Working names for now are ESS S-1 to ESS S-5 with S for shoal. 'Left to right' in Greenland down orientation which is east to west for Siberians
ESS-1S 70.7 165.8
ESS-2S 71.6 163.5
ESS-3S 72.3 164.2
ESS-4S 72.7 161.4
ESS-5S 74.4 157.9
Animations of:
ESS-1S, worldview, aqua modis, feb2017-aug2019, non cloudy days, in gif format, lossy compression to reduce file size.
ESS-2S, ESS3S and ESS4S, worldview, aqua modis, feb2017-aug2019, every other day with lossy compression.
ESS-5S, worldview, aqua modis, feb2017-aug2019, non cloudy days, lossy compression.
A rough overlay of the bathymetry map from T. M. Cronin et al. and worldview ess, aug18 2019 showing the rough locations (poorly circled)
Tech note: using gif here to cover all OS and browser types. File sizes have been reduced as far as possible.