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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1500 on: February 17, 2017, 05:08:30 PM »

Relying on the occasional good moods of the autocrat or saying soothing things about how he doesn’t really mean it—look, he pays the mortgage!—is exactly how desperate families reconcile themselves to abusive fathers. It would be nice to buy the more benevolent view. What rational person wants to live in a time of perpetual crisis? But, try as one might, no reasonable person can. For to buy in is to buy into blindness; it is to pretend that a good policy (or a good man) can have a poisonous wrapping, and that a toxin known too well to history will this time somehow dissolve harmlessly, all on its own. It won’t.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1501 on: February 17, 2017, 05:40:04 PM »
Who cares about tensions with those Russian commies, as long as Donny Tinyhands is impeached? By any means necessary.

While others in this thread believe that Trump will be impeached, I am not one of those posters.  With GOP control of the executive, legislative, and judicial breaches, impeachment of Trump is unlikely.  Instead, just as Russia is now theoretically a 'democracy' while in reality it is a kleptocracy; so America will likely remain a theoretically 'democracy' while rapidly becoming a kleptocracy under the Trump administration (note Trump has already claimed that Mar-a-Lago is the Winter While House).  Further as Trump succeeds, this isolationist alt-right populist trend will accelerate its spread to other countries (like The Netherlands).

GOP congressional leadership will need to proceed with some form of investigations and hearings wrt Russian influence and Trump connections, but they can slow play the process while prioritizing fiscal and social legislative goals.  There are indications that both healthcare reform and tax policy strategy are facing significant obstacles, so if those two keystones collapse it leaves Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan with less motivation to tolerate Trump.  Of course other variables and events yet unknown will continue to exert influence, so it's possible the Executive branch consolidates more power and builds a moat around Trump, or at the other extreme Trump continues to erode his legal and moral standing among critical allies and constituencies, leaving continued support by GOP leadership as unsustainable.

IMO if there is any early exit, it will likely be related to a health crisis.  Depending on where the Russia allegations and intelligence community maneuvering goes, there is still the possibility of legislative branch proceedings.  The determining factor there for the GOP will not be one of constitutional duty, but more so related to perceived threats in the 2018 election cycle.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1502 on: February 17, 2017, 05:45:31 PM »
When a magician is performing......he wants YOU to keep an eye on what he wants you to see.  He tries to draw your attention away from what he DOESN'T want you to see.  The same holds true for "con men" (right Donnie) and investment banks (same thing:).

One of the things you need to keep your eyes on THIS oil and gas.  It is DEEPLY imbedded in the issues of Trump's presidency, his cabinet, Russia, etc.  In fact BOTH fossil fuels.......AND.....investment banks are deep into Donnies pockets.

I think Russia, Saudi Arabia, and many large oil and gas companies have BADLY (Bigly ;)) misplayed their hands.  Saudi Arabia will be doing an IPO of Saudi Aramco this year....and "secondary issues" in subsequent try to get "value" for their oil and gas holdings before they end up with "stranded assets" (assets that will become worthless as renewables continue to drop in price and make it uneconomical to drill for oil and gas).

That is the whole backdrop to Trump's cabinet.......especially Rex Tillerson.....and his relationship with Russia.

I expect oil prices....especially of large O&G companies like deteriorate further THIS YEAR.  They will likely find an "intermediate term bottom" sometime this year....and maybe get a good bounce for a year or two.  But they already started their LONG TERM downturn in 2014.....and they have a LONG AND WINDING ROAD DOWN ahead of them in the coming decade or two.

You're also going to see renewables....instead of trading in the "same direction" as oil and will see them push higher.  This is going to create some REAL PROBLEMS for some of the Mideast well as for Russia.....and large oil and gas companies (Rex got out just in time).  The Mideast countries as well as some northern African countries now realize that the world is moving QUICKLY away from oil and gas.....and to renewables.   But Saudi Arabia has ALL THAT OIL which will not be used to burn for much longer.  There WILL BE uses for it....but not for internal combustion engines.  And even the cutbacks that OPEC has made are not going to be enough to stem the downturn in oil price at least for most of this year.

But Russia and the oil and gas players will NOT go down without a fight.  And now they have someone unethical enough like Tillerson to help fight for them at least over the next year or two until the only people lobbying for oil and gas will be Joe Bastardi, Sean Hannity, and FOX News.

The "investment bank magicians" will have their hands full this year trying to sell investors on the long term value of Saudi Aramco.  And the Trump cabinet will be working with Russia and others to try and prop up the price of oil.

This is just starting to get fun........KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN.....AS WELL AS YOUR MIND.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1503 on: February 17, 2017, 05:53:57 PM »
Re: Kucinich

Kucinich has form, not always consistent. He caved on the public option for healthcare after intense pressure from Obama. Then his congressional seat vanished as Ohio lost population due to outmigration and enhanced mortality among the poor. Healthcare premiums surged as he had once foretold, the last straw being a spike of 25-60% just before the 2016 election.  And Trump took rural Ohio. Some might say these events are connected.

On the other hand, perhaps it was the Russians.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1504 on: February 17, 2017, 05:54:38 PM »
Jimmy Dore weighs in on what Kucinich is saying:

! No longer available

This, to me, seems important:

This isn't about whether you're for or against Donald Trump. Hello? This is about whether or not the American people are bystanders in a power play inside the intelligence community, the outcome of which could determine our relationships with Russia, and whether or not billions of dollars are going to be spent in a new Cold War.

