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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2016, 09:09:14 AM »
All food for thought. I never expected to see an election like this is my lifetime. Makes me wonder;
"Who is the puppet master"? Neven makes a good point!


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #51 on: August 12, 2016, 01:59:00 PM »
There's a lot of Bernie Sanders clips in the documentary, and it really makes one wonder how on Earth it is possible that Clinton became the Democratic nominee. I really don't understand that.

If Bernie would have had more of the black vote.....she wouldn't have won.  The way the primaries were done on the Democrat side....the early states had a large percentage of blacks....which went to Clinton.

Bernie would have CRUSHED Trump even much worse than Clinton likely will.

What I had written earlier still stands in my belief:  This election is the implosion of the Republican party.  Next election will be the implosion of the Democrat's party.

The elected Republican's really have done a HUGE disservice to "fiscal conservatives" over the past 20 years.  That is why Trump got the Republican nomination.  True fiscal conservatives (such as myself) HAVE NO PARTY to look to.


1)  Would NOT want to enter every war at the drop of the hat....WAY to expensive
2)  Would NOT want to ignore global warming....again...WAY TOO EXPENSIVE TO IGNORE
3)  Would NOT want to ignore the issues surrounding social security

In addition....there are issues that I believe ARE FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE....but not usually thought of in that realm:

1)  Narrowing the wealth gap.....the amount of money and investments now SITTING ON THE BALANCE SHEETS of wealthy individuals COULD create a lot of growth in the middle or lower income classes in the US.  But now......income is "funneled" to the wealthy via poor tax policy and it just "sits" on the balance sheets of the wealthy.
2)  Health care has been an absolute mess in the US for DECADES.  WAY too much cost...  It is NOT fiscally conservative to have a system that is run SOOOO poorly...especially when it is so expensive.

The implosion of the Republican party is now taking place....for all to see.  The implosion of the Democrat's has started (via Bernie) and will continue to take place.  Keep your eyes on Tulsi Gabbard....she is a Congresswoman from Hawaii....and a big Bernie backer.  She is one of the reasons that Debbie Wasserman Shultz was pushed out of being the head of the Democratic National Committee.  Gabbard is smart....well spoken....and served in the military in Iraq. 

The internet many ways....still young.  It is continuing to transform how we interact, how are politics is played out, and how we get information (news, blogs, etc).

In the US.....the "press" has done a HORRIBLE JOB during the election process.  WAY too passive, especially during the primary process.  They were a large reason why Trump got the nomination (free press coverage).  CNN should be on Trump's Christmas list....without CNN showing Trump every time he wanted to talk....he never would have got the nomination.  It also helped that CNN didn't question Trump critically....and allowed him to "lie at will" during the primary process.  That has changed during the post nomination process.

In the US....we ALLOW what is really a "fake news organization"....FOX feed lies to people.  FOX began in 1996 by Roger Ailes (who served in the Nixon administration....and was an advisor to Bush senior.  FOX is nothing more than an extension of what is now the "old Republican party".

MSNBC was formed a an "answer to FOX".  While MSNBC does a MUCH better job of being a "news organization"....they are far from perfect.

The cracking open of the Republican party is also taking place at the same time the "cracking open of FOX News" is taking place.  It is fascinating to see it play out....



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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #52 on: August 12, 2016, 03:10:05 PM »
"Cement" looks like it is starting to "set up" in Florida and North Carolina.  Both states are starting to sway into stronger territory for Clinton.  The first debate isn't until Sept 23rd I this is not setting up well for Trump.  Mr. Momentum is not in The Donald's favor right now.  If he would only quit talking... ;)

If the RNC (Republican National Committee) pulls its money from Trump in order to help the "down ballot" senators and could be a REAL bloodbath come November for Trump.  Pretty soon she will be able to pull her ad money from New Hampshire....Michigan....and other states to spread the map.  She has already pulled her ad money from Colorado and Virginia.  She is going to be spending that ad money in Georgia and Arizona instead.   If she starts to spend ad money in Texas....then that would be the signal that she is going for the "kill shot".....the potential landslide victory.

