings that the Trump White House has consistently denied ever took place.

About an hour later, The Washington Post published its report that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States and failed to disclose it to lawmakers during his January confirmation hearing. Sessions had been a top surrogate for the Trump campaign and a senior member of the influential Senate Armed Services Committee. The newspaper noted that no other member of that committee could recall speaking to the Russian ambassador."
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 06:42:19 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1707 on: March 02, 2017, 08:58:51 AM »
The linked article entitled: "(WATCH) Trump’s Russia Connections: 30+ Of Them" lists/shows over thirty links between Trump and Russia:
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1708 on: March 02, 2017, 01:13:35 PM »
Let's take a short look at Team "TrumpRussia" and some of the injuries to their starting lineup so far:

1)  Paul Manafort:  Trump campaign manager ousted from that position because of his exposed ties to Russia.

2)  Michael Flynn:  Ousted because of communications to Russians.

3)  Jeff Sessions:  Now in deep shit because he lied during his confirmation about NOT having conversation with ANY Russian's during the campaign.....but he DID.  Bad boy Jeffrey.....

Hubris(/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, also hybris, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous over-confidence.[1] In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods, and which in turn brings about the downfall, or nemesis, of the perpetrator of hubris.

Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn.....and MANY OTHERS on team TrumpRussia share that one quality that will continue to dog them.  And Donnie is the worst of the bunch....

Where will the cookie crumbs lead to next.....?

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1709 on: March 02, 2017, 03:24:59 PM »
And don't forget.....Donnie is going to need SOMETHING to take people's eye off of the coming investigations.  If it were something "bigley" or "UUUUGGGGEE" that would be even better.  Something for people in the US to "rally around."

What WILL President Bannon likely do?  As I have stated before....I think something will happen BEFORE the end of April...but time will tell.

We have someone in the White House that want's to "blow things up" (President Bannon).....and someone who NEEDS to get everyone's eye's off of Donnie's Russian connections.  And Donnie is egotistical enough to do ANYTHING.....TO ANYBODY.

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1710 on: March 02, 2017, 04:09:36 PM »
With the walls closing in around AG Sessions, and by extension the Trump White House, that "something" could indeed be a military strike, or as discussed here it could come in the form of a terror attack within the US.  Trump has seen how a military widow's grief can be exploited to his benefit, and he has no moral grounding to prevent him from doing this on a large scale.  Offensive military action within the Korean Peninsula is a geopolitical Pandora's box and would exacerbate the already high level of suffering within NK.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1711 on: March 02, 2017, 05:24:59 PM »
As if Scott Pruitt wasn't bad enough (he IS bad enough by the way).....Donnie is going out of his way to put together the WORST team it looks as though he may tap William Happer to be his science adviser.

If you want to take a look at yet ONE MORE CLIMATE's a good video done by Peter Hadfield (science journalist).  I'm sure most of you have already seen many of Hadfield's (Potholer54) video's....but if you haven' SURELY need to watch this one.  Especially since there is a surprise appearance by Donnie's future science adviser......William Happer.

The video was published by Hadfield only a couple of months ago....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1712 on: March 02, 2017, 07:15:18 PM »
The linked article indicates that the FBI found Christopher Steele (the author of the dossier) sufficiently credible that they paid for some of his expenses and they planned to pay his fees before the election until Steele ending the arrangement due to the FBI's inaction.

Extract: "The FBI reimbursed some expenses of the former British intelligence operative who produced a dossier containing allegations of President Donald Trump's ties to Russia, people familiar with the matter said.

The short-lived arrangement before the US election ended abruptly in part because of the frustration of Christopher Steele, the former MI6 spy, that the FBI wasn't doing enough to investigate the Trump-Russia ties.

