So far I have only discussed the Antarctic Peninsula in passing; however, as it has one of the fastest rates of surface warming of any location on Earth, it will likely see significant ice degradation even before the WAIS, and thus merits a closer examination. I will begin by looking at the Antarctic Peninsula, AP, ice shelves, focused on the Larsen C ice shelf (which could collapse rapidly any year now). The following three recent articles from the internet indicate that a combination of crevasses, subglacial melting and increased surface melting put these ice shelves (an particularly the Larsen C ice shelf) in increasingly worst shape:
The first article is from:"Significant glaciological and ecological changes are occurring along the Antarctic Peninsula in response to climate warming that is proceeding at 6 times the global average rate (King et al., 1994; Vaughn et al., 2003). Floating ice shelves, the extension of outlet glaciers, are responding rapidly and have lost ~28,000 km2 in the last 50 years, including the catastrophic collapse of Larsen A in 1995, Larsen B in 2002 and the Wilkins ice shelf in 2008-09 (Cook and Vaughn, 2009). Following ice shelf collapse, the outlet glaciers that nourished the ice shelves have accelerated and thinned in response to the removal of the backstress that the ice shelf provided. In the case of Larsen B, an additional -27 km3 yr-1 of ice was discharged due to the removal of this backstress (Rignot et al., 2004).
The significance of ice shelf collapse and subsequent acceleration of outlet glaciers is amplified by the fact that 40% of the Antarctic continent is ringed in ice shelves and that 80% of ice flux from the continent passes through these gates (Drewy, 1982; Jacobs et al., 1992). The climatic regime of the Antarctic Peninsula and the latitudinal changes in ice shelf stability provide a unique opportunity to study the full spectrum of ice shelf stability—from recently collapsed to fully stable—in order to gain a broader understanding of the climatic conditions and physical processes that result in ice shelf stability and instability. This understanding is essential to future estimates of ice sheet contributions to global sea level rise.
This project focuses on Larsen C, the largest remaining ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. Larsen C has a surface area of ~55,000 km2 and is composed of 12 major flow units fed by outlet glaciers (Glasser et al., 2009). Average ice thickness is ~300 m but ranges from ~500 m near the grounding line to ~250 m near the ice edge (Griggs and Bamber, 2009). "
The second abstract is from:
Basal crevasses on the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Implications for meltwater ponding and hydrofracture, By McGrath et al 2012, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, doi:10.1029/2012GL052413
"A key mechanism for the rapid collapse of both the Larsen A and B Ice Shelves was meltwater-driven crevasse propagation. Basal crevasses, large-scale structural features within ice shelves, may have contributed to this mechanism in three important ways: i) the shelf surface deforms due to modified buoyancy and gravitational forces above the basal crevasse, creating >10 m deep compressional surface depressions where meltwater can collect, ii) bending stresses from the modified shape drive surface crevassing, with crevasses reaching 40 m in width, on the flanks of the basal-crevasse-induced trough and iii) the ice thickness is substantially reduced, thereby minimizing the propagation distance before a full-thickness rift is created. We examine a basal crevasse (4.5 km in length, ~230 m in height), and the corresponding surface features, in the Cabinet Inlet sector of the Larsen C Ice Shelf using a combination of high-resolution (0.5 m) satellite imagery, kinematic GPS and in situ ground penetrating radar. We discuss how basal crevasses may have contributed to the break up of the Larsen B Ice Shelf by directly controlling the location of meltwater ponding and highlight the presence of similar features on the Amery and Getz Ice Shelves with high-resolution imagery."
The third abstract is from: melt rates on Larsen-C Ice Shelf by Jenkins, Adrian; Shepherd, Andrew; Gourmelen, Noel. 2013
During the past decade, the Larsen Ice Shelf has progressively thinned and two large sections have collapsed, catastrophically, leading to increased ice discharge into the oceans and a consequent rise in global sea level. If similar events are to occur at the remaining Larsen-C section, the fate of a tenfold greater ice reservoir hangs in the balance. Although the origin of the underlying instability has yet to be determined, only three processes can realistically be to blame; enhanced basal or surface melting, or accelerated flow. To quantify rates of basal ice melting, a phase sensitive radar was deployed on the Larsen-C Ice Shelf. The radar is a high-precision instrument that directly measures changes in thickness of the ice shelf, in contrast to indirect methods that infer basal melting from surface observation while assuming steady state. We established three radar sites on Larsen-C where time-series of satellite altimeter data are also available. The sites were revisited twice over the course of one year to measure the annual mean and summertime rates of basal melting. The annual mean measurements proved difficult to interpret because of a lack of reproducibility in the radar layer structure within the ice shelf over long periods of time. Measurements made within one summer field season proved more reliable, yielding melt rates of between 4 and 8 m yr-1 near the grounding line, near zero over the ice shelf interior and around 2 m yr-1 near the ice front. Such a spatial pattern of melting is consistent with models of the ocean circulation beneath the ice shelf, while the magnitude near the grounding line suggests that waters with temperatures above the surface freezing point reach the inner cavity at least intermittently. Temporal variability in the melt rate is a strong candidate for driving the observed thinning to the ice shelf, at least over its southern half."