The one thing that might help....or possibly save..... an "October surprise" by Wikileaks.  Do they have anything that could rise up to the level where people would choose Trump over Clinton?  I have a feeling we are going to find out come way or the other.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2016, 04:23:42 PM »
The one thing that might help....or possibly save..... an "October surprise" by Wikileaks.  Do they have anything that could rise up to the level where people would choose Trump over Clinton?  I have a feeling we are going to find out come way or the other.

Although I'll be voting for Clinton, its like voting for the lesser of two evils. If information comes out that is seriously damaging to Clinton, you can bet it will come out in October and I'll have to find another candidate to vote for.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2016, 06:27:38 PM »
In're taught to "bitch about the call if it is close".  It's not that you will likely get the call overturned, but rather get the ref thinking about THE NEXT CALL.

Well...I think you'll be seeing some of the same thought process by the Clinton campaign soon.  As more polls continue to roll is looking worse and worse for Trump.  So Clinton may have the latitude to go into states that were once "unthinkable" order to prepare for THE NEXT ELECTION (in 2 years for some senators and all US House of Representatives).

If I were a Democrat on Clinton's campaign.....and I was about to "rout" Trump....I would be looking at trying to grow my voter base in Texas, Arizona, Georgia, and Missouri.  Because NEXT presidential election.....she may be running against Paul Ryan from Wisconsin......and he might be able to pull from Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.  So I would now EXPECT her to try and look to expand their base in case they would lose some of the "rust belt" next election.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2016, 06:52:48 PM »
Here's a great ad that would air well in well as most everywhere else:

Clinton's have already released 10 years of returns ( the way....SHOULD BE LAW for ALL people running for Senate, House of Reps, and Pres/Vice Pres.....PERIOD).

Clinton's just released their 2015 tax return.....showing a combined effective tax rate of 43% (34% federal and 9% state).  It's getting warmer at Trump campaign HQ.....but there is NO WAY IN HELL ANYONE WILL EVER SEE HIS TAX RETURNS.  EVER.

BTW......"effective tax rate" is the "income tax" divided by "taxable income".

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2016, 08:26:42 AM »
Buddy: Assuming Clinton wins the election and most likely by a wide margin, what do you think the reaction will be from Trump's supporters? Will they quietly accept the results and lay down their Trump posters or do you think they'll protest the election results? If so, how far do you think they'll carry their protest?


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2016, 03:03:02 PM »
Assuming Clinton wins the election and most likely by a wide margin, what do you think the reaction will be from Trump's supporters? Will they quietly accept the results and lay down their Trump posters or do you think they'll protest the election results? If so, how far do you think they'll carry their protest?

That's a tough question.  Trump is pretty much unhinged.  I know he won't go gracefully.  At the very least....he is likely to say the "system is rigged"......."the press is biased" (except for FOX, which is "fair and balanced:).....

The trouble is....he has ALREADY said so much crap to get people riled up....that the "seed has been planted" in anyone's mind who is susceptible to "bad behavior".

Let's just say the CHANCE for some type of bad behavior by INDIVIDUALS has been greatly increased by Trump's antics.

Hopefully...if he loses....and especially if he loses "comfortably"....that he will do so with some MINIMUM LEVEL of grace.  We'll see....

I have worked with a couple of CEO's who have been "unhinged".  And you have to realize that you are dealing with someone who is like someone who is "color blind."  Trump doesn't see what a rational person sees.  His ego has TOTAL CONTROL over him.  He is unable (not just unwilling) to "look inside himself" and ask himself critical questions.  He also has NO EMPATHY.  He is unable to put himself in someone else's shoes.....because life is ALL ABOUT THE DONALD.

That is why it is so hard to know WHAT Trump will do.  Because he is NOT rational.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #58 on: August 13, 2016, 06:58:05 PM »
It is a tough question and I have a growing concern about the aftermath of this election. The Trump base of 30 to 35% is a sizable minority. That is a lot of people who are bordering on the lunatic fringe.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2016, 09:19:14 PM »


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #60 on: August 14, 2016, 06:12:36 PM »
Next stops on the "Trump Train" (to hell) are South Carolina and Missouri.

If the train can't find the tracks....or a new engineer....Texas will then be in line to go as well.

We have 5 or 6 weeks till the debates start.....and ugly is getting uglier.  I have NEVER seen something like this in my lifetime.  Not even close.  I have never witnessed such a public melt down.  And he AND his pundits continue to just "make stuff up" as they go.

