JAXA ARCTIC SEA ICE EXTENT 12,432,220 km2(January 1, 2020)
- Extent gain on this day 78 k, 46 k MORE than the average gain (of the last 10 years) of 32 k,
- Extent gain in this freezing season to date is 8,468 k, 530 k (6.7%) MORE than the average last 10 years gain to date of 7,938 k.
- Extent is 8th lowest in the satellite record,
- Extent is 357 k more than 2016
- Extent is 145 k more than 2018
- Extent is 92 k (0.7%) more than the 2010's average.
- on average 80.7 % of extent gain for the the season done, 70 days on average to maximum.
We are well into the period when usually extent gains slow down - recent days have seen mostly well above average gains.
Average remaining extent gain in the last 10 years from this date produces a maximum of 14.34 million km2, above the lowest in the satellite record by 0.46 million km2.
Ice Gain Outlook??
+ve SST (but diminishing) anomalies persist in parts of the Bering Sea, the southern end of Baffin Bay, and a patch south of Svalbard.
GFS says Arctic temperature anomalies range from +0.0 to +1.5 celsius over the next 5 days, Bering Sea looking very cold, with persistent north winds from the Chukchi. Russia well above average temperatures, Alaska + Canada very cold.
Also a wind down the Fram over the next couple of days.