The Washington Post first reported Tuesday that the FBI and Steele had sought to reach a payment arrangement. "

Edit:  Also I note that WH lawyers ordered the WH staff to retain all records related to the Russian Connection issue, per the request of Congress.   However, per the following linked article on Feb 28, the Congressional Republicans voted to kill a Democratic measure compelling Trump to turn-over such documents, saying that they trusted Sessions to deliver any documents that Congress would need.  Subsequently, we saw that Sessions cannot be trusted; but still President Trump is not yet compelled to provide any relevant documents:

Extract: "Congressional Republicans on Tuesday voted to kill a Democratic measure that would have compelled President Trump to turn over any documents related to ties to Russia or potential conflicts of interest therein. The resolution would have asked the Justice Department to hand over to Congress “any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication” related to “criminal or counterintelligence investigations” involving Trump or the rest of his White House team. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said the proposed measure was “unnecessary” and “premature.” He said that instead of this measure, Republicans on the committee would be asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to cooperate in any investigation that had to do with Trump and potential ties to Russia. "
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 07:23:57 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1713 on: March 02, 2017, 07:28:07 PM »
Trump team canceled ethics training for White House staff.

The ethics program was instituted in 2000 and has previously helped members of the Bush and Obama administrations to comply with ethics standards when it came to confirmation hearings, reaction to media questions, working with other lawmakers and complying with laws on the books.

The Trump administration chose instead to disregard the training altogether, insisting it wasn’t necessary, according to documents obtained by Politico.

In know....surprised aren't you? ;)

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1714 on: March 02, 2017, 07:33:08 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "The Crook Behind the Trump-Russia ‘Peace’ Plan".  This gives you an idea of the types of shady actives going on in Trump's circle:

Extract: "Sater is one of the most notorious and shady characters in the American president’s past, including his very recent past.

The person who joined the meeting was Andrii Artemenko, a rich Ukrainian member of parliament of dubious reputation in his home country. Artemenko claims to have material evidence of Poroshenko’s corruption so compelling as to force the Ukrainian president from office.

The Times stands by its account, saying that Cohen had told the paper that he delivered a copy of the plan to the office of then-National Security Adviser Mike Flynn shortly before Flynn was fired. The plan is said by the Times to involve Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine and a referendum on the fate of occupied Crimea: namely, whether or not the peninsula, which Russian forces seized almost bloodlessly in 2014, would be “leased to Russia for a term of 50 or 100 years.” Artemenko reportedly insists that their peace proposal was met with approval among senior aides to Russian President Vladimir Putin."
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1715 on: March 02, 2017, 09:30:21 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "The Troubling Russian Connections Of Trump Nominee Wilbur Ross".  Team Trump seems to have an unending number of questionable Russian connections:

Extract: " In the midst of the Trump Administration’s many other Russian entanglements, it turns out that  Wilbur J. Ross, Jr., the billionaire American investor who is one of Donald Trump’s closest advisors on trade and economics, has direct financial ties to several leading oligarchs from Russia and the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

The U.S. Senate should thoroughly investigate these ties before it votes on Ross’ nomination to be Commerce Secretary when it returns from recess next week.

For just as with the President, the stench of dodgy associations lingers on. In other words, even if  Ross divested everything down to his garters, there would still be this annoying puzzle: Why, at the ripe old age of 77 — way back in 2014 — did Wilbur  Ross step in with a lot of his and his associates’ money to save this feral bank in Cyprus?  Why did he pursue all these associations with dodgy Russian “investors,” including “close associates of Putin?”"
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1716 on: March 02, 2017, 11:48:56 PM »
Saturday Night Live.....this Saturday.  Too bad they won't have any new material to work with......especially with the White House operating as such a "smooth operation."..... ;)

Oh are SO over your head.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1717 on: March 03, 2017, 06:22:28 AM »
Completely unrelated to Arctic Sea Ice, so I guess this is the correct place for this. How do you suppose the Trumpistan debt will develop later this year and next?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1718 on: March 03, 2017, 06:45:02 AM »
First, I note that when Congress directed the Nixon WH staff to preserve all Watergate related evidence, but Nixon's staff ignored that direction and destroyed such evidence, without any consequences.  This does not inspire confidence that the Trump WH staff will obey the current Congressional direction that they should preserve all Russian connection evidence (Congress should request this information now0.

Second, Pence used a private e-mail account as Governor on official business that was hacked.  This matter should be investigated to determine whether he was maintaining full records of all government related e-mails.

Third, Kushner & Flynn met with the Russian Ambassador in December 2016 &  Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page also met with the Russian Ambassador.