The longer Paul Ryan doesn't remove his endorsement of Trump.....the more ammo Clinton will have in 2020.
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #61 on: August 14, 2016, 06:55:02 PM »
Here's an article looking inside the Trump campaign from the New York Times, dated 8/13/16.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2016, 07:21:04 PM »
Here's some "food for thought" in case the Trump Train continues on it's "death spiral" trajectory.  I feel much like the article's author:  It's a POSSIBILITY....not a likelihood...but could happen if more and more people "jump off the train"....and Trump were to go below 35% in national polls.  His ego might finally pull the parachute....
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #63 on: August 15, 2016, 08:08:04 PM »
Kuttner's scenario is plausible and unlikely, as he himself admits. OTOH, I would not be at all surprised to see Trump pull out of the race. If he does exit the campaign, I imagine it will be at the most opportune time for him and the most inopportune time for the RNC. If he does exit, I would bet his departure will be early September.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2016, 06:13:06 PM »
Roger Ailes (ex CEO of FOX News that was fired a few weeks ago for sexual harassment) is now advising Donald Trump in preparation for the upcoming debates (Sept 26th is first debate).

The debates should be matter the outcome.  I just don't know if Trump is willing to put in the work to actually LEARN STUFF that he will need to talk about.  The first debate will have 6 "time segments" of 15 minutes....with categories to be announced at least one week before the debate:

Unless Wikileaks comes through for Trump.....he is in trouble.   Polls CONTINUE to slowly slide south for him.  Arizona and Georgia are now "slightly blue".....with Missouri and South Carolina "on deck".
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2016, 02:15:20 AM »
Judge for yourself how true you think this article is -- but it is totally logical, and quite probably what a lot of people have been thinking for some time now.  Along with recent polls showing Hillary Clinton has more than enough states favoring her to win the election by a landslide, it suggests we can worry a bit less that Trump will ever be president.

Michael Moore: Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place
He's running for president to get a better deal for "The Apprentice."
Trump was unhappy with his deal as host and star of his hit NBC show, “The Apprentice” (and “The Celebrity Apprentice”). Simply put, he wanted more money. He had floated the idea before of possibly running for president in the hopes that the attention from that would make his negotiating position stronger. But he knew, as the self-proclaimed king of the dealmakers, that saying you’re going to do something is bupkis—DOING it is what makes the bastards sit up and pay attention.

Trump had begun talking to other networks about moving his show. This was another way to get leverage—the fear of losing him to someone else—and when he “quietly” met with the head of one of those networks, and word got around, his hand was strengthened. He knew then that it was time to play his Big Card.

He decided to run for president.
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2016, 09:34:21 AM »
Reading further into Michael Moore's piece, Trump never expected his candidacy to last into the general election. It seems increasingly likely that he'll drop out of the race, most likely a couple weeks before the debates start. If and when he does, he's going to disappoint a lot of "true believers". They've been following him as if he's the messiah, where will they turn once he exits?


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #67 on: August 17, 2016, 01:02:00 PM »
Judge for yourself how true you think this article is -- but it is totally logical, and quite probably what a lot of people have been thinking for some time now.  Along with recent polls showing Hillary Clinton has more than enough states favoring her to win the election by a landslide, it suggests we can worry a bit less that Trump will ever be president.

I don't agree.....AT ALL.  I don't believe for a minute that Trump doesn't want to win.  He doesn't care about governing....but he DEFINITELY wants to win.  This is an ego thing for him...and his ego THINKS he can win.

The campaign is being reorganized with a few folks being added.  It looks like Roger Ailes is running the "whole show"(although Trump and his organization will NEVER admit to it).

An executive from Breitbart News....another FAKE news organization like FOX....has been hired.  Ailes is clearly calling the shots.  Sounds as though the campaign ads will be going up pronto...and if you live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, or can pretty much expect campaign ads from both sides....24 x 7.

Breitbart News is just to the right of FOX News (I know.....FOX is already "in the ditch"....but Breitbart is FURTHER IN THE DITCH).

FOX and Breitbart are basically EXTENSIONS of the Republican Party.  If you want to see examples of HOW NOT TO RUN A NEWS SHOW......I would turn on FOX News, especially Hannity over the coming months.  It will be much like watching the news in Russia NOW.

