The value of a poll like this is to help us capture what we see as the true possibilities during mid-July at what the minimum might be. Those with high confidence and those with low confidence get combined 'organically', no extra record keeping required!
If the weather I predict happens, and ice melts as I expect it to, the ASIE will be
X m km^2. If the weather is worse for ice, it will be
Y, and if it's good for ice,
X might be the average of
Y and
Z, but a skewed result is certainly possible. One might think X is just under 4.0 m km^2, over 4.5 is not possible, and 2.6 is possible 'with a GAC'. Some might say anything from 1 to 6 m km^2 is still possible, for all they know (or don't know); no other poll would allow for such a range of honesty with actual votes.
with 15 voters casting opinions, every bin is seen as a possibility by at least one of us, and yet a clear picture is already emerging. Vote your opinion and see what I see! Changing your mind is allowed.
At the end, some voter's range will not include the reported value: food for thought!
A 'winning-est winner' would be the voter who votes out all but one bin, and that bin includes the reported value.