Fourth, Session recuses himself from investigating the Russian connection (but who knows what damage he has already done, and how much pressure he can apply to his deputy who will take over the investigation).
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1719 on: March 03, 2017, 07:35:06 AM »

Terry: Back in 98/99, during Clinton's impeachment proceedings, the GOP had a majority in both houses of Congress. The GOP has the same advantage now, therefore the only way the Democrats will get any traction is if the Republicans agree to go along.

Because it will require a bi-partisan effort to begin proceedings against Trump, the ramifications will be different from what happened with Clinton.


If they are successful wouldn't it will end with Trump's impeachment?
If Trump is impeached, won't Pence finish the remainder of Trump's term, then probably run as an incumbent during the next election?
Will Pence be allowed, (by a Republican house, senate, and right leaning supreme court), to run for office twice, as well as finishing Trump's term?

I don't see this advancing the climate change fight or Progressive causes. As you note the Republican's have both the house and the Senate. Do you believe that the Republicans would allow an impeachment to go forward if they believed that ousting Trump would damage the bottom lines of their ff friends? Do you believe that Republicans would allow an indictment to go forward if they thought it would serve Progressive causes?

While I agree that "The ramifications will be different", what I don't understand if how this "difference" will help any of the programs that most of us care quite deeply about.

ASLR Apparently cares about Trump & his underlings having involvement with Moscow. This isn't much of a concern to me, & in fact peace between the world's major nuclear powers is very high on my list. If I'm wrong in my assumption please correct me.
I understand that Pence is almost as hawkish as John Mccain and I do fear escalation on that front if Trump were to be ousted.

While the Democrat's have lead us into more than a few wars, I do have difficulty viewing main stream Republicans as pacifists. Trump seems aggressive WRT Iran & possibly China, but my recollection is that the top Republicans haven't been trying to lower tensions in these regions.

If Trump were to be replaced by Pence, I don't think that would reduce tensions in either of those regions, and I still have some hope that Donald and Vlad can work out their differences peacefully.

Again I have to ask if handing the Presidency to Pence is anyone's idea of a good path forward. If so, there are many organisations to donate time or money to.
If your goal is to discourage Trump from his impending destruction of the EPA, his questionable stance on NASA and his lack of concern about climate change, the most direct way might be to criticize any moves he makes in those directions while ignoring other, less important to you, gaffs that he makes.
He's not going to be lead by offering carrots, so he'll need to be beaten repeatedly. If the blows are equally vicious, and come from all directions, Trump will lash out in all directions to harm his tormentors. If the heaviest and most vicious attacks come from one side, he'll turn away.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1720 on: March 03, 2017, 01:02:31 PM »
As Donnie and his troupe are finding out.......LIES are hard to keep straight.  And when you lie as much as Donnie and his group, they are ESPECIALLY hard to keep straight.

You know.....when you were just a kid.....some of your parents may have told you, like mine did.....JUST TELL THE TRUTH.  PERIOD.  They were right....and it makes things a LOT easier.  Apparently....ALL the parents of ALL the Trump staff DID NOT DO THAT.  And now....the body count is bound to grow.  Sessions will likely be the next shoe to drop.  There is NO WAY he can get out of this one.  His trip to Cleveland......where he spoke with the Russian ambassador....was on the CAMPAIGN FUNDS DIME, NOT a Senate expense.  Yet....he said he didn't mention the conversation during his Senate hearings, because he was on Senate business.  Things are now starting to unwind a little more quickly.

Sessions will now be TOAST.  He has lied his way into a corner, he can not get out of.  He will be called to testify AGAIN to the US Senate.  They will NOT let him "off" with just a letter to straighten things out.

The most interesting thing to the "melding" of the two issues now:  Russian interference AND FBI interference.   Something tells me Jason Chaffetz and Rudy Guliani are NOT going to like this one bit.  That really breaks my heart....they are both such honest and trustworthy guys (NOT).

As I said a few times already....this is going to make Watergate look inconsequential.  We still have a long way to go....but there will be many "political bodybags" needed by the time this thing is over.  People in the Congress (hi Jason)......private life....and the FBI are all going to be consumed by this.  I think that Rudy will look good in black and white stripes.....

History in real time......

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1721 on: March 03, 2017, 01:44:28 PM »
This is something to watch.  I had mentioned this before.....but if Trump were to have someone from his cabinet resign that WASN'T in "political trouble"....someone like Mattis.....THAT would be a BIG RED FLAG.