I expect the poll numbers to TIGHTEN nationally in coming weeks as ads for Trump go up.  How much they will tighten....I have no idea.

I see that a GOOD polling organization just came out with a Texas poll that shows Trump up by 6% in Texas.  I thought Clinton might be a little closer.  Take a read at the link posted is pretty enlightening.  Having lived in Texas for about 5 years....more than a decade ago....the results of the poll are not too surprising.

If Clinton wins...a majority of the Republicans want to secede from the US.  If Clinton wins....then the election was rigged.

The REALLY UGLY part of the election is just now starting.  Buckle up......

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2016, 01:52:34 PM »
Trump's position on climate change:

Anyone who LOVES fossil fuels....will love Trump.

By the way.....I see that Dick Cheney's daughter looks like she will be in the US House Of Representatives next year.  She just won her primary election against her Republican she is almost assured of winning the election come November in Wyoming.  She is on of fossil fuel's best friends....  Wyoming is about as "red" of a state as Oklahoma.  Funny how two of the most FOSSIL FUEL INTENSIVE STATES are Republican..... ;)

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2016, 02:34:24 PM »
Trump's "4 state strategy."

Trump HAS to win the following 4 states to win (all of them):

Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida.  If he loses ANY ONE of those states....he will lose.  If he wins those 4 states....then there is likely very LITTLE chance that he loses Arizona and Georgia.  He can lose Nevada, Colorado, and Iowa (and I think he will lose at least 2 of those)....but he HAS to win the "big 4".  If he wins the "big 4".....and assuming he wins Georgia and Arizona (but loses Nevada, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maine).....then he has a path to 273 votes.

Right now....North Carolina and Pennsylvania are problems for him....because he as about a 10% deficit to make up.  But he has brought in some "heavy hitters" from the black community to work on his message to the black community....and that is especially important for him to win North Carolina and Pennsylvania (Philadelphia especially).

Those are the 4 states I will be keeping my eyes on over the coming weeks and months....and I wouldn't expect him to step foot in any other state.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2016, 07:12:37 PM »
Judge for yourself how true you think this article is -- but it is totally logical, and quite probably what a lot of people have been thinking for some time now.  Along with recent polls showing Hillary Clinton has more than enough states favoring her to win the election by a landslide, it suggests we can worry a bit less that Trump will ever be president.

I don't agree.....AT ALL.  I don't believe for a minute that Trump doesn't want to win.  He doesn't care about governing....but he DEFINITELY wants to win.  This is an ego thing for him...and his ego THINKS he can win.

You make a good argument Buddy, but so does Michael Moore in his article. As you said, "he doesn't want to govern". If he doesn't want to govern, he's likely going to find a way to end his campaign. Having Roger Ailes on his side may help him a great deal though and I saw a Trump for president ad on the internet this morning, which I thought was well made.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #71 on: August 17, 2016, 10:22:51 PM »
Here's an article from CNN discussing Trump's new campaign management team.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2016, 10:40:42 PM »
And here is a response from a physician.....talking about the letter from Trump's "supposed doctor".  It is enlightening to say the least.

It is clear....and likely to be even CLEARER as time goes by....that Trump will do ANYTHING to get elected.  ANYTHING....
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2016, 08:26:59 AM »
And here is a response from a physician.....talking about the letter from Trump's "supposed doctor".  It is enlightening to say the least.

It is clear....and likely to be even CLEARER as time goes by....that Trump will do ANYTHING to get elected.  ANYTHING....

I find it hard to believe that anyone would think that letter could be taken seriously. I know that Trump is a megalomaniac, but this is just hard to believe. 

As far as doing ANYTHING to get elected, why would he want to be saddled with a job he doesn't want? Being so thin skinned, he'll be dealing with perceived slights and attacks on his ego on a daily basis. He wants to feed his enormous ego. Being president, his ego will be under constant assault. Then again, I'm looking at this logically and Trump isn't logical.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2016, 01:17:13 PM »
Being so thin skinned, he'll be dealing with perceived slights and attacks on his ego on a daily basis.

Remember.....Trump has been running his own company most of his life.  He surrounds himself by his family and others that DON'T QUESTION HIM.  THAT....has been "his" reality.  What he says....goes.  And a lot of it likely goes UNQUESTIONED.