Why aren't the American people hearing this stuff on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc? Why, of all places, does something this intelligent and self-evident have to come out of the Fox hellhole?

I'm surprised at how easily people let themselves be used by the military-industrial complex. And also about how everything is now about the war against Trump, instead of the question: How did it get to this? And is what we're doing now, helping to solve that?

Why not let Trump sit for a while, instead of getting replaced by a Republican puppet who will carry out more or less the same policies (worse in some areas, better in others, depending on what the donors want), and focus on winning the Senate, the Congress, all the other stuff at the federal level, and ultimately the White House back, by reforming the Democratic Party into what it used to be: A party for the workers and the people? A Trump who is screwing up, fighting battles with the Republicans, is the ideal recipe to win all of that back.

Because the damage needs to be contained as much as possible, or otherwise the kleptocrats are turning the US into a fascist police state? First of all, the damage is already done, okay? It was done when the DNC and the Clinton dynasty f**ed over Bernie Sanders. And the kleptocrats, who control both Republicans and Democrats, have already gone a long way into turning the US into a fascist police state? And not just people in the US, but in many countries all over the world are suffering from that.

Why this constant, incessant obstruct-hysteria on every single issue? It's going to keep the Democrats losing, because more and more people are turned off by it, seeing as the Democrats have fully morphed into Republicans, in their politics, in their corruption, in their behaviour.

Trump is not the problem. There are much larger problems, and in the end Trump will only serve as smoke and mirrors, while most of his policies (and worse!) get carried out anyway, when everybody goes asleep again, because some pretty face smooth talker has been made POTUS.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1505 on: February 17, 2017, 06:17:01 PM »
Who cares about tensions with those Russian commies, as long as Donny Tinyhands is impeached? By any means necessary.

While others in this thread believe that Trump will be impeached, I am not one of those posters.  <SNIP>

not sure about others but i wouldn't say that i "believe" that he will be impeached but more probably one could say that the wish "hope" is that father of the thought :-) thanks for elaborating, always good to hear (read) different opinions, approaches and arguments. :D


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1506 on: February 17, 2017, 06:24:12 PM »

i know you don't mean it exactly that condescending way as it sounded but still worth to point out that one of the main reasons that Putin nowadays gives a sh... about what others think is that he was treated with too much condescending disrespect and cheated and lied to all over ( NATO, Rockets again Iran etc)

i want to make clear that i do not condone the way he got hold of Crimea but it's not totally out of what can understand, depending on the stand point.

further we have to accept (or should accept) that russia is one of the countries that cannot be conquered as well as not otherwise extinct as a society as well as it's one of the countries that can wipe the rest of the world out (of course be getting wiped out themselves in the process) hence we and the world have allr reasons to live with that fact and pay the appropriate amount of respect towards that fact.

last but not least, russia is definitely not communist anymore, i refer to the term "commies"

this is only meant to put a few things right, no outright criticism or offense meant for sure.

have a nice weekend @all


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1507 on: February 17, 2017, 06:40:48 PM »
Noted corporate Democrat and Russian hacking victim John Podesta provides commentary on similarities of Trumps actions wrt Putin and potential implications.

"Trump is attempting to build a hall of mirrors where even our most basic sensory perceptions are shrouded in confusion. He is emulating the successful strategy of Vladimir Putin.

In “Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible,” Peter Pomerantsev, a British citizen of Russian origin, chronicles his firsthand experience in Russia’s television industry. Pomerantsev sheds light on Russia’s whirling media landscape and propaganda machine to show how Putin’s political puppet masters prey on the modern appetite for drama and entertainment to blur the line between fact and fiction.

He writes: “the Kremlin has finally mastered the art of fusing reality TV and authoritarianism to keep the great, 140-million-strong population entertained, distracted, constantly exposed to geopolitical nightmares, which if repeated enough times can become infectious.”
"If Trump succeeds, something fundamental will be lost. Russians hear something on TV and assume it’s a lie. That attitude of reflexive cynicism makes it impossible to know the death toll from an industrial accident or a terrorist incident, or the risk to their kids of drinking the water, or even the results of the last election. It ruins everything."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1508 on: February 17, 2017, 06:51:57 PM »
Thanks Neven

I find myself agreeing with Dore on many issues & appreciate it when you post a link to his latest.

Kucinich and Dore seem focused on the Cold War issue. I wouldn't want us to go back there, but my fear is of a Hot War, and I believe that's where the intelligence community is heading.

The bombing issue that they both reference didn't just kill many Serbian soldiers, it was intended to, and almost did alter the course of the conflict. The Russian response was a bunker buster that took out the CIA & MI6  command center, with lots of "higher ups". They then proceeded to clean out Aleppo.




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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1509 on: February 17, 2017, 06:58:20 PM »
After a lifetime of delivering "the strongest liberal perspective", on Tuesday Kucinich told the American people to "Wake up", that this isn't an anti-Trump game, but rather an anti-Russian game. He fears that the "Deep State" is fighting Trump in order to ramp up hostilities against Russia.

This <8 min. interview is well worth the listen.

An interesting message from a very liberal democrat.


Thanks, Terry. Interesting indeed. Who cares about tensions with those Russian commies, as long as Donny Tinyhands is impeached? By any means necessary.