I don't expect that anytime SOON.....but I will not be surprised if it happens.  I "almost" expect it.  And I won't be surprised if it is Mattis.  He is the best hire that Donnie has....and he has the most ethics.  And as we can see....ethics and Donnie DO NOT MIX.

Mattis could send a BIG MESSAGE to everyone if he were to resign in coming months.  If Mattis continues to have issues with the White House.....and Mattis continues to see CRAZY DONNIE in action.....then Mattis may pull the plug.  I don't expect this to happen anytime soon....but if Donnie wants to do something really stupid....I don't think Mattis would "sign off."

Just tuck this in your memory banks for the weeks and months ahead....
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1722 on: March 03, 2017, 02:43:28 PM »
One other thing to the convergence of "global warming" and the investigations.  The march on April 22nd WILL have an effect on the investigations into the FBI and Russian interference.  Public pressure DOES MATTER.

The fact that Donnie and crew don't believe facts of science......apparently spills over into their economics, politics, and international affairs.  Having Donnie look like a science idiot.....makes a lot more sense when he looks like an international affairs idiot, a military idiot, and an economics idiot to boot.  Those pesky facts.....why won't they just go away for Donnie.

And the growing FACTS of the climate THIS YEAR (temperatures, sea ice levels, etc) is pushing more and more people to SEE THE FACTS IN REAL where more and more people can't avoid them.  And that spills over to the political arena.....and THAT is not good news for Donnie boy.

You can see what temps have been doing in both the US and Canada.  I showed the US rolling 13 month to highlight February's "off the chart" status.  But looking at can see it has also had a toasty 2017 to date. 

« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 02:52:01 PM by Buddy »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1723 on: March 03, 2017, 04:38:07 PM »
ASLR Apparently cares about Trump & his underlings having involvement with Moscow. This isn't much of a concern to me, & in fact peace between the world's major nuclear powers is very high on my list. If I'm wrong in my assumption please correct me.
Methinks this looks less about peace between two nations, but more between two mafia clans. Russia as a nation does no longer seriously exist - it is now just a resource base to plunder by Putin & Friends. That attempted peace looks more like U.S. and Russian kleptocrats joining forces to squeeze out the last profits of the fossil fuel age, before the fossil fools economy collapses, plus, the planet.

E.g. giving Putin the coal from East Ukraine (Donets Basin) is not about peace but sharing war spoils, just like Trump wants to grab Iraqi oil.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1724 on: March 03, 2017, 05:39:47 PM »
Live and learn.  History is a great teacher.  Watch this during the weekend if you have a spare 90 minutes.  Riviting stuff.  And pay attention to the time line.... 

At 45 minutes into the video....John Dean's quote:

"Mr. Chairman, I think this:  I strongly believe that the truth always emerges.  I don't know if it will be during these hearings.....I don't know if it will be through the processes of history, but the truth will be out some day."

About 1 hour and 22 minutes in....David Frost says:

"The key to Nixon really is his dislocated relationship with truth."

Words that describe Donald Trump to a T.......
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 06:29:13 PM by Buddy »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1725 on: March 04, 2017, 04:56:08 AM »
The linked article is entitled: “Experts Say White House's Conway Response Raises Major Ethical Questions”.  The WH contends that major portions of federal ethics regulations to not apply to the “Executive Office of the President”.  It sounds like they think that they are better than the common people that put them in office, and much better than those who voted against them.

Extract: “The White House asserted this week that broad swaths of federal ethics regulations do not apply to people who work in the Executive Office of the President. Ethics experts say this sets the Trump White House apart from past administrations.

The administration's assertion was made in a letter that White House Deputy Counsel Stefan Passantino wrote regarding the controversy over White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway's recent ethical issues.

Passantino's letter said that "many regulations promulgated by the Office of Government Ethics ("OGE") do not apply to employees of the Executive Office of the President."

The Executive Office of the President extends well beyond the president's inner circle in the West Wing. For example, under Obama, the Executive Office included 11 separate entities, including the National Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, and U.S. trade representative.