At a prior job....I was talking with one of the regional finance VP's about a hospital project one time.  He was describing how the project NEVER should have been built and there were some MAJOR FLAWS in the financial assumptions.  But the President of the company (who was the company founders SON) was the initiator of the the finance VP NEVER questioned it in a critical manner.  He just let it "fly through". what happens in a dysfunctional small group where people are NOT ENCOURAGED to CRITICALLY QUESTION THINGS.

Donald Trump's "decision making process" is VERY flawed.  He doesn't seem search out REAL FACTS...and real PRO's/CON's.  Global warming is just one example.

In in the US....Republicans now have this "ball and chain" called "climate change denial" that they will have to live with for the next 20 years.  If I were a Democrat....I would NEVER let the US voters forget that.  And their "poor decision making model" applies to EVERY DECISION.

Paul Ryan's biggest negative will be having to deal with the climate change issue.  If I were a Democrat...especially NOW.....I would be tying my Republican congressmen with this issue at EVERY TURN.  Because as all of us KNOW on this site.....the issue of global warming ISN'T GOING AWAY.....IT WILL BE INTENSIFYING over the next 3 - 10 years (and longer).

Do we REALLY want ANY ELECTED OFFICIAL to be in office that has turned a "blind eye" to global warming when the TRUTH AND FACTS WERE THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE?  What OTHER ISSUES will they look at in the same fashion? why I will ALWAYS be an Independent voter.  It removes that bit of "bias" towards any issue.  I look for the truth....NOT just what my party WANTS TO BE THE TRUTH.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2016, 01:36:14 PM »
The "Trump Network":

Here's an article and a video clip from FOX's "The Five".  If you listen from about the 5:00 minute mark to the's worth a listen.

Two things:
(1)  Eric Bolling...who is an absolute idiot...tells his fans that polls don't matter.
(2)  Near the end of the video clip....there is discussion about the coming "new        network".....the "Trump Network".

I do think that Trump will at least TRY to put together some "TV product"...whether it is just a "single show" or a network like Oprah has done.  That will definitely be on "The Donald's" plate if he is to lose.  The issue will be if he can get enough people to pony up enough money to make it happen.  And having Breitbart and Ailes.......would certainly help to make that happen.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #76 on: August 19, 2016, 08:18:30 AM »
Being so thin skinned, he'll be dealing with perceived slights and attacks on his ego on a daily basis.

Remember.....Trump has been running his own company most of his life.  He surrounds himself by his family and others that DON'T QUESTION HIM.  THAT....has been "his" reality.  What he says....goes.  And a lot of it likely goes UNQUESTIONED.

As president, he wont be able to insulate himself from the public, the press, or congress. I don't believe he can handle that much scrutiny.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #77 on: August 19, 2016, 08:26:40 AM »

Quote why I will ALWAYS be an Independent voter.  It removes that bit of "bias" towards any issue.  I look for the truth....NOT just what my party WANTS TO BE THE TRUTH.

I'm a registered democrat because I agree with the democrats more than the republicans, but my vote is independent of any party line. Whether we're republican, democrat, libertarian, green or independent, we all have our biases.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 08:34:57 AM by budmantis »


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #78 on: August 19, 2016, 08:31:53 AM »
The "Trump Network":

I do think that Trump will at least TRY to put together some "TV product"...whether it is just a "single show" or a network like Oprah has done.  That will definitely be on "The Donald's" plate if he is to lose.  The issue will be if he can get enough people to pony up enough money to make it happen.  And having Breitbart and Ailes.......would certainly help to make that happen.

I agree. It sure fits his character better than running for president. Do you think the "Trump Network" will be to the right of FOX News?


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #79 on: August 19, 2016, 12:19:26 PM »
I agree. It sure fits his character better than running for president. Do you think the "Trump Network" will be to the right of FOX News?

Good question.  Depends who is calling the shots...Ailes or Bannon.  The question you ask is like asking "how far in the ditch are they going to be."

Let's just HOPE that they indeed have the time to try and put together something like that....because that would mean that Trump would have lost the election.

Just make sure you get ALL YOUR FRIENDS...FAMILY....AND RELATIVES OUT TO VOTE.  And show them exactly who Donald Trump is....and isn't.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #80 on: August 19, 2016, 01:59:50 PM »
In regards to your question about what type of news program or news station that Donald Trump might me to thinking further.