I think Trump in the White House is far more dangerous than poor relations with Russia.  Russia, despite having nukes, is not that important.  I don't think the intelligence community is leaking information about Trump's Russia connections to reignite the Cold War, I think they're alerting the public to Trump's untrustworthiness.

Trump's souring relations with China is far more dangerous.  China is a far larger economy, with powerful influence in Asia and elsewhere.  Or starting a war with Iran, as another example, would be worse than a resumed Cold War.  Or nuking N. Korea, something else Trump might do.

If a sitting President is being unduly influenced by *any* foreign power, it's the responsibility of the CIA to investigate.  I don't think leaking such intelligence to the press is necessarily irresponsible, it may be necessary.  Who else but the public is going to demand action?

Leaks are, ultimately, a form of forced transparency in governance.  Selective leaks can be an abuse of power. But I don't see that what's been leaked here is so different from The Pentagon Papers, a leak which undermined support for the Vietnam War and the Presidency, but which served an important and valid purpose for America.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1510 on: February 17, 2017, 07:01:40 PM »
To impeach/remove or not to impeach/ the question.

Keep in mind....that is a FUTURE EVENT...and with all future events there is some uncertainty.  Nobody can say he will....or will removed from office with certainty.

There are 3 things required.....of which, only 1 has been satisfied so far:

1)  He has to have committed an "impeachable/removeable offense"...either before taking office or during his time in office.

2)  The US House of Representatives has to bring charges of impeachment with a simple majority of THOSE PRESENT AND VOTING required for the article of impeachment to pass.

3)  The US Senate then will be the body that adjudicates the "trial".  For it to pass....a 2/3 majority is needed in the senate (by the way....I am not sure if that is 2/3 of those voting in the Senate...or 2/3 of the total senators).

A fourth item needed before articles impeachment would actually be started and then that he be WILDLY UNPOPULAR.  And where (1) poll numbers (2) marches, (3) giving speeches which make him look crazy,  etc come into play.

That is how the Nixon resignation took place.  They didn't have to impeach him.....he knew if he didn't quit, however, THE VOTES WERE THERE TO IMPEACH HIM.

So......Donnie will need to work on getting his poll numbers LOWER......and march organizers will likely be working on getting their march numbers HIGHER.  And BOTH will be required.

In order to get the votes to impeach.......Trump's numbers will have to be "impeachable numbers".  Nixon's approval rating was 25% when he was forced out of office.  If Donnie's numbers get down to that level.....I think there will be enough BIPARTISAN support to impeach.  In other words.....the Senators and House Reps will have to have a LOT of pressure on them from their LOCAL constituencies.  Again....that is where poll numbers come in...and marches.

Remember....he is ONLY 1 month into his term....and he already has a head start on Tricky Dick.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1511 on: February 17, 2017, 07:20:34 PM »
One of the things you need to keep your eyes on THIS oil and gas.  It is DEEPLY imbedded in the issues of Trump's presidency, his cabinet, Russia, etc.  In fact BOTH fossil fuels.......AND.....investment banks are deep into Donnies pockets.

The linked article is entitled: “Gazprom Neft: Continuing To Have Faith In The Arctic", & it makes it seem that Russia believes that its Arctic oil & gas reserves will not be stranded due to continuing demand for fossil fuels:

Extract: “Gazprom Neft continues to invest heavily in its Arctic fields, despite the fact that all other areas have fled the region.

The Arctic has tremendous resources and it is highly unlikely that society will ever stop using fossil fuels.

In late 2013, Gazprom Neft began producing oil at the Prirazlomnoye field, the first production Arctic oil field in Russia.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1512 on: February 17, 2017, 07:24:51 PM »
And if you thought I was "bullish" on impeachment....then DON'T read the article below.  He thinks it will happen in WEEKS (I don't share that view.....although anything is possible with Trump.....ANYTHING):

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1513 on: February 17, 2017, 07:33:16 PM »
One of the things I find disconcerting is the continual attack on Trump's Russian connections & the relative silence on Trump's policies. Policies that we expect that the Democrats at least would find objectionable.

Where is the outrage re. Trump's coal policy. Are the protesters ready to end his presidency because he reopened Keystone? Does Tillerson have problems because he represents fossil fuels, or because he's known in Moscow?

With so many reasons to attack Trump available, why the incessant drone about Russia.


I didn't think that anyone still believed that the Russian Government had anything to do with Podesta's leaked e-Mail. Were they also responsible for putting them onto Weiner's hard drive? or would that have had something to do with his wife, and Hillary's vice chair.
The Russians denied it and wikileaks denied it, though Assange did offer $20,000 for leads to Seth Rich's killer(s).
Probably a good thing that the democrats fired their IT guys, you remember the Awan brothers don't you?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1514 on: February 17, 2017, 07:36:00 PM »
Imagine you are on an of those "fancy schmancy" elevators at the Trump Towers....and your heading down:

45th floor:  Donnie started here on day 1

40th floor:  Donnie was here after 3 weeks

38th floor:  Donnie is now here........ :'(

Fortunately for Donnie.....women's lingerie is also on the 25th I guess there IS some consolation for him....
« Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 08:08:15 PM by Buddy »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1515 on: February 17, 2017, 07:57:50 PM »
Most of the outrage and revulsion towards Trump is in fact directly driven by his policy agenda and so called values system and vision that he's laid out for America. 

