I just found my 16 years old haschich storage and have hidden it.
Do you have any recommendations, for example what is a reasonable consumption per week... We are against drugs and would like him to go to zero (before 2050, it is not CO2), but have no idea at which level we have achieved our parental mission.
Also about urine test, does it make sense? Is it a tool that allows you to follow the consumption? My son says it doesn't make sense because tests stay positive during more than a week.
We asked for some counseling, I hope it will help.
Hi Etienne. First of all, don't panic! Cannabis is much less harmful than alcohol. Alcohol kills braincells, cannabis doesn't do any permanent damage. The young brain grows until the age of 25, and that's why it's not advisable to start drinking from a young age. The debate about cannabis at a young age is very much in debate. If he just uses it in the weekends, and not when he goes to school, I wouldn't worry too much. The biggest harm that cannabis can cause is that your child gets booted out of society. People who use illegal drugs are not accepted in society, and that may cause him to look for other friends that also use illegal drugs. Those are the people that will accept him.
The illegal drug users world is a different side of society, and that's why it's important that you act normal with your child. Sit down with your son, and talk about it, without judging him. Punishing him will only drive him away, into the arms of other drug users that understand him, and accept him. He'll just do it behind your back...
Cannabis can be detected for an average of 4 weeks. It gets stored in body fat. Because I'm very fat, and use a lot, it took almost 4 months before it wasn't detected anymore. So don't test. Just talk with your son. The best thing to do it to let him be open about it, that way it's not this thing anymore that he can use to rebel against his parents and the world...
My suggestion would be to learn everything you can about cannabis. I could ask around to find out what the best books are these days. I could also give you a few documentaries on YouTube, but it seems I only have a few old ones. I'd have to look for some new ones that are better if you like.
Again, don't panic! It's a medicinal plant. We all have natural cannabinoids in our bodies. It's even found in mothers milk. That's why its such a good medicine. A lot of lies have been told about this plant. The horror stories are not true! Although some kids could get into trouble with cannabis. But those cases are rare. So just communicate with your son. Let him smoke a joint if he wants. It's better than alcohol! And he's gonna be so happy when you react in a way he didn't expect. You could even make a deal with him. You hold on to his stash during weekdays, and he gets it back in the weekend. Let him smoke with his friends in the weekend. The biggest problem is that when you have a stash, you smoke it, and then it can become a daily habit, which is not recommendable...
Just be cool about it. Punishing him won't help. It would only drive him away into the arms of people that use too much, and maybe even other stuff...
Hope that helped.
Maybe this video can help you get started on your search into the world of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Feel free to ask any questions you have. I'll try to help if I can.
Good luck!