There are ONLY TWO THINGS that we do in human's "waking hours".  We make decisions....and we execute on decisions.  THAT IS IT.  Sometimes....someone else makes the decision and we execute it.  Sometimes a group makes a decision.....sometimes we make our own decision and we execute it.  But DECISION MAKING AND EXECUTION are the only two things we do all day long....thousands of times a day.

In a society...we need GOOD INFORMATION in order to make GOOD DESICIONS.  If we make decisions based on bad information or lies....then we will have a bad outcome, or a less than ideal outcome.  And where the "press" comes into play.

In the US.....the "freedom of free speech" has been used by many as a LICENSCE TO LIE.  Some examples:

1)  The tobacco industry lying for DECADES
2)  Steroid athletes lying for years....
3)  Performance enhancing drug athletes like Lance Armstrong lying for DECADES
4)  The fossil fuel industry LYING FOR DECADES
5)  Donald Trump.....lying whenever he opens his mouth
6)  Ryan Lochte (US swimmer) recently caught lying
7)  FOX News:  Lying for decades on climate change and a LOT of other issues....DAILY

In the US....some people and organizations use the "freedom of speech" to lie.  And where FOX News, Breitbart News....Sean Hannity...Rush Limbaugh....Alex Jones....and now Donald Trump....have created this "new reality" that they create with their lies.

In the past....other US media outlets have been unwilling to "call them out" for their lies.  I think that is beginning to change.....because CNN, by their PASSIVE NATURE during the time leading up to the Republican Convention.....ALLOWED Donald Trump to lie continuously WITHOUT aggressively challenging him.  That has now changed since the convention.....but CNN and others ALWAYS should have AGRESSIVELY pointed out lies by ANY CANDIDATE.

The "come to Jesus" moment regarding anthropogenic climate change is QUICKLY APPROACHING for FOX News/Joe Bastardi/Sean Hannity/Bill O'Reilly, etc......  And there is a LONG VIDEO RECORD of their lies/misstatement/misleading statements/bias, etc.

In the US...we now have ONE CANDIDATE for president that DOESN'T BELIVE IN ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE....and that is Donald Trump.  It could be the "tipping point" in the campaign over the next 80 some days.  As fires continue out of control in Louisiana recovers from the worst flooding since Katrina......and as the Arctic ice sheet heads to a new record low or close to a record lows......this ONE ISSSUE where Clinton and Trump are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED....could end up being the tipping point in the election.

I would hope that ALL OF YOU point out the difference between how a Clinton or Trump presidency would react to global warming.....and I hope that you all talk with family/friends/relatives to vote for Clinton (or against Trump).


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2016, 03:18:40 PM »
More information coming from Ukraine....tying Paul Manafort (Trump's campaign manager) to payments from the ousted Ukranian regime (now residing in Russia).

I'm sure the Democrat's will bridge the "budding bromance" between Putin and "Comrade Trump" with this and other information.
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #82 on: August 19, 2016, 04:48:52 PM »
I agree. It sure fits his character better than running for president. Do you think the "Trump Network" will be to the right of FOX News?

Good question.  Depends who is calling the shots...Ailes or Bannon.  The question you ask is like asking "how far in the ditch are they going to be."

I think the first talk show host they would hire away from Fox would be Sean Hannity.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #83 on: August 19, 2016, 06:09:25 PM »
First things first...

Trump is going to be putting on a full court press to try and win the election. job one for him now.  He will do and say ANTHING to do that.  Apparently....he will even act "tolerable" now.

They fired Manafort today.  Ailes is calling the shots on that.  Ailes is the king maker in this setup.

Banon will be the field "operative" digging up anything and everything he can.

His new "campaign manager" will be overseeing the " do I make him look like a President" types of things.  Like....going to Louisiana to check in on the flood victims.

The trouble Trump that he has a years worth of video showing him to act like a bigoted idiot that doesn't have the temperament to be president.  So now....for the next 80 some days....he has to fool enough people into believing that he is a "changed man" with a mild temperament.

There are a LOT of gullible people out there......  Look at all the people that voted for him before.