Here's what may be at issue in the letter Passantino wrote. He said that White House employees must abide by a particular bit of code (3 CFR 100.1) that comprises a massive amount of regulations. But there's a catch within those regulations, Painter said:

"The issue is that many of the regulations refer to an 'agency,' and the EOP may or may not be an 'agency' within the meaning of that term as it is used in the regulations," Painter wrote.

One Obama-era ethics adviser had a blunt response to this kind of debate when it comes to ethics laws.

"This is nonsense. There are debates about whether for other purposes the [White House] is an agency," wrote Norman Eisen, who led White House ethics efforts from 2009 through 2011, in an email to NPR. "Never before for ethics purposes."

"This part of the letter is another salvo in trump's war on ethics. Terrible," he later added.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1726 on: March 04, 2017, 06:31:30 AM »
Terry: My reply #1696 to you was meant to point out how the landscape now is different than what it was back in 1998/1999. Being in the minority now, the Democrats have little to lose challenging Trump, because without the Republicans going along, nothing is going to happen. My reply was not intended to address your broader question.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1727 on: March 04, 2017, 02:31:33 PM »
Trump and President Bannon have now escalated the "political war."  Their next now to draw former President Obama into the fray.

Donnie's tweets this morning say that Obama wiretapped him in New York.  I expect before all is said and done.....Donnie will use the "T" word (treason) in describing Obama.  That is a ways down the road...but I expect that to come.  Don't be surprised when it does.

Note....just like Tricky Dick.....Donnie has NO IDEA ABOUT TRUTH.  As you have seen....he will say ANYTHING.  And....he has people around him in his inner circle that also have no ethics.

The only one with any high level of ethics is Mattis....and he isn't in the "inner circle."

The only thing that will take Donnie out of office is THE PUBLIC.  Their pressure is required to bring Congress to their senses.  So we'll see if enough of the public wants a sociopath as their leader.  It will be on full display in the coming months.  This will be a SLOW PROCESS in some ways.  It will feel like a "marathon of sprints".  Run 200 meters as fast as you can....and then catch your breath.  And then do that for 26 miles. what this is going to feel like over the coming months.  Don't be surprised if it takes as long as it did when Tricky Dick was taken down....and that took 19 months.  We're only at the start of month 2. 

The press still has further to go.  They aren't to the point where they are calling him a liar....YET.  They will....but it is going to take more time. 
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1728 on: March 04, 2017, 05:00:08 PM »
Today continue to witness the predicament of having a pathological liar and conspiracy theorist as US president.

Martin Gisser

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1729 on: March 04, 2017, 09:38:03 PM »
Donnie's tweets this morning say that Obama wiretapped him in New York.  I expect before all is said and done.....Donnie will use the "T" word (treason) in describing Obama.  That is a ways down the road...but I expect that to come.  Don't be surprised when it does.

Note....just like Tricky Dick.....
Methinks Donnie is not just psycho, but also plain stupid. No comparison to Nixon! That would be insulting Tricky Dick.

I bet it wasn't Trump's phone wiretapped, but the other side. So he just confirmed the existence of Pandora's box and that he has his fingers in it.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1730 on: March 05, 2017, 05:17:05 AM »
I think this is a fine example of "the Emperor having no clothes". First you have the address to a joint session of Congress, where Trump comes off (at least to his base), as being a reasonable guy. I watched the address and was surprised at how well Trump did, despite his promises having no realistic chance of going anywhere. At times, it reminded me of Reagan's "it's morning in America".

Less than two days after, he goes ballistic over Sessions offer of recusal, then he claims Obama has wiretapped Trump Tower! I have just three words for President Trump; INCREASE YOUR MEDICATION!


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1731 on: March 05, 2017, 07:13:25 AM »
This fits in here I reckon!
from our local paper about the POTUS being like a "post tortoise":

"The spectre of a populist revolt in New Zealand is unlikely in the short term, speakers at the fifth annual Craggy Range Speaker Series on Friday said.

Craggy Range Winery chairman Terry Peabody said populism was topical due to the election of United States President Donald Trump.

The US-born Australian told the tale of a US farmer describing Mr Trump as a "post tortoise".

"When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a tortoise balanced on top, that's a post tortoise.

"You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, he is beyond his ability to function and you just wonder what kind of dumb-ass has put him there."

