Please forgive my ignorance here, but I have been puzzled about the effect of all this heat and energy that mankind has been making for the last several decades.
Besides the carbon emissions increasing the greenhouse effect and trapping more heat on earth, aren't we actually 'making' a lot more heat than used to be made on earth as well? Wouldn't this also contribute to warming? Or is the amount of human generated heat negligible?
I mean all the fossil fuels we're burning contain a lot of energy, and besides all the GHG effects the emissions make, that energy always ends up as heat in the system surely? That's got to be a lot of extra energy that had been locked away. All the car engines we have running, heating systems, hair driers, refrigerators, everything we use ends up putting more heat into the system. If we're using something that's using energy, then it's adding heat to the system, right?
So sure, I know about conservation of energy, so I think Hydro, Wind, tidal energies all have no net effect. Fossil fuels most certainly do, and solar might depending on how much extra energy is extracted by a solar panel than would otherwise be reflected? and as solar panel efficiencies increase, might that change too? Geo-thermal takes heat from deep underground and let's it into our the biosphere (after conversion between energy forms and being 'used'). Nuclear is taking huge amounts of locked away energy and releasing it into our biosphere.
My point it this: Surely, on top of the increased greenhouse effect from the carbon emissions, all this previously-locked-away-energy will also be increasing temperature, and also driving the climate to need to adjust to reach a new equilibrium to cope with the added energy before achieving energy balance again?
Does anybody know anything about this? Has mankind's energy release been calculated?
Does it need to be considered?
I for one would be put off by geothermal and nuclear power if they were actually contributing to the temperature increase. (Although their lack of carbon emissions still might make them beneficial overall.)
Any thoughts or info? How many Hiroshima bombs per day are human's releasing from locked away energy?