So before you start talking about a new show or channel starring "The Donald".....people have to make SURE HE DOESN'T GET INTO OFFICE.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #84 on: August 20, 2016, 02:06:47 AM »
I understand your concerns Buddy, but I think you're getting carried away. I don't want to see Trump become president either, however the odds are very long. Trump network is far more likely to happen.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #85 on: August 20, 2016, 05:09:08 PM »
I understand your concerns Buddy, but I think you're getting carried away. I don't want to see Trump become president either, however the odds are very long. Trump network is far more likely to happen.

I happen to think the odds are long myself.  But NEVER.....EVER....underestimate your "foe".  EVER.  Just as Michael Dukakis.  Take a look at the link below for some reality as to what can happen:

It is EARLY.....and there is PLENTY of well as historical precedence....for Trump to make up ground.

I would LOVE for Clinton to SQUASH Trump by 20.  But I look at reality....

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #86 on: August 20, 2016, 06:26:01 PM »
Thanks for the article. I followed the 1988 campaign pretty closely, but had forgotten how big the post convention bounce was.

In order for Trump to come even close to winning, he's going to have to be a completely different candidate than he's shown so far. There's no way he can keep up that façade for long.

The only thing that worries me is a late October surprise that if damaging enough would tip the scales and put Trump over the top. That aside, I'd like to see Clinton win by 20% too but her unfavorables are too high for that to happen.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #87 on: August 21, 2016, 07:34:19 PM »
This may sound counter-intuitive, however, I believe that the less Hillary and her campaign talk about Climate Change during the 2016 election, the better off her campaign will be.

My rationale for this is that a significant number of Republicans and independents are indicating that they either will, or might, vote for Hillary because they view Trump as being totally unfit to be President.  Sadly, a good number of those same voters may believe that Climate Change is a hoax. Too much conversation about Climate Change may cause them to switch back to voting for Trump.

Between now and the election, the Republicans are going to continue to hammer away at Hillary over her past decisions and actions.  This will include any number of blatant lies and unfounded conspiracy theories. The only thing that could cause Hillary to lose the election would be the release of damning evidence that can not be refuted.

As it stands now, Hillary will probably win the election and the Democrats will gain control of the Senate.  This means that the Republican controlled House of  Representatives will not be able to completely defund Climate Change research.

In my humble opinion, this is  the best we can hope for in 2016.
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #88 on: August 21, 2016, 07:51:24 PM »
This may sound counter-intuitive, however, I believe that the less Hillary and her campaign talk about Climate Change during the 2016 election, the better off her campaign will be.

My rationale for this is that a significant number of Republicans and independents are indicating that they either will, or might, vote for Hillary because they view Trump as being totally unfit to be President.  Sadly, a good number of those same voters may believe that Climate Change is a hoax. Too much conversation about Climate Change may cause them to switch back to voting for Trump.

I agree and Clinton's main focus should continue to be Trump being unfit to serve as President. It just occurred to me that the term "serve" is probably not in Trump's vocabulary, unless he plays tennis or volleyball.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #89 on: August 22, 2016, 06:05:43 AM »
Hard to have any feel for how things are going from afar. Trump can't be allowed to win, but I wish that an alternative to Hillary was possible.
I don't doubt her climate change bonafides, but her stance re. Russia scares me. Unfortunately I fear impending conflict even more than I fear impending warming.
My wife asked me who she should vote for, (she's still an American), and I held my nose and advised Hillary. If she starts a war I'll forever rue those words.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #90 on: August 22, 2016, 08:40:14 AM »
Here's an article from the NY Times about Sean Hannity and his involvement with the Trump campaign.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #91 on: August 22, 2016, 12:43:33 PM »
I don't doubt her climate change bonafides, but her stance re. Russia scares me.

If Donald Trump CAN'T make a good decision on climate change even with the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence......what kind of decisions is he going to make when the information is far less assured?  Evidence on economic issues is anything BUT CLEAR.  Evidence on foreign relations is many times murky.  If he can't make a good decisions when evidence is clear....what types of decisions is he going to make when it isn't clear?

Donald Trump discusses foreign policy with...... DONALD TRUMP.  Does anyone REALLY think he will make good decisions?  Let's see what Donald says:

As much as I am NOT a big Hillary fan.....this is the easiest choice I have made for President EVER...and I am an Independent voter.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #92 on: August 22, 2016, 01:06:25 PM »
One more thing.....