Concern and suspicion over the Russia allegations and Trump's positioning towards Putin and his statements about Russia is largely authentic. 

But concerned parties understand that Trump cannot be scandalized or driven from office due to his coal policies, but can in fact be isolated and potentially unseated via constitutional procedures related to acting as an agent of a foreign government and its undermining of American sovereignty.

It's really sad that a critical mass of Americans lack a similar level of concern and motivation to hold politicians accountable for their views and policies on fossil fuels, but it's just not reality within the electorate, at this moment in history.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1516 on: February 17, 2017, 08:15:19 PM »
One of the things I find disconcerting is the continual attack on Trump's Russian connections & the relative silence on Trump's policies. Policies that we expect that the Democrats at least would find objectionable.

Trump really hasn't gotten to his policy issues yet.  All he has are his four "pronouncements":

1)  Build a wall
2)  Exclude muslims
3)  Lower taxes
4)  Lower regulations

His EPA director isn't in place yet.....and with the a LOT of luck he won't be (if they are able to stall until next week when his emails are unearthed).  NOTE:  Scratch that....he was voted in today.  April 22nd march crowds just went up another 10%.......

His policies are just going to make things WORSE for Donnie and his poll numbers.....if and when those policies start rolling out.

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1517 on: February 17, 2017, 08:27:07 PM »
And if you thought I was "bullish" on impeachment....then DON'T read the article below.  He thinks it will happen in WEEKS (I don't share that view.....although anything is possible with Trump.....ANYTHING):

The linked article is entitled: “There's one thing going right for Trump".  As Bill Clinton said: "Its the economy stupid".

Extract: “Headlines claim the White House is in "chaos" after an extremely turbulent week. But there's one big thing going right for Trump right now: The U.S. economy.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1518 on: February 17, 2017, 08:36:59 PM »
One of the things I find disconcerting is the continual attack on Trump's Russian connections & the relative silence on Trump's policies. Policies that we expect that the Democrats at least would find objectionable.

Where is the outrage re. Trump's coal policy. Are the protesters ready to end his presidency because he reopened Keystone? Does Tillerson have problems because he represents fossil fuels, or because he's known in Moscow?

With so many reasons to attack Trump available, why the incessant drone about Russia.

Why focus on Russia, rather than other issues?  Because taming or firing Trump will require actions by Republicans in power.  Trump being being beholden to Russia can do that, complaining about policy decisions won't.  To be sure, Pence's policies about the environment won't be any better, but at least Pence will think twice about antagonizing China, or deporting dreamers, or launching a war against Iran, or nuking N. Korea, or threatening to invade Mexico.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1519 on: February 17, 2017, 08:56:36 PM »
It's really sad that a critical mass of Americans lack a similar level of concern and motivation to hold politicians accountable for their views and policies on fossil fuels, but it's just not reality within the electorate, at this moment in history.

Fortunately......we won't need the electorate.  The ECONOMICS are killing fossil fuels.  Obama didn't kill coal.  Nat gas and renewables killed coal.  Same thing is happening to oil and gas now from renewables.  They (fossil fuels) don't stand a chance.....and now they are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Here are hybrid cars on google.  Every week they increase.  And same for electrics:

People don't understand just how close we are to "shunning" fossil fuel cars.  And as we come closer to that day in a couple years.....NOBODY is going to want a fossil fuel car.....because it will be "dead car walking." what is killing fossil fuels:  The market.

Saudi Aramco should have IPO'd 3 - 4 years ago. analysts are looking at financial statements with an eye towards "stranded assets" that they will NEVER be able to recoup.

Oil and gas companies with too much debt are "dead man walking" because they won't be able to get out from under it.  There will be some big oil companies that survive....but there will be a LOT of them going under in the next 5 - 10 years. 

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1520 on: February 17, 2017, 09:13:43 PM »
It's really sad that a critical mass of Americans lack a similar level of concern and motivation to hold politicians accountable for their views and policies on fossil fuels, but it's just not reality within the electorate, at this moment in history.

Fortunately......we won't need the electorate.  The ECONOMICS are killing fossil fuels.  Obama didn't kill coal.  Nat gas and renewables killed coal.  Same thing is happening to oil and gas now from renewables.  They (fossil fuels) don't stand a chance.....and now they are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Here are hybrid cars on google.  Every week they increase.  And same for electrics:

People don't understand just how close we are to "shunning" fossil fuel cars.  And as we come closer to that day in a couple years.....NOBODY is going to want a fossil fuel car.....because it will be "dead car walking." what is killing fossil fuels:  The market.

Saudi Aramco should have IPO'd 3 - 4 years ago. analysts are looking at financial statements with an eye towards "stranded assets" that they will NEVER be able to recoup.

Oil and gas companies with too much debt are "dead man walking" because they won't be able to get out from under it.  There will be some big oil companies that survive....but there will be a LOT of them going under in the next 5 - 10 years.

Be careful about underestimating the persistence of and longevity of fossil fuel interests.  :-)

Certainly the economics, driven primarily by rapidly evolving technology, will continue to solidify the case for renewables.  The automobile example as presented is largely a developed world frame.  The reality will likely be different for the hundreds of millions across emerging markets and regions.

