Thanks for the replies. This poll deals with 'weather' much more than 'climate', so the 'race' is more of a gymkhana* than an Olympics event. It does offer the nudge for multiple people looking at the data (maps, weather forecasts), and there is a tiny bit of payback (the good kind) for doing so.
But, like my understanding of a gymkhana, the intent is to have a good outing, enjoy the company, and raise a bob for a good cause. [Here's where I remind myself and others of the "Support & Donate" button on the
Oh, I'd 'a loved it if 10,000 people cast votes. I don't care what they voted for, but they'd have had to be on this-here forum and would get a spot of education along the way.
* - at least, the gymkhana fundraiser I once attended included a horse race where the Arabian contestant had maybe three times the distance to run as the Percheron, and tickets were sold 'randomly' (one bought a ticket and then discovered which horse was bet on). (The Arabian won, by the way, but only by 5 lengths [as I recall] - it
was exciting to watch.)