A good way to judge what a person is by those he surrounds himself with.  So who are Trump's two closest advisors?

1)  Roger Ailes:  The founder of FOX News.....easily the most dishonest "network" on television.  In addition....Ailes sounds as though he is a sexual predator at work.

2)  Stephen Bannon:  The former CEO of "Breitbart News" "alt right" blog that is worse than FOX News.  I know....that seems impossible.  Think of Breitbart News as a MORE BIGGOTED.....a more NARROW MINDED FOX News.  You know those trashy entertainment magazines they always have at the check out stand in your grocery store?  Breitbart News is the political version of those.

So if those are Trump's two top advisors.....what does that say about Donald Trump and the types of decisions he will make?
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #93 on: August 22, 2016, 02:37:56 PM »
Here's a good article about Trump from a VERY REPUBLICAN (conservative) blog....Redstate.  It is well worth the read and nails Trump PERFECTLY:

By the way......that country that Trump wants to "make great again".....ended up with 121 medals at the Olympics (46 gold).  The US also ended up with the largest margin between its 121 medals....and the second place country China's 70 medals......since the 1932 Olympics.

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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #94 on: August 22, 2016, 09:40:01 PM »
Buddy: In regards to Trump, I think you're preaching to the choir. I expect that 98% or more of the members of this forum have similar feelings about Trump.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #95 on: August 22, 2016, 09:45:21 PM »
By the way......that country that Trump wants to "make great again".....ended up with 121 medals at the Olympics (46 gold).  The US also ended up with the largest margin between its 121 medals....and the second place country China's 70 medals......since the 1932 Olympics.

I'm happy the U.S. did so well at the Olympics, but is our supposed athletic superiority a true measure of our country being great?


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #96 on: August 22, 2016, 10:49:27 PM »
Interesting article.  I guess if Trump wants good coverage and no hard questions....there is only one place to go:
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #97 on: August 23, 2016, 01:08:39 AM »
By the way......that country that Trump wants to "make great again".....ended up with 121 medals at the Olympics (46 gold).  The US also ended up with the largest margin between its 121 medals....and the second place country China's 70 medals......since the 1932 Olympics.

I'm happy the U.S. did so well at the Olympics, but is our supposed athletic superiority a true measure of our country being great?

Any greatness that was achieved by the US athletes in the competition was erased by the juvenile and offensive behavior of Ryan Lochte and the other member of the swimming team that behaved so poorly.  Since Lochte is 32 years old and well funded, there is no earthly excuse for his behavior. I will not accept "boys will be boys" as an excuse.

Admittedly, I was a bit carefree in my late teens and early twenties, however, there came a time when I had matured enough to behave myself, particularly when I've represented my country in foreign lands.
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #98 on: August 23, 2016, 02:11:43 AM »
Any greatness that was achieved by the US athletes in the competition was erased by the juvenile and offensive behavior of Ryan Lochte and the other member of the swimming team that behaved so poorly.  Since Lochte is 32 years old and well funded, there is no earthly excuse for his behavior. I will not accept "boys will be boys" as an excuse.

I agree....wholeheartedly.  He DEFINITELY tarnished what others achieved.  And I see that Ralph Lauren and Speedo canceled their contracts with him.  A foolish night's antics.....  I hope he learns.  As far as his swimming career with the US is likely over.

But on the OTHER was WONDERFUL to see some great athletes (from the US and other countries) perform extremely well....and show some great sportsmanship.

I LOVE the Olympic games.  Glad to see Mo Farah win the 5K and 10K (for Great Britain).  GREAT RUNNER...  And GB had a GREAT Olympics....

All in all....a great Olympics....
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #99 on: August 23, 2016, 03:57:42 PM »
Trump cancels rallies in Oregon, Nevada, and Colorado:

As I said a week ago.....Trump has to take Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.  ALL OF THEM.  I think we will see him ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY in those 4 states over the remainder of the campaign except when it "doubles" as a donation raising trip.

The more time he wastes in states like Oregon, Virginia, Colorado...etc....the better it is for Clinton.

You can "create your own map" (link below) and you will see that given today's numbers....those 4 states are MUST HAVES by Trump.
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