IMO technology related to driverless vehicles will more rapidly transform the auto and transportation industries sooner than any large scale transition to renewable powered vehicles.  Also, the case for individual ownership of an expensive fixed asset that sits idly most of the time will be shaken to the core by driverless technology.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1521 on: February 17, 2017, 09:15:53 PM »
Can I have 1% of the Russia outrage for this, please:

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1522 on: February 17, 2017, 09:28:56 PM »
Who the f#$&#& cares about Russia. Trump and reps are a threat, health, supreme sourt, education, climate. Screw the Russian outrage and connection....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1523 on: February 17, 2017, 09:47:57 PM »
Certainly the economics, driven primarily by rapidly evolving technology, will continue to solidify the case for renewables.  The automobile example as presented is largely a developed world frame.  The reality will likely be different for the hundreds of millions across emerging markets and regions.

IMO technology related to driverless vehicles will more rapidly transform the auto and transportation industries sooner than any large scale transition to renewable powered vehicles.  Also, the case for individual ownership of an expensive fixed asset that sits idly most of the time will be shaken to the core by driverless technology.

Emerging markets are moving FASTER than the US.  The US is a "laggard".  The market IS NOW killing fossil fuels (not in the future) used for transportation.  Oil prices are set "at the margin".....we don't NEED A WHOLESALE CHANGE to crush oil markets.  It has already started.  The next five years will further kill it.  And in 3 - 5 years time....driverless cars will further kill it.  But right now.....Mr. Market is doing the job.  Not that we shouldn't have moved LONG AGO before the market's just that governing bodies are FOLLOWERS....they are NOT LEADERS.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1524 on: February 17, 2017, 09:56:49 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “There's one thing going right for Trump".  As Bill Clinton said: "Its the economy stupid".

If there is ANYTHING that CAN save WILL be the economy.  Just remember....we don't need the economy to "tank"...or even to have a recession

The unfortunate thing (for people who want Trump OUT) is the "underpinnings" of the economy are pretty good.  But I have faith in Trump's inabilities.....and faith in his ego.  I think he can pull it off.  Even in the face of a decent economy he still has a good shot at getting impeached IF HIS POLL NUMBERS ARE NEAR 25%.  We'll see....

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1525 on: February 17, 2017, 11:02:49 PM »
Who the f#$&#& cares about Russia. Trump and reps are a threat, health, supreme sourt, education, climate. Screw the Russian outrage and connection....

Fight against Trump. Fight against Trump's policies. leave Russia out of it.

There's only one thing worse than Global Warming
Nuclear Winter


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1526 on: February 17, 2017, 11:40:57 PM »
Who the f#$&#& cares about Russia. Trump and reps are a threat, health, supreme sourt, education, climate. Screw the Russian outrage and connection....

Fight against Trump. Fight against Trump's policies. leave Russia out of it.

There's only one thing worse than Global Warming
Nuclear Winter

Yes!..but I think your nuclear fear is overblown...


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1527 on: February 17, 2017, 11:41:57 PM »
Donald Trump Calls The Media ‘The Enemy Of The American People’

No fascism here....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1528 on: February 17, 2017, 11:47:10 PM »

Why focus on Russia, rather than other issues?  Because taming or firing Trump will require actions by Republicans in power.  Trump being being beholden to Russia can do that, complaining about policy decisions won't.  To be sure, Pence's policies about the environment won't be any better, but at least Pence will think twice about antagonizing China, or deporting dreamers, or launching a war against Iran, or nuking N. Korea, or threatening to invade Mexico.

Think for one moment about what you have written.

Time's up.

If Trump is "beholden to Russia"
would he:

antagonize China
launch a war against Iran
or nuke N. Korea

These states are all allies of Russia.
If Trump is beholden to Russia I'd say he defiantly wouldn't do any of the above because it would upset the very entity that he is beholden to.

Threatening Mexico & deporting dreamers has been a policy of the America Right ever since the bombardment Veracruz in 1847. When the Americans refused to allow the women and children out of the city, the Mexicans capitulated.

Personally I've always considered threatening the lives of women and children as proper conduct during wars of expansion,  8) but some do disagree. Mexico has a long history of being ground under the American boot. I doubt that they care whether Trump or Pence is wearing it.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1529 on: February 17, 2017, 11:48:36 PM »
Who the f#$&#& cares about Russia. Trump and reps are a threat, health, supreme sourt, education, climate. Screw the Russian outrage and connection....

Fight against Trump. Fight against Trump's policies. leave Russia out of it.

There's only one thing worse than Global Warming
Nuclear Winter

Yes!..but I think your nuclear fear is overblown...

Willing to bet the lives of - - - everyone?


be cause

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1530 on: February 18, 2017, 12:17:16 AM »
My thought for some time ; if under threat of impeachment could the dumb bald rump call his voters out to protest , and a few million come armed in his defence ? What does an armed middle America do when told Their President is under threat .. the lying media, the evil judges , the mad scientists , the FBI , the CIA , ad infinitum : all out to get HIM ?
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1531 on: February 18, 2017, 02:50:11 AM »
Couple things to short short/intermediate term:

1)  EPA secretary Scott Pruitt's emails come out Tuesday between him and oil companies.  "Me guesses" they will not present a rosy picture of Scottie.  Not exactly what the Trump folks need now....but they hired Michael Flynn, and when they hired him everyone else knew he was a disaster as well.  At the very LEAST.....this will provide folks....especially anyone that likes clean air and water....with a LOT MORE AMMO.  At worst....and this is an outlier could cause him to step down.  THAT...would be catastrophic for Donnie.  I don't expect it...but we haven't seen the email messages yet.