Speakers were asked to speak on the rise of populism overseas, the risk of populist revolt and what effect the political disruption might have on New Zealand."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1732 on: March 05, 2017, 08:57:43 AM »
People outside the US might not be aware of this, but so far Trump has spent every weekend of his presidency at his Florida Mar-a-Lago (Klassy-with-a-K) resort.

As of last week he's run up > $13M in us-taxpayer-expensed travel costs doing so.  Obama spent ~$90M in eight years, so he on track to spend at >10x O's rate - even before he's travelled a single mile for any purpose other than his own self-indulgence. He plays golf, holds a token "campaign" event so that he can do a bit of money-laundering by having his own business charge the (doubtless-hyper-inflated) cost of his entire entourage staying at his tacky resort to his campaign, and/or the taxpayer, and holds court with his assembled sycophants.  Wow - talk about leaving your worries on the doorstep!

No wonder that by 5.00am Saturday he's almost back to his normal self - and so, no longer weighed down by reality, launches into a tirade of characteristically unhinged tweets. Hopefully the guy with the football has had the presence of mind to make himself scarce long before that point.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1733 on: March 05, 2017, 04:17:16 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "Who's responsible for driving the Trump-Russia story? Trump, of course"; and it discusses the position that the Trump Administration's inability to manage their own behavior is the basis for its continuing scandals.  This is not surprising as the alt-right is against managerialism, and relies rather on manipulation of mob mentality.

Extract: "It’s not substance that has tripped up Trump and his entourage; it’s their inability to keep their stories straight."

Also, the linked article is entitled: "Rubio: White House ‘Will Have to Answer’ to Trump’s Wiretapping Accusations", raises the question of whether Trump Administration can account (was the information from a Breitbart article?) for Trump's accusations that Obama wiretapped him, in a professional manner.

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1734 on: March 05, 2017, 04:27:02 PM »
ASLR Apparently cares about Trump & his underlings having involvement with Moscow. This isn't much of a concern to me, & in fact peace between the world's major nuclear powers is very high on my list. If I'm wrong in my assumption please correct me.
Methinks this looks less about peace between two nations, but more between two mafia clans. Russia as a nation does no longer seriously exist - it is now just a resource base to plunder by Putin & Friends. That attempted peace looks more like U.S. and Russian kleptocrats joining forces to squeeze out the last profits of the fossil fuel age, before the fossil fools economy collapses, plus, the planet.

E.g. giving Putin the coal from East Ukraine (Donets Basin) is not about peace but sharing war spoils, just like Trump wants to grab Iraqi oil.

I agree with your general point here, and I add that: (a) Putin has a history of contacts/connections with the Russian mafia as does Trump with the US mafia; and (b) the international alt-right populist movement towards kleptocratic strongmen extends beyond Russia and America (e.g. The Philippines, Turkey, etc.) and probably increasingly in Western Europe (The Netherlands, France, etc.).  Kleptocratic plundering the world's remaining resources in a winner take all zero sum game (via 'othering' in a disrupted global socio-economic system) is a recipe for increasing conflict, not increasing peace.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1735 on: March 05, 2017, 08:45:53 PM »
Just a note:  The Watergate hearings started in May of 1973....and Nixon didn't resign until early August of 1974...15 months AFTER the Watergate hearings started.

So....pull up a chair....grab a beer (or a pallet of beer ;)).  Because we have a long ways to go....

Below is Richard Nixon's Gallup approval ratings.  Note....the Watergate break-in occurred in about June of 1972...and he was re-elected in November 1972....and took office AGAIN in January of 1973.  When looking at what happened for Watergate....Jan of 1973 to August of 1974 is the "relevant" time period.

Note that Nixon was at about 67% in January of 1973....and had dropped to about 30% by September of 1973.  It took almost another year to get down to 25% approval rating when he quit.

For this one.....I hope they ordered a shitload of political body bags.....they are going to need them.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 08:51:28 PM by Buddy »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1736 on: March 05, 2017, 08:54:45 PM »
If you're bored of watching grass have a dire internal "need" to do your civic are some phone numbers of GOP members you may want to give a holler out to:

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1737 on: March 06, 2017, 01:56:40 AM »
The linked article is entitled: "FBI Director Comey asked Justice officials to refute Trump’s unproved wiretapping claim".  As the DOJ has so far declined to honor Comey's request; this raises the question of whether a Session's lead DOJ is too politicized (in favor of Trump) to be objective.  If so should Session's be asked to resign?

