This poll was first posted 10 Dec 2014. Over 3 years seemed suitable delay before trying again and after lots of comments on the 'Ice free arctic' thread,1886.0.html also seemed suitable.
The original post had
Since 2013 and 2014 minimums were so high, I thought it might be an idea to have another poll to see how much later if at all people think ice free conditions will occur.
Other long term outlooks are welcome. Feel free to describe what you think will happen. If you wish that can include downloading the attachment and drawing what you think is more plausible.
To explain the attached graph:
Blue data is April Average PIOMAS volume
Yellow data is September average PIOMAS volume
Red and green are 4 parameter gompertz fits.
The straight blue line is intended to show acceleration as MYI over 2m thick collapsed due to less area, less age and thinner MYI mainly as the MYI stopped making it around the Beaufort Gyre. Once there was little MYI over 2m thick this accelerated phase dies out so that the thinning was only at a rate consistent with just FYI thinning.
The purple line descends more quickly than the blue line again aiming to be consistent with past. If there is less ice at the start of the season then albedo will be lower allowing more open water to form and more energy to be absorbed so that more ice melts. I have the difference between the two straight lines increasing from 17.8 K Km^3 in 2014 to 18.8 K Km^3 when we reach ice free.
This purple line first goes below 1000 km^3 in 2028.
Also note that the difference between 2012 and 2014 minimum volumes is nearly 3200 Km^3. Therefore while the purple line only gets down to 1000 Km^3 by 2028, it could occur any time after the purple line gets below 2600 km^3 which could be as early as 2022. I am therefore going to average 2022 and 2028 to arrive at 2025.
To this I am adding updated graphs for September and April PIOMAS volume with 4 parameter gompertz fits.
Votes should be changeable until the vote deadline. Also viewable after you have voted.
Anything else I should add? (I haven't put a link to the old poll, think I would prefer people to vote without looking to see how they compare. But open to arguments for doing so.)
Edit: in response to question, I have edited to make clear it is daily minimum per PIOMAS. Note that the graphs are of September average not daily and first year could well be ahead of any trend.