2)  Intermediate term.....I think there is a good chance that someone may (it's the future...nothing is certain) quit.  And by someone quitting......sends a message that "this loony bin is just to f***ing crazy...."I'm out of here."  Which would really be a message FOR CONGRESS TO GET OFF THEIR OLD, WHITE, ASSES AND GET DONNIE BOY OUT OF HERE.  In fact....someone quitting would be a truly unselfish and very patriotic thing to do.  I don't EXPECT it....but it could happen within the next 6 months.   By the way...IF....this happened to be the Secretary of Defense.....then THAT would be the loudest message of all.

We are in "off the charts territory".....where normal expectations are just not going to be met.  We are in "crazy world"....and in Donnies crazy world anything can happen.

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1532 on: February 18, 2017, 02:53:35 AM »
Psychiatrists question Trump's mental health in a letter to NY Times.

Pikkaia: I question Trump's mental health everyday day! Especially after his ridiculous press conference. Sort of reminds me of King Joffrey in Game of Thrones.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1533 on: February 18, 2017, 05:32:04 AM »
Has anyone watched the latest Bill Maher Show?

I'd swear I heard him praise the intelligence agencies working in 1963 who saw a President who was sleeping with questionable women, decided this could not stand, and did something about it.

This is nuts, and this is dangerous.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1534 on: February 18, 2017, 06:15:55 AM »
Has anyone watched the latest Bill Maher Show?

I'd swear I heard him praise the intelligence agencies working in 1963 who saw a President who was sleeping with questionable women, decided this could not stand, and did something about it.

This is nuts, and this is dangerous.


He was referring to the possible transfer of state information that could compromise sovereignty and national security, not sexual dalliances or moral failings.  Maher is very much a moral relativist.  Plus Kennedy conspiracy has also been a North American pastime.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1535 on: February 18, 2017, 07:14:30 AM »
I was living in California when Kennedy was killed. My first protests were against LBJ.

It doesn't matter why the spooks killed him, it doesn't even matter if the spooks killed him, what matters is that Maher praised their commitment while assuming that they were responsible.

Let me reiterate.
This is nuts & this is dangerous.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1536 on: February 18, 2017, 02:53:19 PM »
There seems to be a fair amount of moral outrage expressed by all sides in this thread, so I thought that I would provide the following linked reference that indicates that this expression (of moral outrage) benefits the speaker by making him/her seem more trustworthy.  No wonder the world is becoming so polarized as we each, individually, seek to polish our reputations among our peers.

Jillian J. Jordan, et. al. (25 February 2016), “Third-party punishment as a costly signal of trustworthiness”, Nature, 530, 473–476, doi:10.1038/nature16981

Extract: “Third-party punishment (TPP), in which unaffected observers punish selfishness, promotes cooperation by deterring defection. But why should individuals choose to bear the costs of punishing? We present a game theoretic model of TPP as a costly signal of trustworthiness. Our model is based on individual differences in the costs and/or benefits of being trustworthy. We argue that individuals for whom trustworthiness is payoff-maximizing will find TPP to be less net costly (for example, because mechanisms that incentivize some individuals to be trustworthy also create benefits for deterring selfishness via TPP). We show that because of this relationship, it can be advantageous for individuals to punish selfishness in order to signal that they are not selfish themselves. We then empirically validate our model using economic game experiments. We show that TPP is indeed a signal of trustworthiness: third-party punishers are trusted more, and actually behave in a more trustworthy way, than non-punishers. Furthermore, as predicted by our model, introducing a more informative signal—the opportunity to help directly—attenuates these signalling effects. When potential punishers have the chance to help, they are less likely to punish, and punishment is perceived as, and actually is, a weaker signal of trustworthiness. Costly helping, in contrast, is a strong and highly used signal even when TPP is also possible. Together, our model and experiments provide a formal reputational account of TPP, and demonstrate how the costs of punishing may be recouped by the long-run benefits of signalling one’s trustworthiness.”

Also see the associated article entitled: “What’s the Point of Moral Outrage?”

Extract: “HUMAN beings have an appetite for moral outrage.  You see this in public life — in the condemnation of Donald J. Trump for vowing to bar Muslims from the United States, or of Hillary Clinton for her close involvement with Wall Street, to pick two ready examples — and you see this in personal life, where we criticize friends, colleagues and neighbors who behave badly.

Why do we get so mad, even when the offense in question does not concern us directly? The answer seems obvious: We denounce wrongdoers because we value fairness and justice, because we want the world to be a better place. Our indignation appears selfless in nature.

And it often is — at least on a conscious level. But in a paper published Thursday in the journal Nature, we present evidence that the roots of this outrage are, in part, self-serving. We suggest that expressing moral outrage can serve as a form of personal advertisement: People who invest time and effort in condemning those who behave badly are trusted more.

Our paper helps address an evolutionary mystery: Why would a selfless tendency like moral outrage result from the “selfish” process of evolution? One important piece of the answer is that expressing moral outrage actually does benefit you, in the long run, by improving your reputation."
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1537 on: February 18, 2017, 03:17:15 PM »
The linked (January 13 2017) article is entitled: “Some on the left want Democrats to move on from Russian hacking“, and it reiterates many of the points made by those who are tired of talking about “The Russian Connection”.  However, I agree with Bernie that we all need to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time; in that we need to follow the clear lines of evidence of a Russian Connection and we need to highlight efforts to reduce socio-economic inequalities, and to discredit Team Trump's efforts to disrupt health care, the environment, education etc.