Extract: "FBI Director James B. Comey asked the Justice Department this weekend to issue a statement refuting President Trump’s claim that President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of Trump’s phones before the election, according a U.S. official, but the department has not done so.
Comey made the request on Saturday after Trump accused Obama on Twitter of having his “‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower."

Speaking on NBC News on Sunday morning, former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. denied that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) wiretap was authorized against Trump or the campaign during his tenure.

“There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign,” Clapper said on “Meet the Press,” adding that he would “absolutely” have been informed if the FBI had received a FISA warrant against either.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Sunday cited “reports” of “potentially politically motivated investigations” during the 2016 campaign, calling them “troubling.” But none of the media reports cited by the White House provides evidence of a politically motivated surveillance effort against Trump.

“President Donald J. Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016," Spicer said. “Neither the White House nor the President will comment further until such oversight is conducted,” the statement added.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) told “Meet the Press” that Trump is “in trouble” and acting “beneath the dignity of the presidency.”

“The president’s in trouble if he falsely spread this kind of information,” Schumer said. “It shows this president doesn’t know how to conduct himself.”

Earnest added that Trump was attempting to distract from the controversy involving contacts between his campaign aides, including now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Russian officials.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1738 on: March 06, 2017, 02:04:24 PM »
A)  Put YOURSELF in the current White House. 

Pretend for a moment.....that YOU are a cabinet member or close advisor.  And not one of Donnie's lap dogs like Reince Preibus, Sean Spicer, or Jeff Sessions.....but let's say you are Gen Mattis (Sec of Defense), Gen McMaster (security advisor), or Gen Kelly (Homeland Security).  Those three are all military.  You think AT LEAST 1 or 2 of them....if not all three.....are thinking:  "What the f*** did we get ourselves into.?"

Below is Donnie's current Cabinet members (both those that are already well as awaiting confirmation.  As well....there are listed other "Appointees".  This is Donnie's "roster".

B) Who is going to be "next to go?"

Donnie certainly has his panty's in a wad and is in a bad place.  Since he is such a horrible head was always hard to get good people in the first place.  But is even worse.  Does anyone REALLY want a job on the Titanic?  Thanks.....but no thanks. ;)

But even though it is going to be hard to find good people...there are ALWAYS people out there that will take the job.  And Donnie NEVER shoots at himself....he only shoots OUTWARD towards his team.  So who is next to leave the White House?  Here are my order:

1) Reince Preibus

2)  Sean Spicer

3)  Jeff Sessions

I think they could leave in ANY ORDER....and yes, Kate McCinnon Kellyanne Conway could be on this list as well....but this is the order I "think" they will leave (get axed).

It is CLEAR NOW.....that this is NOT a "well oiled machine".  The guy trying to run the Renice.

It is also clear.....that Donnie's gun only points "the messenger" CERTAINLY has to be on the list.  And at this point....Sean may be getting worn out (6 FRIGGING WEEKS INTO HIS JOB).

And Jeff.....ever the loyal lap going to be at the center of controversy over the next few weeks with both the Barrack Obama wiretapping escapade ;) as well as the NEXT Muslim ban.  I think his days/weeks are numbered as well. 

Does anyone see any blood in the water yet?  The sharks WILL be circling.....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1739 on: March 06, 2017, 02:51:07 PM »
It is CLEAR NOW.....that this is NOT a "well oiled machine".  The guy trying to run the Renice.

Does anyone see any blood in the water yet?  The sharks WILL be circling.....

Using one of Donald Trump's favorite words, this White House administration is a "DISASTER"! More and more, his Presidency is reminding me of an old movie "The Caine Mutiny", with Trump as Captain Queeg.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1740 on: March 06, 2017, 03:51:01 PM »
All Republicans being  !=,  not equal!

What do you think,

Is Trump in Paul Ryan's camp?
Ir Paul Ryan in Trump's camp?

I think Ryan is distancing himself from constituents and Trump,
Trying to figure out which, pet agenda, he can risk with Trump, while tossing more and more superfluous agenda  the the Trump mill.

