To provide more of the context that wili asked for about the Bassis presentation, I provide the additional background considerations:
(a) All four ice shelves that Bassis focuses on (RIS, FRIS, Amery and Larsen C) are all considered to have "cold" ocean forcing; in that after the basal crevasses are formed near the grounding lines, they tend to be healed by the infill of ice into the basal crevasse due to the "cold" ocean forcing currently present in these shelves.
(b) However, recent calculations shows that warm ocean forcing (water) is currently leaking into areas beneath these cold ice shelves and with expected changes in ocean currents these leaks of warm water inflow should accelerate, see: (i) Mayewski, P.A., Maasch, K.A., Dixon, D., Sneed, S.B., Oglesby, R., Korotkikh, E., Potocki, M., Grigholm, B., Kreutz, K., Kurbatov, A.V., Spaulding, N., Stagger, J.C., Taylor, K.C., Steig, E.J., White, J., Bertler, N.A.N., Goodwin, I., Simões, J.C., Jaña, R., Kraus, S. and Fastook, J. 2013. "West Antarctica’s Sensitivity to Natural and Human Forced Climate Change Over the Holocene", Journal of Quaternary Science 28(1), pp 40-48. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2593.; and (ii) Hellmer, H.H., Kauker, F., Timmermann, R., Determann, J., and Rae, J. (2012) "Twenty-first-century warming of a large Antarctic ice-shelf cavity by a redirected coastal current" Nature, Vol. 485, May 10, 2012, p. 225. doi: 10.1038/nature11064.
(c) Such warm ocean forcing (as discussed in point (b)) many convert some of these "cold" shelves into "warm" shelves (particularly FRIS after 2050), which could contribute to accelerated calving of such shelves (note that the ice shelves in ASE are considered "warm" and during the 1980's and 1990's there were massive calving events in this area as discussed by: MacGregor, J.A., Catania, G.A., Markowski, M.S., Andrews, A., (2012), "Widespread rifting and retreat of ice-shelf margins in the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment between 1972 and 2011", Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 58, No. 209, doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11J262.
Viewed in this light the current "cold" shelves may not be as stable as previously thought (see my discussion in the FRIS/RIS thread).