Extract: “In an interview this week, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said that Democrats were right to discuss Russia hacking, but he suggested that the party needed to fight and message more about economic issues. 

“You gotta walk and chew bubble gum [at the same time],” said Sanders. “Russian intervention into an American election is of some significance. But the nominees we’re opposing, we’re opposing on issues like health care, the environment, education. What we’re trying to do is show the Republicans that it would be great political mistake to repeal the Affordable Care Act.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1538 on: February 18, 2017, 03:31:18 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “State Dept. carries out layoffs under Rex Tillerson”.  This politically-minded purge of career State Department experts, concentrates power in the hands of the non-expert White House cabal (Bannon, Kushner, etc.).  Good luck to us all when a real crisis starts and we have the Team Trump - Keystone Cops responding.

Extract: “While Rex Tillerson is on his first overseas trip as Secretary of State, his aides laid off staff at the State Department on Thursday. 

Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed. 

These staffers in particular are often the conduit between the secretary’s office to the country bureaus, where the regional expertise is centered. Inside the State Department, some officials fear that this is a politically-minded purge that cuts out much-needed expertise from the policy-making, rather than simply reorganizing the bureaucracy.

There are clear signals being sent that many key foreign policy portfolios will be controlled directly by the White House, rather than through the professional diplomats.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1539 on: February 18, 2017, 04:45:07 PM »
Here is the Stanford prison experiment done in 1971 that lasted only 6 days.  Psychology is one of the most UNDERSTUDIED and UNDERUTILIZED areas of human society in my opinion.  One group that utilizes psychology a lot is marketing (no surprise to me).

People who understand the "underlying psychology" of a situation....understand the LIKELY/POSSIBLE behavior and outcomes.  Fascinating stuff....  I will warn you, this is pretty "powerful stuff".  I encourage you to watch ALL OF IT.  Then you will understand what called "normal humans"....... are actually capable of in the "right" situation.  Especially in a "bubble" like that in ANY WHITE HOUSE....but especially this White House.

This relates DIRECTLY to those in the Trump cabinet and "group".....including those that go on TV in support of Trump.  All people have different "moral compasses".  If you were LUCKY/FORTUNATE and had a parent or parents that had a STRONG MORAL COMPASS....then you are likely ahead of the game and won't as EASILY fall prey to this.  But EVERYONE has some degree of vulnerability....and watching these video's will put that on FULL DISPLAY.  When you are watching these....think about TRUMP/BANNON...and think about the people around them.  We see people in a corporate environment fall prey to situations that they should NEVER get involved in.  And happens all the time.  Same in government.  Watch this closely...

Study 1:  Stanford Prison Experiment 14 minutes:

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1540 on: February 18, 2017, 07:13:20 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “Vladimir Putin issues executive order recognising documents issued by separatist 'republics' in Ukraine”.  It seems to me that when Team Trump says that they will 'hold Russia to account' then mean to allow them to slowly slice-up Ukraine in exchange for Russia not causing trouble when Trump puts boots on the ground in Syria.

Extract: “Move comes hours after US Vice President vows to 'hold Russia to account'
Vladimir Putin has signed an executive order granting visa-free travel to anyone living in self-declared separatist republics in eastern Ukraine and recognising all documents issued by militias.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1541 on: February 18, 2017, 07:29:08 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him.”  Team Trump should not be allowed to corrupt the IC's investigations of its Russian Connections.

Extract: “The reality is, insiders say, that there has been a “chill” in the information flow. Intelligence sources say the agency is intent on protecting information, and if there are concerns it could be compromised, it will be withheld. 

The ongoing investigation into whether Trump associates coordinated with the Russians remains a concern for some who handle sensitive data. It can be inferred that there is a lack of trust, and because the CIA has had a role in uncovering signs of Russian cyber intrusions, there are also concerns that sensitive information could be shared with adversaries.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1542 on: February 18, 2017, 07:47:19 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “'Enemies of the people': Trump remark echoes history's worst tyrants”.  It seems like Team Trump is taking the US & the world down a slippy slope.

Extract: “Being branded an "enemy of the people" by the likes of Stalin or Mao brought at best suspicion and stigma, at worst hard labour or death.
Now the chilling phrase - which is at least as old as Emperor Nero, who was called "hostis publicus", enemy of the public, by the Senate in AD 68 - is making something of a comeback.

"Charming that our uneducated President manages to channel the words of Stalin and fails to hear the historical resonance of this phrase," tweeted Mitchell Orenstein, a professor of Russian and East European studies at the University of Pennsylvania.

Carl Bernstein, a reporter who helped to bring down Richard Nixon with his reporting on the Watergate scandal, tweeted: "The most dangerous 'enemy of the people' is presidential lying - always. Attacks on press by Donald Trump more treacherous than Nixon's."

Mr Trump is not the first US president to have an antagonistic relationship with the media - Nixon is known to have privately referred to the press as "the enemy" - but his latest broadside, with all its attendant historical echoes, is unprecedented.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1543 on: February 18, 2017, 07:49:54 PM »
Has anyone watched the latest Bill Maher Show?