I fear they're in league, we're not even paying attention to...  As idiotic as Trump acts, or seems to act...  Sometimes I simply don't know what to think...

The "fake news" - ploy, our gift from Steve Bannon, thru Trump is annoying. 

Trump must think, the government has nothing on him, or he wouldn't blam Obama.  So what is he trying to distract us from today?   Daily distraction tweet, anyone?  Gobble... Gobble... Gobble...
Professor Trump, who'd thought it was that complicated?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1741 on: March 06, 2017, 05:22:48 PM »
What tangled webs we weave ... (the attached image is from the Washington Post showing Russian Connections):
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 10:42:33 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1742 on: March 06, 2017, 10:25:04 PM »
WOW.....I thought Rick Perry was "intellectually lacking".  Man.....this cabinet is just a box of gems....

They are bad enough as it is.....just think of the people they will get to RECPLACE THEM once some of them leave or get the boot....
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1743 on: March 06, 2017, 11:06:51 PM »
The linked Washington Post article is entitled: "This former British lawmaker is at the heart of the Trump wiretap allegations".  The article focuses on Louise Mensch's article that states that FISA granted the FBI with a warrant to investigate Team Trump's ties to Russia.  If true this means that: (a) the FBI submitted sufficient evidence on the Russian Connection to the FISA court to receive the warrant; and (b) that the FBI was conducting the investigation, not Obama.

Extract: "But who exactly is Louise Mensch?
For starters, the politician-turned-journalist is the writer behind an article published on the eve of the election titled: “EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia.”"
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1744 on: March 07, 2017, 05:44:59 PM »
Below is a picture of what is going to COMBINE with economics and politics over the coming 18 months or so.

If you think Donnie and his band of inept clowns don't have any respect NOW.....wait till this summer or next.  It is just going to keep building week after week....month after month.

The three issues of (1) science/physics of global warming .........(2) the transportation and energy industries changing at warp speed due to technological improvements.....and (3) the politics of a fossil fueled US Administration...... are going to collide head on.

Something's got to bet is on science and physics.....

Combined with Donnie's inability for good decision making....and poor execution....the science and physics of global warming are going to work against Donnie.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1745 on: March 07, 2017, 06:50:18 PM »
The link below is WELL WORTH READING.  It discusses the mental health.....of Donald Trump.  And it is from Psychology Today.  Here is but a snippet....

Our Future

What can we do? Be observant. Be vigilant. Share this article to spread awareness. Write or call your elected government officials and state your concerns about Donald Trump’s mental health. And hope that with the backing of 26,000 mental health therapists (a number that grows every day as last month the number was 18,000!) agreeing that he is mentally unfit to be President of the United States, that we will have a new, mentally fit president as soon as possible by some means of judicially appropriate political action.

No matter for whom you voted in this election, or if you didn’t vote, we the people (or at least the majority of Electoral Colleges in some red states) did this. We need to correct this threat to our ecology, our society, our international relations, and our world peace, sooner than too later.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1746 on: March 07, 2017, 07:08:13 PM »
We're starting to get into some "very deep water" much earlier than I thought we would.  That doesn't mean we don't have a LONG WAY to go.....we do.

But from all appearances....this could get very "involved/complex and more contentious....earlier than I would have thought.

And as you might guess from the psychology today article.....there are some PDW (pretty damn worried) professionals in the field of psychology. And they now have had days and weeks and months of viewing time with Donald "reacting".

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1747 on: March 07, 2017, 07:50:03 PM »
Anyone who has played sports....understands that "pressure" isn't a good thing.  The more pressure someone feels.....the worse they do.

If you're standing over a 4 foot putt in practice.....the same putt during a tournament looks like it is 8 feet.

People do WORSE under pressure than they do normally.  Pressure creates MISTAKES....and bad decisions.  Expect to see more mistakes and bad decisions from Donnie in the coming months........
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1748 on: March 07, 2017, 09:55:54 PM »
April 22nd.....let's show Donnie what type of spirit is sweeping the nation.

Then later on.....we'll get Donnie the hell out of office.  And from his own words......


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1749 on: March 07, 2017, 10:13:25 PM »