Maybe it is not that thread per se but the whole idea.
Basically you see what they are doing or you don´t.
If you don´t you just have to read up on the arguments and study the actual science to see where they are misrepresenting stuff.
An interesting intro for basics is the discovery of global warming all the good old RealClimate stuff.
And this is the site for refuting denier stuff: it gets more technical then that read up on the field and possibly ask a pointed question.
On the other hand you can also wonder if it is worth it.
You will not convince everyone. People will disbelieve science if it does not jive with their believes. Of course this might change once their house burns down or something like that but no amount of well meant typing and actual proper arguments will sway them on the internet.
So why bother since it is mostly a waste of energy even if you could argue it all from memory.
If you want to invest energy try to get into some local activism. If your local kids go on strike join them.