The problem is that we have an economy based upon the exponentially growing consumption of stuff, together with a massive level of indebtedness that requires continuous growth to keep paying the interest, and massive amounts of current wealth that people assume will be there (e.g. pension funds) that depend on continued exponential growth. That's why all the official forecasts assume continued economic growth with the cost of mitigation subtracted from that growth.
The reality is that to get deep enough reductions in emissions in the short term (even assuming some level of atmospheric carbon removal in the future) of say 6% per year (see the Hansen paper below) we need to cut consumption. Technology by itself won't do it.
In a reasonable, relatively equitable world, it would be agreed that the short-term challenges should be shared rather than forced upon the least fortunate (unemployed stuff makers, transporters and sellers together with those employed in supporting industries). That's where concepts of a minimum income, which is easily affordable in the rich countries, comes in and "Quantitative Easing for the Masses" (rather than the financiers).
Also, the "war-effort" type government programs to reorient people to making renewables and sustainable stuff, together with getting rid of the ridiculously wasteful activities (military procurement boondoggles, the rentier profits made by the financial system, monopoly pharma profits, property speculation, replacing stuff that still works etc.) that eat up so much of the current economy. In an unreasonable world, any significant cuts to consumption will trigger a financial and economic crash with the worst effects visited upon the poorest of the population.
In the meantime, the UN IPCC assumes massive amounts of atmospheric carbon removal in the future so that we don't have to face the reality of the significant cuts required in the present. This s the "debt" that Hansen talks about, having future generations pay the bill - assuming that it will be possible to pay the bill by then.