Is it different when the US does it? Is it in fact good because it's for freedom and democracy?
A simple answer; "US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships" is on the list : doesn't mean the information is not correct, but one should be careful.
Let's take a look at this statement : "US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships".
There are two parts to that statement :
1) Which countries do you designate as having a 'Dictatorship' and
2) Which countries does the US provide Military training to.
As to the first question, came up with their own metric. I'm not going to get into the details as to where I dispute their metric, since that would take much more time. For the moment, just note that it is THEIR OWN metric, not some universal truth.
As to the second question, they quote this report by the US as evidence : states :
The report contains approximately 55,900 individual events. In Fiscal Year 2015,
approximately 76,400 students from 154 countries participated in training, the total cost of
which was approximately $876.5 million.
The US provides military training to 154 countries which is 79% of our planet's 195 countries.
So for sure there will be some countries that by their own metric designated as 'Dictatorships'.
The reason that the US is involved in training military around the world, is that a well trained military commits fewer atrocities than an untrained military.
Reason, people. Reason.
[edit] I just realized that the 154 countries trained does not include NATO countries.
That brings the total number of countries that the US is training or is friendly with much closer to 100 %. So the list of countries that the US is NOT engaging with is much smaller, and includes only countries that are, or may become hostile to the US, or are gross human rights violators. Like North Korea, and Iran, and Syria, and Russia and China.'s list includes moderate countries like Ethiopia, which has a democracy in place, and term limits, and is not threatening anyone.
Which exposes more a problem with's list of "Dictatorships" than it does with the US policy of training professional military personnel around the world.