Excellent site, thank you, NotaDenier.
Talking about Sea Level Rise, Paul Beckwith has just posted videos predicting 7 meters by 2070. Is he another Sam Carana, or is this actually within the realms of possibility?
https://paulbeckwith.net/2019/08/10/vulnerability-and-mayhem-greenland-blue-ocean-events-accelerating-sea-rise/https://paulbeckwith.net/2019/08/16/accelerating-sea-level-rise-vacation-from-increased-extreme-weather-frequency-severity-duration/In this video I expand upon my argument that global sea level will indeed rise 7 meters by 2070, as I originally discussed over 5 years ago in a video.
An Arctic Blue-Ocean Event (BOE) is likely by 2022 and will cause very large warming spikes that will further expose Greenland to:
accelerated, catastrophic ice loss with an abrupt increase in the frequency, severity, and duration of extreme weather events globally, as well as very rapid sea level rise.
As I said 5 years ago, I expect global sea level to: rise 7 m by around 2070, about 3.5 m by 2063, and about 1.75 m by 2055 or so.
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An Arctic Blue-Ocean Event (BOE) that is very likely by 2022 will cause very large Arctic warming. With no sea-ice left to melt, we lose our Arctic “refrigerator” and all that previous “latent heat” will now be “sensible heat” jacking up temperatures. This will further expose Greenland to accelerated, catastrophic ice loss with rapid sea-level rise and abrupt increases in frequency, severity, duration of extreme weather events globally.