I'd swear I heard him praise the intelligence agencies working in 1963 who saw a President who was sleeping with questionable women, decided this could not stand, and did something about it.

This is nuts, and this is dangerous.

Heard something like that, too - putting a "deep state" coup d'etat in a positive light. Slowly but surely I'm leaning toward such view, too. Looks like at the end, if things get bad enough, only the deep state can save America (and the world) from Trump, Bannon, Tillerson and the Kremlin crew.

Maher's most interesting guest wasn't Milo Yiannopoulos, methinks, but Malcolm Nance and his Oct. 2016 book "The Plot to Hack America".

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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1545 on: February 18, 2017, 11:30:55 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “The map of the world by authoritarian regimes”.  The downgrade of the US democracy to a 'flawed' status, in January 2017, is directly related to Team Trump taking control of the executive branch with limited effective checks and balances.

Extract: “In January the US was downgraded to a ‘Flawed democracy’, by the Economist’s Intelligence Unit.

‘Flawed democracies’ were those which respected basic civil liberties, and held free and fair elections, but had significant weaknesses in other aspects.

These weaknesses included infringements on media freedom, low participation, or problems in governance.“
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1546 on: February 18, 2017, 11:39:54 PM »
Thanks for the video.

Apparently after the election had been decided, Mr Flynn, at that time the appointed National Security Adviser, calls, or is called by the Russian Ambassador. Mr Flynn according to the spooks talked about sanctions, (probably those that we announced on 12/29). The spooks tell us that they have this on tape, but that they can't allow us to hear the tape.
On 12/30 Putin announces that he will not retaliate, and instead invites all the children of American diplomats to xmas festivities at the Kremlin.

Putin certainly won points around the world for his diplomacy, but it's hard to believe that anything Flynn might have said to his ambassador would have influenced that decision. If Mr. Flynn was somehow responsible for allowing the American children to enjoy Christmas, this would be to his favor. Who wants families uprooted and flown around the world just as the festive season is upon them?

At the moment we don't even know if this would have been possible because the spooks haven't said when the call took place.

Why shouldn't an American National Security Adviser keep in touch with the Russian Ambassador?

I attended a lecture where the American Ambassador to Canada, the Canadian Ambassador to Iraq, and the Iraqi Ambassador to Canada were being questioned by a member of the press.
Should all of these gentlemen have resigned, or is this the way things are supposed to work?

I might question why an ambassador would let himself be questioned by a foreign security guy, but not whether a security guy should question a foreign ambassador.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1547 on: February 19, 2017, 12:41:32 AM »
One variable is likely that (most) members of the US intelligence community lack the same affinity for Putin and admiration for Russia/Soviet style governance on display by some here.

Oath to the Constitution and working to maintain sovereignty is generally prioritized over submitting to foreign influence.  Shouldn't be that difficult to process. 

Does this translate to the optimizing world order and addressing entrenched problems?  Not necessarily.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1548 on: February 19, 2017, 12:48:26 AM »
Heard something like that, too - putting a "deep state" coup d'etat in a positive light. Slowly but surely I'm leaning toward such view, too. Looks like at the end, if things get bad enough, only the deep state can save America (and the world) from Trump, Bannon, Tillerson and the Kremlin crew.

Except that the 'deep state' won't do it to save America or the world, but to advance the interests of some other kleptocrat faction, probably getting rich off depleted uranium missiles, cluster bombs and drones. And Tillerson and his ilk.

So, this is like being happy to be saved from a murderer by a rapist. Or like a cancer patient being happy to have survived a plane crash.

Trump is not the problem. The system is the problem. And the system has one goal only: make the super-rich infinitely richer. And we're expected to make it happen.
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1549 on: February 19, 2017, 03:55:21 AM »
Trump’s ‘Winter White House’: A Peek at the Exclusive Members’ List at Mar-a-Lago

Trump’s ‘Winter White House’: A Peek at the Exclusive Members’ List at Mar-a-Lago

Mar-a-Lago, the members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla., is being called the winter White House. The entry fee for members was doubled, to $200,000, shortly after President Trump took office.
FEBRUARY 18, 2017
On any given weekend, you might catch President Trump’s son-in-law and top Mideast dealmaker, Jared Kushner, by the beachside soft-serve ice cream machine, or his reclusive chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, on the dining patio. If you are lucky, the president himself could stop by your table for a quick chat. But you will have to pay $200,000 for the privilege — and the few available spots are going fast.

Virtually overnight, Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s members-only Palm Beach, Fla., club, has been transformed into the part-time capital of American government, a so-called winter White House where Mr. Trump has entertained a foreign head of state, health care industry executives and other presidential guests.

But Mr. Trump’s gatherings at Mar-a-Lago — he arrived there on Friday afternoon, his third weekend visit in a row — have also created an arena for potential political influence rarely seen in American history: a kind of Washington steakhouse on steroids, situated in a sunny playground of the rich and powerful, where members and their guests enjoy a level of access that could elude even the best-connected of lobbyists.

Membership lists reviewed by The New York Times show that the club’s nearly 500 paying members include dozens of real estate developers, Wall Street financiers, energy executives and others whose businesses could be affected by Mr. Trump’s policies. At least three club members are under consideration for an ambassadorship. Most of the 500 have had memberships predating Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign, and there are a limited number of memberships still available.

Not a problem at all. Meet the new court...